Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 6) (9 page)

BOOK: Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 6)
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“My girl’s a little
horny. I like it.”

“I’m extremely
horny. And I want it against the wall, King.”


“You told me once
that you always wanted to be a king when you were little. And now,
well, you’re most definitely the King of the Sex Gods, so I’m
calling you that from now on.”

Before I can react, he
reaches over and picks me up and carries me to the nearest wall. He
sets me down and turns me so my back’s against the wall. Then he
drops to his knees before me, letting out a curse when he pushes my
short dress up, and sees my lacy thong.

“What happened to

“I had some other
things delivered.”

“I’ll be nice,
then,” he tells me as he gently pulls them off of me. “Now, I
need to earn my title.”

His mouth is on me
before I can respond. He sucks on my clit as he puts his fingers in
me. We both know I won’t last long when he does that. After one
night, he already knows exactly what to do to make me scream. Having
him do it while I’m mostly clothed is making me even more turned
on, if that’s even possible. A minute later, I’m screaming like I
knew I would.

Before I have a chance
to come down, his pants are around his thighs and he’s thrusting
into me. My back bows because it feels so good. I grab his shoulders
and use them to jump up a little. I need my legs around him. He’s
sucking lightly on my neck as I push his jacket off his shoulders. He
lets go of me long enough to let it fall to the ground.

I want to undress the
rest of him, but I can’t function at the moment. He’s pulled my
dress down and is sucking on my nipple through my lacy bra. I’m
meeting him thrust for thrust and going a little wild. Okay, a lot
wild. When he pins me to the wall I know I’m done. I let the orgasm
overtake me as I bite his shoulder right through his shirt. He comes
with a roar a few seconds later.


“That was the best
last birthday orgasm ever.”

“Well, you don’t
call me ‘King’ for nothing.”

“Ugh. Are you going
to be cocky about my nickname for you?”

“Oh yeah. But, I’ll
make sure to earn my title every night. And morning. Maybe lunch

“I like that.”

“I hope so,” he
tells me as he pulls my dress and his pants back up and carries me
back to the couch. “You need to open your last present. It’s
almost midnight.”

I pick up the box and
look down at it. “Thank you for all these presents. It means a lot
to know that you remembered everything after all these years. I
remember things you like, too. I’m going to spoil you on your

“I’ll look forward
to that. Now hurry. It’s 11:59.”

I open the box and pull
out the silver bangle made up of infinity symbols. My eyes tear up.
“It’s perfect.”

“So you still like
them? I wasn’t sure. I know you used to draw them all the time.”

“I still love them
and what they represent. Never ending love. Is that us, Miles?”

“Yes, Xandy. It is.”

Chapter 7


The weekend was
amazing, and I’m more than a little bummed to be back at work
today. But duty calls. It’s been a crazy morning full or meetings
and conference calls. I’m glad I had my secretary keep my lunch
hour free, though. I need my girl. Even if it is just for lunch. I
just need to see her.

I walk into the
foundation lobby and see her laughing with Tegan. “Hi, ladies.”

“What do you want,

“To take my
girlfriend to lunch.”


“Yep. You ready,

“Yeah. Let me just
put the away message on the phone.”

“You two? Really?
That’s really cool.” She hugs Alex and then looks at me. “Just
know that if you hurt her, we’ll all come for you.”


I hold out my hand, and
Alex takes it, smiling, as we walk back out the door. I notice a few
people’s mouths drop open as we walk to the cafeteria, and so does

“I’m ruining your
street cred, King.”

“Don’t care,

To prove my point, I
pull her to me as soon as we walk into the cafeteria and kiss her
sweetly. I’m pretty sure all conversation has stopped, but I’m
too busy to notice. We pull apart a minute later, and I lean my
forehead against hers as we smile at each other for a moment. I back
up and walk her over to the salad place she likes, kissing her hand
and telling her I’ll meet her at the table.

