Words Heard in Silence (86 page)

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Authors: T. Novan,Taylor Rickard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Historical, #Sagas, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Words Heard in Silence
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"Comfortable?" she asked as she slowly traced her fingers over Charlie's arm.
Charlie burrowed her head into the hollow of Rebecca’s shoulder and purred like a big, happy cat. "Incredibly. This feels so good. I think I understand why you like it so much."
"It is my favorite place, Charlie. Safe in your arms." She paused and let her hand slip under Charlie's arm to caress her side. "Are you ah, tired?"
Charlie’s voice dropped an octave as she stroked the soft skin over Rebecca’s ribs. "No, darling. Being with you always excites me." Charlie gently kissed the warm skin under her cheek.
"Oh yes, well……" Rebecca was breathless with Charlie's touch. Then she remembered she was the one who was supposed to be doing the seducing tonight. She placed her fingers under Charlie's chin and lifted her face, and then she kissed her. Kissed her with all the passion she felt for her partner.
Charlie stiffened for a moment. In her entire life, even when she was first learning about the love that was possible between two women, she had never been anything other than the aggressor, the initiator. Rebecca taking the lead in their lovemaking was startling and almost alarming. Charlie felt overwhelmingly vulnerable. But then the tenderness mixed with passion that was so uniquely part of Rebecca’s love broke through Charlie’s defenses. She surrendered to her partner’s kiss and touch.
Rebecca pulled back from the kiss and looked into Charlie's eyes; having felt her stiffen, she was concerned. "Are you all right?"
Charlie looked straight in her eyes. "I am very all right. And I am very yours."
Rebecca cleared her throat nervously. "I am glad to hear that, Charlie. If it is all right with you, I would like to experiment a little tonight."
"Whatever you want, however you want me, is always all right with me, darling. I am yours tonight."
Rebecca kissed Charlie again then turned and fetched the box. "Whatever I want?"
Charlie smiled when she saw the box. "Anything at all, darling."
The blonde opened the box and removed the item inside then she dropped the box to the floor with a thump. " I am really glad to hear you say that, Charlie."
Charlie smiled and reached for the implement. "Whatever you want, love. You know that just touching you drives me crazy."
She pulled it back from Charlie's reach. "No, darling, I do not think you are seeing the whole picture."
Charlie looked at her in confusion. "You mean you do not want me to……"
"No." She smiled, kissed Charlie and placed the phallus gently between Charlie's legs, giving it several short, smooth movements.
Charlie’s eyes grew very large as Rebecca stroked her. "Ah, darling? Are you sure…… I mean do you really…… ah?"
"Do you really want to use that on me?"
"Yes, but only if it is what you want."
"I want anything you want. I just have never…… never had such a thing used on me." Charlie looked at her, saw all of the love and trust that was there. Then she saw the image of Rebecca between her legs, loving her, filling her, giving her all of the pleasure and passion in that huge soul. Shyly, she added, "please, go gently?"
She nodded and swallowed hard. "If I remember correctly, there is something I should do first."
Charlie’s heart tried to pound itself out of her chest. "Oh, God, please." Just the idea of Rebecca making love to her had her pulse racing and her body throbbing. The idea that Rebecca’s lips would follow where her fingers and the phallus were already tracing was enough to drive her mad.
Very slowly, very gently, Rebecca began kissing all of Charlie's body, starting at her shoulders. She laid the phallus to the side, but not out of reach. Her hands traveled back to Charlie, caressing skin already warm and slightly damp. She found her own hesitation and nervousness melting away with every twitch, moan and gasp from Charlie, as her mouth kept moving down, leaving a trail of warm kisses.
Charlie thought she was going insane. No one had ever done this to her before. Rebecca’s mouth was lighting flames over her breasts, down her ribs and over her belly. Charlie’s hands knotted the sheets, and her body arched up to meet Rebecca’s lips. She was past words, past thought. She was need incarnate.
