Words Heard in Silence (34 page)

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Authors: T. Novan,Taylor Rickard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Historical, #Sagas, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Words Heard in Silence
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"Hello, Emily. How would you and your Mama like to come and stay at my home for a while? I know a very nice gentleman who will show you a horse."
The baby smiled. Rebecca knew the child was probably shy with strangers, but the little smile made her heart swell. She looked to the girl’s mother. "What is your name?"
"Constance, Ma’am. Constance Adams."
"I am glad to meet you Constance, please, I am Rebecca." She gestured to the woman’s slightly swollen midsection. "Is your husband a solider?"
"I am widowed, Ma’am. My husband was killed at Seven Pines." She caressed her stomach. "And I am afraid that this child is because of a group of renegades I had the unfortunate luck to……" She stopped lowering her eyes, shame written all over her face.
"Constance, do not dare be concerned what I or anyone else might think. You are doing what every good mother does; you are caring for your children. They are gifts from God. Now that you have shared with me, let me share with you. I will never have children. Not that I do not want them, I do, so very much, but I am afraid it will just never be possible for me. And I know there will always be a spot empty in my heart from it. We have lost so much because of the war, we must cherish what we have been given and you have been given two children. Love them as only a mother can."
"Thank you, Rebecca, I will."
"Good. Now if I sent a young man to get you tomorrow will you be ready to travel? It is not far to my home."
"Yes, Ma’am, I will be ready. Thank you."
he last stop was the most critical. Without the backing of the Reverend Williams, any hope of creating the kind of relationship with the community Charlie envisioned was futile.
He left Shannon in front of the church, and walked around to the rectory to knock on the door of the minister's office.
"Come in." Charlie eased into the little den. It was neat and orderly, in a comfortably shabby sort of way. A small fire in the fireplace took the chill off the room. A large, battered desk dominated the area, but there were easy chairs around the fireplace where one could sit and talk. The minister was searching in his bookshelves, looking a little distracted and wearing a dusty shawl over his shirtsleeves and waistcoat.
"Ah, Colonel Redmond. Come in. Come in. Please, have a seat. I would offer you something, but I am afraid Mrs. Williams is over at the church and I have no one here to ––"
"No, thank you, Reverend. I am fine." Charlie gently intervened in the man's rambling welcome. He sat in one of the chairs in front of the fire.
"I will get right to the point, sir." Charlie explained his plan once again. He concluded with a simple plea, "Without your support, sir, I am perfectly aware that I have no chance of creating this bond between my men and your citizens."
Soft blue-gray eyes, slightly bleary from reading without the correct glasses, regarded him seriously. "You realize, sir, that you have the attitude of folks, such as my own wife, to overcome?"
"I do, sir. That is why I have come to you. Your voice, raised in behalf of brotherhood, will be of great benefit."
"Well, as you have seen, I cannot control my own wife. To be honest, I cannot see where I will be of much use to you in swaying the others in this community who share her attitude. But in the spirit of Christian brotherhood, I will do what I can."
"That is all I can ask, sir."
"And I expect similar cooperation from you. For example, I expect to see you in church on Sunday - this coming Sunday and every one thereafter. Of all the people whose souls need guidance and sanctuary, you, as a soldier and a leader of men, are certainly in need of God's gentle protection."
"Sir, I was raised as a Presbyterian. However, if it serves my goals, I will certainly attend your services."
"God does not make distinctions among sects, Colonel. God only makes distinctions between men of good will and those of evil intent."
Charlie rose and nodded. "Then I will see you on Sunday, sir."
ery thoughtful about what Reverend Williams had said, Charlie walked slowly from the small church office in the rectory to the main building. His hands were going to be very full in the coming months, if the conditions and the attitudes the minister had described were to be met and shifted. Perhaps he and Rebecca together would be able to find a way to sway some of the stalwarts. Perhaps not. But for now, there were women and children who needed help, not only those who were refugees, but also within the community.
amn this war.
amn it all to hell. Too many innocent people have paid too many terrible prices. I pray for it to just be over.
