Wrapped in Silk (29 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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“Wow did you guys make up?” Emma smiled and stood.

“Yep, for you anything, plus it helped that he was sneaking out of Lila’s room,” Brody said and his jaw dropped in mock shock.

Emma smiled, “I love you.”

“You better,” Brody smiled.

Emma scowled at him and walked to the dresser to grab her clothes.

“Emma love, I was being silly. I love you more,” he said reaching around from behind and kissing her neck.

“Sorry, I am moody,” Emma said as she reached up and ran her hand thr
ough his hair.

“That time of the month?” he laughed.

“Brody, do you remember me telling you I had a hysterectomy a few years back and I could not have more children,” Emma asked.

“Of course,”
he said and kissed her neck again.

Emma tur
ned around and rubbed her hand down his stomach and pulled him by the waist band into her and bit his ear and whispered, “That means there is no that time of the month.”

Brody’s breath snagged, “Ever?”

“No not ever,” she kissed his chest and rubbed her hand slowly down him and she felt him harden, she squeezed him hard and he jumped, “Don’t joke when I say I love you, it pisses me off.”

Emma let go and started to pull away, he pulled her tightly to him, “I think I like you pissed off.”

She laughed out loud and he smiled, “Which one of us is going first?”

“You were scrubbed down last night Em
, why not wait until tonight?” Brody winked.

“I will be home tonight Brody,” Emma said.

“Yep, I will be there too Emma, you told me I could never leave you again so I won’t, be back in ten minutes,” he yelled and walked back in. “It is okay if I shower right? I mean technically I am not leaving you,” he winked.

“Emma how will your boss feel when I come to work with you tomorrow?”
he laughed walking down the hall.

Holy shit, note to self never scream don’t stop while having sex, Emma thought
and smiled thinking about sex with him.

ter 10

Brody’s car pulled into the driveway,
Emma was asleep on his lap. He didn’t want to wake her so they sat until London ran out and opened the door.

“Hello London,” Brody whispered and patted the seat next to him.

London jumped in and sat quietly next to him, “I have missed you.”

“I missed you and Mommy too, she is still tired?” London asked, “You can give it to me straight I can handle it.”

Brody giggled, “She is just resting, she seems much better than when I first saw her.”

“Good because I was scared Brody, really scared,” London said sadly.

“Well I understand that I was too, but I talked to her doctor and I know she is the strongest person I have ever met. Do you know she could have done this over seven weeks and only three times a week and she decided on the harshest treatment plan so that she could be here for you? That’s how much she loves you London, so much that she will do anything. You are her happy place. With you is where she wants to be,” Brody kissed her head and London leaned into him.

Caroline opened the door and smiled at them, “Welcome home,” she said as she snapped a picture.

Brody smiled and said, “Thank you.”

London why don’t you come in and help me set the table?” Caroline smiled.

“May I stay here until she wakes up please?” London asked respectfully.

Caroline smiled and shook her head yes and shut the door.

“We might have to wake her up soon, she will be upset
,” Brody said and kissed London’s head.

“Hey,” Emma smiled and looked at London.

“Hi Mommy,” she smiled.

“That’s all I get?” Emma said and sat up and hugged her daughter, “I have missed you all the way to the moon and back.”

“Well I have missed you half way to heaven and back,” London replied.

“Only half way?” Emma asked curiously.

“Yep,” London said as her bottom lip quivered, “I don’t want you to get all the way there Mommy.”

Emma held her tighter as she cried, “Oh London I am not going anywhere, not for a very long time.”

“Pinky promise Mommy,” London asked sobbing.

“Of course London,” Emma said holding her face in her hands and kissing it all over.

London laughed and looked at Brody, “Oh sorry.”

, I feel honored to be here London, that was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful,” Brody said looking at her in awe.

“Alright you two let
’s go eat, I am hungry,” Emma announced and scooted off his lap stopping to whisper in his ear, “Thanks for the seat,” and kissed him quickly.


“Nice to see you again Brody have a seat right here,” Caroline said and pointed to the chair next to Henry.

“Hello Brody,” Henry said looking over his reading glasses.

“Hello Henry nice to see you,” Brody said and smiled.

“Uh hu,” Henry said as he continued reading.

“Hi Daddy,” Emma said and smiled.

“Hello Princess,” Henry said and stood up and hug
ged her and spun her around and Emma laughed.

Brody smiled at their
interaction and Caroline noticed that he was pleased.

They ate dinner and Henry watched the way Brody looked at his daughter.
Brody walked over with Emma and London so that London could get ready for bed. He helped tuck her in and kissed her goodnight. London had asked to sleep in Emma’s bed with her.

Brody fell asleep on the couch waiting for Emma to come out. He woke up when Caroline walked in.

“Are they sleeping?” Caroline whispered.

“I think so,” Brody said sleepily and sat up.

“I brought over some fresh sheets and a blanket if you would like to sleep in the spare bedroom, I will make up a bed for you,” Caroline offered as she walked in the spare room.

“Let me do that,” Brody smiled.

“Brody do you love my daughter?” Caroline asked.

“More than I thought possible,” he said as he tucked in a corner of the sheet.

“What are your intentions?” Caroline asked.

y’re simple, I don’t ever want to be without her. I love her. I am the person I know I am supposed to be with her,” he laughed and shook his head, “I want to spend forever with her, after a little over a month I already know that.”

