Withholding Secrets (10 page)

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Authors: Diana Fisher

BOOK: Withholding Secrets
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“We’re going.” Jordan walked Sky over to the wall where the tall kid was waiting for his dad to get done talking.

A thick lump filled into my throat and some annoying, heated butterflies were fluttering around in my belly. He was clean shaven, and those eyes … how the sun was bouncing off them, illuminating them more. His long sleeved shirt was spread across his broad and muscular shoulders, and the heat was quickly filling inside of me. If he was there to tell me that my check hadn’t cleared, then Jordan would be pulled from the team. Hopefully, he hadn’t cashed the check yet and maybe I could get by until my next payday.

“I need your written consent to start picking the kids up after school. I wouldn’t have to, but seeing as Sky comes with them—” The sincerity settled into his eyes, urging the heat to turn up in my stomach even more. 

But I had to stop looking at him as if he were something so delicious and I wanted a bite. These two kids were now my full time responsibility and they had to come first. “I heard about the fight, and I will take care of it.”

His eyes filled with something different; something resembling fear. “Keri, there was another girl Sky’s age that went missing. I think that it’s best that I am there right after school and I will pick them up, drive them here, and they could practice. I would rather do that then have them walk over, but I need your written consent.”

“Missing? What do you mean,
?” My breath caught in my throat as I finally looked at him. His concern for Sky was actually alarming, telling me that he was serious about making sure that she stayed safe. “How many girls have gone missing?”

“This is the second one in this region. I don’t want to take the chance. When Alicia comes, she will get a ride also. I just would rather pick them up than take the chance.”

I nodded as the worry trickled into my bloodstream. What am I going to do? Maybe Chuck and Kane were right. Maybe the kids were better off with someone who would be able to protect them. But, I promised them. I told them that we were in this together. Joe left all of us, and I couldn’t do that to them. I couldn’t be another person to walk out on them.

“Come to the office and I will have you sign the consent.” Clearing his throat, he smiled as he led me to the office.

My heart batted in my chest as I entered the room that smelled of him. On his desk was a legal form. And there was my check, right with his keys. He was going to cash it tonight and it would bounce. Maybe there was a way I could get it back before he did send it through.

“From now on, I would rather you come in and get them.” His hand brushed against my back as he leaned over the desk and retrieved a pen.

“Yeah. Yes. I will.” Taking the writing utensil from the bear claw, I wrapped my fingers around it, the warm shivers insisting that my hand shake more, barely allowing me to sign the damn paper.

His hand cupped mine, stopping me, the warmth and comfort easing my shakes. “Keri, never sign something that you haven’t read.”


“I don’t care who’s telling you what. Always read first, and if you have any questions, ask.” His eyes softened as he glanced at the door. “I’ll be right back. I have to talk to someone before they leave.”

Putting the pen down, I let out a breath. I had a perfect chance to take my check, but I couldn’t. I wrote it so Jordan could play, and he would be kicked off the team if I stole it back from Kane.

to find out where my money went to. Maybe if I talked to Kane, he would understand. He seemed like a good guy, but then again, so did Joe and look at what he did to us.

Quickly reading over the agreement, I picked the pen up and signed my name,
Keri Borelli
. One last look at the check and my heart shattered. Monday morning, the bank would be open so I could go in and find out where in the hell my paycheck went.

Chapter 13



Somehow, we made it through the week, barely. The check that I wrote Kane hadn’t been cashed, and from what they had assured me a hundred times over, the withdrawal wasn’t an accident. It was taken out by one of the account owners. Fighting with the clerk didn’t help either to find out just exactly who the account owners were seeing as
the account owner
was the one talking to her. After a long, drawn out argument, nothing else happened. I was told to keep a close eye on the activity in the account and that was all I could do. 

On Tuesday, I checked my account for any activity, and, to my surprise, there had been a deposit made in the amount of five hundred dollars. Wednesday and Thursday, I kept an eye on my account and that money stayed in there. I even checked with the bank, and there was a check that was deposited in my name so there wasn’t any mistake. But, I had no clue as to who the money came from. When Friday’s check was deposited, I checked a few times throughout the day just to make sure the money stayed in my account, and it was all still there.

By five, I was ready to pick up the kids and go out somewhere nice to eat as a treat. Jordan would be playing in the game, and a nice dinner for him would show him that this was a special time for him. Besides, they had been more than helpful in keeping the house clean and Jordan took over the lawn work that we had been neglecting.

Checking my account Saturday morning, there was nothing in there except for ten cents. Ten cents again. I had to find out who was taking my money. This wasn’t just my money, but the kids as well. This was our food and utilities, and our roof. It wasn’t just mine anymore. At least I did draw out some cash, and I was glad that I did. But where in the hell was my money? Calling the bank didn’t help, seeing as they were closed and I would have to sit for the next two days gnawing at my fingernails because it was the weekend. Come Monday morning, I was closing the account and switching my paycheck over, seeing as there was someone else who was using my account—the one whose name the bank wouldn’t give me.