Entering the church, Charlie stopped for a moment. The quiet in this sacred space was not the same as the one encountered at a Sunday service; instead, it was the quiet of people whose souls had sustained more battering than they could stand. It was the quiet of a beaten dog, cowering, waiting for the next blow, and lacking the will to fight back any more. In the midst of this, Rebecca, with her gentle caring and her stubborn will, shone like a beacon.
He moved quietly, stopping to give quiet words of encouragement, praise the beauty of a child, the bravery of a young boy trying hard to be adult before his time. Finally, he reached Rebecca, who was talking to a frail looking young woman with a young girl peeking out from behind her skirts. He bowed courteously to the woman.
"Mrs. Gaines? I am sorry to interrupt, but do you have a moment?"
"Of course, Colonel."
The two stepped away to the side of the church where their softly spoken comments would not be overheard. "How bad is it, Rebecca?"
"Well, it could be worse. We can handle everyone that is here now. That young woman I was talking with, she does not look good, Charlie, and she having another baby in a few months. I want Elizabeth to look at her as soon as possible."
"I was afraid we would see more of that. Trying to carry multiple pregnancies in a short period of time without plenty of healthy food is a recipe for problems. I fear we will see more. And as bad off as these folks are, there are people here in the county that are only slightly better –– they at least have a roof over their heads."
"We will get them out to the farm and get them settled, I am sure that will help them. Right now, they are just scared."
"I am concerned there will be more. And from everything I can determine, there are no resources here to help them except some roof space. God, Rebecca. What are we going to do to get the local folks to help? Cooper is a good man, but Rev. Williams tells me that his wife’s attitude is the rule. I am just not sure what needs to be done here. We have already taken over Gaines Cove –– you are rapidly running out of space." The good colonel was babbling. Charlie, Lucky Charlie who could figure his way out of any battle situation, was at a total loss.
Rebecca laid her hand on his arm, giving him a gentle smile. "Charlie, we will manage. My house is large and we can take a few more bodies in. We will be fine. My dear, I do believe that together we can accomplish anything. Come with me and I will show you one very good reason to believe."
She led him back across the room and lifted Emily into her arms. "Colonel Redmond, I would like you to meet Emily." She smiled at the child then looked to Charlie. "Emily this is the gentleman I told you about. He has a very pretty horse I am sure he will show you." She tilted her head to the baby’s mother. "And this is her mother, Constance Adams. Mrs. Adams, may I introduce Colonel Charles Redmond."
The woman slowly lifted her hand, sizing up the Yankee Colonel as she did. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Colonel Redmond. I want to thank you and Mrs. Gaines for coming to our aid.
Charlie gently took her hand in his. "It my pleasure, Ma’am. It is the least we could do."
The small child looked into the face of the man with blue eyes and black hair, similar to her own. She had a vague memory of a man who was like him, but dressed in gray, not blue. One finger hooked into a soft lower lip and a lisping voice asked, hesitantly, "Papa?"
With a strange combination of tenderness and grief for this little, trusting soul who already was forced to face the harsh reality of the world around her, Charlie lifted her from Rebecca’s arms. "No, little one. I am not your papa. But I will be your friend. My name is Charlie. Can you say ‘‘Charlie’?"
Rebecca smiled at the scene in front of her. "You look so much alike. No wonder she thinks you are her Papa."
The baby smiled and pulled on Charlie’s tunic, bringing her face to his. "Papa."
Charlie chuckled, a little embarrassed. "No, honey. Charlie. I am Charlie."
The child continued, undaunted. "Papa!"
Charlie looked helpless and more than a little embarrassed. Looking beseechingly at Rebecca and then at the child’s mother, he mumbled, "I do not know why…… I am sorry, I do not mean to make this awkward."
Constance watched the Yankee Colonel with her daughter. He was gentle and tender with her. The woman wondered if he had children of his own he was anxious to get home to. She considered this thought and found herself thinking of the Colonel as just as much a victim as she was.