Rebecca continued her quest, until her lips met Charlie's thick patch. Very slowly she placed her hand as Charlie had the night she had done this same thing and she parted her. Carefully and tentatively, she made her first explorations with gentle fingers, finding Charlie wet and welcoming. Then her took her first taste. It different from what she had expected. For her, it was like nectar she had never known existed, and she indulged herself with great delight.
Charlie thought she would die. Part of her wanted to pull Rebecca into herself, needing desperately to find release from the intense feelings the blonde was creating in her. The other part wanted to encourage Rebecca, allowing her to continue her explorations at her own pace. She just kept climbing higher and higher.
Rebecca had to collect her thoughts and try to remember exactly why she had started this. She was very quickly getting lost in this new, delicious discovery. Her hand slid around the bed, coming in contact with the phallus and she remembered her mission for this evening. Slowly and reluctantly, she halted her attentions and fumbled with the harness for a moment until she was sure it was on properly. Then she slowly started making her way back up Charlie's long torso.
Charlie’s body curled up to receive Rebecca in her arms and all along the length of her longer body. Her legs opened wider to accept Rebecca’s hips comfortably and settle their bodies together more firmly. With one hand, she assisted Rebecca in guiding the phallus to her own opening, then wrapped both hands around her hips and pulled her in slowly.
Rebecca's eyes dropped shut at the sensation; it was truly like nothing she had ever felt before. A low groan escaped as the strap stimulated her as she settled against Charlie's body.
Charlie’s whole body arched, drawing Rebecca into her. A ragged gasp was forced from her lungs. For the first time in her life, her lover filled her. Slowly, her hips began to move, drawing Rebecca in deeper, then easing back. It was the most profound surrender Charlie had ever experienced. For the first time in her adult life, she was totally female, and totally Rebecca’s.
Moving gently, focusing on what Charlie's own body was telling her to do, Rebecca remembered the movements that Charlie had used to drive her crazy on their wedding night. She was determined that Charlie should have the same experience. She made sure her movements were gentle but firm, increasing or decreasing the tempo as Charlie moved with her.
"Love you Charlie," she managed to grit out as the pressure built within her own body.
Charlie could not speak. Her body was one flame of passion and love, surrendered entirely to Rebecca. She had climbed higher than she ever dreamed possible and as she heard Rebecca’s words husked into her ear, her world exploded in a roaring cascade of flashing colors and flames. Her body went totally rigid, then curled up, her legs closing around Rebecca’s hips to hold her as close as possible. She gasped, "Rebecca!" and promptly passed out.
Rebecca exploded with Charlie as soon as she heard her own name cried out. When she caught her breath and opened her eyes she looked down at Charlie. "Darling? Charlie?"
Slowly, Charlie returned to the world. As consciousness returned, the most amazingly silly grin lit her face "I love you." That was all she could say.
Monday, February 6, 1865
harlie had wired ahead to inform Jocko that the little trap was not sufficient to carry home their baggage. They arrived late in the afternoon at the station, where Jocko and several troopers worked furiously for a few minutes to unload all of the baggage including the rather extensive purchases Rebecca had made in her one day shopping frenzy.
As they rode home in the big supply wagon, Charlie looked at Rebecca. "Darling, I have to say, spending a week in Washington with just the two of us and few duties to attend to was lovely, but I think I like the fact that we are coming home."
"Yes, I loved the trip. My first time out of Virginia, but this is my home." She took his hand. "Our home, and I am glad to be back."
As they rounded the curve of the carriageway to the house, Charlie spotted a forlorn little figure sitting slumped on the portico steps. As the sounds of the team reached the house, the little black-haired head came up and a small body propelled itself like a rocket at the moving carriage. "Papa!"
All Charlie could see was Em running toward the horses. He jumped from the carriage and with long strides, caught the little imp up before she and the horses intersected. "Emily. You know better than to run at horses like that." Charlie, like most parents, reacted in fear first and then anger that his little one had done something so dangerous.
All Em knew was that her Papa was home and he was definitely not happy with her. The tears started like a spring that had been plugged and was suddenly cleared. "Papa. Em sorry. Papa!"
Jocko drew the wagon to a halt, and Rebecca joined the wailing child and shaky father.
