With Her Capture (13 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #paranormal, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #sensual, #erotic paranormal, #cariboo lunewulf, #lorie oclare, #lunewulf, #malta werewolf

BOOK: With Her Capture
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Up until now Magda had
viewed his French nickname for her as an insult. The way he growled
the term of endearment now filled her with something stronger than
lust. It was an emotion she didn’t dare embrace, but nonetheless it
hung in the air between them. She stared into those eyes, terrified
she might lose her heart to this male.

Fuck me,” she
whispered, never looking away from his possessive stare when she

I will,” he promised,
and moved lower down her body.



Chapter Nine


If Magda moved underneath him again, Ayden
feared he might not make good on that promise. She had him more
worked up than any female had in as long as he remembered. No one
in his pack stirred the incredible urge to possess and protect the
way she was doing now. Not once had he wanted a bitch so much that
he wouldn’t be able to take his next breath if he didn’t have

He hadn’t been furious when she’d made that
log fall. It didn’t piss him off that she started a fire simply by
looking at it. Nothing about her terrified him or made him believe
his world would be better off, or safer, without her in it. In
fact, the unwavering knowledge that she was self-sufficient took
hold of him in a way he wasn’t able to describe.

He didn’t want her to see him as just a
protector though. She’d run as far as she was able. He’d seen it in
the way her eyes were flat, her soul having retreated to a dark and
unpleasant place, when he’d first sniffed her out.

beaute noire
damn near glowed from
head to toe when he gazed down at her now. Her dark eyes were
illuminated like rare gems. Her cheeks flushed a dark shade that
almost matched the color of those full, luscious lips. Magda’s
tanned flesh glistened with moisture. Every inch of her smelled
ripe with need for him. It was a powerful aroma, rich with lust and
something clean and fresh. He recognized the emotion. Magda craved
him more than physically. She cared about him.

Ayden wasn’t going to just fuck her. It was a
decision that had seemed simple and rational in his fur. Now, in
his human form, Ayden saw the truth wrapped around so many
emotions. This was the female for him. He saw the challenge in all
of it. There would be circumstances strong enough to change his
life. But then, mating with any female altered the course of a
single male.

Ayden would howl the way of it with Magda
later. That is, if she didn’t see how they were united already. But
from what he knew about her already, he felt safe to say there
would definitely be some howling. He almost grinned at the thought
of sparring with her.

Damn! He was getting ready to make love in
their flesh and already he imagined how fucking her again would

Staring deep into her dark orbs, Ayden bet
his tail that she smelled the truth. Once they were done and she
was clean from her bath, Magda would be stubborn enough to deny how
they would run. He wasn’t in any hurry to finish having sex with
her, however. Ayden planned on enjoying every scent and nuance
involved with the act. He wanted to know her body, learn where all
her scars were, where she was the most sensitive, and exactly where
his dick needed to plunge to make her howl. And he wanted her to
come harder every time he brought her to an orgasm.

“You’re mine.” Ayden wasn’t sure if he
rumbled the words out loud. They definitely rose to his throat,
along with a growl full of satisfaction and pleasure when he sunk
deep into her soaked heat.

Everything in his world shattered. Ayden no
longer dwelt on Magda’s personality traits. It wasn’t important at
that moment how she might react the next time they had sex. He
didn’t care how rough and aggressively she might snarl when he laid
the truth at her paws later. In fact, there wasn’t a thought in his

All matters of their future would wait until
later. Right now, buried deep inside Magda’s soaked pussy, the
pleasure of it was far too great to worry about anything. She was
hot, burning hot, and fit him like a perfect glove. He swore she’d
been made just for him.

Ayden slid further inside her. Magda’s mouth
formed a perfectly shaped circle. Her breathing made her chest rise
and fall. Her breasts pressed against his chest, receded only a
bit, then tortured him once again. Her nipples were exquisite
points of pleasure that brushed over his taut flesh.