"Looks like you have a new friend, Charlie." Rebecca took the baby and held her close. "Or at least another admirer." She winked at him. "I promise not to get jealous over this one." She gave the baby a kiss on her forehead. "Time to go back to your Mama, sweetheart."
As Rebecca started to give the child back to her mother, the baby reached for Charlie, "Papa!"
Blushing under the intense gaze of the small child and the rather bewildered looks of her mother, Charlie looked to Rebecca for help. Not seeing any assistance coming from that source, he turned to the woman holding his young admirer. "Ma’am. Your daughter seems to have taken a shine to me. And you look like you could use a warm place and perhaps some medical attention." He turned to Rebecca, and asked plaintively, "Perhaps they could come back with us now and we could send for the others tomorrow?"
"Of course, Charlie. We will make room for them tonight. I think Emily has decided you are her new Papa." She laughed and turned to the baby playing with her hand. "Excellent choice, my dear. Constance, I will be happy to take her while you get your things together."
"Thank you, Rebecca."
Once again, the child was passed to Rebecca, but she continued to stare and smile at Charlie.
Charlie waited patiently for the woman to gather her belongings, such as they were. All the time, he flirted with the little imp in Rebecca’s arms. And in his mind, he thought of how perfect Rebecca looked with a child in her arms and how insufficient he was as her partner. He could never give her this joy. His heart sank deeper and deeper. The ugly little voice in his head just laughed maliciously.
"Charlie? Are you all right?" Rebecca noticed the shuttered look that had overcome the Colonel’s face.
Charlie looked down at his feet, and then out over the other refugees huddled in the church. "Yes, I am fine. Just thinking."
"I know it seems very daunting, Colonel, but I am sure we will make it through just fine." She adjusted the baby in her arms so she could touch Charlie’s shoulder. "We just have to do our best."
The eyes that met Rebecca’s were filled with sadness and regret. "We will do our best. I just hope our best is enough."
I hope my best is enough for you, my love, my heart, for there are so many things I will never be able to give you.
Rebecca could see something was terribly wrong. She reached out and cupped his cheek, not caring who might see them. "Oh please, Charlie, do not worry. Everything will be all right. You have to believe that."
Before Charlie could respond, Emily let out a loud laugh and lunged for Charlie, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. "Papa. Good."
Charlie caught the tenacious, flying child in his arms. "All right, little one. I have you. Or more accurately, you have me. Miss Constance? I am afraid your daughter is very persistent." Charlie smiled at her shyly. "I hope you do not mind. I truly do not want to usurp her father’s place."
The woman smiled. "Colonel, my daughter is happy and it is you that is making her happy. She is very determined. I do not mind that she calls you Papa. I hope it does not bother you."
"Well, ma’am, when her father does return……"
"He will not be returning, Colonel. He was killed at Seven Pines."
"I am sorry, Ma’am. You have my sincerest condolences."
"Thank you, sir." She lifted her small bag, which Rebecca took since Charlie had his hands full of determined baby.
"Tell me, Charlie," Rebecca giggled. "How do you intend to drive and hold the baby? I do not think we are going to be able to pry her out of your arms."
"We are just going to have to do our best." He softened the echo of her words with a gentle smile. The four unlikely companions walked out into the crisp fall air. Charlie walked over to the hitching post and very seriously introduced Shannon and Emily. Her little hand reached out to the broad white stripe down the big horse’s face. "‘Orsy. P’etty ‘‘orsy." Charlie looked at the two women watching him.
Rebecca did not even try to hide the huge smile on her face. Charlie looked so natural with the child. She assisted Constance into the buggy then moved to Charlie. "Maybe she will sit on my lap next to you on the way home." When she held her hands out, the baby shook her head and tightened her arms around Charlie again.
"No!" The child simply refused to be separated from him.
"Or," Rebecca smirked. "You could hold her and I could drive."
"Or I could drive one handed. It is not like I am driving a full team. Shannon will go on verbal commands only."
"As you wish, Colonel. I say you do have a way with the ladies, do you not?" She teased. "I wonder what Sergeant Jackson will have to say about this." The blonde climbed into the buggy. "I imagine he will be very amused."

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