Wicked Ugly Bad (A Kinda Fairytale) (30 page)

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cut him off.  “Because of our children.”

blinked.  “Children?”

given the
of our encounter, I’m rapidly coming to the
conclusion that you’re my True Love.”  She was absolutely certain of it, in


ducked her head.  “Well, if we have a baby,” she cleared her throat, because it
seemed a little forward to bring up a future, right now, “it’ll be fifty
percent wolf.  Don’t you think she should have a more secure life than you
did?  What if something happened to us and my family?  Who would look after

didn’t respond to that, but his hand settled on the curve of her stomach as if
he was already shielding their child.

kept going.  “Baddies need a place, Marrok.  And my grandmother is turning over
the entire Enchanted Forest to me.”

want to invite villains to live

You and I could do this.  I know it.”  Bad folk already hid in the Enchanted
Forrest.  This would just legitimize things.  “We could be a fifth kingdom
that’s a safe haven for
.  We need to…”

pounding on the door interrupted her rapidly developing plan.

 Esmeralda called.  “Come quick.  Cinderella’s is about to appear on TV and she
seems like one pissed off bridezilla.”



Avenant’s obsession with the “usurper” remains unchanged.

progress is doubtful until he can learn to see the truth.

…And until
he stops petitioning for the rest of the group (and me) to be executed for


case notes of Dr. Ramona Fae


started fixedly at the screen as the perky reporter stood in front of his
former palace.  “Good Lord, they’ve ruined my kingdom.  Where are the stocks? 
What are those God awful flowers doing everywhere?  It’s supposed to be a land
of frozen menace, not a garden party!”

Tuesday share circle was gathered around the television in Jana’s family room,
waiting for Cinderella’s announcement.  Scarlett had no idea what her
stepsister intended to say, but she knew it was going to be trouble.  In the
meantime, there was nonstop coverage of the WUB Club breakout on every channel.

was trouble enough.

escape seemed to have inspired villains everywhere.  It was the first time
Baddies had ever openly defied the status quo and come out on top.  All around
the Four Kingdoms, Bad folk were in the streets showing support.  The Tuesday
share circle had their faces and names plastered on signs as people marched
into town squares.  Marrok’s souvenir Wolfball jerseys were worn in
solidarity.  Other people painted their faces Bridge Ogre blue, much to Benji’s

Scarlett was surprised by the response.  Trolls, witches, ogres, wolves and
every villain in between openly defied authority to cheer for their fellow Bad
folk.  Unrest had been brewing in the Four Kingdoms for a long time, but now it
was bubbling over.

here in the Northlands, getting a response about last night’s horrible getaway.” 
The TV reporter’s trying-to-look-grave expression didn’t quite work with her
three pounds of precisely applied makeup.  “Many people here are worried what
deposed Prince Avenant might be planning now that he’s free of the Wicked, Ugly
and Bad Prison and, no doubt, looking for revenge.”

couldn’t have been more pleased with that intro.  “You should be worried,

person who isn’t concerned is
ruler of the Northlands.”  The
reporter continued, her voice going up and down in TV news cadence.  “Avenant
was overthrown by beloved bookshop owner, freedom fighter, and honorary
princess Belle…”

”  Avenant seethed.

she’s sure the former prince will stay far away from his homeland.  Belle?” 
The reporter thrust her microphone forward.  “Any regrets about crossing an
escaped convict with a known penchant for vengeance?”

regrets, at all.”  The camera panned to a dark haired woman in yellow dress.  She
looked studious and Good and absolutely no threat to anyone.  But she’d kicked
Avenant’s ass during the Northlands’ uprising.  “Avenant was a beast of a man
who deserved to be ousted.”

was a miracle the TV screen survived Avenant’s rage.  “A beast would have
when I had the chance!”

cringed at his volume.  “Shhh!  You’re going to wake-up Dru.”  He chided, as if
that wouldn’t actually be a

was still in her mystical coma, sleeping sounding on the wicker sofa.  She’d
stay like that until Scarlett got her to Charming, no matter how loud Avenant

you kill Belle?”  Esmeralda asked Avenant archly.  “The girl
doesn’t even have any powers.  Why couldn’t you just freeze her and her stupid
little rebels solid when they came for you?”

glanced at him in surprise.  That was a good point.  Why
he won
the fight?  Even if Baddies weren’t used to winning, with his abilities Avenant
should have at least triumphed over a librarian.

jaw ticked.  “It all happened very quickly.”

smirked at that non-answer.  “Well, I guess you’ll go up there and kill Belle
right?  Since you’ve had time to
your failure.”

I’m going up there.”  His gaze stayed riveted on Belle.  “But death is too quick
for a usurper.”

snickered.  “That’s what I
you’d say.”  She looked over at
Marrok.  “Isn’t that what you’d thought he’d say?”

Marrok gave Avenant a knowing grin.  “Poor bastard.”  He looped an arm around
Scarlett’s shoulders.  “The Good ones are always a pain-in-the-ass.”