“Keri?” Sky’s sweet and tender voice sifted through the wood as she knocked on my bedroom door, barely audible. “Jordan is nervous.”

Tucking my checkbook under my pillow, I straightened the pale purple down comforter on the queen sized bed and picked up my sweatshirt, remembering how cold it was in the rink on the first day we sat in there. Today was not the day to worry about the money. Besides, what was worrying going to do to solve the issue anyway? “We should give him a pep talk, shouldn’t we?”

“I’ve been trying, but I don’t think that it’s happening.” She brushed the front of her yellow shirt with the hems that were all glistening with sparkles. It was a cute top, and one that she really liked when we went school shopping. It stayed in her drawer for the longest time, but I figured she wanted to wear it for nice retreats. And today was going to be a perfect day for her to wear it.

“Make sure you bring a jacket or something. You remember how cold it was in there.”

“I still have that jacket that Coach Kane gave me. I tried to give it back, but he told me to keep it.” Shrugging, she released the hold on her breath and the curt little smile came to her face.

Yes, the jackets. And if he wanted to let Sky keep the one he loaned her, then she could. Besides, she worked for him and he did pay her. As for how much, I still didn’t know, but sometimes those things were best left unsaid … as long as the kids really did earn the money by working hard.

Leading the smaller girl out of my room, we hurried around the staircase and to the basement steps. Jogging down, I saw the boy lying out on his bed with his arm draped over his face and a stress ball in his left hand. Jumping on the foot of his bed, I belted out a laugh as I struck out at his hand and knocked the ball away from him.

“Keri!” He scrambled to catch it, trying to keep the stone face, but the smile was winning and lighting up his beautiful facial structures and his dark eyes. “What are you doing down here?”

“Getting you ready for the game.” Still in the back of my mind, the missing money was gnawing at me, but I just had to sit back and eat it up until Monday morning. And that would have to be put on the backburner for Jordan’s first game. “Are you nervous?”

“No.” The snarky answer shot out, but his eyes searched for help in finding something to sooth his flailing nerves. This was his very first game, and with what I’ve been hearing, he was doing really well at his position.

“You sure?” I poked him in the ribs, making him jump. His eyes widened, not believing what I just did. Doing it again, the smile broke his face and a light laugh bubbled out. “I think that you are.”

“I’m not. I just need to be alone for a little longer to get my mind ready.” Resting back, he draped his arm over his eyes again, and I poked him, and earned another laugh. “Would you stop?”

“Are you ticklish?” I did it again as I tried to hold back my giggles. His face started turning a tad bit red.

“No, I’m not, but you are…” He cut his words short when I jumped at him, digging my fingers into his sides. His head went back as he laughed and tried blocking me, but he barely used any force against me.

“Come on, Sky! Help me!” I laughed as she crawled over to us and joined in. “We can take him!”

“Stop! Stop!” Jordan fought a little harder, but with the two of us, we overpowered him easily. “You two are being goofy!”

“You’re being
!” I laughed as I clamped down on his sides, hitting the area that seemed to be the ticklish spot. Sky sat back, laughing breathlessly, her arms wrapped around her sides and the tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Keri! You’re not supposed to be acting like a kid!” He caught my wrists and flipped me onto my back. “How do you like it?” And he tickled my sides. “Huh? How do you like it?”

“Stop! I’m going to pee!”  I tried to fight him off, but it wasn’t happening. He kept tickling me and laughing. When he did let me go, I sat up, wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. He lunged at me again, but this time, his arms wrapped around me, hugging me as tight as he could.

“Keri, thanks for doing what you’re doing for us.” His breath caught as he pulled back and the water glassed over his eyes. “I never played in an actual game before.”

“You will do great.” Kneeling, I waved my hand to Sky to bring her next to me. Putting an arm around each one, the smile warmed my heart and slid over my face, though the tears were burning behind the scenes. “Like I said, we are in this together.”

“What if I can’t stop the pucks and we lose?” The nerves began to swirl back inside of him.

“All you can do is your best.” Sky put her arm around him, completing the circle. “Isn’t that right, Keri?”

“That’s right.” I pulled them to me, hugging them tightly, like my mother hugged us when we were kids. “When you go out there, just remember what you learned in practice. Focus and … focus … and stop them from shooting the ball in your net.”

“It’s a
,” Jordan cried as he rolled his eyes, cutting the thick cloud of seriousness in the room.

I know
.” I giggled, patting his back. “We are going to be there to cheer you on. If you lose the game, you lose the game. It’s okay. It’s how you play it that matters. This is your first game, and Coach Kane wouldn’t put you in net if he didn’t think you are ready. You’re ready. And he seems like a good coach.”

“He should be. He played in the minors for a little bit.”

