Wicked Heat (14 page)

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Authors: Nicola Marsh

Tags: #Feel the Heat#1

BOOK: Wicked Heat
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Chapter Eleven

Jett preferred working the old-fashioned way, with paper, cardboard, and photos. It
gave him perspective, being able to see a layout of his ideas in solid form.

And with this campaign, he liked what he saw.

He propped the massive bulletin board covered in Post-it notes against the window,
studying it with a critical eye. So many ideas in a crazy kaleidoscope, a creative
free-for-all he loved but had ended up bamboozling him. He needed a second opinion.

He needed to talk to Allegra, but short of flying to LA and barging into her office,
it wasn’t going to happen. Zoe had been great to work with but Allegra was the brains
behind that unit, and he wanted to hear it from her that she liked his work, that
he was delivering on one promise he’d made.

But nada. And it bugged the shit out of him.

So he’d put it all on the line. Made a grand gesture. If it didn’t get her here, nothing
would. By his calculations, she should arrive sometime in the next few days. If the
courier company delivered pronto, that is.

He hoped she’d take one look at his business proposal and realize how much it had
cost him: emotionally rather than financially. Though there was that risk, too.

He could lose everything. Including his heart. And that’s what scared him the most.
That even after this, she’d still say no to him on every level.

Hating the surge of uncertainty that made his fingers drop the pen, he pushed away
from his desk, strode closer to the board, rearranged a few notes, and stood back
to reassess. Something was still wrong, still missing…

“If you put the lagoon pool front and center in the brochure, with a scantily clad
bikini babe in it, won’t matter what the text around it says.”

Shocked, he turned toward the voice, wondering if he could add hallucinations to his
craziness lately.

Allegra stood in the doorway to his makeshift office, looking incredibly chic in a
tailored ivory linen suit, a daffodil top, and heels that made her legs look impossibly

But it was her expression that captured his attention the most: fearful, embarrassed,
and hopeful.

He knew the feeling.

She was early, though. Too early to have seen his delivery. Which meant…what? She’d
lobbed here of her own accord? To check up on him? So much for the rebuilding of trust
he’d hoped his proposal would elicit.

“What are you doing here?” It came out sounding gruffer than he intended, but she’d
thrown him and he had no idea how to deal with having her here after the way they’d

“I like keeping abreast of the work being conducted,” she said, stepping into the
office and shutting the door like she owned the place.

“You like to ensure you’re controlling everything, you mean?” The moment the words
popped out of his mouth he wished he could take them back. He’d been dreaming about
seeing her again, yet here she was and all he could muster was antagonism.

Rather than bristle or bite back, she crossed the room to examine his layout. “You’re
probably right. I do tend to have controlling tendencies.”

Stunned by her admission, he joined her alongside his display. “What do you think?”

“Your work is brilliant,” she said, leaning closer to study his mock-up. “You’re incredibly

“Thanks,” he said, humbled by her effusive praise and feeling like a real bastard
for having a dig at her moments earlier.

“It’s why I’m here, actually.”

So much for his undeniable charm and flamboyant overture luring her halfway across
the world. Of course she’d be here in a professional capacity, but for a wild, crazy
moment, when he’d first heard her voice, he’d hoped she was here for them.

Considering he didn’t even know what “them” entailed since he’d left Palm Bay, he
had to be out of his mind to contemplate anything more than their current frosty working

But that ache in his chest didn’t lie. He’d thought he’d mastered it over the last
two weeks, had dulled the pain with all-night action flick marathons and the occasional
bottle of whiskey. Yet all it took was one glance from Allegra and the pain was back,
intense and breath-stealing.

“Did you get my delivery?”

Confusion creased her brow. “What delivery?”

Great. Now he’d have to do things the hard way: by trying to articulate how he was
feeling and what he envisaged for them going forward.

“I couriered something over to you.”

Her frown deepened at his obtuseness. “What?”

“A portfolio. Containing copies of every ad campaign I’ve done for my biggest clients.
Their likes and dislikes. Inside information I’ve collated over the years. Every last
detail you would need to make them your clients if you wished.”

She propped on the edge of his desk. “Why?”

Here went nothing. “Because I thought by handing over my most lucrative business,
you’d take me seriously.”

She shook her head. “I don’t get it.”

“That makes two of us, sweetheart.” His bittersweet chuckle sounded brittle. “Ideally,
I would’ve used that info to start a new company from scratch. But I wanted to show
you how serious I am about us teaming up. I think we could take the advertising world
by storm. And if it takes a gesture like this to prove to you I’m one hundred percent
committed to you and your company, well, I hope you’re up for it.”

Yep, he’d made a hash of it. He knew he would. For a guy who could barely analyze
and recognize emotion, having to express how awe-inspiring this incredible woman was
in a few words was a real balls-up.

“Committed to me?”

His first instinct was to laugh it off as a slip of the tongue. But it wasn’t, and
the sooner she realized his offer was more about them than her company, the better.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “How about it?”

When he’d contemplated this very scenario, he’d imagined her running into his arms,
wrapping her legs around him, and celebrating their partnership in hot and sweaty
style on his desk.

