Willing Sacrifice (Knights of the Board Room) (9 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

Tags: #Family

BOOK: Willing Sacrifice (Knights of the Board Room)
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When the hand touched her shoulder, she didn’t jump. Not for a moment had she forgotten Max’s presence. It was what made her so demanding, so involved in her session with Thor. Those watching gray eyes, witnessing what she could do to a man. How she could summon him to her will.

His touch didn’t startle her, but that didn’t mean she’d expected this, or knew what he’d do next. As she kept up the pumping rhythm with her hips, Max put his body against the back of hers. She’d wanted to see his erect cock, pressing against the fabric of his slacks. Now she got to feel it, the heated steel of him through the faint scratchiness of the wool fabric against her bare buttocks. He shifted forward, so her movements into Thor became smaller, deeper. The man under her command cried out, bucking at the sensation. It also rubbed the clit stimulator over her in shorter, more intense movements.

Max put his lips on her shoulder. In that position, he’d be gazing down at her breasts, the strapless bra allowing them a lot of give and wobble, despite their small size. His left hand slid over her shoulder, fingers wrapping around her breast. As he held the bra cup, he traced the bare upper curve. His teeth pressed into her shoulder and she breathed a moan of her own as he brushed her nipple with his thumb.

She was still moving inside Thor, but she’d once again slowed her rhythm, inflicting pleasurable agony on her captive while Max explored her body, making her aware of nerve endings she’d never known could be so sensitive. He sucked on her skin, nipped it, moved up under her ear to breathe on her there, sending tendrils of heated air down her spine. He pushed his hips against her ass again, rotated so he was rubbing his turgid cock over her buttocks, pressing in between them.

As she leaned forward over Thor, she did a similar provocative circle with her hips, working the dildo in creative ways inside her sub as she teased Max’s cock. That steel organ pressed the wet crotch of the thong and the strap of the dildo into her folds. Max captured her buttocks, his fingers almost bruising.

“Mistress…I’m so close…may I…”

“Not yet. Another few seconds. Or you’ll get more of that paddle than you’re going to want.”

She was proud of her ability to talk, but when Max tugged at the thong and dildo straps words deserted her. He found his way past them, two fingers sinking into the wet heat of her pussy.

“Fucking honey,” he muttered, just as Thor cried out again.

Max moved with her in perfect sync, fingers sliding in and out as she fucked Thor to the very edge. Then Max put his mouth on the other side of her neck, cruising along the artery, delicate tongue touches, followed by a heated, open-mouthed, sucking kiss where his teeth latched on to her once again.

“Come now,” she gasped to Thor. “Come, baby.”

The powerful sub let go with a pleasing roar worthy of a thunder god. In some distant place in her mind she knew that meant she’d done what she was supposed to do, but she was still spiraling up and up, worked by Max’s fingers, the simple touch of his mouth on her throat. He kept the weight of his body against her so Thor’s cries intensified, because she kept plowing him in those deep, short strokes. Her legs shook, her body shuddering as the clit stimulator hit her just right, the rhythm Max setting inexorable. Thor’s ass kept rising up to meet her, increasing the force of their threefold impact.

“Stop,” she whispered. “Stop.”

Max shook his head, his dark-blond hair brushing the back of her neck. “Come for
, baby,” he murmured into her ear. “You’re driving me fucking crazy. Trust me with it.”

It was a plea and a command, and she couldn’t deny either. Her clit hardened, her pussy rippling tight around Max’s fingers as her body went over that precipice. She arched, thrusting forward with her hips as she dropped her head back against his shoulder. It pushed her breast farther into his large hand, and when he pinched the nipple, she gave a strangled cry, her nails scoring Thor’s back. He reared up against her in spasmodic aftershock as she shoved in even deeper, her body going rigid, caught up in the pleasurable waves.

