Worlds Apart (30 page)

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Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: Worlds Apart
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God, that cock.
Taylor ran one finger down the line of fair hair below Niall’s navel and brushed his thumb over the crest of his dick. Why did it look twice as big as it had before? The foreskin had drawn back from the rounded head. The veins that snaked down its length were dark and thick, and his balls hung heavy beneath. Taylor shifted his gaze and watched Niall’s chest rise and fall, watched the flex of his muscles as he stroked Roo’s arms. She had her face pressed against his hair, but her gaze was fixed on Taylor.

Taylor grabbed a condom and slid it on.
He had to take it off and try again and felt his face heat. Niall did his in one smooth move, though his fingers shook.

“Did you practice on bananas?” Roo asked and Taylor snorted. “Hey, I’m serious. In our sex-ed lessons, we all had to bring in a banana. School provided the condoms. Course, I’d eaten my banana for lunch before I remembered. They had extra though. Then I got into trouble for putting the condom on with my mouth. Well, trying to.”

Niall shook with laughter.

“I thought it might be a useful skill. A bit like tying knots in cherry stalks. I can do that, but I still can’t do the trick with the condom.”

“You can practice on us another time,” Niall said.

He reached for the lube and Taylor’s heart zoomed into his throat. He watched Niall rub the glistening fluid down his shaft, his fingers circling his cock, dragging up and down his length, and Taylor stopped breathing. Right at that moment, if anyone touched Taylor’s cock, he’d explode. Roo let Niall go and Taylor allowed Niall to pull him down so he lay on his side with Niall tucked up behind him. Roo slithered down the bed until she lay facing him.
A Taylor sandwich.

Taylor sighed and flexed his shoulders as Niall kissed his way down his spine, sighed louder when hands spread his butt cheeks, and went silent when Niall kissed his asshole. Taylor felt his upper leg being lifted to give Niall better access and he trembled as cold lube hit the valley of his butt and trickled down to his balls. Roo ran her thumb over his lips and smiled at him. Niall pressed himself against Taylor’s back and slid his lubricated finger back and forth over the puckered ring of Taylor’s anus.

“Chriiiist.” Taylor’s whisper was shaky.

He flinched as Niall pressed harder and the tip of his finger slipped inside. Goose bumps erupted on his arms, and even as he told himself not to, Taylor tensed.

Roo slid forward and cocooned his head between her breasts. “Shhh,” she whispered into his hair. “Don’t freak out or you’ll scare me.”

Her soft breasts distracted only for a moment before Niall’s finger slipped deeper. Taylor felt the slide of every inch, the first knuckle, the next, until Niall had pressed in up to the webbing. The flare of pleasure surprised him, the burn strangely erotic.

“Okay?” Niall asked.

Roo pulled back a little and looked Taylor in the eyes.

“Feels good,” Taylor blurted as he stared at her.

One finger became two, and as Niall slid them in and out of his butt, Taylor’s breathing quickened. Then as Taylor was getting used to the feel, settling into the unfamiliarity of the action, Niall scissored his fingers and Taylor groaned, but with pleasure not pain.

Niall pressed his mouth to his ear. “You sure?”

“Yes.” It meant a lot that Niall had asked.

The heat against Taylor’s back disappeared, and then Niall’s cock slid down the wet crease of his backside. Taylor sucked in a breath and Roo stroked his lips with her thumb. Niall’s hand settled under Taylor’s leg and held him steady as he pressed his cock home.

“Push back against me,” Niall whispered.

Shit, it hurts.
As Niall pushed, Taylor bore down, braced for the pain, gritting his teeth so he didn’t call out. The moment the rounded head of Niall’s cock popped through the tight muscle barrier, his anus burned as it stretched to accept the intrusion. Niall’s fingers tightened on his leg as his rapid breaths washed Taylor’s back. Roo’s eyes were wide with excitement, and as Niall slid deeper, Taylor opened to him, flexing his hips and rocking back so his butt nestled into Niall’s pelvis. Discomfort had morphed fast to enjoyment and Taylor’s eyelids fluttered as the awareness of being filled overwhelmed him. Was this what it was like for a woman?