He hadn’t anticipated her laughing so hard tears leaked out of the corners of her

“What’s so funny?”

She stepped forward, her familiar floral fragrance tickling his nose and urging him
to bury his face in her hair. “I came here because I have a proposition for you.”

“I wish,” he said, a faint pink staining her cheeks the only indication she’d heard
what he’d said as she slid a manila folder out of her satchel.

“I’m restructuring AW Advertising.” She handed him the folder. “My ideas for the proposed
changes are in here.”

Curious as to why she’d be sharing any of this with him, he flipped open the folder,
scanned the first document, and almost fell over.

“You’re offering me a partnership?” He blinked, read the fine print again, before
staring at her like she’d lost her mind. “Why the hell would you do that?”

“I told you. Because you’re exceptionally talented.”

Rattled by the unexpectedness of all this, Jett shook his head and snapped the folder
shut. “The advertising world is chock-full of talented people, but I don’t see you
offering them an equal partnership in your precious business.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose before inhaling deeply. “I was hoping that offer
would prove something to you.”

“Prove what?”

She eyeballed him, her sincerity unquestionable. “Prove that I can relinquish control
when it counts. Prove that I want us to be equal partners. Prove that I want you to
be a part of our success.” She laid her palms out, face up, like she had nothing to
hide. “My company is the most precious thing I own. It’s everything to me. So to give
up full control of it, to invite you in…well, surely that proves I want you in my

His heart jackknifed. “Professionally, you mean?”

“Argh.” She threw up her hands in despair. “How many ways do you need me to spell
it out?”

“Keep going ’til I say stop.”

The corners of her mouth twitched at that. “So what do you think? Can you stand having
me in your life?”

“Absolutely. But this?” He tapped the folder against his other palm. “This is a big

“Stop.” She held up her hand. “We trust the people closest to us. In your case it
was Reeve, in mine it’s Zoe. Who’s also going to be an equal partner, by the way.
But the way Reeve abused your trust has nothing to do with you not being good enough
or smart enough to recognize the signs, okay?”

He stared at her, stunned by her casual articulation of his deepest fears.

“Because that’s what you think, isn’t it? That somehow it was your fault you lost
the company.” She shook her head. “You accused me of taking pity on you and thinking
you were a loser on Palm Bay. That’s plain wrong.” She stood and jabbed him in the
chest. “You’re many things, Jett Halcott. Infuriating, cocky, stubborn. But a loser
isn’t one of them.”

Having her echo his father merely solidified what he already knew. That if he didn’t
let go of some of his stubbornly held beliefs, he would lose this amazing woman. Permanently.

“You forgot good-looking, suave, and a sex god in bed.”

She smiled and he could’ve sworn all the air whooshed out of his lungs. “I also forgot
egotistical, flippant, and a pain in the ass.”

“I can live with that.” Before she could react he flung the folder on the desk, wrapped
his arms around her waist, and pulled her close. “The question is, can you live with

Allegra couldn’t think with Jett holding her close. She’d dreamed about being in his
arms again so many times that now that it was a reality, she didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry.

“An answer sometime this century would be nice,” he said, his eyes crinkling with

“I’m not quite sure what you’re asking.” In fact, she had no clue. Was he asking her
to live with him? To stay in Australia? To try a real relationship?

The scenario she’d pictured had been way different: him accepting her partnership
proposal, spending most of his time in LA, and traveling when needed, maybe finding
their way to some middle ground where they could both be happy in a relationship that
moved beyond a fling.

In reality, she hadn’t thought it through much beyond his being overjoyed by her offer
and bestowing copious amount of gratitude—in the way of physical compensation.

She’d missed him, hadn’t realized quite how much until she’d walked in here and seen
him, a picture of casual ruggedness in his navy cargo shorts, pale blue polo shirt,
and boat shoes.

He’d let his hair grow, too, and it curled around his collar, just begging for her
fingers to comb through it. But his eyes were the same, that startling deep green
with a glint of gold that deepened in color when he was excited or angry or aroused.

Right now, she hoped it was the first and the last.

He cupped her cheek. “I’m asking if this offer means what I think it means?”

“What do you think it means?”

He rolled his eyes at her deliberate obtuseness. But she wanted to hear him say it
first, was frightened of putting her heart on the line only to have him hand it back
with a “thanks but no thanks.”

“I think your relinquishing control is a big step, especially professionally.” His
thumb brushed her cheek and she sighed. “I think you know what it’s like having parents
who don’t give a damn so you cultivate an independence that you think will get you
through anything.”

Damn, he was good.

His thumb stroked her bottom lip and she resisted the urge to nip it. “I think that
aloof image you present to the world is a defense mechanism against being hurt by
people who let you down.”

“Wow, an ad wiz and a shrink. Lucky me.”

He smiled at her throwaway comment. “I once thought we were very different but you
know something? We’re alike after all.”

He kissed her, a soft, tender, whisper-light caress of his lips against hers, leaving
her wanting more when he eased away. “We both need to drop our guard and let the other
person in. Think you can do that?”

