Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1) (48 page)

Read Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Wilde Women Book One

BOOK: Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1)
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Didn’t take all that long to polish off the entire bottle while Jax kept his fingers busy in her dripping pussy. She did most of the drinking, which was a good thing, considering that he had to drive. He found it endlessly amusing how fast she drank. She wouldn’t come, not if she could help it, but she sure as shit wanted them out of that bar and on to whatever he had planned next as soon as possible.

When it was time to leave, he dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table and signaled their waiter with a discreet wave and a nod. As Brynn smoothed down the hem of her dress he leered at her and said, “You do realize, I suppose, that I’m going to fuck you senseless wearing nothing but those sapphires.”

She quickly glanced around to see if anyone heard what he said and turned beet red when she found a woman from a nearby table chuckling and doing a double-take. The lady gave Brynn a thumbs up and nodded approvingly before turning back to her companion. He put his hand at her waist and led her from the bar laughing aloud the whole way. Out on the sidewalk she grabbed his lapels and flattened her body against his.

He smiled and asked, “Have something to say?”

She gave him a crooked grin and backed off, smoothing his lapels as she did. “No,” she grumbled which only made him laugh more.

“That’s right my very good bad girl. You. Naked but for some diamonds and sapphires. Me. Hard as those stones, pounding you into submission. I saw the way your eyes lit up, baby. I know what drives your passions.”

“Yeah, well that would be you Mr. Jackson Merrill, sir,” she answered sweetly. “And if this is what date night is going to be like, well…you had me at the reminder of who’s the boss.”

“Oh baby,” he chuckled with a big grin. “We haven’t even gotten started.”

He hustled her as quickly as her sexy Louboutins would carry her back to his truck which he quite smartly parked away from any lights in a corner under a tree covered in the glory of autumn. Instead of opening the passenger door, he took her by the elbow and guided her to the driver’s side where he pushed her to her knees, took out his engorged cock, stroked it a few times, then commanded, “Suck me,” in a voice that sounded slightly dangerous.

Brynn dropped her little bag on the ground and eagerly took hold of him, running her hands along his whole length with a sigh. “I said suck, not touch,” he growled.

She pouted prettily for a moment, letting go with a reluctance that was fucking adorable. Putting her hands on his thighs with his staff jutting toward her mouth, she licked the tip a couple of times, making him hiss with excitement. He didn’t want to mess her hair up, not yet, so he put his hand on the back of her neck and pressed her forward.

“Suck me Brynn.

And she did—gloriously, beautifully, sexily. It was sheer heaven standing there against the side of his truck in the darkness with the possibility of being seen at any moment while she opened her mouth wide and took him deep. There was something so fucking carnal about watching her pretty lips stretch to accommodate his girth. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would have happily sucked him dry, but that wasn’t part of the plan. He just wanted her to experience being on her knees in a parking lot while he stuffed his big cock in her mouth. Jax knew Brynn pretty well by now. She was insatiable when it came to lavishing her attention on his dick. Morning, noon, night—didn’t matter. She was always ready to taste him.

After a couple of minutes he said, “That’s enough,” and pulled his throbbing cock out of her ravenous mouth. She objected with a moan and tried to suck the tip again, but he barked a, “No,” and she instantly sat back on her feet and looked up at him.

Jax quickly pushed his aching hardness back into his dress pants, none too easily, while she looked on with a pout. He held his hand out to help her up and bent to pick up her purse, making sure to swipe his hands on her knees in case anything has stuck to her stockings. Miraculously, the sexy silk was intact, which he was very glad for because he hadn’t wanted her to end up with her hair a fucking mess, come on her lips, and her hosiery in shreds.

HEY WERE HALFWAY BACK TO the house when he asked her what was wrong. Brynn was furious with him and made sure to let him know that with every action, each sigh, and the way she turned and glared out the window.

She knew damn well she was being childish, but he’d spoiled her fun when he wouldn’t let her finish what she started. This was one part of letting him dominate her that she had a problem with. Actually, it pissed her off to no end that he refused to let her ‘top’ him as he so often reminded her.
Well, that sucked
, she thought. And it wasn’t fair. Sometimes she hungered for his body so much that it was all she could do not to drop everything and climb him like a damn tree when the mood struck.

“I don’t like it when you make me stop,” she whined.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I know,” he answered. “Baby wants to call the shots, hmmm?”

“Well, at least once in a while,” she mumbled.

“Tell you what,” he taunted her with a sly smirk that shone in the darkness like a damn beacon. “You marry me, and I’ll let you play Dominatrix every once in a while.”

Shit. She played right into his hands with that one. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” she groaned.

“Fuck yeah, I would.
. Think about it honey. You could tie me to that big old bed of yours and have your wicked way with me and there would be nothing I could do about it. As long as there’s a wedding ring involved, that is. Just give in baby. You know you’re going to eventually. Speaking of which, do you want me to surprise you with a ring or would you rather pick one out together? I want you to have whatever you want, Brynn.”

She decided not to answer. He taunted her with the marriage thing every chance he got. Asshole. It wasn’t so much ‘if’ she’d give in as ‘when’, and they both knew it.

Pulling in the driveway at Wilde House he parked next to the garage studio and leapt from the cab of the truck to open her door. Some part of her wanted to undo her seatbelt and bolt inside before he had the chance to do that gentlemanly thing he did so well, but she knew doing so would only fuck up what had so far been an epic night. Now was not the time to throw a temper tantrum. Not when her insides ached for his possession.

He swung her down with those big sturdy hands she drooled over, but instead of letting her walk away, he pinned her to the side of the truck and furiously devoured her mouth. It always came to this. No matter what else was going on, when he kissed her, she melted.