“Roo,” Niall said.

Taylor opened his eyes as Roo shifted forward. He wasn’t sure he could—oh, seems he could. Roo lifted her leg and hooked it over both of them as she slid onto Taylor’s cock.

“Jesus,” Taylor blurted.

Roo sighed. “No, he’s not here. Only me and Niall.” She kissed him.

Niall drew back and then pushed into him, and as he slid into a rhythm, Taylor caught hold of Roo’s waist and tugged her down on him as Niall surged forward. He wanted to cry with the joy of it, the feel of thrusting into Roo’s tight, hot pussy and the sensation of Niall pumping into his ass. Roo broke free to breathe and Taylor gulped air.

Roo made little cries as he drove into her, her cheeks and chest flushed with heat. Niall slid harder, deeper, then changed the angle of his thrusts and hit Taylor’s prostate. Taylor grunted as his muscles gripped Niall’s cock in response to the touch on his gland.

They were all slick with sweat, Niall’s speed dictating the pace Taylor fucked Roo, and now he was fast.
Very fast. Roo wailed as Taylor held her tight against him as he powered into her. Her pussy contracted around his cock and he felt the moment she flew. Taylor couldn’t hold off any longer. Every sense pushed to the limit, his libido in outer space, he let go of the thread holding him and orgasm raced down his spine to set fire to his balls. They drew up tight, his cock swelled and then he was jetting into her, crying out with each spurt as he buried his face in her shoulder.

As his remaining brain cell clicked into gear, he registered Niall had held off, but now his speed picked up again. Short jabs with his cock while his grip on Taylor’s leg tightened. “You feel perfect,” Niall gasped. “So bloody perfect.”

And even though Taylor had come, the pressure on his prostate as Niall pounded into him, hips circling, sent sparks of heat dancing around his belly while his semi-hard cock still stroked Roo’s pussy. Taylor clenched around Niall’s shaft and Niall cried out and shuddered against him. Roo’s arm sneaked under Taylor’s to wrap around Niall, and the three of them lay tight together as aftershocks racked Niall’s body.

Taylor wasn’t going to think about the wet sensation where Niall leaned on his shoulder, and that the guy was crying. This was nothing more than red-hot sex.

When can we do it again?


Niall blinked back his tears and lifted his head to press his face against Taylor’s hair. Roo’s fingers drifted up Niall’s arm to his neck, and then she stroked his cheek. When Niall shifted to look at her, she was staring at him.
She knows how I feel about him.
Without her, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. And even though what they’d just done was a huge leap forward, it still wasn’t enough to save Niall.

But it was a start.

“He’s asleep,” Roo mouthed.

Niall nodded. She kept touching his face with her fingers, running them over his lips, down his nose, along his chin.

“I love you,” she mouthed.

Niall’s heart swelled and he smiled at her. “I love you,” he mouthed back.

Roo sighed. When she closed her eyes, she had a smile on her face.

How could he not love her? She’d made this happen. It was Roo who’d brought them together, Roo who could keep them together. He did love her. It wasn’t a lie, no automatic return of her words. He loved her. Hope burned in Niall’s chest.

Love. It had the capacity to induce incredible happiness and the ability to ruthlessly destroy what it had created. He could have walked away from Taylor long ago, but to spend his life pining for what might have been? Niall had felt compelled to give love a chance even if by doing so he lost his right to exist. What was existence worth without love? Without Taylor? Without Roo?

Niall knew he’d been obsessed with the guy and it wasn’t healthy. When he had moments of lucidity, he even wondered if somehow he’d been maneuvered into the obsession. Had someone in Faeryland been pulling his strings? And if that was the case, had someone spun a web around Taylor to stop him from ever returning Niall’s love? Niall believed true love could break his mother’s spell, but what if he was wrong?

Whatever the case, he owed Taylor. Niall had come back because he loved him, but also because he wanted to make things right. Now he’d dragged another into the mess. Had he made things worse or better? Roo’s hand lay motionless on his shoulder, her breathing even, and Niall knew she’d drifted into sleep.