She nodded. “I already have. I never would’ve made this offer if you hadn’t pushed
me out of my comfort zone on the island and made me realize it’s okay to surrender
with the right people in my life.”

The implication of her agreement sank in when he scooped her into his arms and deposited
her gently on the suede sofa near a small conference table.

Letting her guard down, relinquishing control, meant changing the habits of a lifetime.
The partnership had been the first step, but was she ready to embrace a new way of
thinking for all facets of her life?

“You’re overanalyzing again.” He touched the tiny dent between her brows. “Stop thinking
so hard and start feeling.”

“Where should I start? Here?” She zeroed in on his hard-on.

“A good a place as any,” he said, maneuvering into a better position, with him on
top. “You know, that’s the only place I’ve seen you truly lose control. In the bedroom.”

He lowered himself so they had body-to-body full frontal contact. “I like it.”

“Good, because I plan to lose control often,” she said, hooking her arms around his
neck and dragging him down.

She’d had enough talk.

Time for action to show this wonderful man exactly how much she loved him.


The Kaluna Resort in the Whitsundays opened with the fanfare it deserved. Thanks to
the AW Advertising campaign led by Jett Halcott, a recent partner at the firm, Australia’s
crème de la crème paid five thousand dollars a head for the privilege of attending
the star-studded opening.

Hollywood stars, supermodels, and local TV personalities mingled with the elite, reinforcing
the resort’s message: Why settle for the rest when you can have the best?

Jett stopped reading the press coverage online when Allegra snatched the cell out
of his hand. “Hey, they weren’t done pumping up my ego yet.”

Allegra switched the cell off and pocketed it. “If your head gets any bigger you won’t
be able to fit through the doorway.”

He slid an arm around her waist, loving the way she snuggled into him. “You were the
one who made me partner and helped my creativity soar.”

“You were doing just fine before I came along,” she said, batting her eyelashes at
him so he’d laugh.

“Actually, I wasn’t.” He captured her chin, tipped it up so he could look into her
eyes. “You complete me in ways I never thought possible.”

A barf sound came from over his shoulder and Jett released Allegra in time for Zoe
to elbow him in the ribs, hard.

“Can’t you two get a room so the rest of civilized humanity doesn’t have to listen
to that sappy crap?” Zoe stepped between them like a referee breaking up a fight.
“And you, hun, I expected better of you. What happened to the uptight workaholic you
used to be? You’ve melted into a marshmallow around this schmuck.”

“Careful. That’s my fiancé you’re calling a schmuck.” Allegra ducked around Zoe and
cuddled up to Jett again. “And you’re just jealous because you haven’t hooked up with
any of those
models yet.”

Zoe’s eyes sparkled more than the gold glitter sprinkled across their lids. “Did you
see the one that looks like Channing Tatum? Oh. My. God.” She fanned her face. “Wonder
if I can get him to do a
Magic Mike

Jett cleared his throat. “Do I really need to hear you two debate the broadness of
Channing’s chest versus Joe Manganiello pecs again?”

“We didn’t come to any conclusions last time so it’s a debate worth resurrecting.”
Allegra patted his chest. “But don’t worry, gorgeous. Yours is far better than theirs.”

“Liar,” he said, but puffed out the chest in question a tad.

Zoe pretended to stick two fingers down her throat. “I’m actually glad I’m heading
to the Mediterranean to suss out that land deal next to Kaluna’s resort. It’ll get
me away from you two lovesick morons.”

Jett crooked his finger. “Maybe you’ll meet some hot-blooded Italian stud who’ll stand
up to you.”

“Yeah, and maybe George Clooney will invite me to his Lake Como pad for a sleepover.”
Zoe rolled her eyes. “I’m headed to that island to work. Guys are the pits.”

Allegra mouthed “bad breakup last week” and Zoe whacked her.

“Wasn’t a bad breakup considering we were dating for three weeks.”

Jett winked. “Isn’t that a record for you?”

This time Zoe thumped Jett.

“I’m outta here,” Zoe said, saluting them. “Going to find Channing and see if he’ll
sign my boob.”

Allegra giggled and Jett groped her ass.

With one last derisive roll of the eyes, Zoe slipped into the crowd, leaving Jett
with his woman.

Damn, he loved that.

“She’s lonely,” Allegra said, her smile fading as she watched Zoe disappear. “She
puts on this brave front like nothing or no one can touch her, but I see glimpses
every now and then that she’s not happy.”

“Reminds me of someone I used to know,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “But you came
around. Maybe Zoe will, too?”

“Hope so.” Allegra slipped her arms around his waist and gazed up at him in adoration.
“How’d I get so lucky?”

“Well…it started with that rocks-off lingerie, then a little mile-high action, and
some hot island nights where I discovered your fetish for being tied up by Aussie

She kissed him and he was totally happy to relinquish control.

Sometimes it paid to be submissive. And when his fiancée whispered in his ear what
she’d do to him once they made it back to the privacy of their exclusive villa, he
was all for giving her total control…

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