I grab a quesadilla and
snag a table for two by the window. I’ve just gotten my drink and
silverware situated when someone sits across from me. It’s some
chick I’d slept with when I first started working here a year ago.

“That seat’s

“Seriously? We had
fun. Let’s go again, Miles. That girl is just...”

“Just what?
Beautiful? Smart? Sexy as hell? My girlfriend?”

She scoffs. “You
don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Actually he does,
and that
my seat.”

“Take it from me if
you think it’s yours.”

I start to stand. We
can just move if crazy chick over here is so intent on sitting at
this table. Alex shocks me by pushing me back into my seat and then
sitting on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and nuzzle her neck.

“I prefer this seat,
anyway. Feel free to sit there if you really need to.”

The chick’s eyes go
wide as Alex feeds me a piece of my quesadilla. I smirk as she licks
some sour cream from my mouth. Chick gets the message and stomps
away. Alex goes to get up, but I told her tight.

“Where do you think
you’re going?”

“My seat.”

“I thought you liked
this one better.”

“I do. But’s it’s
not exactly easy for both of us to eat when I’m on your lap.”

“Fine. As long as you
promise to sit on me when we get home.”

“Umm…where is home,
Miles?” I ask as I get up and walk to the now empty seat.

“Wherever you want it
to be. Are you going to keep staying in the guest house?” That’s
where we slept last night. It sucked, though, because I had to leave
her early to go home and change.

“I don’t really
want to. But I don’t want to go to my apartment, either. That’s

“You’re not staying
there. Do you want to move in with me?”

“Really? You want me

I realize that I really
want that. Waking
up with her every morning would be amazing.

“I wouldn’t ask you
if I didn’t want you to. We can even get new furniture and stuff if
you don’t like what I have now.”

“You’d let me

“I was thinking we’d
decorate together, but I’m open to almost anything.”

“So if I want a
frilly pink bedroom?”

“I’m man enough for
that, although we both know turquoise is your favorite color, not
pink. At least it used to be.”

“It still is. I’d
love to move in with you, Miles.”

“But? I feel like
there’s one coming.”

“But if it feels like
too much, if you feel smothered, you need to tell me right away so I
can leave before you hate me.”

“I could never hate
you, baby,” I tell her as I reach for her hand. “I don’t think
I’ll ever feel anything but happy to be living with you. If for
some unfathomable reason I do, I promise to tell you. You need to
promise the same thing.”

“I promise.”

At the end of lunch I
walk her back to her desk. Then I had back to work, but not before
pulling her into an empty office for a little make-out session, of
course. I may be trying to be a better person, but I’m definitely
not a saint. Especially when it comes to having my hands and mouth on

* * *


I’m humming shortly
before it’s time for me to leave, so I don’t notice my grandma
and Jane in front on me. “Oh, hi, Sorry. I was caught up in my

“Of Miles? Tegan said
he came to get you for lunch.”

“Yes, Grandma, I was
thinking of Miles. I…umm…I’m going to move in with him.”

“No. It’s too

“I’ve been in love
with him for six years. How is that too soon?”

“You’ve just
started dating. You don’t know what he’ll do.”


“My grandson would
protect her at all costs to himself, Maggie. You

“I do. You’re
right. It’s just that they haven’t been together for even a week.
What if it doesn’t work out?”

“We promised each
other that we’d say something if either of us is feeling like it’s
not working.”

“I must admit, my
dear, that I can’t really see you happily living in his apartment.
It’s rather cold and impersonal. I don’t think Miles thinks of it
as home,” Jane warns me.

“He said we’d
re-decorate together. I can do pretty much anything I want.”

“You’re so good for
him, and I’m so thankful that you’ve found your way back to one

“Me too.”

“Just be careful,
Alex. Miles has a lot of baggage that you know nothing about. There’s
a reason his mother moved far away when his parents finally divorced.
I don’t want him to hurt you. I saw him this weekend with you, and
I know he loves you deeply, but it may not be enough.”

