Read Wilson Mooney, Almost Eighteen Online

Authors: Gretchen de la O

Wilson Mooney, Almost Eighteen (24 page)

BOOK: Wilson Mooney, Almost Eighteen
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He left me wanting more, dragging his
mouth across to my cheek. He pressed his lips to my ear and tangled
his words in my hair.

Max. You said the name

Sounds right.” I shivered
as his smoldering breath occupied my neck.

He drew his hands up around my face,
tracing my arms as he pulled me off the bed.

What did I miss? Clothes
on?” he groaned with his eyebrows raised and his head bent to the
side as his eyes captured my entire body.

This is what happens when
you hang up.” I teased him.

Well next time I’ll
remember to stay on the line.” He slid his hands to my waist. My
breath lingered shallow as he pulled me in and kissed me. Finally
tasting him, I was glad he hung up.

How did you get out of
going with Cindy?” he asked sliding his hands along my

I told her my head hurt. I
didn’t feel up to it. Calvin helped by taking her in the SUV. Your
brother left your car here and gave me the keys.” I pulled them out
from my front pocket and held them in the air. He glanced at them,
shook his head and lured his eyes right back to me.

the keys huh? You must’ve really
charmed him.” He bent to fit the curve of my body kissing down
around my collar, as his hand browsed down my arm and collected the
keys to his car.

Or shocked him.” The words
soared out of my mouth. I was hoping he didn’t catch the unscripted
thought that plummeted from my mind. Of course that was like
wishing my parents were coming for me. It just wasn’t going to

Shocked? What happened?”
He leaned back to see my expression.

He didn’t know about

Yeah, he knew about you.”
His hands pushed my hair back from my face.

He didn’t know I was one
of your students.”

Silence filled the room.

No, I didn’t tell him—you
were my student.” His skin dropped white, his eyes withdrew and he
shifted away from me.

The wedge was driven between us. Not
about the feelings he had for me or I had for him, but the judgment
he embodied with the choices he had made. The struggle he had with
me being who I was. I understood it, and as much as I hated it, it
was a reality we had to face.

I pushed my body against his center
and wrapped my arms around him, feeling his heart pound hard and
fast against my body. It was our last night together and I wasn’t
giving up now.

Max, don’t worry. Nobody
knows. Calvin isn’t going to say anything to anyone.” I forced my
hands around his face making him look me in the eyes.

It’s not other people I
worry about.” He drank from my words and spat them back. His palms
hot on my face, he stroked his thumbs across my cheeks.

Don’t worry about me. I’m
fine. You need to know that Max. Please,” I choked as I grabbed his
hands, holding them to my face. I wasn’t about to let him go. Not
now, not ever.

Wilson, even a year from
now—,” he started to say something; I pushed my lips to his to stop
him from telling me he was wrong. He wasn’t.

I wouldn’t let him pull away. The more
he pushed his hands to release me, the harder I kissed him. I had
to break him. Make him see, we were worth fighting for. Dread
dripped heavy from my heart, feeding the lost butterflies trying to
decipher my emotions.

His body shifted and I knew the fight
was over. I felt the rush of his desire flood over me. A switch was
clicked and he was unstoppable. His hands found their way to the
back of my thigh. He locked strong around my legs, flung me on the
bed, and stood staring at me. I didn’t give him a chance to change
his mind. I clutched his t-shirt across his chest and pulled him
down on top of me. This was the one time I wasn’t going to give

Words were all worn out. Nothing he
was going to say could change what I wanted. His hand pressed down
on my shoulder pinning me onto the bed, his legs bestridden mine.
His eyes tracked my body to my sight, while his other hand held me
perfect enough to feel his desire. He kissed my exposed shoulder.
Lust rushed my skin as he tasted across my collarbone and up to my
ear. My breath quickened, I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I
pushed my hands down to his waist and yanked his t-shirt from his
pants. He sat up, forced his hands to the back of his shirt and
pulled it off his body. I pressed my hands to his chest, feeling my
way around his tight skin, he pressed his fingers to the buttons of
my sweater. My heart thumped in the back of my throat. All I could
think about was his lips kissing my body. He worked to the last
button down by my waist, and then slid the sweater open as I felt
his mouth press against my stomach. Sparks ignited low in my groin.
His hands pressed lightly up my sides to my shoulders. He navigated
my skin. His fingers clung to the straps of my bra pulling them
vacant my shoulders. His hands wrapped behind me and unsnapped my
bra. I was exposed. Cool air rushed across my chest. I closed my
eyes and let him explore the topography of my body. Tasting the
contours of my chest, he made feelings rage deep in my

My hands, owner of their own actions,
pushed down below his navel to the first button of his Levis. His
arms anchored his body above mine, his muscles flexed; I pulled
apart the waist of his jeans. Like dominoes, the other buttons
followed. Calvin Klein was the only thing separating him from me. I
slipped my hands between his jeans and Calvin’s using my wrists to
pull his Levis off his backside. He was down to his boxers when he
lowered his body and brought his hands to my jeans. His fingers
warm against my abdomen, he hovered before unbuttoning my

His intentions drifted from my waist,
across my chest, and up to my expression. His eyes smoldered
waiting for me to tell him it was okay. I moaned his name soft
through my lips. I took hold of the band on my jeans, lifted my
hips off the bed and pushed. He seized my hands; I thought he was
going to stop me, instead he pulled down. All the way off my body;
goosebumps raced my skin. He skimmed his body gentle against mine,
up to my wanting lips. Our bodies fought hard to wait, seeing where
our ambition was taking us. My hands caressed across his back, he
worked to learn my bumps and curves. His lips lingered long on
mine, his sweet taste filled me. My butterflies stormed strong
through my body. His lips pressed delicate against my collarbone
sending signals through my arms to push him down my body. His warm
mouth tickled delicate. Pleasing moans grew loud from my throat. He
pulled away, the cold air swirled where his mouth left causing me
to lose my breath. He noticed.

