Wicked War of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 9) (4 page)

BOOK: Wicked War of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 9)
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I could sense a struggle going on behind her steely gaze. After a long moment, Kassallandra, Maedras of House Assad did something completely unexpected. She knelt before me. "I am yours, Kohvaniss."

The crowd behind me gasped. I turned to see my father grinning like a new dad. He strode up to the altar and knelt. "I, too, am yours, Kohvaniss. The great houses stand united." He took Kassallandra's hand and they both stood, arms raised. "Daemos unitarius!"

A great roar went up from the assembly. Shouts of "Kohvaniss! Kohvaniss!" echoed in the air.

I had absolutely no idea what was going on, so I kept a neutral look on my face. It was really hard resisting the urge to give a double thumbs-up. I crossed my arms and nodded sagely as if this was exactly what I'd expected. After a moment, I held up my hands and the courtyard went deathly silent.

"Today marks a day for hope. We will hunt down Daelissa and end her tyranny." I ran my eyes across the crowd and gave them a grim smile before thrusting a fist in the air. "We will win this war!"

Cheers erupted. Some of the hellhound bodyguards broke into howls. My demon half seemed to roar with approval. I decided playtime was over and unceremoniously shoved my demon half back into his cage. My horns clattered to the ground and my body melted back to its normal form in time to receive Elyssa into my arms.

She squeezed me tight and kissed me hard. "That was impressive."

"I was a little surprised myself." I motioned my parents over.

Dad whooped and slapped me on the back. "Talk about two birds with one stone, son. I guess I owe you one too."

Mom kissed my cheek and hugged me so tight I heard my back pop. "Thank you, son."

"I guess I won't have to zap that dirty home-wrecker after all," Ivy said in grim satisfaction. She looked up at our father. "Does this mean we finally get to do a picnic?"

He bent in front of her and kissed her cheek. "It means we get to do a lot as a family, Ivy."

Her blue eyes regarded him with suspicion. "You're out of excuses for being my dad."

"I know, sweetie." He squeezed her shoulder. "I know."

"What does Kohvaniss mean?" I asked.

Dad jerked his head toward me as if interrupted from his thoughts. "In Haedaemos, my father, Baal, is Kohvaniss."

"Wait a minute." I felt my forehead pinch. "You just made me a king?"

He waggled his hand in a so-so motion. "I guess that's a rough translation." A smirk stretched his lips. "A more accurate translation would be 'supreme devourer of all souls.'"

I grimaced. "I don't devour souls."

"That's how you get to be king in Haedaemos." Dad flourished a bow.

"Be serious."

"As you wish, Kohvaniss." He bowed again.

I sighed. "What about the other Daemos houses?

Dad put an arm around my shoulder. "I think it's time to meet the other Daemos leaders." He looked at Mom, Ivy, and Elyssa. "Ladies, if you'll excuse us for a few moments."

Mom squeezed my hand. "Good luck, son."

"Let me know if anyone needs their arm twisted," Elyssa said.

I pecked her on the cheek. "Definitely."

Dad guided me to the outskirts of the crowd. A beautiful blonde woman in a flowing blue dress appeared at our sides.

"You have performed beyond all expectations, nephew," my aunt Vallaena said, her voice proud.

Dad seemed to puff out his chest a little. "We need to soften up the other house leaders so they'll join the cause against Daelissa. Think you can give us a hand?"

Vallaena nodded. "It will be difficult, but now is the time, while everyone is in one place."

I felt my forehead wrinkle. "Difficult? House Assad and Slade just called me their king. Why wouldn't the other houses jump on the bandwagon?"

"Some are cowardly. Others have grown slothful over the years."

I stopped them. "Before we launch this expedition, I need advice."

"I'd say flowers and a nice restaurant," Dad said. "You two haven't had a decent date in too long."

I scratched my head. "What in the world are you talking about?"

"I'm giving you advice about your love life." He shrugged. "A man's got to treat his woman every once in a while."

"A female is not a possession," Vallaena said with a strict look. She turned to me. "He is, however, correct that flowers and an expensive restaurant will do much to make up for churlish male behavior."

Dad laughed. "I didn't say anything about expensive—"

I put up my hands. "Shush!" I gave them both a severe look. "My dating life is just dandy, thank you very much. I'm having issues with my demon side misbehaving."