The leering smirk he gave her when he pulled away made her punch him soundly in the ribs. “You always get your way,” she sulked.

“It’s great to be me,” he teased. Grabbing her hand he dragged her toward the studio and growled like a bear, shouting into the nighttime air, “Time to fuck.”

Brynn hooted with laughter and as she passed him in the doorway, pressed her hand against his erection and squeezed.
Now let’s see what he does about that

The moment the door was shut and locked, he reached for her.

“You looked beautiful tonight, Brynn.”

She smiled and lowered her eyes quickly so he couldn’t see how deliriously happy his simple comment made her. It seemed so silly to take such delight in what were just words, but she did.

He chucked her under the chin so she had to look at him. What she found was a man’s gaze,
her man
, filled with a searing adoration that made her heart thump wildly. She didn’t doubt he loved her. It was right there for her to see.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she told him.

He grinned and said, “Not so bad? H
. I thought you said I was the sexiest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.”

She cocked her head and looked at him, considering her answer. “You’re sexy as fuck in a suit Mr. Merrill, but I imagine you knew that when you put it on.”

He looked as serious as a heart attack when he answered, “Nobody has ever said that to me before.”

She smiled and blushed. God, really? Was everyone else on the planet blind to how gorgeous he was?

His fingers moved to the zipper at the back of her dress and started pulling it down. “I’ve waited all night to see you in that sexy garter belt. Did you like wearing it for me?”

“I’ve never worn anything so sexy and decadent before, Jax. Thank you,” she murmured as he pushed the dress over her hips until it pooled at her feet.

“No, my love,” he told her with a gentleness that tugged at her heart. “Thank
. Finding you has been the greatest joy of my life, and I never want you to know anything but love and how very much you please me. Don’t ever hesitate to tell me if anything we do makes you uncomfortable. Baby, don’t think for a second that I’m blind to the gift you give with your enchanting submission. Yielding to me the way you do is so fucking beautiful Brynn, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a say. You know that, right?”

She held back an emotional sob at the beauty of his words. What manner of fate or destiny brought them together? Every day that went by only reminded her how empty and without form or substance her life had been before him. It was as if she’d been waiting all this time—for a man such as Jackson Merrill to appear and unlock her heart.

“I’d do anything for you,” she answered.

Brynn stepped gingerly out of the dress at her feet and began to undo his tie. “Is this alright?” she whispered. “I just want to see your chest Jax. I’ll stop after that if you want me to.”

Subtle shards of color infused his cheeks, letting her know he was allowing his desire to overtake him. It never failed to excite her to the nth degree when he gave in and let the erotic storm gathering around them have its way.

“Jacket. Tie. Shirt,” he growled, “but that’s it for now. I know you can’t help yourself once you see my cock, especially when it’s hard and ready for you.”

She had those three pieces of clothing off his magnificent torso so fast and onto the floor she was amazed half the buttons hadn’t been ripped off. Once his beautiful flesh was uncovered she ran her hands appreciatively across his muscled pecs and quivered at how amazing he felt under her fingers.

Looking at him with eyes full of wonder she husked, “You are so beautiful.” She meant every word. His body tormented her when she couldn’t get to it and when she could, it became the sweetest part of her very own heaven.

“Stay where you are, Brynn. I want to enjoy looking at you for a while longer.” He left her standing in a pool of moonlight shining in through the windows as he strolled into the kitchen. When he came back, he had yet another bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses along with an appropriately devilish gleam in his eyes.

She giggled. “Are you trying to get me drunk, sir?”

Arching a wolfish eyebrow at her, he grinned. “Maybe a little, but there are plenty of uses for this champagne other than just pouring it into a glass.”

He looked around for a moment then said, “You know what, my love? I’m thinking we better take this into the loft because once we get started, well…knowing your insatiable desires,” he winked and leered, “there better be something more accommodating than just a sofa nearby.”

She curtsied with a smile. “Thank you sir for thinking of my comfort.”

He barked a hearty laugh. “Fuck your comfort, baby. We both know you’d let me drop you to the floor where you stand and say thank you afterward for the rug burns and sore knees.”

Brynn stuck her tongue out at him and smirked. “Last time anyone was on the floor, it was you.”

“Exactly my point, love. And what were you doing while I was on my back?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and struck a naughty pose. “A gentleman wouldn’t remind a lady of the times she acted out her inner slut.”

“Better find yourself a gentleman then,” he taunted. “I rather enjoy your inner slut.”

Brynn twirled away and headed for the stairs, swinging her hips like a stripper taking the stage, saying, “Yeah, well…she’s chomping at the bit tonight so you better make this good or she might decide to take a permanent vacation.”

Jax followed her but waited at the bottom of the stairs while she did her very best teasing climb, wondering the entire time what his view of her was with the naughty crotch-less panties on. She heard him muttering, “Fucking, eh,” as he stomped after her and tried not to go up in flames before they even got started.

He poured two glasses of bubbly, sank onto one of the easy chairs, and patted his lap. “Come here my beauty.” She practically skipped toward him in her haste to do as he asked. Brynn loved, no
loved, sitting on his lap.

“How do you want me?” she asked as her heart started thumping like a bass drum.

He smiled slowly. “Ass here,” he pointed to one thigh, “and knees here,” he gestured to the other. “Ankles crossed like the lady you are. Back straight and tits out, of course.”

She bent over quickly and surprised him with a smacking kiss, then lowered onto his thighs and sat like the fucking Queen of England upon her throne. Yep. She
liked being on his lap.

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