Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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Staring at him nearly caused her to have heart palpitations. Every time she’d seen him before, he was dressed in fancier clothes. Now he looked more like a farmer, yet…he was absolutely breathtaking in his fawn colored shirt and black breeches, and black knee-high riding boots. His good looks had fascinated her so much her feet wouldn’t move to take her away from here.


He stopped the conversation with the stable boy who then turned to fetch a horse. Gabe smiled at her, so she returned the gesture. She still felt uncomfortable under his close scrutiny, but tried to be polite, nonetheless.


“Good day, Miss Emmie. What are you doing here?” he asked.


“I have come to ride one of Mr. Hampton’s horses.”


He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. “Indeed? Have you done this before?”


“Yes. Surprisingly, Mr. Hampton gave me permission not long after our game on the lawn with your family.”


“That does surprise me.” Slowly his smile widened. “But it is also good news. Now we can ride together.”


Her heart pounded with uncertainty, yet the idea did sound exciting. It was either that or be very bored. “Why didn’t you travel to Manchester with your aunt and uncle yesterday?”


Tapping the whip against his thigh in a steady rhythm, he moved closer. “I can do without big cities, and most especially the people there. They are just a bunch of gossipmongers if you ask me.” He paused, tilting his head as he studied her. “Why didn’t you go? I heard my aunt and uncle are taking Lady Sarah to the opera. Won’t you need to assist her?”


She shrugged. “According to your cousin, her maid will suffice just nicely for both of them. Miss Hampton was determined that I shouldn’t go with Lady Sarah.”


He stood beside her now. His gaze roamed slowly over her face, making butterflies dance in her stomach. Taking a deep breath of courage, she inhaled his intoxicating scent. A mixture of leather and spice.


“I must apologize for my cousin. She can be very manipulative sometimes.”


She arched an eyebrow. “Sometimes?”


He chuckled. “You are correct. She is manipulative
the time.”


“Indeed, she is.”


“You look disappointed that you were not able to go,” he said.


She nodded. “I too, have never seen Manchester. I would have found the excursion there most pleasing. It would have been nice to partake of the scenery and pleasures.”


“Maybe someday you will.”


She shrugged. “Perhaps.”


There was silence between them for the next few moments. Gabe glanced at her a few times, but mostly watched inside the stable. When his attention wandered her way, a different expression touched his face. It was as if a light flickered to life in Gabe’s head. His eyes widened as he turned them to her.


“I have a message for Lady Sarah. I received this yesterday, but she was out. Do you mind if I tell you instead and you can relay it to her?”


“Of course.”


“Remember your carriage accident on your way to my uncle’s estate?”


“How could I forget? It rattled both Lady Sarah and myself so much.”


“Well, apparently the authorities found your driver.”


She gasped and stepped closer. “They did? Was he terribly hurt?”


“Just the opposite, in fact.” Gabe shook his head. “He was drunk and spouting the truth. Apparently, he knew Lady Sarah’s uncle was Oliver Townshend, and the driver wanted to harm her as a way to get back at her uncle’s most recent tax laws.”


She slapped a hand over her mouth. Indeed, her father had been correct to assume his daughter might be in trouble. Breathing slower, she lowered her hand. “But we had switched carriages before we even set foot in New Hampshire. How did the driver know?”


“I’m assuming the first driver you had, told him.”


“That could have happened.”


“Apparently, the second driver released the horses before jumping off the vehicle just as it traveled down the slope. That’s why the coach turned over the way it did.”


She nodded, blinking back tears. Were they safe anywhere? Still, if these citizens knew that she really did side with them and not her uncle, perhaps they would not want to harm her. “I thank you for letting me know. I shall inform Lady Sarah as soon as she returns.”


At that moment, the stable boy brought around amazing black stallion, temporarily taking her mind of her troubles. Emiline knew a purebred when she saw one, and this horse was a winner; top of the line. Her father owned several, which she rode back home.


Gabe looked at her again with a gleam in his eyes. “Emmie, would you like to join me for a friendly and relaxing jaunt around the countryside?”


She still didn’t know if she dared to be alone with him. Her body had betrayed her once before, not only with the kiss, but when she was in the pond. Good thing he couldn’t read her mind at that time since improper thoughts had swam in her head.


But now... She wanted to be with someone. Anyone. Loneliness didn’t make a good companion. If they become better friends and he started to trust her, then she might ask him about his relative, Captain Hawk.


“All over the countryside? Not just inside the estate, but outside of it, also?”


His smile was full now, showing off his straight, pearly white teeth. “You have seen enough of the estate, so why not see more of New Hampshire’s beautiful country?”