“Maggie, don’t.
You’re my friend, but he’s my grandson.”

“Both of you please
stop. I’m not a little child and neither is Miles. I appreciate how
much the two of you care about us, but we have to make our own
decisions. I’m sorry if you’re not happy with mine, Grandma, but
this is what I want.
I want.”

“I need to remember
you’re not a little girl anymore. You can give your heart to
whoever you want. My job now is to just be there for you if you need
me. Is there anything I can do to help you move?”

“No. For right now,
I’m just going to take the things I have in the guest house. Once
we figure out furniture, and other things, I’ll go get the stuff
from my apartment.”

“That sounds like a
good idea. You’re such a beautiful, smart, girl. Don’t ever doubt

“I’ll try. I love
you, Grandma.”

“I love you, too.”

My grandma leaves, and
Jane gives me a smile as she goes back to her office. As soon as he
door is closed, Tegan, Ainsley, and Stella come around the corner. I
forgot that this room is bugged, as well as monitored, by several

“You’re really
moving in with Miles?”

“Yeah. I am.”

“You should tell him
you want a pink bedroom,” Stella says with a laugh.

“I did. He said he’s
man enough for that.”

“Anything would be an
upgrade from what he has now. I mean, bare bones doesn’t even come
close to describing that place,” Tegan says.

My stomach drops. I
didn’t think about the women Miles had taken there. I stupidly
thought it would be special for us. I guess I’d been hoping he just
went to their places. My distress must show on my face because
Ainsley hugs me.

“He’s letting you
replace everything, Alex. It doesn’t matter who was there before.
No one’s lived with him there.”

“Or spent the night.
I got kicked out right after we did the deed.” Tegan nods in
agreement as Stella continues. “We can’t un-sleep with him. But
you need to know that it was nothing like what he seems to want with
you. We had sex. Once. And when it was over, he nicely showed us the

“She’s right. He
wants you to
with him. Just focus on that.”

“I’m trying.” But
failing. I try to smile, but I can’t.

All three girls
surround me. They don’t say anything else because I think they know
I just need to work this out before I see Miles and make things
awkward again.

“What’s wrong?”
Apparently I took too long because he’s running to my desk, causing
the girls to scatter. “Xandy?”

“It’s nothing. It’s

“If you’re upset,
it’s not stupid.”

He’s being so nice.
He looks scared and helpless. He looks to the girls. “What
happened? Why is she upset?”

Stella sighs and then
rubs the bridge of her nose before answering. “We heard that she
was moving in with you and mentioned how bare and cold your place

“Okay… We’re
redecorating, so why is that a problem?”

“We were there,
Miles,” Tegan tells him.

Awareness dawns on his
face. “Nothing. It meant nothing to me. Do you hear me, Alex? Them,
the other women, it was all

“They were in your


“And other places in
the apartment.”


“I can’t live

“Alex, baby, we’ll
change everything.”

“I cannot live there
with you.” I know I’m bordering on hysteria, but I can’t help

“Okay. Just give me a
few minutes. I’m going to fix this. I’ll be back.” He pulls his
phone out of his pocket and heads out of the foundation office.

“I haven’t been his
biggest fan, but he loves you. Anyone can see that. I can’t wait to
see what he has planned,” Stella tells me.

“Me too.”

Miles comes back in a
few minutes later, smiling. “One of the penthouses in my building
is available. We can look at it tonight if you want. If you like it,
we can stay next door at the JW Marriott until it’s ready for us to
move into. If not, we’ll just stay there tonight and find somewhere

“The penthouse? That
must be pretty fancy,” Tegan says.

“It has five
bedrooms, nine bathrooms, and a pool.”

“Do we need that much
space?” Five bedrooms?

“Not now, but one day
there may be a little Alex running around. I can have an office and
you can have a music room. So you can sing again if you want to.”

For him, I do. I want
to sing from the rooftops. That’s really corny, so I’m not going
to say it. But that’s what I want to do.

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