Wolf.”  Avenant and Letty chorused.

chuckled and kissed the top of Scarlett’s head.  “They’re worth all the aggravation,
though.  Believe me.  Having your True Love is worth anything.”

smiled up at him.  The safer he felt with her, the more he relaxed.  The man
was delightfully open about his affection.  It made her feel cherished.  She
cuddled closer to his side, the two of them taking up the floral loveseat.

spared Marrok an annoyed glare.  “I’m
one of you mindless animals. 
I don’t need a True Love.  And, if I
, it wouldn’t be some
proselytizing usurper.”

you say so.”

the TV Belle kept talking.  “Avenant is too smart to come back to the
Northlands.  We’re not even seeing the rallies of Bad folk here that are
popping up in the other kingdoms.  He knows he doesn’t have any friends left.”

don’t need any goddamn friends, either!”

have us.”  Benji assured him.

glanced over at him and, for once, didn’t make a cutting remark.

was a little bit touched.  Under all the snarking, the Tuesday share circle
really was leaning to bond.  Ramona would be so proud.

sure Avenant realizes his best chance of survival is staying far away from
here.”  Despite her confident words, Belle’s brown gaze reflected worry. 
Obviously, the woman knew who she was dealing with.

will never stay away from what’s mine.”  Avenant said quietly.

you want to say to the ex-prince?”  The reported prompted as the segment wound
down.  “If he’s watching, what do you want him to hear?”

want to tell him…”  Belle hesitated, trying to find the right words.  “Don’t.” 
She finally decided.

The reporter had clearly been hoping for something juicer.

nodded and looked into the camera.  “Avenant, just…

stepped closer to the television, all his attention of her face.  “She knows
I’m coming for her.”  He whispered to no one in particular.

took up a little song.  “Avenant and Belle sittin’ in a tree…”

the time I’m done with her, she’ll be
from a tree.”  Avenant
scoffed.  “You’re all right.  I should’ve killed her.  I’m
to kill

Scarlett doubted that.  The prince of the Northlands was obsessed with the
usurper, but not in the way all the WUB Club doctors and psych-tests thought. 
When he looked at Belle, his cold blue eyes didn’t shine with hatred or a need
for retribution.

okay, maybe they

much deeper than that, there was just… longing.

Jana called, striding into the room with a platter of food.  “I thought you
kids might be hungry, waiting for Cinderella to show her scrawny face.”

Benji’s expression lit up.  “What kind?”

little pig.”  She patted Marrok’s head.  “Specially made for my precious wolf,
because they’re his favorite.”

beamed up at her, the fair-haired child of villainy.  “Thank you, Jana.”

should call me ‘grandma,’ dear.  You’re family now.”

not your grandson-in-law,
.”  Scarlett reminded them pointedly.  “He
hasn’t even proposed.”

selected a sandwich and strove to look innocent.  “I’m waiting for
to propose, Red.”

no way
going to be the one to…”  Scarlett stopped her protest short
as Cindy finally appeared on the television.  Not a blonde hair was out of
place and her fake eyelashes fluttered prettily.  She was wearing her most
serious “serious” pink dress.  All the rose-colored lace made her look like a
frosted cupcake.

really supposed to be the beautiful sister in your family, huh?”  Marrok
snorted.  “Everyone in the Westlands must be blind.”

of the Four Kingdoms, this is your beloved Princess Cinderella.”  Cindy smiled
sweetly and Scarlett knew the arrogant expression was meant for her.  “I’m sad
to say that the recent uprising of prisoners and Bad folk has forced me to take
drastic measures to protect all the Good citizens of my kingdom.”

kingdom!”  Scarlett shouted.

sickness of insurrection has even infected my dear Charming.”  Cinderella
continued in a sorrowful tone.  “My men caught him conspiring with the enemy
and I’ve had no choice but to lock him up for his own protection.  But, worry
not, Good people. 
am in control of the Westlands, now.  And our
wedding will go on as planned.”

shit.”  Marrok sighed.  “This just got more complicated.”

sure this rebellion is being led by my ugly stepsister Scarlett.”  Cinderella
blinked back phony tears.  “I can’t help but feel partly responsible for her
horrible, horrible actions.”

looking at that deceitful bitch filled Letty with rage.

Scarlett,” Cinderella made an appeal straight to the camera, “I’m asking you to
please turn yourself in before this goes any further.  Don’t make me strike
back against
the Bad folk who you’ve led astray.  Don’t make me come
after Drusilla and your crazy-house friends and even your mysterious grandmother.” 
She accompanied the word “mysterious” with an eye roll.  Rumors circulated
about Scarlett’s family, but, for obvious reasons, no one had even filled Cindy
in on Jana’s real occupation.

don’t have to come after me, dearie.”  Jana muttered.  “I’m coming after

I’ll even have to punish that beautiful wolf of yours, Letty.  If you push me,
I’ll have to see him suitably… punished.”  Cinderella gave a smile gleaming
with all her sexual weirdness.  “Marrok certainly looks like someone who could
be rehabilitated with a

threatening you.”  Scarlett got to her feet and glanced at Marrok.  “You

heard her.”  He didn’t sound worried about it.  “I’m confident you can keep me

how would she know to threaten you
unless she knows you’re
mine?”  Scarlett’s mind was racing.  “Someone must have told her about us.”

head tilted in thought.  “Dower.”  He surmised after a moment.  “It couldn’t have
been Dr. White, so it must have been him.  Asshole was bound to get caught.  I
told you to let me kill him.”  He ran a palm through his hair.  “
knew we were coming here.”

man...”  Esmeralda groaned.  “Letty, could Cinderella find your grandmother’s

knew we shouldn’t have brought that interloper along.”  Avenant put in.  “You
all heard me say it.”

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