Wild Sky 2

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Authors: Suzanne Brockmann,Melanie Brockmann

Tags: #YA Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Wild Sky 2
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Copyright © 2015 by Suzanne Brockmann and Melanie Brockmann

Cover and internal design © 2015 by Sourcebooks, Inc.

Cover design by Faceout Studio, Jeff Miller

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The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is on file with the publisher.


Front Cover

Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four


About the Authors

Back Cover


For Ed.


This book is for Kat Varela—humble wife, gift giver, food maker, empathizer, organizer, listener, family event coordinator, dog lover, and mom to one of the greatest men I know. Your superpowers do not go unnoticed.


Milo was gone.

Correction: Milo had been
, just like Sasha had been taken. Just like Lacey had been taken.

And even though it didn’t make a bit of sense that a healthy, muscular nineteen-year-old boy could have been kidnapped as easily as two tiny, defenseless little girls, I believed what Dana had just told me when she’d called and woken me out of a deep sleep.

Milo is missing.

I’d gone from pajama clad and snoring in my bed to fully dressed and moving fast as I used my Greater-Than homing powers to race to find him. First, I’d hopped onto the back of Dana’s motorcycle, because she’d called me, ready to roll, from the midnight-dark suburban street outside the house I shared with my mom.

But now we were on foot. We were running on a trail through one of Coconut Key’s many abandoned town parks as I felt the familiar tug of Milo’s presence calling to me, getting stronger by the second.

He was here. I was getting close, I knew it, so I ran even faster.

I can run pretty fast.

But right now it didn’t seem nearly fast enough, as thick branches from the overgrowth of the tropical, beachside brush crashed against my sides like horse whips, reminding me of the way that Sasha and Lacey and dozens of other kidnapped little girls had been herded together and tortured like farm animals.

“Slower,” Dana huffed from behind me. “Bubble Gum! You need…to go…slower.”

My heart pounded manically in my chest, which had nothing to do with how fast I was running. I needed to find Milo. I
to find him. I glanced back to see Dana lagging behind, pumping her arms furiously by her sides.

She’d ditched her knee-high leather stiletto boots and resorted to bare feet. Still, she was clearly winded and struggling. But I was already going far more slowly than I wanted so she could keep up.

My hair slapped me in the face, and I had to spit out several long, red strands to tell her, “Faster! We both need to go faster!”

Dana tried, her red-leather bomber jacket making squeaky sounds as she moved. “Remember,” she called breathlessly as I pulled farther ahead. “Remember…that…there wasn’t…blood…”

Oh! And that was supposed to make me feel

Apparently, there’d been no blood when Dana returned to Milo’s campsite, but she’d told me that there
been signs of a serious struggle. And Dana had such a bad feeling about it, she’d woken
up in the middle of the night to help find him.

was saying something. Because Dana was way better at this Greater-Than-slash-superhero thing than I was. Also? It took a
for her to ask for any kind of help.

So no. I didn’t slow down.

The thick, wild brush opened up to the toddlers’ playground, long deserted and vandalized. Bent and twisted swings creaked drunkenly in the warm wind, and what had once been whimsical rocking animals listed forlornly on their springs. I leaped over the still-noxious residue from a pair of split-open port-a-potties, shooting a quick “Don’t step in that” back to Dana.

Back in the fall, just a few months ago, before we’d rescued Sasha, Dana and I had been in this very park. Tonight that seemed like forever ago.

So much had changed since then.

!” Dana huffed. Even her use of my real name instead of one of her vaguely insulting terms of endearment didn’t slow my pace.

But then my foot caught on something, and I looked down to see a decapitated head grinning up at me from the gravel of the path. I screamed but tried to swallow the sound, because I immediately saw that it wasn’t Milo. It wasn’t even human. It was the head of a stone statue of a little girl, complete with pigtails and a button nose. She’d once adorned the park, along with a little stone boy and their little stone dog. I might’ve been able to keep my balance if I hadn’t then tripped over her dismembered stone legs. I was going too fast, and now I was going down, and that gravel was gonna hurt.

