Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“I believe my stomach would feel the same way.” Mrs. Hampton smiled.


For a few quiet moments, Emiline pondered what the older woman had said. If Gabe worked on the docks or on ships, why did he dress so elegantly? She highly doubted men who worked on the docks made good money.


“Mrs. Hampton? Might I ask about his family? He has never told me about them.”


“My husband and I are his only family now. Gabriel’s mother died when he was just a lad, and his father left this world a few years ago. Gabriel is the only child. However, just recently, his grandfather in England passed away and since Gabriel is the only living male heir, the title of Earl of Wilshire was given to him.”


Shock vibrated through her more than the movement the carriage made when the wheel ran over a rock.
Gabe an Earl?
“How wonderful for him.”


Mrs. Hampton shrugged. “Unfortunately, someone will have to convince him of that. My husband tells me Gabriel is struggling to accept the title.”


“But why? He would live in his grandfather’s estate and obtain all of his lands and money.”


“You don’t understand Gabriel that well. He is not the sort of man who believes his life revolves around money. He does what he wants—things that make him happy and uplifts others. He is a very good person, but I fear that if he took the title, he would—”


Just then a rifle shot rang through the air, and within seconds, the carriage came to a dead halt. Anna jumped in her seat, blinking awake with a frightened expression. Mrs. Hampton’s eyes were also wide as color slowly left her face.


heart dropped. They were being attacked! She just knew it!


Chapter Twelve




Gabe sat atop his stallion holding the still smoking rifle. “Blasted snakes,” he muttered as he searched the road for more. There had to be more, he was certain of it, and he’d shoot every last one of them if he had to.


He turned to the nearest carriage. His uncle had opened the door and stuck his head. Gabe waved his hand in the air. “All is well now, Uncle. I just shot a rattler who had gotten in my path.”


“Thank the Lord you saw the snake before he could strike.”


Gabe urged his horse toward Emiline’s carriage. “I shall inform the others.” He stopped to the side and rapped on the door. “Aunt, there is nothing to fear.”


Slowly, the door opened as his aunt’s white face appeared. “What happened?”


“I killed a snake, is all. We shall be on our way now.”


She offered a shaky smile before withdrawing back in the vehicle and closing the door.


Once again, Gabe rode ahead of the carriages, watching closely for any signs of trouble. The trek was long and boring, and more than once he turned to look back at the carriages, hoping for a glimpse of Emiline’s face in the window. Unfortunately, he never saw her or even heard her laugh. His uncle’s carriage was a different matter, though. Whenever Gabe rode close to that carriage, all he could hear was his cousin whining. He rolled his eyes. That spoiled girl was a handful, to be sure. Was it any wonder she didn’t have suitors?


It was hard not to think about Emmie during his ride…wondering what she was doing, if she enjoyed her visit with his aunt. Was Emmie thinking of him at all? More importantly, he wondered if he could give his heart to her. Would she understand why he was a Patriot, and still want to be with him? He’d lived his life these past several years trying to help his fellow men break away from Britain’s hold, and praying that someday they could be free from the King forever. Changing his way of thinking for a woman was utter nonsense. The woman he would finally love and marry would definitely have to understand and accept Gabe for the man he was.


But a woman like Emmie certainly made him rethink his purpose. He’d never thought about a woman the way he thought about her. She had been constantly on his mind since they met when he helped them fix their carriage.


Indeed she was some witch who had placed a spell on him…a spell he didn’t wish to have removed.


He chuckled, remembering his friends, William Braxton and Marcus Thorne. They were both very love-struck and fought it the whole way. For them, falling in love was the best thing that had ever happened. Could Gabe have the same fate as his friends?


Several hours later, they finally arrived in Salem. Evening had come, which meant Gabe needed to find an inn with rooms for everyone posthaste. After riding a little longer, he came upon an establishment that appeared to be clean and taken well care of—Street House Inn.


He pulled his horse to a stop, swung his leg over to jump down. Once inside, he breathed a sigh of relief that upon seeing this place, his first instincts were correct—this was a well-kept establishment. After securing the rooms needed, Gabe hurried outside to inform everyone.


As his uncle was helping the women out of the carriage, he turned to Gabe with a narrowed gaze. “How did you register us?” he asked softly.


“Under Gabriel Lawrence and party.”


Smiling, his uncle nodded. “Well done.”


When Emmie climbed down, Gabe waited patiently for her to look at him, and when she did, her face lit up with a smile. He knew he was grinning just as broad since his cheeks hurt. “Did you and Lady Sarah have a pleasant journey,” he asked.


“Indeed, we did. The visit with your aunt was very enjoyable and enlightening.”