She wanted those slacks out of the way, wanted to feel the heated steel of Max’s bare cock against her flesh. Though this wasn’t the moment for that, he at least kept moving with her, that additional sensation driving her to full, mostly satisfied repletion. When she came to a slow halt, Thor’s chest was expanding like a bellows, his mouth beneath the blindfold alternating between tight and slack, his body shuddering, fingers clamped on those handles. She’d pushed him hard, and he would need care to ground him. The problem was, she might need it as well. Holy God. She really hadn’t expected that. Not just what Max had done, but how she’d reacted to him.

Max kept his arm around her, his mouth at her ear. “All done with him?” he asked.

She nodded, and he backed off, but he took her with him. He eased her out of Thor’s ass with surprising gentleness. He loosened the dildo straps as she swayed with a pleasurable dizziness in his arm span. Setting the strap-on aside, he picked her up, put her on the chair he’d vacated. One robe hung on the back of the door, part of the room’s standard supplies. Max plucked it off its hook now, slipping it around her shoulders before he squatted before her, touching her knee. “Tell me what to do for him,” he said.

She blinked at him. She wasn’t a woman to be swept off her feet, but her body was still vibrating from that orgasm, as well as how smoothly and capably he’d lifted her to move her less than three feet. She let her gaze glide down his body, to the obvious, mouthwatering arousal that looked like a heavy lifting job. “It’s what I want to do to you that should be discussed.”

The gray eyes were heavy-lidded, the pupils large and black. “We’ll get there. I want to help you with this.”

She considered it. She also wasn’t the type of woman who turned her aftercare responsibilities over to another, but she wasn’t in the habit of being this weak-kneed by the end of a session. “Usually I’d have him crawl over here and bring me to climax with his mouth, as soon as he felt steady enough to do so. But I think you’ve taken that away from him.” Her gaze shifted to Thor’s still twitching body. “I think he’ll be okay with that this time.”

“I expect so.”

“If you can do for him what you just did for me—get him to a sitting position, get him warm—I can take over at that point. Touch helps ground them, but I expect that’s not really your thing.”

Max put a hand on her knee, gave it a light squeeze. When he rose, going to Thor, he touched the man’s back, letting him know it wasn’t her before he gripped his flank and shoulder to help him push up. She opened her mouth in warning, but Max was already ahead of her. He’d tightened his hand on Thor, slowing him down and murmuring. Thor nodded, fumbling between his legs to guide his now-flaccid cock out of the ring, preventing tender flesh from being snagged.

“Take off his blindfold,” she murmured and Max nodded, pulling it free. He steadied Thor until her captive could straddle the bench in a seated position, facing Janet. Whether deliberate or not, it gave her the pleasure of seeing the naked, dazed sub in all his aftermath glory, the damp cock resting on the slick upholstery of the bench, his broad chest still expanding as he caught his breath. When Max stretched out to get him a bottle of water from the convenience bar provided for that purpose, Thor swayed, but Max gripped his shoulder with the opposite hand, holding him. As he came back, he straddled the bench behind Thor, bringing the man back against his chest, snug inside the line of his thighs. Max’s arms were draped comfortably around Thor as he opened the water and offered it, supporting Thor’s hand. Thor kept his head turned to the outside of Max’s shoulder, stealing looks at Janet.

She’d recovered enough she was sitting up straight, her knees together, legs demurely folded like a debutante, but she was watching him closely. His eyes were getting more focused. Max was stroking his hair, a hand lying on his hip, keeping him upright. She got no gay vibes from Max at all, yet he was remarkably comfortable handling a naked man, cosseting him in this way. She’d always assumed he just watched the public sessions the way anyone did, with a voyeur’s surface interest, but he seemed quite familiar with the warning signs important for proper aftercare of a sub.

Underscoring it, when Thor turned his head inward, nuzzling against Max’s throat, Max kindly but firmly drew out of his range, gripping Thor’s jaw to turn his attention back toward Janet. “I don’t go that way, man,” he said. “Just here to provide you a prop and take care of you for the Mistress.”

Thor accepted that easily enough. After all, he’d come to her for a physical experience. The emotional, intense as it was, was intended to be as temporal as the session itself. Janet rose, moving to her clothes. Under the gaze of both men, she put her skirt back on, following it with her blouse, straightening it tidily. She could have gone into the bathroom and dried the slickness between her legs with a towel, but she wasn’t yet in the mood to do that. She was still feeling Max’s fingers there. When she met his gaze, she saw a flicker that made her wonder if he’d read her mind again.

