Winning the Billionaire (Seattle Bachelors Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Winning the Billionaire (Seattle Bachelors Book 2)
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A shudder of misery ran through her as her heart shouted the answer to his unspoken question.

“I love him. Desperately. The thought of going back to what we were, the nothing…” Her forehead rocked against his chest. “I can’t pretend nothing happened between us or go back to being nothing more to him than your sister. Now you tell me he’s signing the resorts over to his stepmother? I can’t let him do that, especially if he’s doing it for me.”

“I don’t think he’s doing it for entirely you, but…” He let out a sigh. “Yeah. That’s exactly how I felt, too, when Hannah walked out of the auction. I panicked. Wondered if I’d ever see her again. Do you remember your advice to me that night?”

Though she had a sneaking suspicion why he was asking, she looked up, needing to see his eyes. “I told you to go after her.”

“I’m giving you the same advice.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and his voice lowered to a gentle murmur. “Go get him. He’s in love with you, too. I’ve known for a long time. You’re right. He doesn’t have the best track record, but even I know he’d give his life for you. Even if he is too stubborn to admit it.”

“He did. Admit it, I mean.” Her heart clenched with the memory. The vulnerability in Sebastian’s voice when he whispered the words made her ache all over again. He’d meant them. Those words from his mouth had scared the hell out of her.

“Ah. Now we’re getting somewhere. He spooked you.”

She couldn’t deny the truth of his statement. Sebastian had done exactly that, in large part because she hadn’t expected him to. She was so afraid he’d be another Craig, so sure of the image she’d always had of him.

Caden’s arms tightened around her for a brief moment; then he pulled back, holding her by the upper arms. His gaze had softened, now filling with gentle understanding. Growing up, he’d been her best friend, and over the years, they’d fought, as siblings often do, but when she needed him, Caden was always there. Even if he was so ticked at her he didn’t want to speak to her, she could always count on him when she needed him most. He was a standup guy, and it made him an excellent husband. She’d always known it would.

“Go after him. If you love him, too, Chris, you have to take the chance. There’s nobody better for you or more worth taking a chance on than him. And I’m not saying that because he’s my best friend. He’d do anything for you, and all he really wants is for you to be happy. It’s all he’s ever wanted.” Caden pressed another kiss to her forehead, then released her, pulled the front door open, and nodded in the direction of the quiet vestibule beyond. “Go. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

*  *  *

Sebastian paced from one end of the living room to the other and back again. The city below him hummed with early morning activity as it slowly came awake. The harbor out beyond was calm and beautiful, but he couldn’t relax. He gave Lupe the weekends off, and the condo was too damn quiet.

An hour had passed since he’d left Christina standing in her foyer. His visit to his lawyer had been successful. The deal was done. Yet his stomach was still tied into a mass of nervous, tense knots. There was still one loose end. Christina. He’d woken this morning alone in front of a cold fireplace. The lack of her warmth against his side and the eerie quiet of the house had seeped over him. He didn’t need her note to know she’d snuck out while he slept.

He’d laid on those blankets, staring at the ceiling, for over an hour. Yeah, discovering she’d left him again without so much as a goodbye had hurt, and his heart had sank into his toes. He’d gone over everything he’d said to her the night before and everything he wanted to say to her as soon as he found her. He’d gone through about every emotion as well, from betrayal to anger to remorse. In the end, only one thing mattered.

Her. In the span of five minutes, as he finally picked himself up off the floor, got dressed, and called his driver to come get him, the decision only solidified in his mind. He’d been her, scared and running. He’d spent most of their adult lives running from the way he felt about her. He couldn’t give up on her now. He needed her too much. If it meant he had to wait for her to become comfortable with the changes in their relationship, then he’d wait. If he gave up on her, then he didn’t deserve her, because she’d never given up on him.

He had to admit it felt good to take his life back, to spit his father’s last dying demand back in his face. He’d have to spend millions investing in a company that should have been his by default. Not to mention he was only making his stepmother richer, but he didn’t care. The hotels and resorts would finally be his. With any luck, so would Christina.

The doorbell sounded through the house, and Spike, seated in his usual spot on the windowsill, hopped down and took off running for the door.