My heart jumped hard, knocking into my lungs. My breath shot out before I was able to catch it. Kane played hockey? No wonder why he was buff and hot, big and sexy. He was an athlete, but he had girls crawling all over him. That night I called him, it probably wasn’t even his mother. But why wasn’t he playing then? Why was he coaching?  All the more reason to stay the hell away from that man. The intrigue was growing, and I needed it to stop. And now.

Shoving the thought of Mr. Sexy to the side, we got ready to go and headed down to the rink where the parking lot was fuller than ever, with just a few spots remaining open. As we walked in, Jordan paused at the red door, sucking in deep breaths. His hands were clenched, and the fear was painted all over his face. He was more nervous now; more than before we left the house.

“Go in there and get ready. Focus out there, but make sure you have fun. That’s what’s important, Jordan. You can do this.” I sat my hand on his shoulder, pulling him back from his bubble of worry. His head bobbed, but once he looked at the door again, the white sheet fell over him again.

“This is going to be an easy win.” Another parent walked past with a boy a little shorter than Jordan, and a little stockier. “You better win this, or else.”

I gritted my teeth as I shook my head. “Jordan,” I nudged his arm, winning his attention again, “You have a good team. Play as a team. If you lose, you learn from it out there. It’s okay if you lose. It happens. Try your best. Do your best. This is your first game.”

The door opened and Kane came out in a huff. His face was clean shaven and smooth to where the fluorescent lighting bounced off the curvatures to give him a beautiful and breathtaking glow. His eyes sparkled and danced across the stage, withdrawing the nerves from them. The shirt and dress pants fit him well, and looked to be tailor fitted to work his lean, yet muscular build. The tie was loosened around his neck, but looked to be jerked on after being tied perfectly. Though, the smile was glinting in his eyes, the determination and focus was draping over him.

“Jordan, let’s go. We have to get out there.” He waved his arm, giving Sky a little smile. “And you, Miss Professional Note-taker … I will need your help Monday, so be ready to take notes.”

She smiled and stepped closer to my side, tucking her arms to her chest.

“Go in there and get ready. Take a few deep breaths and just think about everything that you learned so far.” I gave his arm a squeeze before dropping my composure and giving his rigid body a quick hug. “Show no mercy.”

A laugh poured from him as he shook his head, the sheet of embracement washing into his cheeks. “I’m going to try.”

“That’s all you can do.” I looked over at Sky and swallowed hard, forcing the happiness to come forward. Still the slight nagging of my money was drilling into the back of my head. “We should get some seats.”

“Hey, Keri?” Kane’s voice sharpened as his eyes narrowed on me. My skin crawled and tingled, feeling those eyes on me; those angry eyes. He hadn’t known about the check yet, and I only had a hundred dollars in my pocket for the next two weeks. Fighting with the bank wouldn’t happen until I was able to get the chance to, and I couldn’t let my boss know that I was in trouble with money. All of it was gone. All except for a dime, and that check was still sitting in Kane’s hands. “You keep an eye on her and don’t let her out of your sight. There’s a lot of people here, and those missing girls—”

“As if I even would. I’m not an idiot, Kane.” Gritting my teeth, I turned my look away from him before the desire would shove forth and walked Sky down the hall. Everyone was against me having the two kids, but screw them. I could do this and I
doing it. Once the issue with the money is settled, we would be fine.

And screw the coach if he was going to treat me like that. I wouldn’t let Sky go to the bathroom alone with the place full of people. We had each other, and that was it. So piss on everyone else. I was tired of everyone looking at me like I was such a bad person for trying to give these two a life that they should have; one they never had.

We found some seats toward the top and the center on Jordan’s team’s side. And we waited. We waited patiently. Another family sat down closer to us and I recognized the people right away. They had been there a few times before, but I had really never spoken to any of them.

The dad, who was a pretty big guy, smiled a polite hello to me while his wife sat stick-straight with the annoyance colored all over her. The little girl on the other side of the woman tucked her chin in her hands, bored from waiting.

“Keri, that’s Alicia. Do you think I could sit with her?” Sky whispered.

The girl’s look turned and her gray eyes lit up. She waved happily at Sky. “I wasn’t sure if you would be here.”

“Jordan’s playing today.” Sky tucked her hands into the red jacket and slumped her arms closer to her body as the dad turned his look to us.

His head turned, throwing his look back to his daughter, making her get up and move to his side so she could sit by Sky. The girls decided to sit a row down in front of us to talk. And did they ever. The chatting was never stopping.

“So, his first time?” The guy folded his arms across his broad chest as he waited for the game to start. “Yours is the new goalie, isn’t he?”

“That is mine.” I smiled proudly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know which one—”

“The tallest one.” He let out a deep chuckle as his body jiggled. Shifting his massive body, he stretched out his long legs, his knees almost pushing the two girls off the bench. “Andrew.”

“Oh! He talks quite a bit with Jordan.” My heart slowed its heavy and hard beating, remembering the boy who Jordan talked with a lot.

“Yeah. He said Jordan is pretty good on the ice and Coach is a little worried on playing him so soon. But you have to push these kids out there.”

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