Yes: A Hotwife Romance (6 page)

Read Yes: A Hotwife Romance Online

Authors: Jason Lenov

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Interracial, #Urban, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Yes: A Hotwife Romance
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"Charlie, did you really believe that I'd do something like that? That I'd cheat on you?"

Why? Why would I think that? She'd never done anything to give me that impression. The only evidence I had was my paranoia and my newly found, twisted desire of seeing her with someone else. I looked down at the ground, embarrassed at my overreaction. We sat there like that for a while.

"Look, I'm just going to get a few more things then I'll be right out," she said, finally, putting a hand on my knee.

"I'll just wait in the car," I pouted, still finding it hard to look right at her.


I got up and shuffled out the door.

It started raining as I sat in the car. A fine mist blurred the view out the windshield and I was left staring at blurry outlines of buildings and telephone poles.

I felt like an ass. I started to try and collect my thoughts.

What was it that had made me react the way I had? I'd had the fantasy myself, why would it be different in real life?

I sat there, picking at the idea, rolling it around in my mind, trying to figure out what had caused the reaction. By the time she came out and got in the car, I'd managed to piece together an explanation.

"Angie," I said, putting a hand on her knee. She smiled. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I guess...I guess I just misunderstood."

"No, I want to explain. It was an overreaction. I guess it was just the thought that you'd done something on your own. That you'd betrayed me, cheated on me. That hurt. It's different than if this were our thing. If we did it together."

She nodded at the explanation but her stare seemed vacant. Like she didn't have the energy to understand. I thought of explaining it again but it felt like I'd done enough damage for one morning. I started the car and drove us home.

Chapter 11

I usually spent Tuesday's driving around to clients' offices but I didn't feel like seeing anyone the next day. We hadn't had sex the day before, which was unusual because we always had sex on Monday afternoons. She didn't seem like she was into it though and I didn't feel like pushing the issue. That made me kind of pout for the rest of the day and into the evening. She hated that, I knew she did but I couldn't stop myself. Sometimes I just loved to revel in my own misery.

That mood had stayed with me through the night and into Tuesday. I didn't even get up with her, just waited for her to leave then started calling clients. I told them I was sick and that I'd see them the next day.

I even lied to myself, telling myself I'd get more work done at home, but I knew that wasn't true. I knew exactly why I wanted to sit in a dark room in my pyjamas. I needed to pick at what had happened the day before some more. I'd more or less figured out why thinking about her with another man was hot and why watching what she'd let me see with Will the day before wasn't. The answer was control.

The thought of her cheating on me left a painful hollowness in my chest, but the thought of her crawling into be with another man while I watched, a man I'd
her to fuck filled me with a burning lust.

So I sat in the darkness of the office. My mind drifted from one fantasy to the other. From the farm-hands who'd tried to help us back to the silence in the restaurant kitchen and watching Will looming over her.

That led to wondering what she was doing at work. Wondering whether her and Will were laughing about what had happened the day before. About what I'd done.

Pretty soon my thoughts drifted from the reality of that to the fantasy of what might be and I felt myself getting stiff.

Was he leaning over her again? Was his body close to hers? Did it ever get close? If they were such good friends was it really possible that nothing had ever happened between them? How could it be that they'd never entertained the idea of just a kiss on those drunken evenings?

Angie was a hot little number and Will was a fine stud of a man. Could it really be true that never in the late evenings, after they'd slaved in the hot kitchen together all day, never did they realize they were two attractive people? Friends who could have a little something on the side?

That was a torturous thought. I trusted Angie completely but now that I'd contemplated the possibility of it, I couldn't let it go.

I spent the day trying to work but mostly thinking about all that. By the time Angie was supposed to come home, I'd worked myself up into quite a state. As soon as midnight rolled around, time seemed to slow to a crawl.

With each passing minute I wondered where she might be. Was she still at work? The restaurant closed at eleven on weeknights, why wasn't she home yet? Visions of her laughing with Will over drinks started swimming through my mind. I could almost hear them. An ugly jealousy began to rise inside me. It still made me hard. I still wanted her to come home so I could fuck.

When the door finally opened downstairs I was seething. I walked down the stairs slowly. I tried my best to smile.

Angie had been drinking again. She stumbled a bit trying to take off her shoes, her hand sliding along the wall. She managed to steady herself just as she looked up and saw me.

"Ah! Fuck Charlie!" she shrieked. "You scared the fuck out of me!"

I tried to force a grin, by way of apology. It didn't reach my eyes. "Where were you?"

"Oh my God, you are not going to believe this!" she said, throwing her massive purse onto the ground and falling towards me. I caught her. The faint scent of whisky wafted towards me.

"Believe what?" I asked.

"There's an investor," she said, beaming with pride. "They want me to open a franchise in New York!" She squealed the last two words and pressed her cheek against my chest.

All the anger I'd felt at her lateness turned inside out into a prickly irritation at myself. It dawned on me that I'd just talked myself into believing she was doing something other than what she was.

"Angie," I sighed in relief, "that's amazing!" I hugged her tightly and cursed myself inside.

"I'm glad you're happy," Angie said, looking up at me. Her eyes were a little glassy. "I kind of thought you'd be mad that I was out late. Sorry I didn't text."

I had two different reactions ready. I made a choice.

"You know, I was a little."

"You were?" She seemed disappointed.

"I was. I'm not anymore, though. I kind of sat around being a crazy person today."

"You did?"

"I did."

"What were you crazy about?"

"You," I laughed. It felt good when she laughed too. A drunken, bubbly laugh.

"Why were you crazy about me?" she asked, snaking a finger down the front of my shirt.