Thor shifted with a grunt and glanced back at Max. Her sub for the evening had recovered enough there was a spark of challenge in his eyes. “React that way again, dude, and I’ll start doubting the whole ‘I don’t go that way’ thing,” Thor said.

Max snorted, shoved the other man’s shoulder. “I think you’re good.” Rising from the bench, he nodded to Janet. “He’s all yours. If you don’t need me for anything else, ma’am, I’ll see you at the coffee shop.”

And just like that, he slipped from the room.

Chapter Four


She finished up with Thor, thanked him and cut him loose. Even though she had no further plans for club play tonight, she didn’t change back into her street clothes yet. She did retrieve them though, putting them in her carry-on before wandering back out to the floor. She found Max in the same spot at the coffee place. As she came to him, she saw his eyes covering the intimate areas he’d touched. Her neck was still throbbing, and she thought it might be bruised blue and red tomorrow from the force of that hot, demanding mouth.

By the time she arrived on the catwalk below him, the spot where they’d spoken before her session with Thor, he’d stood up. Leaning over the rail, he reached down, took her bag. She was already raising her arms, so he caught her beneath them, brought her up to stand on the lip of the coffee house floor. Then he put his arm around her waist, scooped her up beneath her knees and lifted her, guiding her legs over the rail and down to the opposite side.

The coffee house manager gave her a quick once-over, but Janet knew her clothes weren’t too outrageous to fail the street-clothes-only requirement of this part of the club. She also recognized Janet as a regular, nodding in friendly acknowledgement.

Max pulled out her chair for her, helped her scoot it up before taking his own seat, aligning his feet on the outside of hers under the small table. When the waitress came, Janet ordered a black coffee and a croissant. Then she folded her arms on the table, fixing her gaze upon him. She’d left the top three buttons of the blouse open, her breasts on a shelf-like display with her arms crossed under them. His attention naturally went to that, but then fastened on her pendant. Reaching out, he toyed with it, but she closed her hand on his wrist, drawing his eyes back to her face.

“How did you know how to take care of Thor?”

He shrugged, hooking a shoulder on the back of the chair. His thighs were casually splayed, his other hand lying loosely on the table. Did the man realize he oozed testosterone?

“During BUD/S, you’re cold. A lot. The boat work, surf torture. If you and your team come out on top during the boat exercises, you might get rewarded with a few minutes on the beach, not having to be in the water. We sit like me and Thor did, folded into each other, back to chest, to share warmth. It’s a way of grounding and settling as well. Physical contact like that with another human being when you’re going through a lot of stress, it’s pretty basic.”

The words echoed those he’d spoken at the hospital that night.
Sometimes, after something like that, human touch helps ground you, brings back your focus.

“Surf torture?” Her brow lifted.

“The instructors have us link arms and lie in the surf for about fifteen-minute stretches. It’s fifty-some-degree water. You start thinking Hell is polar caps, not a fire pit.”

“That sounds a little inhumane.”

He chuckled. “It’s not just to torture us, though there are times you think so. On missions, they know we’ll be in some pretty cold waters. Traveling in SDVs—SEAL delivery vehicles—especially the underwater ones, sucks rocks. By the time you get out, you feel colder than an ice cube.”

He leaned forward, tapping her knuckles, then stayed there, his finger resting on top of one of hers.

“Why don’t you tie them down?” he asked. “Most of the Mistresses I’ve watched seem to prefer that.”

She knew what it was to be tied down, unable to escape while the blows came. Rationally, she knew this was different, but the first time she’d tried to tie up a sub, pushing her own boundaries, the blood had come back, the thud of blows, the straps cutting into her flesh as she screamed and tried to get away…

A moment later, she realized her croissant and coffee were there. He pushed the plate toward her. “Maybe eat a little. You look pale,” he noted.

“Is this a game to you, Max?” she said, staring at the food. Her gaze snapped back up to him.

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