XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (367 page)

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$H/following-sibling::p[preceding-sibling::H1[1] is $H]

Another way of solving this problem would be to write:

$H/following-sibling::p except $H/following-sibling::H1/following-sibling::p

but I think the solution using the
operator is likely to be more efficient. (The
operator is described in Chapter 9, on page 628.)

In XSLT 2.0, problems like this can also be tackled using the construct

. See Chapter 6, page 340.

The operators

The operators
test whether one node is before or after another in document order. For example,
$A << $B
is true if and only if
in document order. The concept of document order is described in Chapter 2, on page 57.

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