WickedBeast (12 page)

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Authors: Gail Faulkner

BOOK: WickedBeast
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Exposed and open, she shuddered in response to the emotional
impact his commands drew from her soul. Yet there was no question in her mind
that pleasure bloomed from this new Kelly. Where had this wanton, shameless
woman been all her life? He had just screwed reality out of the room and now he
asked for more. And it was amazing. The sensations zipping across her body as
his hands closed around her breasts were a mix of shivering in the light and
the dark pleasures he introduced her to.

“So beautiful,” his deep voice rumbled in her ear as he
looked down, watching the candlelight glow off her pale skin as he manipulated
soft flesh. “So fucking beautiful.”

Fingers and thumbs captured distended nipples, rolling them
gently. At the new sensation, her hips shifted, pressing down on his stiff
cock. He increased the pressure and twisted a little further, causing her
pelvis to arch as she rubbed herself on him. Her body’s damp response bathed
his rigid cock as she moved. Low moans whispered from her mouth and he sucked
in a deep breath, drinking the scent of her renewed excitement.

His hands remained on her sensitive flesh, increasing the
pressure as her excitement rose in relation to his firm handling of her body.
Her hips squirmed on him, giving back vibrations that fired along his nerve
endings with the gentle sting of being naked and too close to a sparkler. She
was magnificent.

“Fold your legs under your thighs,” he directed.

Doing so, she was kneeling over him. “Now lift up, baby,” he
said softly. His hands on her breasts gently squeezed as he rolled her nipples.
“That’s a good girl. Lower that pretty thing on what it needs. Right there.
Stay right there. I want you to feel cock rubbing that pretty cunt. That’s it,”
he approved as she lowered her pussy to rest lightly on the thick head of his
cock. At his command, her hips swayed, rubbing herself on him.

“So good, baby. Just like that. Feel it, feel how hard you
make me.”

His hands moved down her ribs, around to cup her belly in
gentle massage as her body moved over him. He loved the feel of her moving
under his hands, shifting over his cock in female demand as her pussy wept with
acceptance. His hands glided across her hips and down to her straining thighs,
around to the backs as muscles flexed, to cup the sweet globes of her ass.
Petting over them gently at first, he enjoyed her excitement escalating with
the intoxicating spice of sexual uncertainty.

He teased her with a light touch, trailing fingers down the
top of her clenched crease. Coming up under those swaying globes to travel back
to her waist on the outside. Again his hands drifted down over the mounds, but
this time fingers pressed marginally into her cleft. Kelly trembled, but the
sway of her hips never stopped.

Little witch didn’t know whether to be afraid or excited. He
would give her what she was unsure of but not yet. He would give her
everything, anything, but only when she was ready. Only when he was sure she
couldn’t live without it. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy this taste of

Chapter Eight


Cord slid his butt to the edge of the couch cushion,
spreading his legs wider as he moved them. Relaxing back, he was half lying
with her perched above him, his head lined up with her pretty bottom.

“Lean forward, put your head between my knees,” he
commanded, his hands resting lightly on her ass.

Electricity shot through Kelly as his words exploded in her
head. She knew the view he was directing her to give him. The complete exposure
was shocking and intoxicating. She had gone this far, and he wanted more.

Smoothly she complied with his direction. Her legs were now
widely spread on either side of his hips, her upper body bent over as her hands
clasped his knees. He was holding her bottom, but she was the one opening every
secret of her body to his view.

“Now lower that sweet pussy and take the cock it wants.”

His hands only lightly rested on her as his direction made
her push herself down on him. He would watch her take his thick rod. Though the
candles around them were a soft light, she knew he had no trouble viewing every
detail as she wiggled down his cock. Bent as she was, it was not easy to get
him in her. Her body stretched to its limits around living steel.

“That’s it. You can take some more. Push.”

The last was a firm command sending a shiver of fresh
excitement to mix with the already chaotic sensations his direction and body
were igniting in her.

