Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy (55 page)

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Authors: Melvin Konner

Tags: #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #Social Science, #Women's Studies

BOOK: Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy
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defects in, 8, 209–10

hormones and development of, 29–30, 32, 36–37, 42

sex differences in, 5, 90–93, 209, 228–29

size of, 209, 229

Brazil, 236

bridewealth, 186

Briseis, 98, 162

Broad Spectrum Revolution, 148

Brooks, Alison, 143

Brown, Judith, 157–58, 211

Buck, Linda, 208

Buddhism, 166

Budongo Forest, 109

bullying, 107

Burma, 166

businesses, women-owned, 276, 288

Cai Hua, 154

California, 261, 269

California, University of, at Berkeley, 191

Caltech, 264–65

Cambodia, 271

Campbell, Anne, 213, 219–20

Canaan, 177–78

canines (teeth), 122

size of, 123, 124

cannibalism, sexual, 54–57

CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere), 253–56, 276

Care International, 251

Carroll, Lewis, 52

Cartagena, 267

Carter, Sue, 92

Carter Center, 251, 252

casques, 72–73

cassowaries, 72–73, 84, 85

castration, 64, 200

casual sex, 128, 217–24, 279

Catanese, Kathleen, 223

cave art, 88

cell division, 58

Central African Republic, 271

Chad, 254

Chagnon, Napoleon, 160

Charlemagne, 167

Chase, Ronald, 60

chattel slavery, 178–79

Chauvet, 88

Cheney, Dorothy, 108

chiefdoms, 168–69, 174, 175

child abuse, 260

childbearing, increase in, 159

childbirth, deaths in, 241–43

child care, 158

child marriage, 252, 253, 257

child mortality, 131

children, 299–300

child sexual abuse, 257, 260, 270

chimpanzees, 67, 93–94, 108–11, 112, 113, 116–18, 121, 122–23, 124, 303

competition between males in, 110

genome of, 112

male-on-female aggression among, 115

tool use of, 129

trading meat for sex in, 110–11

violence in, 109–10

Chimpanzees of Gombe, The
(Goodall), 109

China, 147, 151, 154, 157, 166, 168, 183, 239

one-child policy in, 240

chocolate, 258

Christianity, 167, 171, 180

polygyny in, 181

cingulate cortex, 117

Clark, Russell, 223–24

Clay, Zanna, 115–16

Clearwater Paper, 233

Clinton, Bill, 278

Clinton, Hillary, 211, 235–36

clitoris, 35, 89–90, 216, 239, 251

of lemurs, 97

cloacal exstrophy, 30–31

cloning, 58, 65

Clutton-Brock, Tim, 83, 183–84

CNBC, 217

CNN Freedom Project, 258

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, 258

“Coca Colo” (blogger), 245

Code.org, 265

coercion, 91, 105–6

female avoidance of, 106–7

polygyny and, 128

Cohen, Mark, 149

college, 66

Collins, Susan, 282

colobus monkeys, 110

Colosseum, 156

“comfort women,” 179

Common Sense Media, 202

communal breeding, 185

Communist Manifesto
, 190

community, 159

competition, 10–11, 61–62

compliance, 86

concealed ovulation, 130

condoms, 244, 245, 247, 255–56

conduct disorder, 209

Confucianism, 166

congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 27

Congress, U.S., 281–83

Conley, Terri, 224

Conry-Murray, Clare, 202

contraception, 174, 191, 196

contraceptives, 241, 247

see also
birth control

convenience polyandry, 97, 100

cooperation, 62

cooperative breeding, 132, 185, 192

coral reef fish, 66

Cori, Gerty, 208

Cornell Medical Center, 35

corporate boards, 233

corpus callosum, 229

corruption, 270–71, 290–91, 292

Costa, Dora, 193

courtship feeding, 79–80

, 200

co-wives, 169, 180

craft guilds, 192

creativity, 211

Crews, David, 63

crowned lemur, 96

Crusades, 171

crying, 6

CSEC (commercial sexual exploitation of children), 258–61

cultural construction, 21–22

culture, 39–40

