Winds of Heaven (15 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“Hey, don’t you have to go see a doctor?” Casey asked as she ate one last bite of steak and pushed the plate away. Liz glanced at her plate. “Go on, I’m stuffed.”

“Well, I was looking in the phone book,” Liz said, pulling Casey’s plate in front of her. “With the little money left, I’ve been paying a healthy premium for my insurance. So I can go to any obstetrician—”

“Whoa. You can’t just go to any doctor,” Casey said, then flipped out her cell phone and dialed. “Roger, Casey. Who is Trish’s obstetrician?” she asked and scribbled on a napkin. “Thanks. What, oh, it’s...” She blushed as she glanced at Liz. “It’s going all right,” she grumbled. “Good night, ya hack.”

“Okay, tomorrow you call Dr. Lillian Haines. Roger says she’s the best O-B something.”

“OBGYN,” Liz said dryly. “Obstetrics and Gynecology. And I appreciate your help, but I’d like to pick my own doctor.”

“Why? She’s the best. Now don’t argue it’s your last semester and—”

Liz put her head back and laughed out loud. Skye followed suit just because her mother was laughing. Casey sat there and watched. Then she started laughing, as well, not knowing what she was laughing at.

“What? What’s so funny?” Casey asked as she laughed.

“It’s…trimester... Last trimester,” Liz said through her laughter.

Casey stopped abruptly. “It’s not that funny,” she grumbled and drank her water.

Liz then stopped and dried her eyes. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” Liz cleared her throat.

Skye was still laughing. “
funny, Mama?”

“Eat your hot dog, sweet pea,” Liz said and fed her daughter.


Skye fell asleep in her new car seat. The two women drove in silence until Liz cleared her throat. “Thank you for tonight, for the gifts, and the car seat,” she said as she put her head back.

Casey glanced over and smiled. “Well, $250 is a lot of money to keep shelling out,” she said, both laughing as they pulled up to the cabin.

Casey got out, and without a word, she walked around, opened Liz’s door, and helped her out. “Turtle woman,” she mumbled playfully.

She got Skye and held the sleeping girl. Liz stumbled as they walked up to the porch; Casey reached out to steady her. Liz held on to her arm as they walked in the darkness.

“Better hold on to me. I don’t want you falling. I forgot to turn on the porch light,” Casey said as Liz wrapped her arm around Casey’s forearm.

When they got to the front door, Liz felt Casey watching her; she tried to avoid the look and her racing heart. The romantic moonlight flooding the porch didn’t help. The moonbeams illuminated all three of them as Casey opened the screen door. Liz thought Casey was about to say something when Skye woke and wriggled in Casey’s arms.

“I better get her to bed,” Liz said in a soft voice. She saw Casey shiver instantly and inwardly smiled.

“I not tired, Mama,” Skye grumbled.

Liz sat on the couch, too tired to argue. She slipped off her shoes and painfully wriggled her toes.

“Mama feet,” Skye said and rubbed her feet.

Liz put her head back and laughed. “Thank you, sweet pea.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Then she felt a stronger pair of hands lifting her feet.

, let an expert show you how it’s done.”

Liz quickly lifted her head to see Casey sit on the couch. She placed Liz’s feet on her lap and gently rubbed.

Liz sighed and laid back. “You’ve got exactly one year to stop that.”

Casey laughed as she massaged her tired feet.

,” Skye said and yawned. Liz groaned and tried to sit up, but Casey stood first.

“Relax. I’ll put the dwarf,
to bed. I’ll be right back,” Casey said firmly. “Skye, say good night to your mom.”

Skye stubbornly crossed her arms across her chest. “I not tired...” she grumbled.

Casey looked down at Skye and put her hands on her hips. “How can I take you fishing tomorrow if you don’t go to sleep?” she asked, then folded her arms across her chest, as well.

Liz watched from the tall woman to the little blonde and said nothing. Skye looked at her mother, who shrugged. “If you want to go fishing, you’d better get to bed.”

Skye grabbed her fish, kissed her mother good night, and took Casey by the hand. “What do you wear to bed?” Casey asked.

“PJs.” Skye looked up. “You wear PJs?”

“Never mind,” Casey answered as they disappeared down the hall.

Liz wondered what indeed Casey wore to bed. The fleeting image of Casey naked left her when she heard Casey mumbling a good night to her daughter; she realized she was still lying on the couch. “What am I doing?” she whispered and struggled to sit up.

Casey stood in the hallway. “What are you doing?”

Liz blushed deeply. “I just felt awkward waiting. Y-you don’t have to…”

Casey walked over and assumed the previous position, including the contented sigh from Liz. “I have no idea what it’s like to be pregnant,” Casey said as she massaged Liz’s foot. “But sometimes, you just look dog-tired. Besides, I am a master masseuse. Some people would pay big bucks for this.”

“Like the woman you were with the other night,” Liz blurted out, then her eyes flew open. “I’m sorry.”

