Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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Inwardly, he cursed. She would definitely be the death of him. But he also knew that if he didn’t stop this insanity soon, he would not be the gentleman he was raised to be. And although he wanted her badly—she needed a normal wedding. Not one forced upon them by an irate father.


He broke the kiss again and smiled down at her. “How was that?”


She nodded. “Perfect. I do forgive you now.”


“What would you say if I told you how much I love you?”


Her amazing, wondrous eyes swam with tears. “I would tell you I love you right back.”


“You do?” His heart sang with happiness. “I never thought I would hear that from you, especially after the way I treated you.” He kissed her forehead. “Please forgive me for not trusting you enough to hear you out before misjudging you.”


“Why didn’t you want to trust me?”


“Because I’m in hiding.”


She glanced at his hair. “Is that why you have colored your hair?”


He hitched a breath as his hand flew to his head. “How do you know it’s colored?”


“Because a little bit of red is showing.”


“Then I suppose it’s time to color it again. And yes, that’s why I colored it—because I’m a redheaded Patriot hiding from some very bad naval officers.”


“A redhead, huh?”


“A redhead.”


She smiled. “You know I will not say anything.”


He caressed her cheek. “I know.”


“I’m so glad I decided to talk to you. My mother thought I should wait a few days, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep without talking to you.”


“Your mother knows about us?”


“She knows I care for you, but she doesn’t know to what extent my feelings run.”


He chuckled. “I’m so happy you found your mother.”


“I would not have found her without your help.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I have you to thank for a lot of things.” She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and scooted closer to him.


Inwardly, he groaned. This wasn’t good…although it was, he couldn’t let it go too far. “And I have you to thank for loving me. However,” he kissed her on the nose then moved off the bed, pulling her with him. “I think I need to get you back to your bedroom. If your mother—or father—knew you were in here, we would both be in trouble.”


Giggling, she walked to the door. “Yes, you are correct. Being with you this late at night is definitely wrong—even though it’s enjoyable.”


“You are incorrigible.” He touched her chin. “And that’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”


She took hold of his hands. “Be with me tomorrow. Spend the day getting to know my mother and brother.”


He nodded. “I will, but only for a little while. I have a meeting to attend.”


She gave him a skeptical look. “Here? In Salem?”


“Yes. You met Rufus…well, he’s a member of my crew. He and I have a meeting tomorrow.”


She grinned. “As you wish, just as long as I get to have you for a little while.”


“My dear, sweet Emmie…you can have me forever if you wish.”


“I definitely wish that.”


He kissed her one last time then opened the door to his room. She sashayed out, dreamily gazing at him as she made her way up the hallway to her room and was safe.


At least for now.




Chapter Sixteen




Gabe walked into the inn, bypassing the section leading toward the bedrooms, and entered the dining area. Immediately Rufus raised his hand from the table where he sat to get Gabe’s attention. He nodded and proceeded to his friend’s table.


“Good evening,


“And a pleasant eventide to you.” Rufus motioned to the empty chair. “I have already ordered us the inn’s special for tonight—mutton and potatoes—which I’m assuming they will bring shortly.”


“Splendid.” Gabe patted his belly. “I am famished.”


Rufus studied Gabe with narrowed eyes for a few silent moments. “There is something different about you tonight.”


“There is?” Gabe arched a brow. “Pray, tell me what is different.” He glanced down at his shirt and waistcoat. “I’m dressed, so that cannot be what is different.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Perhaps I need a haircut, or maybe my natural hair color is returning.”


“Yes, your brown color is fading, but it’s not that.” He tilted his head. “What I see different from yesterday is that you are in much better spirits. No longer does your frown scare small children.”


Gabe threw his head back and laughed heartily. “You are very observant. Yes, I’m feeling much better today.”


“Do I dare ask why?”


“Because I’m in love, that’s why.”


“Love?” Rufus chuckled. “When only last night your heart was broken by a fair maiden? I don’t think I have seen you move on so quickly, my good man.”


“No, Rufus, I have not moved on. The woman I’m madly in love with is Emmie. She and I talked last night, and…well…let’s just say we worked out our problems. No longer am I upset with her for hiding her identity from me.”


“That’s wonderful.” Rufus slapped Gabe on the shoulder. “And I must say, you do look much better when you are in love.”