gender identity and, 28–29, 35, 41–43

Cummings, Molly, 90–91, 92

Cupid, 60

Curie, Marie, 191, 208

Cyprus, 147

Czech Republic, 262

Dahlberg, Frances, 129, 130

Dakin, Roslyn, 77–78

damselfishes, 66

Darfur, 271

Darwin, Charles, 47, 48, 50–51, 69–70, 71–72, 78

Darwin, Erasmus, 48–49, 51

Das Gupta, Monica, 241

Datoga (people), 169

daughters, 231–32

David, 165

Davies, Sally, 297

death penalty, 278

de Beauvoir, Simone, 7, 11

Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne
(de Gouges), 189

Decline of Males, The
(Tiger), 298

Defoe, Daniel, 178

de Gouges, Olympe, 189, 190

Delhi, 240, 247–48

Delilah, 196

democracy, 181, 291

growth of, 280–81

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 114

“Democratic Sex, The” (Weikart), 283

Despotism and Differential Reproduction
(Betzig), 167

DeVore, Irven, 103, 129

Devries, Karen, 248–49

Dias, Brian, 63

Dickemann, Mildred, 186

Dickens, Charles, 178

dietary range, 143

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 116

Digby, Leslie, 96

dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 35–36

Dinah, 164

Dinka (people), 171

disease, 150, 151

dispersal, 51–52

divorce, 126, 181, 187, 300

DNA, 57

“Doctors for Daughters” campaign, 240

Dogon (people), 169

Dollar, David, 290

domestic violence, 65, 239, 248, 278

Dominican Republic, 34–35

Donaldson, Zoe, 92–93

dowries, 186

drawing tests, 28

Drea, Christine, 97

driven sexuality, 211–12, 229

driving, 273

drum dance, 137

dry sex, 245

Duckworth, Tammy, 274

Duke Energy, 233

DuPont, 232

Durjoy Nari Shanga, 255

Eagly, Alice, 278

Eberhard, William, 61

eclampsia, 242

Ecuador, 254

education, 191, 232, 234, 241, 249, 252, 253, 257, 274, 275, 291, 299

stereotype threat and, 262–66

of women, 12, 189–90, 193, 234, 238–39, 242, 254

eggs, 25–26, 58

egotism, 7

Egypt, 156, 168

Egypt, ancient, 177

El Abra pygmy swordtails, 91, 92

elephant seals, 84, 85, 104, 122

Elion, Gertrude, 208

Ellis, Bruce, 224

Ember, Carol, 203

EMILY’s List, 235–36

Emlen, Stephen, 74

(Austen), 188

emotional disorders, 209

emotions, 92–93, 116, 134, 139, 211, 212, 215, 229–30

of men, 6–7

of women, 8, 220, 237

empathy, 117, 230

Emperor penguins, 75

empires, 174

End of Men, The
(Rosin), 231

Enga (people), 154–55

engineering schools, 265

Enlightenment, 188

Ensler, Eve, 250

entrepreneurship, 276

environment, 28, 33, 38–40, 52, 78, 93, 110, 120, 206, 228, 264, 291, 292, 308

equal pay, 232

Eshed, Vered, 150–51

Eskimo (people), 142, 161

Estioko-Griffin, Agnes, 130

estrogen, 26, 63, 81–82, 213

estrus, 81, 110, 111, 113, 124, 125

Ethiopia, 242–43, 248

Ettner, Randi, 33–34

eukaryotes, 48

European Union, 239, 288

Eve, 163

Everett, Bethany, 225

evolution, 15, 17, 48, 50–54, 71, 81, 119, 239, 297, 301–2

future of, 300–301

of sex, 9–10

sexual selection in, 50, 69–70

Evolution of Human Sexuality, The
(Symons), 222

executions, 177, 178

“extra-pair” copulations, 100

“Eye for an Eyespot” (Dakin and Montgomerie), 77–78

Facebook, 304

falcons, 87

family planning, 12, 191, 246–47

farming, 159

fathers, 35, 47, 57, 65, 80, 97, 100–102, 107, 126–27, 128, 139, 152–54, 157, 167, 179, 183–88, 201, 203–4, 206, 210, 284, 301

fatherhood, 92–94, 123

fathers, contributions of, 73–74, 86–88, 102, 131–32, 143, 289, 300–301

Faust, Drew Gilpin, 277

Fedigan, Linda Marie, 108

Feinberg, Kenneth, 286

Feinstein, Dianne, 283

Feldman-Jacobs, Charlotte, 240

female choice, 9–10, 79, 81–82, 86, 89, 90–91, 92, 96, 100, 115, 182

among bonobos, 113–14

among chimps, 111

polygyny and, 128

female dominance, 15, 16, 66–67, 72–74, 76, 85–90, 95–97, 107, 113, 115, 213, 301