Uncle Henry’s servants rushed to get all the trunks unloaded and taken into the inn, while six weary travelers climbed the stairs to their rooms. Although Gabe wanted to be the one assisting Emmie, that would cause undue attention from his aunt and uncle, so he assisted Lady Sarah, instead. Once he got her and Emmie into their rooms, he bowed and wished them good night, and then left.


He settled himself quickly in his room, praying the morning would get here soon so he could see Emmie and be able to spend more time with her.


Indeed, he was under her spell and only wanted more.


* * * *


With a spring to his step and a happy tune on his mind, Gabe hurried downstairs after scarfing down the morning meal. Uncle Henry was in the main room visiting with the Innkeepers. When he saw Gabe, he motioned his hand to come over.


Gabe glanced around the room as he walked toward his uncle, hoping to see Emmie and Lady Sarah, but they were not here. He stopped beside his uncle and smiled. “Good morning, Uncle Henry. I trust you slept well.”


“As well as could be expected since I slept in a strange bed.” He chuckled and turned his attention to the Innkeepers. “But I must say, out of all the places I have stayed, the bed was very comfortable, and the service has been extraordinary.”


The Innkeepers—a middle aged husband and wife—smiled brightly. The portly fellow appeared younger than Henry by at least ten years, but had the gray hair and wrinkles, nonetheless.


“I thank you for a wonderful compliment.”


“Mr. Brownstone, please excuse me. My nephew and I need to leave now.”


The men bowed to each other before Uncle Henry led the way outside. Salem’s weather was lovely so far this morning with a promise of getting better as the day progressed. This would be the perfect day to take a stroll along the beach with a beautiful lady, and show her the lighthouse. Emmie would just love it. But the question was…would he be able to spend time alone with her?


“Did you have something to speak with me about, Uncle?”


Henry shook his head. “Not anything really important. I thought you and I could walk through town this morning. After spending all time confined inside a coach with a daughter who complained about everything, I would rather be with my nephew for a little while.”


Gabe laughed. “I did get to hear how unhappy she was when I rode by your carriage a few times yesterday.”


Henry rolled his eyes. “Unhappy? No, she was worse than that.”


They both laughed this time.


As they walked, Henry talked about the weather, and about the town. Gabe agreed with everything and didn’t have much to add. In a way, he wished his uncle would discuss something more important, mainly so that Gabe wouldn’t think about wanting to be back at the inn with Emmie.


Thankfully, the town was awake and many people were about, doing their daily shopping. Soon, Henry’s name was called, and both Gabe and his uncle stopped. A friend of Henry’s came to greet them. From the introductions, Gabe realized the two friends hadn’t seen each other for several years.


He tried to act interested in the topic the two friends were discussing, but as Gabe swept his gaze up and down the street at the different buildings, the only thing going through his mind was taking Emmie here. She would fall in love with this town, he just knew it.


When he recognized a familiar face, his thoughts stopped. It was one of Captain Hawk’s crew members. Gabe acknowledged the man with a slight nod, not wanting to bring attention to either one of them. It was good to know the note Gabe had sent Rufus had gotten answered quickly. Now Gabe wondered where Rufus was holding up, or if his friend was even in Salem yet.


Gabe turned back to his uncle and the other man, then politely made his excuses to why he must leave. Uncle Henry gave him a curious stare, but Gabe just nodded and quickly left his relative’s side. As he headed up the street, a few more familiar faces came into view, and he gave them an acknowledged nod as well.


He stopped in front of a glass shop to admire the pieces of art made by the owner through the shop window. Within seconds, eeriness crept over him, and he got the distinct feeling he was being watched. Slowly, he turned and glanced up and down the street, hoping to see the culprit that made him feel this way, but nobody was looking his way. Still, he couldn’t shake off the feeling.


He stepped away from the shop and slowly continued up the street, every once in a while slowing when he passed another window, mainly to see if the reflection from behind him was visible in the window. Finally, he noticed a man from across the street, who had stopped when Gabe had. Out of curiosity, he continued. Once again, he slowed when passing another window, and the man was keeping Gabe’s pace from across the street. This time, he noticed the man glance his way.


The man didn’t look familiar, and he was certainly not dressed as a naval officer. But that didn’t mean anything. In this day and age, everyone was under suspicion.


As Gabe passed an alley, he quickly turned and hurried toward the back of the building next to him. He turned the corner and took a quick glance to see if the man still followed. So far the stranger hadn’t ventured in the alley. Gabe turned, then flattened himself up against the wall.


And waited.


After a few minutes, he heard a noise. The small rocks in the dirt were being crunched by someone’s steps, and by the uneven thuds in the dirt, this let Gabe know the stranger was in a hurry.


When the other person came into view, Gabe grabbed the man. The reed-thin man gasped and jerked his head up to look at Gabe, his hat falling off in the process. Sweat beaded his forehead and the scalp shown by his thinning hair.

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