Rebecca rubbed Charlie's back to soothe him and she carefully looked Em over before stating. "Charlie, she is fine. I think you scared her more than the horses did."
Charlie settled the little girl more securely on his hip. "I am sorry, Em. You scared Papa. The horses are big, and they could have hurt you if you had surprised them."
She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sorry. Miss Papa."
"Papa and Mamma Becca missed you, too, imp."
She pulled back and grabbed his cheeks as was becoming her habit. "Papa not leave ‘‘gain."
"Little one, Papa has to work, and has to leave sometimes, but Papa is home for a while."
At the thought of her Papa leaving again Em decided to go into a full blown pout and reached for Rebecca. "Mamma ‘‘Becca."
Rebecca took the child in her arms and grinned at Charlie. "Let us go inside. It is far too cold out here for her."
They walked in to a scene of minor mayhem. Jocko and Reg were trying to unload the carriage, simultaneously directing several troopers in various directions, usually contradictory. The three escaped to the back parlor, where a nice fire was already lit and a small kettle was simmering on the hob, with the teapot waiting to be filled.
"So, imp, were you good for Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Richard while we were gone?"
"Yes, Papa, Em good. Get penny fwom Unc Wichad."
"Oh. Just one?"
"No. Penny." She held up her hand stretching her fingers as far apart as they would go. "Many."
"How many pennies did you get?"
Rebecca chuckled as she poured them both a cup of tea. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, she is trying to tell you how many pennies Richard gave her."
"Oh." He grinned at her. Learning to be a commander was much easier than learning how to be a Papa. "So Uncle Richard gave you this many pennies." He held his own hand up with all five fingers spread."
"Yes. Em not cry, Unc Wichad give penny."
Charlie looked at Rebecca. "Seems that Richard learned the advantages of bribery, too."
Then he turned back to his daughter. "So, Em, how many pennies?"
She looked to her hand and then to her Papa. She gave a soft sigh. "Fibe."
"Very good, Em. I am proud that you are learning to count."
Rebecca settled down on the couch and took Em from Charlie, cuddling her into the crook of her arm and kissed her on the top of the head. "I missed you, my little darling."
"Em miss Mamma ‘‘Becca."
Charlie stood and looked at his beautiful wife and their very lively daughter, cuddling, laughing, with Em plastering soggy baby kisses on Rebecca’s face. At that moment, he felt a peace he had never known before. The idyllic moment was broken as Elizabeth stormed into the room.
"Thank God. You are back. I swear this child has driven me insane with moping and wailing and sulking and wanting her Mamma ‘‘Becca and Papa. I gave up today. She was plastered to the window in the hall at dawn. She nearly ran down the first person that opened the front door so she could go sit on the porch and wait." Elizabeth’s description and the angelic little girl in Rebecca’s arms somehow did not match.
It was probably not the wisest move Charles Redmond ever made. He burst out laughing at his flustered friend.
"Ignore him, Elizabeth." Rebecca turned mischievous eyes on Charlie. "He has just not been himself since last evening."
Charlie had the grace to blush a charming shade of red, starting with his ears as usual and working its way across his face. He rather gracelessly changed the subject. "So, Elizabeth, how are you and Richard?"
"Ah, good, good…… Engaged? He really meant it?"
"He did indeed. We managed to get the confusion cleared up while you were off lollygagging in Washington."
Charlie stood there with his jaw gaping. He looked back and forth from Elizabeth to Rebecca. The very thought of being in this household while another wedding was being planned put the fear of God in him. Eventually, he managed to stammer out, "Ah…… congratulations. You will, of course, be married here?"
"I am not sure where we will be married Charlie. We have both agreed it would be best to wait until after the spring campaign."
"Well, we must celebrate. Is Richard joining us for dinner?"
Elizabeth laughed, "Actually, my clumsy fiancéé is in his tent resting. He wrenched his ankle this morning. It is nothing serious but he will be off of it for a day or two."
Rebecca stood and gave Elizabeth as much of a hug as she could, with Em in her arms. "Congratulations, Elizabeth. If you and Richard would like to come back here for your wedding, please know you are welcome."

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