But Dana caught me with her powerful telekinesis, and for a few short moments, I knew what it felt like to fly. It was nice to have friends with Greater-Than superpowers. But then she put me down and pinned me in place as she finally caught up.

“You need to breathe. Take a moment and think.” Dana’s voice was low and intense, and in that moment, I realized how quiet the rest of the world was too. The loudest sound was my own labored breathing. I could hear the creaking of the swings and the wind in the leaves of the trees that formed a canopy overhead.

But Milo had been
. It was all that mattered to me right now.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

“Use your brain, Sky. Signs of a struggle. But no blood. What does that mean?”

I looked around me.
Still thoughts. Still thoughts.
“It means he’s probably still alive.”

“Good,” Dana said in a gruff whisper. “What else does it mean?”

I didn’t know. I just wanted to find him. Now. I could feel him. He was somewhere nearby. I shook my head as I struggled to sit up, but Dana held me securely in place.

“If someone’s taken Milo,” she asked again, less patiently this time. “What. Does it mean?”

But the moment she said Milo’s name, a barrage of images exploded inside me like a rapid slide show of the most heart-wrenchingly magnificent photos I’d never taken. His dimples. His skin. The way his eyes softened when he smiled at me. The crazy feeling of his thoughts in my mind whenever we touched. The sweetness of his lips, the heat of his body against mine…

It was then that I smelled it.


Vanilla, coming from somewhere nearby.


And Dana could no longer hold me back. In fact, as I launched myself to my feet, I knocked her onto her ass.

“Sorry,” I hissed as I took off running again.

I could hear her cursing and scrambling to follow as I spotted a dark, squat building in the distance. It was a typical Florida hurricane-proof, concrete-block, fugly one-story structure, its outline illuminated by a full moon peeking through the thick branches of the banyan trees.

But as I got closer, something told me to slow down. It wasn’t necessarily a danger—just a presence. I could smell it, along with Milo’s familiar vanilla. And yeah. I know it sounds crazy. But I can smell things like evil and fear and anger and even love. It’s one of my biggest Greater-Than skillz—being able to smell intense emotions. Frankly, I’d rather be able to burp deadly lightning bolts, but you are what you are, and that applies to Greater-Thans like me and Dana, too.

This time, though, I couldn’t quite pinpoint the other non-vanilla smell. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was just—
. And the familiarity of it, lingering around me, was irritating.

I was about to tell Dana that someone else was with Milo—but then that vanilla scent—the unmistakable, lovely, perfect scent that I
belonged to my almost-too-perfect boyfriend—enveloped me like a fleece blanket around my psyche, and I was certain about the most important thing in my world at that moment.

“Milo’s in there,” I said, pointing at the building. “We have to get to him.

Dana nodded and pressed a deliberate finger against her lips, instructing immediate quiet. She then began moving closer to the structure with the stealth of a cat.

I followed alongside her, longing to simply race inside the building to where Milo most certainly was being held. I could feel him now, his presence pulling me like a rope pulls a boat to shore.

It was all I could do not to call out his name in the darkness.

But Dana kept her movements deliberate and slow, and I knew, despite everything vibrating inside of me, that this was the safest way.

Dana tapped me twice on the arm as we continued toward the building. I looked over at her, at the intensity in her eyes.

“What do you see, what do you think, what are you feeling? What should you be paying attention to?” Dana’s whisper was so quiet, I wondered if maybe I was simply reading her lips instead of actually hearing her voice.

What did I see? Concentrating, I gazed ahead. The building was dumpy and gray looking, a soiled and windowless stucco mass. On the left-hand side I could see the sad remains of a fabric awning, its colors a faded candy-cane-striped pattern. Underneath it, a ledge jutted from the outside of the wall, and an ancient sign with the words “Hot Dogs 6.99” was festered and yellowed against closed aluminum.

Snack kiosk.

The side we were approaching had two open doorways, although I couldn’t see inside to where they led. To bathrooms, maybe. And yes, there on the wall were the vandalized remains of the familiar signs, with the woman’s icon a now-headless triangle with legs.

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