Wicked War of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 9) (13 page)

BOOK: Wicked War of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 9)
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This was something I'd discussed at length with my father and Vallaena, so I had an answer ready. "Thomas Borathen, the honorable Supreme Commander of the Templars, will plan strategy and command the troops, though I have the final say in all matters. I will make sure the hierarchy of command doesn't place any Daemos house above another unless that house specifically requests it."

Her lips curled into a small smile. "You are young, but I see you wisely listen to council. I find those terms acceptable."

"Can I count on your acknowledgement tonight, then?"

"Of course." She paused. "The minor houses should follow suit, even that insufferable twit, Yuuki."

I snorted and quickly covered my mouth.

She burst into a full-throated laugh. "I see you share my feelings on the matter."

"Let's just say she reminded me of some girls I went to high school with."

"I am only somewhat familiar with the nom educational system, but if the females there are anything like Yuuki"—she shuddered—"it must be a dreadful place indeed."

"Terribad," I agreed.

We spoke a few moments more and returned inside. Domitia took the stage and more or less repeated Godric's performance, giving a speech about how the alliance would benefit from House Calidious. I noticed Ivan Volkov exchanging resigned glances with Khamisi Taarkan, and the two went to the stage and joined hands with Domitia as if that had been their plan all along.

Dad came up behind me and slapped me on the shoulder. "You are something else, son." He nodded his head toward Yuuki. "Now that everyone else is onboard, she'll look like a fool if she doesn't join."

As if she'd heard us, Yuuki cast a smoldering look my way. I couldn't tell if she was angry or aroused. She ran her tongue across her lips and smiled.

Dad chuckled. "Better watch out for her."

"Why, is she going to try to kill me?"

He shook his head. "Worse. She'll try to bed you. There's nothing she likes better than a Daemos who can best her in politics."

"Seems more like playground antics to me." I let out a deep breath as Yuuki took to the stage and acknowledged me as Kohvaniss. "Wow. I can't believe we did it."

"Like I said, there's something about you that draws people together no matter how stubborn they are." He regarded Yuuki. "Or how slutty."

The Daemos leaders left the stage to resounding applause. A Daemos with a Cenae armband approached Domitia and whispered something in her ear. A look of alarm came over her face, but she quickly covered it.

Dad stiffened. "Something's up."

I felt my back tense as Domitia approached.

"Let us enjoy some night air," she said, and headed for the exit.

We walked with her.

Once we'd walked a ways into the courtyard, she turned and spoke in a low voice. "As you know, Paetros Daevadius, representatives from several houses have been questioning Aerianas."

"I thought she was being uncooperative," Dad said.

"She was, but she finally broke." Her lips pressed tight. "She admitted the reason why she came on this suicide quest to kill Kassallandra alone without help from Daelissa is because the mad Seraphim is no longer in Eden."

My chest constricted as my worst fear gripped my heart. "She's in Seraphina," I said.

Domitia gave a grim nod. "The Grand Nexus is operational. Daelissa has returned home to gather her army."


Chapter 11


Dad and I found Elyssa, Mom, and Ivy in the ballroom.

Elyssa gripped me in a tight hug. "You did it!"

"These people are boring," Ivy said in a whining voice. "Can we go?"

Mom smiled at me. "I'm so proud of you, son."

I wished I could bask in the glory of the moment, but now was not the time. "Domitia just told us something awful. Aerianas confirmed Daelissa is in Seraphina."

Their smiles vanished.

"Ooh, can we go?" Ivy clasped her hands together. "Daelissa used to tell me how beautiful Zbura is, and how they have these sky roads made of clouds you can ride."

"I'm afraid that's out of the question," Mom said, though she had a longing look in her eyes.

"Because we'd get blasted?" Ivy asked, eyes wide and innocent.

Dad ruffled her hair. "That about sums it up." He looked at me. "Her absence explains why we haven't been seeing the sort of resistance we should have during our latest encounters."

I put a hand to my chin and thought. "She hasn't been back for thousands of years. The political situation there might not be conducive to her raising an army."

"She's still strong from sapping humans," Mom said. "Daelissa will use absolute force to bring the empire to heel, should it still exist."