Kelly gasped, sucking in air as she tried to comply. It was
desperately important that she do exactly what he said. And yet there was a
far-distant part of her that couldn’t believe the shameless woman displaying
herself this way was enjoying his attention. And she was enjoying it. The
evidence of her excitement dripped down his cock and off his balls onto the

“Move on it, baby.”

Midnight stirred in his voice as he commanded her to fuck
him as he watched. Wicked and wild was the rumble behind the words. Her bottom
moved up and down, his hands still resting on it.

Gently his fingers clenched as he ordered more.

“That’s a girl. You can do it faster.”

And she did. God help her, but she was spinning out of
control as he directed her. One of his hands moved around her hip to reach in
front, and his fingers flicked over her clit in wicked encouragement. The
sounds coming out of her mouth were guttural, animal sounds as the entire
situation took her to a new place.

His talented fingers knew exactly what she needed. She was
almost there. The stars swirled behind her tightly closed eyes then he stopped.
His fingers left her and his hand again rested on her ass as she bounced up and
down on his rigid cock.

“Not yet, sweet witch,” he crooned as she shuddered over
him. “This time is for me. My beautiful Wind Witch, fucking my cock is the most
erotic thing I have ever seen. I want it to last. That’s a good girl. Go ahead,
fuck hard. I love watching this beautiful ass rising above me like this.”

His hands caressed her moving bottom as he spoke. Sliding
down the back of her thighs, he drew his hands back up to her ass with nails
digging lightly across her flesh, skittering new sensations into the
overwhelming mix.

Kelly gasped for air, straining, but she just couldn’t find
the power to push herself over the edge, and he knew it. She knew he knew, and
yet she couldn’t stop trying as his hands toyed with her and his eyes watched
every move.

“Ready to come?” he asked with maddening calm.

“Yes,” she hissed urgently.

“How much do you want it?”

“Now. I need it now.”

“That wasn’t the question,” he responded as one hand lifted
from her bottom and allowed her motion to deliver a light smack as she worked
herself on and off his rigid cock. “I asked how much.”

“Very much,” she answered.

“Then tell me what you want. Want you need to feel.”

“Please just touch me.”

“How?” he asked softly.

“I don’t care. Something, anything. I need,” she demanded

“My sweet Wind Witch, you will learn not to use such
sweeping statements,” he told her. “This time though, you get what you desire.
Next time…” He let the sentence trail off and it didn’t matter. Kelly wasn’t
listening to the words.

His hands snaked around her hips, bringing his fingers into
contact with her engorged clit. This time he clamped thumb and forefinger on it
and squeeze gently as her body moved. It was more than enough. The slightly
harsh sensation pitched her into orgasm.

Her head down between his knees, facing the couch, muffled
her scream, but not enough. Cord captured the sound, drinking it in with her
release. All of it exploded through him, in him, around him. The pleasure
skittered down his spine with the soundless scream of a razor across polished

He was almost at the end of his control. Watching her ride
him to pleasure was almost too much, but not quite. Even as she relaxed onto
his thighs, her body sinking over him in exhaustion, he knew he would take
more. His hands petted her ass as she panted. Ah, this woman, this amazing
creature, there would never be enough.

He reached around her rib cage to lift her off him and back
into his arms, settling her across his lap so her body was half propped up on
the arm of the couch. Leaning over her, his hand trailed down the side of her
face and her eyes fluttered open. They gazed at each other a long time as he
cupped her neck.

“I don’t think…” she started softly. His finger dropped over
her lips to quiet them.

“It’s not time to think yet, just relax and enjoy,” he
instructed as his lips dropped to replace his finger.

The kiss was soft, feathering over her features. He
worshiped her face as his hand drifted down her collarbone to cup a warm
breast. His thumb lazily stroked back and forth over her erect nipple. There
was no pressure, just a gentle caress as his mouth moved down her neck and
around to go up to the other ear.

Kelly closed her eyes and let her head fall back on the
couch arm. His mouth moved over her, his hands caressing, and she wasn’t sure
she could take any more. She was aware that though she was rapidly losing count
of her own orgasms, he had yet to come. If he waited much longer, she would be
asleep and it would be all his fault.