"Misbehaving?" Vallaena raised an eyebrow. "After my firm tutelage, you seemed very comfortable with it."

"When I was channeling Seraphim magic to free myself from Aerianas's rock grip, it felt like I was about to lose control." I ran a hand through my hair. "I almost blasted her to ash."

"What was the exact minute you felt that?" Dad asked.

I thought back to my efforts. "When I blasted the scorp with Brilliance."

"Destructive magic," Vallaena said. "Our demon sides revel in carnage. It is sometimes a war to maintain control."

"The struggle is real." Just when I thought I'd mastered my strange heritage, something else popped up. "My demon identifies with Brilliance, the force of destruction. I almost want to say it gains strength from it."

Vallaena touched my cheek in an almost fond gesture. "You will overcome this problem, nephew. You are my blood, my kin, and I expect no less."

"Wow, don't get all gushy, sis." Dad gripped my shoulder. "If you manifest into demon form, you'll just have to be careful if you channel Brilliance. It sounds to me like your demon side gets a real head rush from it." He shrugged. "I wish I could tell you more, but you're kind of a weirdo."

"He is unique." Vallaena offered me small smile.

Guess I'm on my own trying to figure this one out.
I put on a smile. "Let's get back to Daemos politics. What do I need to know?"

"As you wish." My aunt looked around and nodded toward the female marriage ritual leader. The Daemas still seemed to be in shock. "That is Maedras Domitia Calidious. Her Paetros, Brutus, was the one the scorp devoured."

"I wish I could have saved him," I said.

Vallaena shrugged. "The two never got along very well, but losing anyone you have known for centuries is still quite a shock." She tapped a finger to her chin. "Brutus would never have joined the alliance. Domitia, however, is far more reasonable. I believe Brutus's death affords you a chance to bring Calidious into the fold. They are the third most powerful house."

I grimaced. "Should I give her some time to grieve?"

"She is in shock, not grief," Vallaena said. "Despite the interruption of the marriage ceremony, I will make sure Kassallandra doesn't cancel the festivities. Tonight is a large banquet and tomorrow evening will be the grand ball. I believe that will be the best opportunity to speak with Domitia and others."

"Agreed," Dad said. "Domitia is the most important." He pointed out a tall man with platinum blond hair and an almost feminine beauty to his features. "That's Godric of House Salomon. He's a narcissistic son of a bitch."

"A rather unlikeable man," Vallaena added. "It is unfortunate the scorp did not take him as well."

"Is that his wife?" I asked, nodding toward a beautiful woman standing next to him. She wore her platinum tresses up in a mass of braids and curls like many of the woman. She had huge eyes, which should have given her an empathetic appearance, but ice-blue irises and the way she regarded everyone down her long thin nose made me dislike her instantly.

"Gwyneth, his wife and daughter," Dad said.

I looked around for a young girl who looked like the pair before I realized what he meant. "That's his daughter and his"—I made a gagging noise—"wife?"

Dad gave me a helpless look and shrugged. "Daemos don't suffer from genetic defects associated with inbreeding."

Vallaena regarded me severely. "Your ignorance about Daemos customs is something you must overcome if you wish to win their support. Do not allow your nom upbringing to taint your perceptions."

A shudder ran through my shoulders. "I'll bet Godric can really play the banjo."

Dad laughed.

Vallaena pursed her lips and stared me down. A young man ran over to us and handed her a note. She looked at it and nodded. "I must attend to some other business, but I will do what I can to facilitate your efforts." She offered me a shallow curtsy. "Kohvaniss."

"Not you too," I said.

A sly smile spread her lips as she turned and walked away.

"Does Vallaena have a sense of humor I don't know about?" I asked.

Dad snorted. "Depends on who you ask. Let's walk around a little, and I'll show you some other house leaders." He led me along until we spotted a woman in silky Oriental robes. Her skin was the color of caramel, and her hair long, silky, and black. Her jade green eyes fixed on me the moment we came into view. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed a man who'd been speaking with her and walked our way. Dad cursed under his breath. He broadcast his standard charming smile at the woman. "Maedras
Yuuki Wakahisa, it is a pleasure to see you again."