female genital cutting (FGC), 239, 251–53

femaleness, 25

“Female Style of Corporate Leadership?, A” (Matsa and Miller), 287–88

feminism, 4, 13, 15-16, 108, 169, 218

second-wave, 232

feminist anthropology, 141

blog, 245

Feniger, Yariv, 264

Ferguson, Brian, 146

Fernández, Raquel, 192–93

fertility, 157, 184, 281, 299

fidelity, 92, 126

Fifteenth Amendment, 190

Fifty Shades of Grey
, 226

financial corruption, 8, 270–92

First Sex, The
(Fisher), 305

Fisher, Helen, 305

Fisher, Ronald, 78

5-alpha reductase, 34–36

flatworms, 61

Folkman, Joe, 286

, 276

Fossey, Dian, 108

Foucault, Michel, 21–22

Fourteenth Amendment, 190

Fox, ElizaBeth, 106–7

France, 268

Franklin, Benjamin, 49

Franklin, Shirley, 260

fraternal twins, 38–39

fraud, 290

Free2Work, 258

Free the Slaves, 258

free will, 33–34

French Revolution, 188–89

Freud, Sigmund, 200

frogs, 83–84

frontal lobe, 117, 229

Frontiers in Endocrinology
, 228

Fruth, Barbara, 114–15

Fry, Douglas, 161

Funk, Patricia, 289

FWBs (friends with benefits), 221

Gaca, Kathy, 170

Galdikas, Biruté, 108

Gandhi, Indira, 7, 211, 236

gang rapes, 179, 227, 247–49

Gannett Company, 233

Garcia, Justin, 221

Garcia-Falgueras, Alicia, 34

gardening, 49

garden snails, 59–60, 66

Gates, Bill, 245–46

Gates, Melinda, 245–46, 252

Gayle, Helene, 253, 276

gay males, 21, 157, 205–6, 225, 227, 229, 298, 300

gays, 28, 36–37, 235, 278–79, 293

Gearhart, John, 30


as continuum, 22–24

as culturally constructed, 21–22

development of, 24, 25–26

“Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers” (Clark and Hatfield), 223–24

gender equality, 120, 130, 138, 238

in decision making, 239

gender gap, in politics, 278–79

gender identity, 14, 30, 31–33, 45, 200–201, 212–13, 228

androgens and, 29–31

and culture, 28–29, 35, 41–43

and early reassignment surgery, 31

5-alpha reductase and, 34–36

as formed through experience, 28

parental stereotyping and, 201

self-segregation and, 204–5

and sexual orientation, 205–6

gender reassignment surgery, 31, 33–34

gender socialization, 200

gender typing, 201–2

gene expression, 92–94, 117

General Dynamics, 232–33

General Motors, 232, 284–86

Genes (genetic), 3, 9, 26–27, 38–40, 42, 45–48, 50, 52–53, 57–58, 61–63, 64–66, 71, 77, 84, 87, 90–94, 100, 110, 112, 117, 123–24, 128, 147, 171–72, 176, 205, 209–10, 228, 297, 300

gene swaps, 58

genetic defects, age of father and, 210

Genghis Khan, 171–72

genitalia, ambiguous, 24, 27–28

genocide, 271–72

genome, 58, 87, 112–13, 117

George III, King of England, 48, 49

Georgia, 234–35, 261

Georgia Care Connection, 260

Georgia State University Center for School Safety, 259

Georgia Tech, 264–65

Germany, 236

germs, 9, 53–54, 245, 247

Ghana, 152

gibbons, 122–23

Gibson, Nicole, 105

Gildersleeve, Kelly, 124–25, 128–29

Gillard, Julia, 237

Gilles, Kate, 240

Gillibrand, Kirsten, 282, 283

Girls Coming to Tech!
(Bix), 264–65

Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, 256

global warming, 148

Göbekli Tepe, 149

golden hamsters, 85

Golding, William, 213

Golombok, Susan, 206

Gombe Stream Reserve, 108

Gomes, Cristina, 110–11

Gomez, Doris, 97

Goodall, Jane, 108–9

gorillas, 104, 122–23

gossip, 138

governments, 155

Grameen Bank, 255

grandmothers, 131–32

gray mouse lemur, 97–98, 100

great ape, 121–22

see also
and specific apes

Great Britain, 170, 171, 178, 190, 236–37

homicide rate in, 43

Great Recession of 2008, 275, 288

Greece, ancient, 60, 98, 147, 162–63, 180–85, 192, 196

monogamy in, 187

Greider, Carol, 208

Grimaldi, 161

grooming, 111

group identity bias, 215

“groupthink,” 216

(testicles-at-twelve), 35

gun control, 278

Hadza (people), 130, 131, 132, 161

The Hague, 271

Halim, May Ling, 201

Hämäläinen, Anni, 82

Hames, Raymond, 126

Hamm, Mia, 274

Hammond, Dorothy, 134

“handicap principle,” 78

Harris, Marvin, 147

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