Wrapped in Silk (19 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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“What’s wrong Em,” he asked sweetly as he wiped her tears.

“I need a shower,” she said and stood up and walked to the bathroom.

He waited until the shower turned on and he cleared his throat as he walked in

She peeked out of the shower, “What are you doing?”

“May I?” Brody asked.

“Sure,” Emma said and held the curtain open.

They kissed and washed each other until the water ran cold. Emma had never felt so loved before. Brody was amazing in every way. She watched as he dressed and smiled, he looked up at her through his long lashes as he buttoned his pants and shot her an embarrassed half smile as he shook his head. She sat on the edge of the bed and watched him throw his shirt over his shoulders and started to button it.

“Please don’t,” Emma said.

“What?” Brody chuckled.

“Leave it undone, please. Just until we leave, please” Emma asked feeling her face flush.

“Anything for you Princess,” he swooped down and kissed her.

“Can we lay here and just hold each other?” Emma asked boldly.

“Yes, I have half an hour before I need to leave,” Brody said grabbing her and puling her towards him.

“Okay I have to leave a few minutes before to stop and get gas, where are you dropping off your car
, the hotel?” Emma asked.

“No Emma, I am going to drive to the airport. I would rather you not drive all that way by your self,” Brody said kissing her head.

“No Brody, I need to say goodbye to you, I am taking you,” Emma’s voice broke and she started to shake.

“Emma I can
’t let you drive like this, too emotional,” Brody softly stroked her hair.

“No, you can
’t make all the decisions, it’s not fair, I want to go with you,” Emma was now sobbing.

He sat up and held her tighter, “This is why Emma, no more fighting. Please, I can’t have the wom
an I love, or London’s mother driving in this emotional state. Not a request and it’s my final decision, out of love Emma.”

Emma held tightly to him and cried until she fell asleep in his arms. He watched her sleep and she woke with more tears. “Emma please don’t cry.”

“Okay,” she said and wiped away her tears, “I am going to fix you lunch.”

Before he could argue she had jumped up and run downstai
rs, she returned with lunch. They sat on the bed and he ate and she nibbled.

When she had finished she decided that he had dominated her most of the day and it was her turn. She started to undo his pants and he shook his head no. “You can’t tell me no.”

Brody kissed her gently, “Emma I have thirty minutes and I want to spend them holding you, not coming in your mouth and knowing I can’t return the favor for three weeks.”

“Are we keeping score because if we are
I am down by about at least thirty,” Emma said chuckling.

“Are we keeping score Em?” Brody laughed.

“And if its basis were intensity well I don’t think I could possibly ever make up for that, I am sure I have had more with you than I did the entire time I was married,” Emma said laughing hysterically.

“Good to know, so no worries about tomorrow night then?” Brody asked cautiously.

“No Brody none,” she said looking him in the eyes.

“How about the next three weeks,” he asked sadly, she shook her head no and took a deep breath.

He held her tightly, “None for you ever, do you understand, ever.”

Emma shook her head yes as she fought back tears.

Emma walked him to his car and held his hand tightly.

“So how do we do this?’ she asked breathlessly.

“I am going to kiss you, and you are going to return my kiss, it’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon,” he pulled her in and kissed her, she kissed him back.

“I love you Em, see you soon,” Brody said softly.

“Brody thank you, I love you. Drive safely, have a safe flight,” she paused and took a deep breath, “See you soon.”

Brody stood back with his hands
on her hips, he looked down at her and winked.

He took a deep breath, “Em there are some packages on the porch, one for you, one for London, I love you,” he started the car and looked out the window.

He held up something and she looked closer. It was her panties from this morning. He held them to him nose and took a deep breath, Emma shook her head and smiled. He pulled away looking in the rearview mirror, he saw her watching him with tears falling down her face and her hands over her heart.

Half an hour later her phone rang
, a picture of him holding her as she slept popped up as her picture ID, she smiled.

“Thank you for doing that, I hadn’t even thought about taking a picture of us and well
, it’s perfect,” she gushed.

ave you opened the packages yet?” Brody asked.

“No I figured I would wait until London got home,” Emma said quietly.

“I thought you would say that so listen, one has something she shouldn’t see, grab the small rectangular box out of the smaller bag and open it with me on the phone,” he chuckled.

She did as he asked an
d gasped, “Brody.”

“Ya glad I remembered,” Brody laughed.

“Why did you buy me a vibrator?” Emma whispered.

“Just in case three weeks was
too long, and well I want to hear you Princess, it’s really more for me, we can have phone sex. Or if you’re bold enough we can Skype,” he chuckled.

“I will have to think about that,” Emma said
embarrassed. Brody laughed. “It’s kind of small in comparison to what I have grown accustomed to.”

“Oh ya?” Brody asked in a sexy voice.

“Most definitely,” she laughed, “It’s also not attached to the hottest man on earth or that mouth that makes me melt.”

Emma heard horns, “Damn it,” Brody yelled.

“What’s going on?” Emma asked with concern in her voice.

“I am very distracted by my favorite candy right now and well I do come from England, we drive on the other side of the road,” he laughed.

“Oh God Brody you need to pay attention,” Emma gasped.

“I agree, you are very diverting, I will call when I am safely in the airport, love you forever Em,” Brody said and hung up.