Then she was moving. Her legs stretched
around his torso. Her pussy constricted, then grew pliable with the
act. Ayden blinked, clearing his vision and saw the silver in her
eyes. If his back was filleted after this, he’d have a good time
making her pay for the damages. Again, it made him think of fucking
her again.

“So good,” she moaned, her voice a soft

“Good isn’t good enough,” he growled, and
plunged, once again, all the way into her welcoming heat.

Straightening to his knees, he took her feet
and rested them on his shoulders. Then grabbing her hands he
clutched them over her head and leaned into her.

“We can do so much better than good,” he
whispered, and drove inside her again.

She was so tight around his dick. He drowned
in her drenched pussy, feeling her moisture coat his shaft and fill
the cave with its pungent scent. But most of all, he took what she
gave. Ayden offered all he had in return.

“Better,” Magda cried out, her words breaking
off between her harsh pants. “Than good!” She finished with a

Her pussy tightened around his dick,
suffocating all life out of him.

Magda lurched forward, putting strength into
freeing her hands when her orgasm crashed into both of them. He
gripped her wrists, holding her fast.

She tossed her head from side to side. All
that beautiful dark mane of hers fanned across her face. Its dark
shades added to the wildness he was quickly falling for in her.
Ayden kept the pace hard, rough, needing to see her in her most raw
glory—peaking with her next orgasm.

The moment she caught her breath, Magda
started thrusting her hips. She put more strength into freeing her
hands until he relented.

“Claw at me again, sweet bitch, and I’ll do
more than hold your hands in place,” he warned.

Instead of answering, Magda leaned forward,
coming to a sitting position. “Your flesh is safe, for now,” she
murmured, and forced his dick out of her as she sat up and

“What?” he began.

This time Ayden didn’t stop her from taking
the lead. He wasn’t opposed to a new position. If she wanted to
call the shots, he’d let her. There was nothing wrong at all with
an assertive female, especially when it came to sex. And his
beaute noire
definitely knew how to be aggressive.
Something in the back of his mind warned how gaining her
submission, having her belly up to her mate, might take longer than
he’d thought.

Magda shoved him to the side and on to his
back. He barely noticed the cold, hard cave floor underneath him
when she climbed on top. He looked up at her delighted expression.
If showing her how to trust and therefore follow his lead, took
time, he would continually smell patient. She would be worth

“My turn,” she informed him, pressing her
palms flat against his chest.

The view was as amazing as how she felt.
Magda pressed his swollen cock against her entrance, then slid down
on him. Instantly her head tilted back. She made that adorable
round shape with her mouth when she began riding him. With no time
to spare, she picked up the speed. Her breasts bounced in front of
his face while her pussy constricted and relaxed around him.

“Fucking tail,” he snarled, gripping her hips
to slow her pace before she drained him dry.

Magda grabbed his wrists. She wasn’t stronger
than he was. Ayden didn’t mind her feeling in control. Some males
might be intimidated. Ayden knew if he crushed her spirit, he’d
crush her soul. He would never do anything to make the light go out
in her pretty eyes again. Right now those eyes were on fire and he
planned on keeping them alight with that glow always.

She pulled his arms up and pinned his hands
over his head, just as he had done with her. It was a win win
situation. Now her breasts were just over his face, full and plump
and bouncing when she began aggressively fucking him.

But she brought him too close to the edge. It
was time to take back control

“Damn it. Magda!” he howled, coming fast to a
sitting position.

He brought his arms down, in spite of her
efforts to hold him. But Magda had managed to take him too far.

“My perfect black beauty,” he growled,
pinning her to him and exploding inside her.

“Perfect,” she moaned and constricted around
his dick while her body trembled with her last orgasm.

It took a moment before Ayden moved. He
wasn’t sure if Magda were better in her fur or flesh. Both times
were incredible. And now, she was his. He laid back and pulled her
on top of him.

Magda sighed, and rested her head on his
shoulder. “Definitely much better than good,” she whispered.


