Wine, Tarts, & Sex

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Authors: Susan Johnson

BOOK: Wine, Tarts, & Sex
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Susan Johnson
“Flat-out fabulous, sexy [novels] so textured they sometimes compare . . . to the phenomenal Judith Ivory.”
—All About Romance
French Kiss
“A fine, heated erotic romantic suspense with [an] emphasis on the erotica.”
—Midwest Book Review
Hot Spot
“A red-hot read . . . The writing is crisp and fast-paced . . . her characters are all one of a kind and make us laugh.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Johnson writes one hot story . . . quite a bit of humor, spicing up this fast read.”
—Romantic Times
Hot Legs
“Versatile author Ms. Johnson adds a new element to her terrific writing as
Hot Legs
shows. Her mix of pop and sizzle blends expertly with a zany plot and charismatic characters. I enjoyed every minute.”
"A perfect ten... Susan Johnson’s writing is exceptional, and I plan not to miss any more of her releases.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Funny, romantic, steamy, sexy! A great read!” —
The Best Reviews
Hot Pink
“The sassy, bold heroine of this fast-moving book . . . will appeal to fans who like their tales geared more toward women of the twenty-first century who go after what they want and aren’t afraid to get it. I loved it from beginning to end.”
“This erotic contemporary romance shows Susan Johnson at her hottest, which means that the lead couple generates enough thermos heat to keep the Northeast warm in winter.”
—Midwest Book Review
"This one lives up to its title.”


Susan Johnson
“Smart . . . sexy . . . sensuous . . . Susan Johnson’s books are legendary!” —Robin Schone
“Johnson delivers another fast, titillating read that overflows with sex scenes and rapid-fire dialogue.”
—Publishers Weekly
“A spellbinding read and a lot of fun . . . Johnson takes sensuality to the edge, writing smoldering stories with characters the reader won’t want to leave.”
—The Oakland Press
“Sensually charged writing . . . Johnson knows exactly what her devoted readers desire, and she delivers it with her usual flair.”
“Susan Johnson writes an extremely gripping story. . . . With her knowledge of the period and her exquisite sensual scenes, she is an exceptional writer.”
—Affaire de Coeur
“An enjoyable literary experience . . . [A] well-developed and at times quite suspenseful plot . . . I simply couldn’t put it down.”
—The Romance Reader
“No one . . . can write such rousing love stories while bringing in so much accurate historical detail. Of course, no one can write such rousing love stories, period.”
“Susan Johnson’s descriptive talents are legendary.”
—Heartland Critiques
“Fascinating . . . The author’s style is a pleasure to read.”
—Los Angeles Herald Examiner


Berkley Sensation Books by Susan Johnson
(with Jasmine Haynes)


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“I’m not sure I’m interested in Minnesota wines. My menu’s going to be slightly different from yours,” Jake Chambers added politely, when he was really thinking,
Minnesota wines . . . no way.
“Just how much flack will I get from the local wine growers’ association if I don’t buy their wines? Are we talking boycotts, picketing, letters to the editor—what?”
Chaz Burnett grinned. “This is Minnesota, man, not an activist state like California.” The former owner of the restaurant Jake had recently purchased shrugged. “I just like to support the local growers. If you don’t see these regional wines on your menu, don’t sweat it. Restaurants change hands; shit happens.”
Jake understood there were ramifications to former customers when taking over a restaurant and making radical changes. But then again, his road to success had been paved with radical change. “I’d like to be amenable. It’s just that my wine list is—”
“I know—world-class.” Jake had restaurants in San Francisco and L.A. that always made everyone’s top-ten lists. “Hey, I understand your reluctance to offer less distinctive wines, but”—Chaz jabbed a finger at Jake—“FYI, some of our local stuff is pretty damned good. Judd Jacobson ’s for one, and darling Livvi’s, too.”
“Darling Livvi?” There had been something in Chaz’s tone that required further explanation.
“Man, I’d buy her wine even if it wasn’t a class act— because
sure as hell is. She’s one smokin’ hot babe with a bod and face that actually used to grace the covers of magazines. But her Frontenac reds are really first-rate. I suggest you try them.”
“What about her? Married, single, available?” The habitual man-to-man queries when talk of cover models entered the conversation.
“Single. And I don’t have personal experience, but rumor has it, she’s not above enjoying herself if the mood moves her. Picky, but available, if you meet her criteria.”
If he hadn’t been interested before, Chaz’s last sentence had gotten his attention; that phrase,
if you meet her criteria
, was intriguing. Not that he had Neanderthal impulses when it came to women. In fact, he never much cared who was in charge so long as the payoff was beneficial all around. But he hadn’t reached his current level of success without acquiring well-honed principles of constraint, nor had he come out to Minnesota to play. Quickly dismissing his sexual thoughts, he returned to the business at hand. “So then, we’re all set here?” Jake nodded at the two large duffel bags near the door. “I understand you’ve been packed for a week.” He’d met all the staff that morning.
“Packed and ready to launch. Thanks, by the way, for buying my furniture and stuff sight unseen. It would have been a pain to have to clear out my upstairs space. The cleaning staff put everything to rights this morning: fresh sheets, towels, that sort of thing. And you can always rent it out if you don’t like it.”
“Nah—I’m good. I prefer being close to the action until everything is up and running anyway. After that”—Jake shrugged—“who knows.”
“You’re not actually thinking of settling here permanently, are you?”
“Probably not.” More like million-to-one odds: no. But it never paid to give too much away in the ephemeral world of fine dining. A chef’s presence could make a big difference in the success of a restaurant.

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