I could think of only one way to handle this, and it was the hard way. "We have to take the Grand Nexus and close it before she returns."

"Agreed," Elyssa said. She looked at Mom. "Is there a chance she could return via another Alabaster Arch?"

Mom nodded. "A slight chance. They are scattered all over Seraphina, though, so it's unlikely she would take a different one. The Grand Nexus is closest to the capitol city of Zbura, but even using the skyway, it would take her some time to transport troops there."

"Let's call a meeting at the Ranch," I said. "We'll need our entire army to attack the Grand Nexus."

Dad grimaced. "I'll bet Daelissa has all her forces there. It's going to get nasty."

Vallaena approached our group, her face grim. "I have heard about Aerianas's confession. I assume you know about Daelissa?"

"Yeah," I said without much decorum. "Can you and Dad invite the house heads to a meeting at the Ranch tomorrow?"

Vallaena seemed to puff up a little as if I'd given her a really swell assignment. "We will do so immediately."

"We're on it, son." Dad flashed a quick grin. "This is going to be fun."

My aunt quirked an eyebrow. "Your idea of fun is unsettling." She headed toward the crowd. "We should get started."

Dad winked at me and followed his sister.

"I've already messaged my father," Elyssa said, tucking her phone away in a small red purse. "He suggested we hold the meeting in La Casona since we can use the omniarches to transport everyone there."

The logistics of gathering so many people was going to be a nightmare. I hoped we were up to it. A yawn cracked my jaw. "We'd better go get some sleep. We're going to need it."

"Ivy and I will be staying with your father at the Slade estate." Mom kissed my cheek and did the same with Elyssa. "We'll see you two tomorrow."

I gave Ivy a hug and a kiss. "Goodnight, sis."

"Night, bro." She gave Elyssa a hug, stepped back, and gave her a solemn look. "No yucky grownup stuff with Justin, okay?"

Elyssa giggled. "No promises."

I took my girlfriend's hand and walked outside. Once there, I used Adam's app to schedule a portal to take us back home. "I really miss the mansion."

She sighed. "Me too." Elyssa took both my hands and looked at me. "I know we're young, but maybe it's time to do something really scary."

I raised an eyebrow. "It seems like hardly a day goes by where we don't already do that."

Elyssa laughed and kissed my nose. "What I mean is, maybe we should find our own place to live."

My heart skipped a beat. "I don't know why, but that sounds terrifying and wonderful all at the same time."

"I know, right?" She moved a hand to push a lock of hair behind her ear.

I stopped her hand. "That's my job, babe." I tucked the hair away and smiled. "See? I'm an expert."

"Are you trying to change the subject?"

I shook my head. "No, it sounds wonderful, but—"

She raised an eyebrow. "But what?"

"I really liked having everyone in the same house. It was like having a huge family"

"I miss that too." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "What do you miss the most?"

"Breakfast with everyone."

Elyssa smiled. "I loved the group meals, but I miss playing Scrabble with Bella."

I snorted. "Not me. Bella always seems to win." I ran a hand down her back. "If we could find another place like the mansion, would you be interested in that?"

She gave me a serious look. "You do understand the mansion was a fluke, right? We can't just waltz into another estate that size and claim it as our own."

"Finding another one with its own omniarch would be a challenge too." I blew out a breath. "It sure was nice being able to go anywhere we wanted at a moment's notice instead of waiting like this."

As if in answer to my complaint, a gateway shimmered into being. I took Elyssa's hand and stepped through to La Casona. A moment later, we stepped through the omniarch back to the Templar compound. During the entire short trip, I wondered what it would be like to live with just Elyssa. We got along great, but our lives were so busy, we rarely had a chance to be a normal couple.

Would things change if we survived the war and lived together?

As if sensing I was thinking about her, Elyssa squeezed my hand and kissed my ear. "I love you," she whispered.

"Love you back," I replied. My heart swelled. "Let's go do some gross grownup stuff."

Elyssa's fair skin blushed. "Thought you'd never ask."

My phone rang. I almost ignored it, but noticed it was Cinder. "What's up?" I put him on speakerphone.

"I apologize for calling so late," Cinder said, "but this is about your hellhound."

