With This Ring (35 page)

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Authors: Celeste Bradley

BOOK: With This Ring
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“From its unconventional prologue to its superb conclusion, every page of the first in Bradley’s Runaway Brides series is perfection and joy.
Tinged with humor that never overshadows the poignancy and peopled with remarkable characters (especially the precocious Melody) who will steal your heart, this one’s a keeper.”

RT Book Reviews

“Part romantic comedy, part romantic suspense, and wholly entertaining,
Devil in My Bed
is a delight!”

Romance Reviews Today

“Laughter, tears, drama, suspense, and a heartily deserved happily-ever-after.”

All About Romance

Duke Most Wanted

“Passionate and utterly memorable.
Witty dialogue and fantastic imagery round out a novel that is a must-have for any Celeste Bradley fan.”

Romance Junkies

“A marvelous, delightful, emotional conclusion to Bradley’s trilogy.
Readers have been eagerly waiting to see what happens next, and they’ve also been anticipating a nonstop, beautifully crafted story, which Bradley delivers in spades.”

RT Book Reviews

The Duke Next Door

“This spectacular, fast-paced, sexy romance will have you in laughter and tears.
With delightful characters seeking love and a title, [this] heartfelt romance will make readers sigh with pleasure.”

RT Book Reviews

“Not only fun and sexy but relentlessly pulls at the heartstrings.
Bradley has set the bar quite high with this one!”

Romance Readers Connection

Desperately Seeking a Duke

“A humorous romp of marriage mayhem that’s a love-and-laughter treat, tinged with heated sensuality and tenderness.
[A] winning combination.”

RT Book Reviews

“A tale of lies and treachery where true love overcomes all.”

Romance Junkie


About the Author

New York Times
bestselling author of the Runaway Brides, Heiress Brides, Liar’s Club, and Royal Four series.
Her novel
was nominated for a RITA in 2002.
“When you are overendowed with imagination and underendowed with punctuality, become a writer.”
Years of dreaming on the job paid off when Celeste Bradley quit the mainstream in 1999 and started writing historical romance.
“Handsome heroes beat out cranky customers every time!”
Bradley lives in New Mexico with her family, her desert garden and so many pets the house sometimes feels like an ark.




This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.




Copyright © 2014 by Celeste Bradley.


All rights reserved.


For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.




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eISBN: 9781466806047


St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / July 2014


St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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