Casey’s green eyes danced wickedly as she gently rubbed her ankles. “No, Suzette does not pay.”

“Suzette? Her name is Suzette?”

Casey hid her grin and merely nodded.

“Are you serious about each other?” Liz asked as she put a pillow behind her head and watched Casey.

Casey frowned for an instant. “Well, if you’re asking are we a couple, then no. Is that your question?” Casey’s strong fingers worked the instep of one foot, then the other.

“W-well, I suppose yes. I mean if you’re sleeping with someone—”

“Liz, there is very little sleeping,” Casey said and quickly continued, “Besides, I’m afraid my days with darling Suzette may soon end.”

Inwardly, Liz did the happy dance for some reason. Outwardly, she was the picture of concern. “Why is that?”

“Well, Suzette plays the cello—”

Liz let out a short, barking laugh and stopped when she saw the look on Casey’s face. “Sorry, I thought that was a joke.”

“She’s a studio musician. We met two years ago when I was working on a movie. We started seeing each other. Then I got this chance to do a really good composition and I, well, I needed a cellist.”

“So you naturally picked the best one.”

Casey turned five shades of red, avoiding her smug grin. She rubbed the foot a little too hard for an instant. “Nepotism, no other word will do.”

“So what’s the problem?” Liz asked as she yawned.

“She stinks,” Casey said succinctly.

“And now you have to tell her she isn’t very good and when you do...”

“It’s bye-bye, Suzette.”

Liz noticed the confused looked on Casey’s face. “It seems she ought to understand. If you say it the right way, that is.”

Casey glanced over at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re not the most diplomatic person I’ve ever met.”

“Hey, didn’t I get Skye to bed? Didn’t I get her to take a nap?”

“Isn’t she three?”

Casey opened her mouth, then shut it. “Suzette has a bigger ego than I do.”

Liz grinned mischievously. “As big as that, huh?”

Casey took a foot in both hands and squeezed. Liz laughed when Casey then grabbed the foot and started to tickle. “No! No!” Liz shrieked.

, you’ll wake the child,” Casey said. When Liz put a hand to her stomach, Casey immediately let go of her foot. “Are you all right?”

Liz nodded and bit her lip. “She’s just moving.” She reached for Casey’s hand. “Here, feel this.”

Casey retracted for an instant, then cautiously offered her hand. Liz gently took it and placed it on her belly. “There,” she said and they waited for a moment, still another moment passed as they sat in silence.

Suddenly, a fluttering wave shot through Casey’s hand; her eyes flew open. “The baby?” she whispered.

Liz grinned and nodded. “We probably woke her up.” Casey just stared at their hands on her stomach. “They say the baby can hear things,” Liz whispered.

Casey shook her head in awe. “I’m a grown woman, and I’ve never experienced anything like this. Thank you, Liz.”

Liz smiled affectionately. “My pleasure, Casey.”

For a moment or two, they sat there with hands on her stomach waiting for the next movement. “I think she’s asleep.”

“Amazing.” Casey sighed and shook her head. She looked up to see tears in Liz’s blue eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Liz blinked back the tears and shook her head. “Nothing really. I’m just very happy right now, right at this moment.”

“So am I. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m so grateful to be a part of this. You’re an extraordinary woman. When I think of all you’ve gone through in your young life.”

“Well, you’re not so old, you know,” Liz countered in a soft voice.

Casey rested her arm along the back of the couch. Her other hand still on Liz’s stomach, she caressed back and forth. Liz swallowed with difficulty. It had been so long since another woman had touched her.

Suddenly, Casey seemed to realize what she was doing and pulled her hand away as if scalded. “I’m sorry. Rubbing your stomach like that,” she said apologetically.

“I don’t mind. I like it actually.” Liz wasn’t at all sure she should have said that, but she swore she saw a hopeful look on Casey’s face.

“Liz, I know…” Casey stopped when they heard Skye crying.

Casey bolted up and helped the turtle woman as they ran down the hall. Skye was crying in her sleep as they sat on either side of her. Instinctively, the girl latched onto her mother, who gently rocked her back and forth. “
, sweet pea. Mommy’s here.”

The three of them sat there in the darkness until the deep breathing lulled all of them. Gently, she placed her in the middle and smoothed back her hair.

Casey frowned and looked at Liz. “Is she okay?” Casey tried to whisper. However, it came out in a low voice, waking Skye. Liz sighed while Casey gave her an apologetic grin.

? Seep,” Skye said and reached up for her.

“Hey, kiddo, go back to sleep,” Casey whispered.

“Seep. Peas,” Skye said through a yawn and held on to her shirt.

“Why don’t you sleep in here? I’ll take the couch,” Liz offered in a whisper.

“Nothing doing. We can both sleep in here,” Casey whispered. “I’ll go lock up.”

“It’s okay, Skye. Casey will be right back,” Liz whispered as Casey walked out of the bedroom.

Liz got undressed as quickly as her stomach and swollen feet would allow. She did not want Casey to come back into the room.

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