Ayden’s shirt was still damp from bathing
Magda. He opted not to put it on when he changed from his fur into
his flesh that evening after running across the mountain and back
to his pack. He entered his den and sniffed, checking to make sure
he was alone. Anthony wasn’t there, which allowed him time to put
on different clothes. Magda’s scent was embedded in his skin, but
wearing something else would tone down her smell a bit. He flipped
on his bedroom lamp and rummaged into his closet.

With clean jeans and shirt on, he began
gathering a few more things. The slightest sound and he stepped out
of his closet, glancing toward the front door and listening. It was
wrong having to worry whether Anthony returned, or not. He couldn’t
remember the last time he’d cared where his littermate was—not
since they’d been grown males.

“Perfect,” he explained, pulling out an old
backpack. It still held a faint scent from his sire.

He held the backpack a moment, studying it.
Ayden smiled, remembering the last time it had been used. His sire
had worn it when their entire litter had taken fresh kill in the
backpack to an older mated couple. It was common for litters to
take care of elderly in their pack. Most often his kind didn’t live
to be so old they couldn’t hunt. But occasionally, a few managed to
win every fight.

Remembering that day, and how his sire had
bragged about his mother being better at hunting than any female he
knew, created a dull pain inside Ayden. More than anything he
wanted to show Magda off to his pack. He wanted to puff his chest
out with pride when everyone he knew howled how beautiful she was.
Anthony wouldn’t get to meet the female Ayden was falling in love

“Crap,” he hissed, and gave himself a hard
shake. “You’ll stink up the air with your fucking pity.”

Ayden straightened, glancing idly around the
small room that had been his since he was a small pup. Anthony’s
room was directly across the hall. He remembered the two of them
whispering to each other late at night after they were supposed to
be asleep. Anthony’s bedroom door was closed, unlike when they were
little and his younger littermate never allowed it to be that way.
It was because he wanted to be able to sniff out if his sire and
mother were ever in trouble. That was Anthony’s story anyway. To
this day he wouldn’t howl that it had ever been for another reason.
Ayden wouldn’t push his littermate into lying, in spite of knowing
the real reason was because Anthony was scared of being alone.

There would be no howling to his pack, or
littermate, about Magda. Ayden might be liked by most. He was alpha
male and there were some who wanted him as pack leader. The job
didn’t appeal to him. Being with Magda appealed to him. He wasn’t
fool enough to believe just because he was alpha to many litters
nearby that they wouldn’t turn on him if he showed up with a Malta
werewolf female and howled his love for her.

Ayden filled the backpack with two thick
blankets and a pillow. He then returned to the spacious living area
where so many good memories had been created. The walls smelled
permanently of happiness.

He didn’t look toward the other closed door
in the hallway. That was another door that had once hardly ever
been closed. Now he and his littermate never opened it. Neither of
them ever found reason to go in there. In spite of it smelling even
better than the living area, Ayden and Anthony left the room alone.
Their sire and mother’s bedroom wasn’t the same with both of them
now dead.

Ayden was content with his memories. His sire
and mother had fought and loved together. They were the perfect
mated couple. Somehow…somewhere, he’d find that life with

There was another backpack in the pantry.
Ayden retrieved it and filled it with canned goods. He also put a
small frying pan that he doubted Anthony would miss—especially
since his littermate seldom used the stove—into the bag along with
plates, silverware and cups. The backpack was so full he barely
managed to zip it when he heard movement outside.

“Well hell,” he grumbled, having hoped
Anthony was out on a run at this hour, or chasing after some

Taking both backpacks, he shoved open the
kitchen window and dropped them outside to the ground. Then pushing
the window closed, he strode across the living area to his

The cabin door opened and shut with a harsh
thud. Ayden picked up on his littermate’s putrid and spicy smell.
Good thing—and maybe bad too, he thought after a moment. Anthony
was disgusted and pissed, which meant his emotions were strong
enough that he might not sniff out Ayden. However, it probably also
meant that Anthony would want to rant, and be listened to, as he
unloaded whatever it was that had him upset.

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