Sebastian followed with less enthusiasm. “I doubt it’s her, buddy.”

He wished, but it was likely too soon to hope for much from Christina. He’d have to take his time with her and prove he meant what he said. She was it for him, the one and only, and if he had to wait another twenty years for her to marry him, then so be it.

He paused at the door, drew a deep breath, and ran a hand over his face. He had to admit, he wasn’t up for visitors. He had to look haggard at best. He hadn’t even shaved, hadn’t showered. All he’d really done was change his clothes and brush his teeth.

Pulling open the door, though, he found exactly what he hadn’t expected. Christina. She stood wearing a white blouse and a gray pencil skirt that ended at her knees. Her hair fell to her shoulders in soft waves. She looked beautiful as always.

He barely registered the tears in her eyes before she launched herself at him. She threw her arms around his neck and plastered her mouth to his. Too surprised and too damn grateful to see her to do much more than react, his arms closed around her of their own accord. Her soft mouth slanted over his and joy and relief expanded in his chest. He crushed her to him and kissed her back with everything he had. He didn’t care why she’d come or why the hell she was kissing him. Only that she was.

Barely a couple of hours had passed since he’d last held her, but God, he’d missed her. Missed the simple joy of kissing her because he had the need, and her mouth was heaven. Soft, warm, and inviting, her lips played over his with quiet desperation and her body molded to his. That she’d come had to be a good sign, and he latched on to the small measure of hope like a fallen log in turbulent water.

When he was lost and crumbling at her feet, she pulled back. Her brow furrowed, fierce determination rising in her eyes. “It’s my turn now.”

He let out a quiet laugh and stroked a hand down her cheek. That was Christina in a nutshell, bossy and strong-willed, but doing it all with her heart on her sleeve. God how he loved her for it. “Yes, ma’am.”

She released a breath, and her entire demeanor softened. Her eyes raked over his face, searching with apprehension and worry. “I can’t let you do this.”

He released a heavy breath, forced himself to let her go, and stepped back. If he didn’t, he’d be pushing her up against the nearest wall and kissing her until she relented. He had to take this at her pace, whatever that meant. “You’ve obviously spoken with Cade. I’m sorry, but this isn’t your decision. I’m taking my life back. I refuse to cave to my father’s demands again. There’s only one woman I want to marry.”

She stepped forward, following him, refusing to let him run and hide, as usual, and laid a hand on his chest. “I won’t let you give up your life’s work for me.”

He shook his head. “I appreciate that. I really do. But finding you gone reaffirmed something for me. You’re my future, Tina. My heart and everything I’ve ever wanted. I think you always have been. Just took me a while to come to terms with it. What did you tell me? That if you were ever going to marry me, it had to be because I loved you, because I couldn’t live without you? Well, I can’t.” He picked up her hand and stroked his thumb over the backs of her knuckles. “I want forever. Not a year or to satisfy my father’s selfish demands.”

He lifted her fingers to his mouth and brushed a kiss across her knuckles, then forced himself to step back and tucked his hands in his pockets. The need to pull her back rose too strongly and this decision had to be hers and hers alone. He needed her to come to him this time.

“I’m waiting until the time limit runs out so that
you marry me, I don’t want there to be any doubt in your mind I’m doing it because the thought of living the rest of my life without you by my side and in my arms makes my gut ache.” He winked at her. “Notice I said
, not
. I’ll wait for you as long as I have to.”

Her shoulders slumped and tears flooded her eyes, sparkling in the sunlight flooding through the condo. Her voice wobbled as she spoke. “I’m sorry I left. Like I said in my note, I just wanted time. Waking up beside you felt so damn right. I wanted it, Baz. I wanted to wake up beside you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night, and—”

“Why are you here, Tina?” It was a dumb question given the way she’d kissed him, but he needed to hear her actually say the words.

“To stop you from giving up the resorts. And to tell you I love you.” Her tears broke free, several leaking down her cheeks, her eyes filling with a gut-wrenching misery. “I was scared. I was terrified I’d be another Jean to you, and—”

Relief shuddered through him, a joy so keen he would have shouted had he not been so damn stunned. She hadn’t come to stop him from giving up his company. She’d come because she couldn’t live without him either.