Elyssa gave me a concerned look.

A lump of ice formed in my chest. "Is he okay? Did a dragon eat him?"

"Cutsauce is in good health and spirits," Cinder said.

I heard Cutsauce yipping as if to confirm the statement.

I felt my forehead pinch. "What do you need to tell me?"

"After the evacuation from the mansion things were very busy. This is why I did not notice until recently that Cutsauce was wearing a collar."

"I never put a collar on him," I said.

"Precisely," Cinder said.

If I hadn't put a collar on him, who had, and why?

"What does the collar look like?" Elyssa asked.

"It appears to be plain leather."

A yawn hit me. After I fought it off, I said, "It doesn't sound like it's anything sinister. You can remove it if you want."

"I will do so immediately." Cinder called Cutsauce. I heard a couple of excited yips followed by a disappointed growl. No doubt, the little hellhound had expected some petting.

"Thanks, Cinder." I winked at Elyssa to let her know I hadn't forgotten our earlier conversation. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Justin, wait." Cinder's deadpan voice betrayed a hint of urgency.

I stopped my thumb from disconnecting the call. "I'm really tired—"

"There is something written inside the collar."

My sleepy brain perked up. "I'm listening."

Cinder continued. "It says, 'look to the first pillar of resurrection.'"

"What the hell does that mean?" I scratched my head and looked at Elyssa.

She pursed her lips. "It means we need to go to El Dorado."

We were still in the underground hangar. "We'll schedule another portal," I told Cinder. "Give us a few."

"If you'd like, I can ask someone to open an omniarch portal from here," he replied. "The Templar Arcanes just today certified two of them safe for travel."

"Thank god." I managed a smile. "I wasn't looking forward to a twenty minute wait."

"Oh, please," Elyssa said. "Twenty minutes to travel thousands of miles isn't that awful."

I shrugged. "First world problems."

She laughed and kissed my cheek. "More like Overworld problems."

"I will ask one of the Arcanes here to open a portal," Cinder said.

"I'll send you a picture." I hung up and took a picture of one of the sliders in the hangar. Without warning, I swept Elyssa into my arms and gave her a deep kiss. She melted in my arms. I ran a hand through her hair and gave a gentle tug before coming up for air. "All I want is a date night with you. We can't seem to catch a break."

"I'm with you." She smiled and pressed a hand to my face. "That's what matters to me."

"What about flowers and dinner at a nice restaurant?"

Her violet eyes sparkled. "Well now, I didn't say you couldn't get me flowers."

Unable to resist the lure of her full lips, I pulled her back to me.

"Greetings, Justin and Elyssa."

We jerked apart and looked at Cinder where he stood on the other side of a portal.

"I did not mean to disturb your mating ritual." He offered us a plastic smile.

Elyssa straightened her mussed hair. "It wasn't a mating ritual."

"We were just making out to pass the time," I said, trying not to laugh. I looked at an object in Cinder's hand. "Is that it?"

He handed me the collar. "Indeed it is."

Elyssa read the message. "First pillar of resurrection. Meh, that's easy." She marched straight past the golem and left the control room.

Cinder and I exchanged a look and hurried to catch up to my girlfriend. She went to the aether pods. Each device consisted of two bands of thick silver spinning around each other like a gyroscope with a Tesla coil to either side, providing the pod with aether directly from the ley lines running through the earth beneath them. Null cubes with cherubs inside hovered in the center of the silver bands, each one glowing with tremendous amounts of aether.

Elyssa went to the pod on the far left and knelt next to the Tesla coil. Cinder and I knelt next to her and looked at the base of the coil. A single word was inscribed in the metal.

"Illuminare," Elyssa said. She wrinkled her nose. "Isn't that illuminate in Latin?"

"I believe so," Cinder said.

"The aether pod is already illuminated." I pointed to the glowing cube inside the silver circles. I turned to Elyssa. "Are you sure this is what the inscription in the collar pointed to?"

"Unless the aether pod at the other end is the first one." She shrugged. "It seemed pretty obvious that these are resurrection devices, and the first pillar would be the Tesla coil powering it."

"As this was the first pod constructed," Cinder said, "I would agree with your hypothesis."

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