Are you okay with this?”
he spoke almost apologizing. His hair long enough to tangle in his

Max, I’ve never been more
okay with
in my life as I am with you right now.” My body surged waves
of adrenaline in places I never felt before.

He pressed his mouth above my navel. I
felt his knowledge and experience consume me. He knew how to dangle
me over the edge without letting go. His hands tracked along my
sides down to my thighs. He pressed enough to slip his fingers
under the waistband of my panties. I felt my body quake deep. My
arms clung to my sides; I didn’t know where to put my hands. He
plucked his mouth from my skin as his eyes drank up my body and he
caressed his fingers along my hips. Shivers owned my legs. His lips
followed, pressing enough to bring me to the edge of

This is where we left
off,” he breathed as he slid off the bed. I looked at him; his
Calvin Klein’s worked hard to keep him covered. He let out a low
earthy growl as he clasped his hands around my ankles and pulled me
closer to the edge of the bed. My hands trailed above my head. I
left them there. I was frozen by him. His knees pressed in between
mine while his lips navigated my skin. His hands read my body
before sliding down past my navel and behind the front silky panel
of my panties. A craving flooded my body, and my butterflies busted
free. He looked at me, it was all unknown. I loved how thoughtful
he was of my first experience. He watched my face as he brushed his
fingers across the apex of my legs. I moaned a high pitched sound
that must have given him the okay to continue. A language I was
learning. He was brilliant with his hands. I pushed my head back
into the bed and closed my eyes. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know
what happened, scared or not, needy or independent, I grabbed his
head, knotted my hands in his hair and pulled him to kiss me. He
growled a deep guttural moan before I shattered

He smoldered with a confidence that
hypnotized me into a comfort with him. I was changed forever. No
more need to feel a sense of not belonging or weakened by my age. I
knew what he did was for me, and that was all I needed. He wanted
me and I was content in that. I could wait a month.


I loved how he held me. His hands
refreshed my feelings and his body protected me from any guilt I
had for having them. He smiled as I shivered.

Are you cold?” he asked as
he pulled me closer to him.

No. I’m not cold I just
can’t stop shivering.” My body kept reliving the moment of pure
ecstasy with him.

I don’t know what he did to me, and
quite frankly, I didn’t care. He knew how to work the equipment and
I was totally fine with his skills. As a matter of fact, it was my
skills, or lack of them, that caused me to start feeling self
conscious. Inexperienced or not it was my turn to learn what made
him tick.

I stretched up to kiss him, my hands
caught in his hair and I pushed him back. His hand wrapped around
my body pulling me on top of him. Our bodies molded together the
cool feel of his boxers against my skin. His fiery hands lingered
on my lower back before they slid down further. I wanted to give
him what he gave me, but didn’t know how. I left his lips, traced
his chin and kissed along his chest, my tongue left a cool wet line
down to his navel. His stomach flexed. I must have tickled him. I
ran my hands down his sides and across to his waistband. I didn’t
look at him, I didn’t want to know if he wanted it or not. I fit my
hands in between his glistening skin and silky boxers. I pulled
them slowly away from his waist. His hands caught me.

Wilson, I’m okay. You
don’t have to do this.” His hand pushed at my chin so I could see
him speak.

I want to,” I told

I pulled his Calvin’s a little lower
to see the foundation of his happy trail. My hands shuffled around
his boxers.

What’s wrong,” he asked

Nothing,” I

Really I’m serious, you
don’t have to do this,” he said low.

I want to Max, it’s just
I’ve never—I don’t want to hurt you.” I pulled my hands

He tugged his boxers down and there he
was. I leaned on my elbow and soaked in his entire body. He was so
beautiful. Even the parts I never saw before were amazing. I didn’t
know where to start so I did what I thought he would like. I
carefully moved my hands to his stomach, awkward to where they
should go; he helped me overcome my inexperience.

He guided my hand to his body, he was
so warm, and his skin was so soft. I slowly manipulated my way to
make him lose his breath. His hands pressed against my bare skin,
he moaned deep strong short breaths. I tingled low and deep; he was
making me excited again. I think I understood where he was and I
wanted him to reach for the same place he took me

He released a deep beastly groan and I
felt every muscle in his body tighten and release. He found my lips
and kissed me hard. I forced my arms up around his neck. His hands
pressed and rubbed over my entire body as he pulled me tight
against him.

When he finally stopped moving and we
lay in each other’s arms, he giggled.

What’s so funny?” I asked

He pulled his boxers up and leaned
back looking down at our bodies. “Looks like we’re gonna need a

Yeah, what’s up with
that?” I teased, “Because when I fantasized about it, nowhere
He lifted his chest into the air so our eyes met.

Well, it’s your fault, if
you weren’t so incredibly tempting, we wouldn’t be in this
predicament.” He brushed his lips softly against mine.

He stopped moving. “You fantasized
about this?” His eyes narrowed and his expression pulled at my

Yeah, and we took a shower
too.” I stretched up and kissed him.

Really?” He slid down off
me and stood waiting for me to respond.

Really, if I’m going to
meet your parents I’d better get a move on.” He grabbed my hands
hoisting me up from the bed. His arms wrapped around me, chills
shot down my spine.

It’ll be a quick shower; I
bet you won’t even miss me. We are going to try and make it to
dinner, right?” I asked against his skin.

BOOK: Wilson Mooney, Almost Eighteen
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