He slid a hand into her hair, pulled her to him, and settled his mouth over hers, silencing the rest of whatever the hell she’d planned to say. That was all he needed to hear. The rest was unimportant. Only that she’d come because she wanted

With a quiet, maddening whimper, her body melted into him, and he lost himself in the sweetness of her mouth. He groaned and settled his arms around her, crushing her to him and took everything she gave. He’d never been happier to see anyone in his life. He was so goddamn lucky to have her.

When they finally parted, both were breathless. Her gaze filled with tenderness, with the newness of the moment. With the same relief shuddering through him. Her fingers clutched his back, holding him every bit as tight, and his future shined in her gorgeous eyes. Only now did he realize it always had. He’d do whatever it took not to lose her.

“Marry me, Tina.” The words left his mouth before he’d even had a chance to ponder
he wanted to ask her, but he wasn’t sorry he’d said them.

She gave him a watery smile and stroked her palm down his cheek. “I thought you’d never ask.”

He settled his hands around her waist, unwilling to let her go yet. “I meant what I said, though. I won’t marry you until after the three months are over.”

Worry creased her brow. “Baz, you can’t give up.”

He flashed a grin. “When have you ever known me to give up? My father’s will states if I don’t comply, the company reverts to Gwen, though I get to stay on as CEO. Since it’s a sole proprietorship, technically, once it’s hers, she’s free to do whatever she wants with it. She can sell it if she wants. The incorporation documents set up when my father founded the company years ago said pretty much the same thing.”

Christina’s stiff posture deflated, and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “I still think you shouldn’t give up. It’s sweet, Baz, but it’s not necessary. I’d marry you

“This part at least had very little to do with you. You were more motivation to get the ball rolling this morning. I won’t give my father the satisfaction of knowing he bent me to his will even from beyond the fucking grave.” He tightened his arms around her, holding her close, enjoying the simple feel of her. The tension between them now gone, relief shuddered through him. She’d come back to him. “I called Gwen on the way to your place, right after I called Cade. I have to admit she surprised the hell out of me. She agreed to sell me the company. She says she doesn’t want it, and she never wanted to make trouble with me. She said she wasn’t
love with my father, but she did love him. Said he was kind to her, and all she really wants is the house, because it has so much of him in it. So, in exchange for her kindness, I gave her free use of the resorts.”

He shook his head, remembering the way his stepmother’s voice had trembled. He still wasn’t convinced she wasn’t a gold digger. All he’d really done was given her more money. He didn’t care. By this time on Monday, he’d be on his way to getting his company back.

Christina pulled away, enough to meet his gaze, and frowned at him again. “Sebastian, that’s millions you don’t need to spend.”

“Guess I’ll just have to make sure profits go up next year.” He winked, hoping she’d relax. When the worry didn’t disappear from her gaze, he cupped her face in his hands, smoothing his thumbs across her cheeks. “I won’t let him dictate my life anymore, Tina.”

She studied him for a long moment. Just when he was sure she’d argue with him again, she arched a brow, a sassy, mischief-filled gleam in her eye. “I won’t wait more than a month past the time limit. We’ve got two months to go still. I won’t wait any longer.”

He let out a quiet laugh and slid his hands over the curve of her backside, tugging her as close as he could physically get her.

“You’re a stubborn woman, you know that?” He leaned down and nipped at her bottom lip. “Neither will I. Think you can plan a wedding in three months?”

She grinned, bright and beautiful. “Piece of cake. I’ve got Hannah and Maddie. Mom will be thrilled. She’ll insist on a huge wedding, you know. She’ll probably take over the whole damn thing.”

“Let her. I don’t care how we get married. As long as at the end of the day you’re mine. Though, I would like to take you to Vegas. Cade would probably tell me that Paris or Greece is more romantic, but I want you to have a better memory of the city. I originally considered kidnapping you again and flying you down there, but—”

Christina shook her head. “That’s really sweet, Baz, but Hannah will be too close to her due date by then. I couldn’t get married without her and Caden.”

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