His mouth moved down to her neglected breast, sucking it in
gently to lap at her nipple as he continued caressing the other one with his
thumb. His attention kept her body burning on a low heat level. She was aware
but didn’t have the strength to even mention it. And why start now? Apparently
she’d surrendered to his control a very long time ago. If he was dumb enough to
exhaust the woman before he let himself join her in pleasure, he deserved the
dead body in his lap now.

Cord shifted, pulling her down to the seat of the couch with
him as he continued the gentle kisses and quiet murmurs. He stretched out
beside her, enjoying the play of candlelight across her skin as he followed the
shadows with his tongue. Kelly’s eyes barely opened and he could feel the
tremble of exhaustion in her thighs.

“Sleep,” he murmured as he straightened to wrap his arms
around her. Her only response was an intelligible mumble as she adjusted in his
embrace. Her breathing indicated she’d dropped off into slumber.

Closing his eyes, he held his Wind Witch. She could nap, he
was a long way from done and the night was young. A beast like him would never
be satisfied, part of the problem humans had not understood the first time.
Hunger for food was not the reason dragons always needed more fuel. Hunger was
a human interpretation of the sensation.

He’d pushed her. She’d answered new sensations with growing
excitement, meeting his demands. She’d been surprised. He’d smelled her initial
response. Still he’d pushed, knowing he was taking her to the edge of her
experience. Sweet, beautiful Kelly had glimpsed the beast.

It was his nature, a drive as elemental as survival. He knew
he would keep pushing her, taking more. As he looked down at her face relaxed
in sleep, a new sensation invaded his body. Doubt.

The dark question swirled in his mind, was he hurting her?
Not physically, no, he had complete control of that. Was pushing her to explore
the hidden submissive in her soul a mistake? Was he taking innocence?

His hand swept down her body in a light caress. He just
needed to touch her, feel her skin under his hand. The compulsion to touch,
connect with her physically would grow in him. In pushing her, he’d only been
feeding the natural need in him. She wouldn’t understand it.

Dragons were not human. His reactions were ruled in ways she
still didn’t grasp. He was fiercely territorial. A predator in the wild marked
his territory and was willing to kill or be killed in its defense. There were
no morals, no questions, no choices.

His kind had been created masters of the world, instantly
the most deadly predator alive. They had never struggled to survive, been
forced to evolve with the environment to create a balance in nature. Everything
about them was a direct violation of natural law.

Crafted by brilliantly shortsighted humans, it had taken
less than a mortal lifetime for dragons to free themselves from their masters.
The species had continued to take, unfettered by fear of consequences to any
action. The driving greed or hunger had been intended as a control, the humans
being too arrogant to ever envision a world where a creature of their own
creation became the master.

The three ladies of the Earth had solved that developmental
flaw in dragon engineering. He was indeed leashed to the woman in his arms.
Bound to her with all the ravenous greed dragons embodied. Whatever the
original Earth Witches had done, it was working. There was nothing but grave
consequences to any action he took.

Pushing her sexually for his gratification was not
acceptable. He was worried about her response to his appetites and it was a new
experience. Not worried that she would reject him, he knew too much about human
females to fear that outcome. His concern was that he would change her. Would
his needs create in her something that was never meant to be? Something
unnatural to the woman that was Kelly.

Unnatural was bad. If anyone knew how bad unnatural could
be, it was the three elemental dragons. There was no point in wishing he could
be anything else but what he was, cursing the commands programmed into the core
of his being. He couldn’t change his nature, but there was a new pain below his
breastbone. For her, for her future.

She stirred his arms, shifting slightly brought a soft moan
to her lips. The scent of pain tinted the air, telling him she was sore. His
hands moved over her, healing bruised muscles. When she woke, there would be no
pain. The last part of her to receive his attention was the lovely channel he
could not get enough of. His hand slid between her legs, fingers lightly
combing through damp curls.

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