Emma sat and stared at the picture on her phone. His face was perfect. His big
bluish green eyes set perfectly and his eyebrows thick and masculine. His nose was strong and in perfect proportion to his face. His bottom lip was plump and begged to be sucked. His square jaw line made her take a deep breath thinking of that mouth and the magic he made happen with it. His hair brown with hues of copper was messy and begged for her hands to be in it. Brody’s white perfect teeth and a smile that would forever outshine any other. In the picture he took he was was biting the corner of his lower lip and the way he held her reminded her of how he held his guitar the night he sang at the club in the city, like she was precious to him. Emma felt tears form and set the phone down and hoped that she was right.

Emma did the breakfast dishes and decided to put away laundry. She cranked up Rusted Root and danced around the room. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she jumped. It was her doctor
’s office reminding her of her annual appointment scheduled for Monday. Emma grabbed the laptop and checked her email. Emma had a response, she could start her job in two weeks. Emma took a deep breath and was not looking forward to her discussion with Troy about this.

Her phone rang and the song Blue Love played, she smiled and answered.

“President of Brody Hines fan club,” she spoke in her best English accent.

He laughed, “Em I am here and should be boarding in ten minutes, d
o you have time to chat?”

“I am very busy you know, but yes I am all
yours,” Emma said softly.

“And I yours Emma,” Brody
’s voice sounded sad.

“Hey guess what? I start my new job in two weeks,” Emma said with a smile in her voice trying to cheer him up.

“That’s great news Em. You’ll be very close to the city and to me when I return. Where will you be staying?” He asked.

“My parents have a place in
Tarrytown. There is an apartment above the garage, small but very reasonably priced. I will look for a place after a month or so,” Emma smiled.

“Please don’t buy anything until I return, I would love to help you pick something out. Promise I can please?” Brody asked calmly.

“Sure if you would like,” Emma said anxiously.

He laughed, “I miss you already.”

“I miss you more,” Emma said softly.

knew that was what she had said to London when she wasn’t with her and at that moment he felt more loved than he had when they made love, “Emma you have no idea what that means to me.”

They sat for a moment in silence.

“Well you mean a lot to me Brody,” Emma choked out.

“Well Princess I think I should let you go, you have to pick London up right?” Brody asked thoughtfully.

“Yep, will you call me when you land at JKF?” Emma asked.

“Of course, and before I leave and when I arrive in England,” Br
ody said softly, “Love you Em.”

“Fly safe, I love you,” Emma quietly said.

“See you soon,” Brody said with a smile in his voice.

“See you soon, Music Man,” Emma responded
and hung up.


London and Emma sat at the table and ate snack. “You miss him Mom?”

“I do, and you?” Emma asked.

“Yep,” London replied as she ate a grape.

The phone rang and London grabbed it and answered, “Nice picture.”

“Well hello London how was school?” Brody asked hoping she would let it go.

“It was fine. We miss you,” London grinned.

“Did you get your gifts?” Brody asked.

“No what gifts?” London replied happily.

“Sorry I wanted to wait until you were on the phone,” Emma said and went and grabbed them. “Alright London you first.”

London opened a box and screamed, “Thank you so much!”

Brody laughed, “You are very welcome, I guess you like it?”

“I love it!” London exclaimed.

“I am glad, I added some music and photos for you to check out when you have time, there are a couple more things in that bag London,” Brody said smitten.

Along with the
iTouch there were gift cards to purchase music, a stuffed bear, and a concert sweatshirt from his last tour that he signed,
To London with big hugs Brody

“This is too much, thank you Brody,” London spoke in a sing song voice.

“Your turn Emma,” Brody laughed.

Emma opened a package with a brief case in it, “Thank you Brody this will be perfect for work.”

“Look inside Em,” Brody suggested.

She opened it and inside was a
Mac Book Pro and an iPad, “Brody this is too much, I can’t accept…”

“Emma it’s more for me, there
’s Skype installed already,” he giggled. “Keep going.”

Emma opened an envelope with
a note, he had picked out new business attire for her and it would be shipped when she and London had moved. Along with it was a Pottery Barn book and a note attached that he had picked out bedroom furniture for her and London also to be delivered.

“I don’t know what you are
looking at but the clothes have been picked out. The furniture also but if you want something else by all means change it,” Brody said cautiously.

“I love it Brody,” London laughed.

“Brody this is way too much, I won’t accept it, I can take care of us,” Emma said softly but firmly.

“Em I am making this decision, if we need to talk about it we can later. My flight has been called ladies. See you soon, Emma I love you,” Brody said and heard London gasp, “I adore you London, take care of each other until I return.”

“Mom, say it back,” London whispered.

“You too Brody, see you soon,” Emma responded uncomfortably.

“London will you take me off speaker and give your mother a moment please,” he said gently.

Emma took the phone and walked into the bathroom
, “Brody that was all too much.”

“No Emma it wasn’t enough, but it will be soon. Once more I love you,” Brody said in a firmer tone.

“Brody I love you I just don’t want London so vested in us, what if…” Emma started.

“If I could I would be there right now dragging you
back up those stairs, we are good Emma. We both know it so stop. I love you Em,” Brody said more forcefully.

Emma let out a breath, “I love you Brody, fly safe, and see you soon.”

“Much better Emma, see you soon. I love you, more,” Brody hung up.

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