“Okay, you do know you
’re going to have to warm Henry up to the idea right?” Caroline snickered.

“Yes, about that, any tips?” He asked.

“She is his Princess Brody,” Caroline smiled.

“We may be at odds with that one, I have called her princess for over a month now. She never mentioned that was her Dad’s pet name,” Brody smiled, “Do you think we could arm wrestle over it?”

“You could try,” Henry said walking in with pillows.

“I am sorry sir,” Brody said as he sat down.

“So you want to arm wrestle over my Princess?” Henry said giving him an intimating glare.

“No s
ir, I want you to like me. To trust me with your daughter, I want you to know I am in love with her and I would like to marry her when she is ready, preferably soon. I want to start forever with her,” Brody looked up at him.

“I see, and you think you are ready for that respo
nsibility? Taking care of my daughter and her daughter, keeping them safe and happy? You’re a musician how is that family friendly,” Henry was interrogating him.

“That’s enough Henry,” Caroline said soothingly.

“I would like your blessing sir, and with all due respect I need you to know that either way I will ask her and she will accept. We love each other,” Brody said looking him in the eye, “Now if you will excuse me I need to make sure that Emma has a drink.”

Carolina looked at Henry as Brody left the room, “She loves him, you need to accept that.”


Emma felt herself being lifted out of bed, she opened her
eyes and smiled, “Hello Music Man did you miss me?”

“Of course,” he smiled and kiss
ed her head, “You need to drink.”

y handed her a glass of water as she looked at him smiling, “I also need a bath and you are going to give me one.”

“Oh am I now? Drink
up Em. You are insistent on going to work tomorrow so you need to rest, understand?” Brody stated.

“So I should go
unbathed?” Emma asked scowling.

“No, but you need to take a quick shower and get yourself back in your bed. You need rest,” Bro
dy said and took her empty glass into the kitchen.

“I need you, I want you
, and if you won’t have sex with me for a week I want you in my mouth,” Emma stood up and walked towards him.

“Em not tonight, okay. I want you healthy and rested,” he said and kissed her.

She reached down and grabbed him, “And I want you in my…”

Henry cleared his throat loudly and he sat up. “Daddy what are you doing here?”

“I am sleeping on the couch to make sure Brody behaves himself, I guess I needed to be more concerned about you,” Henry scolded, “Go take a shower Emma and get into bed, alone!”

“See you in the morning,” Brody smiled and kissed her cheek.

He looked at her and his eyes widened and he made a face that said uh oh busted.

“Daddy I am a grown women…” Emma stomped.

“Get your ass in the shower Princess,” Henry said sternly.

Emma stomped into the bathroom and Brody walked past Henry, “Goodnight sir.”

“My name is Henry use it. Troy is only breathing because of London, if you hurt my daughter I will hurt you. But you have my permission. When were you thinking of doing this?” Henry asked looking up from his paper.

“Tomorrow night,” Brody smiled.

“Make it hearts and flowers, she deserves nothing less. And remember I am sleeping right here,” Henry said and laid down.

“Thank you so much, Henry. Good night,” Brody said and walked into his room.


Brody woke to London giggling, “You know I could get use
d to waking up to that sound,” he smiled opening his eyes.

Brody grabbed her and tickled her.

London dove on him and hugged him. He looked up and Emma stood in the doorway watching them with a smile on her face.

He winked at her, “Good morning Emma, did you sleep well?”

“I did and you?” Emma asked.

“Well you know,” he said and stood up.

“I am going to drop London off at school and head in to work, will I see you tonight?” Emma asked.

“Give me fifteen minutes and we can drop her off together and I will drop you at work,” he smiled as he walked by.


“You do know I am perfectly capable of driving,” she said when London was walking into the school.

“Are you grumpy this morning Emma?”  Brody laughed.

“No,” Emma said and looked out the window of the black Limo.

Brody reached for her hand and kissed it gently, “I love you Emma, tell me what is upsetting you.”

“Nothing,” Emma smiled.

“Are you not feeling well,” he asked moving next to her and feeling her head.

“I am fine,” Emma said moving away from him.

“Em come now tell me, is it me, am I smothering you?” Brody asked nervously.

definitely you and you can’t say things like that,” Emma said and threw her head back in frustration.

Brody thought about wha
t he had said and looked at her.

r face was flush and she squirmed in her seat, “Emma, you miss me?”

“Stop, please. Just don’t touch me,” Emma said sadly.

“Emma come here,” he said and pulled her closer, “You need to come Emma?”

“Brody please
don’t say things like that,” Emma murmured softly.

“Be quiet please, and stay very still,” he whispered a
nd kissed her neck as he pulled her onto his lap. “I like the skirt, but these need to go,” he said and ripped her underwear, Emma gasped, “Shhh,” he said running his fingers lightly over her. “Emma you’re wet for me, see what I can do for you, just the thought of my fingers here,” he said and slowly pushed into her, she whimpered.

Brody closed the privacy glass and turned up the radio, “You still need to stay as quiet a
s you can but Clive can’t see or hear us. It’s just you and I Emma and I am going to make you come all the way to work,” Emma pushed into his hand, “Be still Emma, he moved his fingers and he could already feel her body tighten, “So soon Emma? Should I make you wait?”

“Brody please,” she said and moved her hips to him.

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