Returning a smile, she quickly made her decision. “I would love to join you,


“Splendid.” He turned to the stable boy. “Put a sidesaddle on Princess so that Miss Emmie can ride her.”


“Actually,” she quickly cut in, “I prefer a regular saddle.”


Gabe glanced over her riding habit. “Are you sure?”


“Oh, yes. I’ll be able to ride just fine in this.” She picked at her skirt.


Not much time later, the stable boy brought out a white thoroughbred mare, the most amazing horse she had ever seen. “Oh, my,” she gasped, walking to the horse and patting its nose. “You are going to let me ride her?”


The young lad looked at Gabe who gave him a small nod, then back to her. “Yes, Miss. You can ride Princess.”


The boy moved to give Emiline assistance, but she flipped her hand to move him away. “Thank you, but I can mount by myself.”


The stable boy shrugged and turned to help Gabe, but he mounted without any assistance. The boy threw up his hands and walked away.


Without thinking, Emmie pulled her dress up almost to her knees, helping her to mount better. Once she was sitting astride and had her dress in place, she looked at Gabe. His eyes were wide and still directed to her legs. Inwardly, she groaned. If her father knew she’d just given a man a glimpse of her stocking legs, her hide would be raw by nightfall.


Clearing his throat, Gabe shook his head and switched his focus to look straight ahead. He pulled the reins and turned his horse, Emiline followed him until they trotted side by side. He rode with ease and skill. So refined. So much like a noblemen. She was certain he’d have made a fine man of peerage. It was too bad his circumstances left him untitled.


After a few awkward minutes, she finally breathed a sigh of relief that Gabe hadn’t commented on her improper display not too long ago, and she finally let the excitement of their horse ride consume her. Although being alone with Gabe made her nervous, she couldn’t stop giddiness from surrounding her as he began his tour of New Hampshire’s countryside. Not only was her heart beating witlessly, her mind jumped everywhere at once.


“You know,” she began to speak her thoughts as they came, “I used to ride a horse just like yours back home when—” She quickly stopped then mentally scolded herself. She shouldn’t have told him that. After all, most poor people didn’t own many horses, especially thoroughbreds.


Gabe raised his eyebrows in question. “You rode a stallion? Just like this one?” he repeated. “Was it your horse or Lady Sarah’s?”


“It was Lady Sarah’s...well, actually, it was her father’s horse, but Lady Sarah allowed me to ride it and she rode the mare.” His gaze narrowed on her, so she quickly finished with, “Because of my upbringing, she knew I could handle the stallion better.” Once again, she silently chided herself for not thinking before speaking.
My upbringing?
How was a poor relative going to handle a thoroughbred better than a mare?


“Pray, Miss Emmie, why don’t you tell me about your most curious upbringing.”


Think, Emiline!
“Perhaps I will when the time is right.” She lifted her chin and pushed her horse a little faster. He kept her pace with his animal.


“So, how good are you at riding?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.


Her heartbeat picked up rhythm. “I’m actually not as good at riding as I am at...racing!” She dug her brown calf-high boots in the sides of the mare, taking off ahead of him, laughing over her shoulder as she passed.


He shouted with laughter before the thundering of the horse’s hooves caught up to her. Knowing him, he would try his hardest to show her that a woman didn’t know the first thing about racing. After a few moments of him still being the one in the rear, she hoped he would change his attitude about her.


Glancing back, his hard expression let her know he was serious in his pursuit as he leaned forward in his saddle, pushing the animal faster. She finally allowed him to catch up. His expression changed. Now he looked hurt...and surprised.


She stopped her horse, and he did the same. “I apologize,
Lawrence. Please forgive me for laughing, but if you could see the look on your face right now.” She couldn’t hold it back any longer and laughed harder.


He growled, his brown eyes boring into hers. Fear grasped her as her blood turned cold. Upsetting him was the last thing she wanted to do, especially now that they were becoming friends. She needed to think of something to change his attitude quickly—or at least make him smile.


* * * *


Unrest roiled in Gabe’s stomach. He hated to be bested. He especially hated to be bested by this slip of a woman. Determination settled in his bones. There was no way he was going to lose a horse race to a woman. Even in her outdated riding habit—that actually fit her better than the other dresses had—she was all woman, soft and desirable. Excitement flushed her face, causing her eyes to twinkle like stars. Lips soft and red, turned up in a smile.


When she laughed, her whole face lit up with enthusiasm. Of course now she wore a panicked expression. Probably because she sensed his irritation. Sighing deeply, he smiled, which made the smile return to her pretty face.


“Emmie? Would you please not call me
Lawrence? I would prefer you use my given name. Gabe.”


The laughter disappeared quickly from her face as she lost her smile. Her forehead creased. “Why?”

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