Would Taylor remember now? Wake to realize he’d played with Niall as a boy? Would he understand the depth of Niall’s feelings? And if he did, what should Niall do? Tell the truth or lie? He couldn’t live on this side without Taylor’s love but when Taylor learned what he’d done, would he still love him?

Niall had thought holding Taylor in his arms would be a step toward making everything right, and now he worried he’d made things worse. He could leave, walk into the garden and go home. Taylor and Roo would worry for a while but they’d forget him just as Taylor had years ago. Niall could make them forget him. And when he got home, what would happen then? He’d be forced into marriage, forced to spend his life pretending he was happy.

So was this all about him? Some selfish desire to ensure his own contentment at anyone else’s expense? Niall tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He wanted to make Taylor happy. Ever since that day when he’d gone back over the wall for the last time, leaving Taylor in tears, Niall had wanted to make his world right again. He’d had to wait, bide his time until he was strong enough to return, until he could bargain with his mother. But Niall should have remembered she never lost at anything.

Niall jerked when he saw Oisin standing in the doorway.
What now?

“They won’t wake, don’t worry,” his brother said. Oisin walked over to the bed and stared down at Taylor and Roo. “He doesn’t love you.”

“Not yet,” Niall murmured.

“You think our mother will let that happen?”

Niall’s tattoo prickled. “There was supposed to be no interference.”

Oisin laughed. “Your path was marked from birth as was mine. You really believe you can defy her?”

“My life is my own, to do with as I wish.”

Oisin dropped to his knees at Niall’s side and caught hold of his hand. “I don’t want you to die,” he pleaded. “If you persist in this, that’s what will happen. And what will you have achieved? Nothing.”

“I’m happy.”

Oisin stroked Niall’s face. “You’re dying.”

Niall swallowed.

“You knew the price and yet you still spread yourself too thin. Everything you do on this side is paid for heavily.”

“I have months.”

Oisin shook his head. “You have another week.”

Niall exhaled. No use protesting. Their mother could make and break rules at will. He’d felt the tattoo tighten when he’d fucked Taylor, and known it was a message from her.

“Come home with me,” Oisin said.

“I am home, brother.”

Chapter Nineteen

Roo woke to the sound of water running and no guys in bed with her. A flutter of worry started up in her belly. She wanted to feel confident, but she wasn’t there yet. She shuffled to the edge of the mattress, stood and sat right back down.
Wow, wobbly legs.
Her next attempt to stand succeeded and Roo crossed to Taylor’s bathroom. A peek around the door showed the pair under the shower, Niall on his knees sucking Taylor’s cock. A bolt of lust almost took Roo’s legs out from under her again.

She considered backing away, and then steeled herself and took a step forward.
was the one who’d said they needed to be open, and Roo didn’t feel jealous, maybe a little shy, which was ridiculous. She should be well past the point of being coy. Odds were this wouldn’t last, but Roo felt happy and…safe for the first time in a long while. She wanted to make the most of it.

“Can I play ball?” she asked.

A smile and a hand held out to her answered her question.

“Very gently,” Taylor said.

Niall let Taylor’s cock slide from his mouth. Roo knelt by his side and blinked as water hit her face.

“Good morning,” Niall whispered.

He slipped warm, wet hands around her throat and stared into her eyes before he pulled her lips onto his. The kiss was bruising in its intensity, and the sheer possessiveness of it made her ache in the pit of her stomach. Water poured over their heads, and the feel of Taylor twisting his fingers in her hair made her heart soar. When Niall broke away, she was gasping.

“Want to see if we can bring Taylor to his knees?” Niall asked.

Taylor barked out a laugh, though judging from the hungry glow in his eyes, he had no objection. As Niall trailed his tongue up one side of Taylor’s cock, Roo licked up the other.

“This isn’t going to take long,” Taylor said with a low moan.

He leaned back against the tiled wall. As Roo and Niall teased him with their fingers and tongues, their mouths traded kisses at the same time. They kissed each other, kissed Taylor’s cock and his balls while Roo’s heart beat harder and harder. Niall had one hand on Taylor’s butt and one on her neck, stroking with his thumb while she sucked Taylor’s cock.

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