The barmaid brought their plates out, and another maid carried the drinks. Gabe thanked them and dove into his mutton. It was hard to believe, but food even tasted better now that he finally admitted he was in love.


Rufus took a small bite and after a couple of chews, leaned in and whispered, “Commodore
was spotted in town.”


Gabe swallowed hard and nearly choked. He stared at his friend from across the table. Gabe’s head was still reeling with
confession and the visit he had with her mother and brother earlier today, making it rather difficult to absorb what Rufus had just said. But now he had to clear his head and focus on important matters. This was definitely not something he wanted to hear.


“Who told you that?” Gabe asked.


“One of the crew,” Rufus lowered his voice.


“Were they certain it was him?”


“Aye.” Rufus lifted his eyebrows. “It’s rather difficult to confuse
with someone else because of his hair color.”


“Very true.” Gabe nodded. “But I wonder what he’s doing here.”


Leaning his elbows on the table, Rufus bent forward. “Do you suppose he’s still looking for Lady Sarah? You had mentioned the other day that you thought he was the one that came looking for her at your uncle’s house.”


Panic grew in Gabe’s chest. Was his Emmie in danger, especially now that the truth about her identity was out? “I still believe she might indeed, be in danger. I just wish I knew why.” He scratched his neck, feeling like a noose was being pulled tighter around his throat. “First off, if
is behind all of this, what would be his reasons? He’s working for the King. Lady Sarah’s father is a duke, and her uncle is a political figure in support of the King. So why then, would they want Lady Sarah? I don’t believe her father or uncle sent
and his men, either.”


“Hmm…” Rufus tapped his finger on his chin. “I wonder if
has other ideas in mind.”


“Like what?”


“Perhaps he knows about you being related to the Hamptons, and since Lady Sarah is staying with them, maybe he wants to get her away from you for fear she might say something about her uncle that you could use.”


Gabe shook his head. “That thought had crossed my mind, but if
really knew I was staying with my uncle, the man would come to get
—not Lady Sarah. Remember, I have been on his most wanted list for a few years.”


“All of this is so confusing,” Rufus grumbled before taking a bite of his meat.


“Indeed it is.”


A burst of laughter broke out in the far corner, making Gabe jump and reach for his pistol. But the boisterous group of men were well into their cups and enjoying themselves too much to be of any bother to Gabe. Slowly, he glanced around the room, suddenly feeling that danger lurked closely. He silently reminded himself nobody could be trusted.


As Gabe munched on his roll, his mind spun with ideas, none that made sense. He should be used to running from the King’s Navy, but in this case, he was sick of it. Were his good friends with the
Sons of Liberty
tired of all this turmoil as well? And Marcus Thorne who had been Captain Hawk before handing the responsibilities over to Gabe—had his friend ever felt this frustrated and confused? Both of Gabe’s close friends over the years, William Braxton and Marcus Thorne, had been nearly captured a time or two. Still, those two came out victorious in the cause. Right now, Gabe felt as if he couldn’t fill their shoes, and he didn’t enjoy the uselessness creeping over him.


“There is only one thing to do,” Gabe said before taking a swallow from his cup of wine.


“What is that?”


“Talk to


Rufus choked on his food. “What? Are you insane?”


“I must be, but how else are we going to know what he’s planning?”


“Do you really believe he will tell you?”


Gabe shrugged. “Perhaps he won’t, but Captain Hawk will find a way to loosen the man’s tongue, even if it means torturing him. I’m sick of his games and it’s time Captain Hawk is in charge again.”


Rufus grinned. “So shall I gather the crew together for a meeting?”


“Yes. As soon as you can.”


“I will let you know once I hear from them. There has only been a handful that came after I sent them missives. I suspect more will arrive.”


“Good.” Gabe lifted his wine cup. “I’m feeling better all ready.”


“As am I.” Rufus clinked his cup against Gabe’s.


Unfortunately, Gabe wasn’t feeling half as good as he should, especially when Emiline might still be in danger.


* * * *


The next afternoon, Emiline visited with her mother in Mrs. Winterbourne’s flower garden. Emmie and her mother sat at one of the decorative tables sipping tea, enjoying the fresh air. A warm wind blew against her cheek, stirring a lock of hair against her skin. It didn’t bother her. She vowed not to let menial things bother her any longer. Life was too important to waste being upset or sad.

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