She offered him a curt nod. "A pleasure, Paetros Daevadius Slade." Her wide almond-shaped eyes looked me up and down. "You are the Cataclyst I have heard so much about." She smiled faintly. "The rumors of your boldness are not unfounded, it would seem." Despite her Asian appearance, she had very little accent.

I wasn't really sure how to approach the whole Kohvaniss thing, and since she wasn't bowing and scraping, I knew pushing the matter would be counterproductive. I had to project authority without being overbearing. Or did I need to dominate her somehow? I was sadly lacking on Daemos social skills. Considering everything I'd had to learn, that was hardly surprising. I couldn't be expected to know everything.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Maedras Wakahisa." I held out a hand.

She looked at it for a moment. "A handshake? How very Western of you."

Noob mistake, Justin.
I almost took back my hand, but realized that might come across as a sign of weakness.
I'm overthinking things as usual.
I said the only thing that came to mind. "It won't bite you."

Her head tilted ever so slightly and her gaze fixed on me.

"Are you afraid to join the dark side?" I looked down at her hand. "We have cookies and a great health care plan."

Yuuki suddenly laughed, sounding very much like an excited Japanese schoolgirl. She gripped my hand and shook it. "You are very strange." She came closer and whispered in my ear. "I like strange."

I barely stopped myself from gulping and released her hand. "My girlfriend likes that side of me too."

"I am sure she would be willing to share."

"How's Tokyo these days?" Dad said, obviously trying to change the subject.

Yuuki sniffed. "Overrun with vampires. The Templar legions in Japan do nothing to curb the spread of those vile blood leechers."

"That's because they're working with the Synod," I said. "It's all part of Daelissa's plan to grow an army of cannon fodder."

She made a show of yawning. "Ah, the talk of war again. I find it rather boring."

I waved toward a pile of green goop. "It gets pretty exciting when it's on your doorstep."

Yuuki looked at my father. "I would speak with the Cataclyst alone."

He gave me an uneasy look, somehow managing to convey how much he wanted to take me aside and give me a long lesson on Daemos society. That wasn't going to happen. He nodded. "Of course."

Yuuki looped her arm through mine and led me through a gate and into the garden. "How much do you know of House Wakahisa?"

"Almost nothing," I admitted. "I haven't had a lot of time to study my Daemos heritage."

She pulled me onto a bench seat next to her. Her silky dress fell open at a slit along the side, revealing bare leg all the way up to the top of the thigh. The alluring scent of heat reached my nose. "The original Maedras and Paetros died centuries ago in the Seraphim War. I am the daughter of the former heads of our house. They were assassinated just before World War Two, as the noms call it."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, trying not to look at her leg, and trying desperately to ignore her succubus pheromones. "Who killed them?"

She shrugged. "I do not know, and I have never pursued the matter. My advisors believed my parents were killed because they wished to dissuade the Japanese emperor from joining with Germany."

I felt my eyes widen. "They were against the war?"

"My father did not trust Germany." She took my hand in both of hers. "I have never chosen a Paetros, though there are many who vie for the honor." Her lower hand slipped away while her top one pressed my hand against her leg. "You have the blood of the most powerful Daemos house in your veins and the magic of the Seraphim. Perhaps you could learn of your heritage first hand." She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "You would be a worthy Paetros."

I decided ignoring the comment was the safest route. "We need allies in the war. Will you join us?"

A smirk formed a rosebud with her lips. "I have no interest in war. The two sides may destroy each other if they wish, but I have no plans to put my life in jeopardy." She slid my hand under her dress. "I can also think of more enjoyable activities than throwing away your life."

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my forehead. Gathering my wits, I gently pulled my hand away. "As I said, I have a girlfriend."

She waved away my objection. "I know of your Elyssa Borathen. She is but a Templar. A simple soldier." Yuuki slid down the shoulder of her robe, revealing the thin straps of her dress and ample cleavage. "What is a girl compared to a woman like me?"

Anger heated my face.
This woman is playing games with me.
I stood and looked down at the succubus. "She's far more than you'll ever be. She fights by my side. She protects me and this world while you yawn and complain that war bothers you." I leaned down and let out just enough of my inner demon to ignite the flames in my eyes. "War is on your doorstep whether you like it or not, lady." I jabbed a finger toward the courtyard. "It spilled over here today. Those vampires you whine about in Tokyo are symptoms of the war in your own backyard."

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