My cock stiffened. I wanted her, but I wanted to explain things first.

"Can you stand another drink?"

She smiled. "Sure."

I poured a couple whisky's and we sat down on the couch.

"First of all, I'm sorry again," I began.

"For what?"

"For acting the way I did yesterday."

She waved and looked away.

"No, really. That was stupid. I know you better than that. I trust you more than that."

Her eyes got a little sappy and she leaned towards me with a hug.

"I have a question for you."

She looked up. "Shoot."

"Have you ever thought about Will? As more than just a friend?"

She sighed, shook her head and rolled her eyes, exasperated. It kind of made me feel better, that I had
Angie back again. "Charlie I thought you were over this..."

She was scowling now and I scrambled to explain.

"I'm not being jealous, Angie, I promise. I mean, when you've been hanging out, have you ever entertained any thoughts of...what it would be like with him?"

The scowl eased. She looked away.

I wondered if she was trying to remember if she had, or deciding whether she should tell me. When she finally looked back, she didn't seem certain. She looked at me for a few more seconds before raising an eyebrow.

"Who wants to know? Crazy Charlie or Sexy Charlie?" she sounded cautious but not completely put off.

That was better. Much better. I set my glass down and took hers, too. Just in case. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against the soft skin of her neck. "I'm kind of trying to make those two the same guy."

She pushed me off of her and looked deep into my eyes. "Really?" she whispered.

I won't say her excitement didn't knock me off balance for a moment. It might have meant she had thought of Will as more than just a friend. Or maybe she'd wanted to. It didn't matter. What mattered was what was happening right now. What mattered was that this was us.

"Really," I answered, pressing towards her again. My cock started to stiffen at the thought that she might have had thoughts like that about Will. That she might have had thoughts like that about Will before I'd prompted them. There was something incredibly arousing about thinking of her sexuality outside the boundaries of our marriage.

She moved away from me this time, when I wouldn't let her push me off. She sank deeper onto the couch.

"Charlie, are you serious? Are you really asking me this?"

She was serious. But she seemed worried. I guess I couldn't blame her. I'd been a little crazy.

"I'm really asking you this," I answered, my fingers already tugging at the elastic of her pants.

She opened her eyes a little wider. It seemed like what I'd said had cut through her drunken haze. Her senses seemed sharpened, ready.

"You're not gonna go all crazy?" she asked, dead serious.

"Oh I promise I'm going to go crazy. But the good kind," I said with a smile.

That made her smile. I pulled her pants off slowly, exposing the soft patch of hair just above her cunt. It was already a little damp.

I could tell she was watching me. She was watching my face, worried maybe. Trying to find the truth. I pulled her pants all the way down and over her feet. The sight of her fleshy thighs made my cock jump. I needed to taste her again.

"Okay Charlie," she said, her voice suddenly changed. "I'll try this one more time. But if you do go crazy on me, I promise you I'm not going there again."

I put three fingers in the air. "Scouts honor."

She cracked a smile. "Okay. It's your last chance," she said, pointing a finger at me.

Unable to resist the sight of her creamy, shapely legs any longer, I pushed them apart and sank down towards the pungent heat coming off her pussy. As soon as my lips touched her pussy, she gasped.

"Oh Charlie!" she moaned as I pushed her apart with my tongue. Her hot labia were sticky with her juices. The fact that my question about Will had turned her on so quickly and so intensely made me harden completely. I reached a hand down and started unbuckling my belt.

Her legs came up and off the couch, her soft thighs sweeping across my cheek. I hooked my hands around her legs and buried myself even deeper in her pussy with my tongue. She started bucking, her legs opening as much as the could, letting me in deep.

She tasted different inside. The sweetness that had collected at the edge of her cunt disappeared the deeper I pushed my tongue. She moaned again and pressed her hands against the back of my head.

I wondered if he'd do this to her, if Will would. I wondered if he'd get down between her legs and eat her pussy like this. The thought of it made my cock jump and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed the inside of her around me.

I crawled up between her legs, kissing and licking her body as I went up. I paused at her round breasts, teasing the nipples hard with my teeth, enjoying the feeling of the bumpy flesh with my tongue.

My need was pulsing and my cock wouldn't let me linger long. Soon I was pressed in between her wide open thighs, staring into her eyes as I guided the head of my cock towards her soaked hole. I felt my hips pressing towards her, as soon as the my cock felt her wetness.

When I looked up, she was staring down between her legs, watching me enter her.

"Have you thought about him like this? Have you thought about him fucking your pussy like this?"

She looked up. She looked a little tormented, like she wasn't sure if this was a game she wanted to play. I was sure, though. I wanted much more.

Biting her lip, she glanced down at my cock again before looking back at me. She opened her mouth, nodded and whispered "Yes."

The though of it, the thought of my Angie drinking in the darkened kitchen of that restaurant with the muscled Will made me a little crazy. I saw her there suddenly, with him. They were laughing, drinks in hand. I wondered what moments they'd shared. I wondered if he'd ever leaned in for a kiss, or if she had. That thought gave me an urgent, jealous buzz.

"Did he ever kiss you?" I asked, barely able to resist driving myself inside her.

She looked away sending a fresh hum of nervous energy racing through my nerves. I was almost disappointed when she shook her head, but I knew there must be something there.

"Did he ever try?"

She nodded right away and it was too much for me to take. Finally letting the ache inside me take over, I released the muscles that had been holding me above her and drove myself inside.

The anticipation had done something to her too. Her hands were on my ass right away, begging me to drill deeper inside her core. Her hips started bucking up, our middles smashing together as we both began to drown in the sudden, urgent need for sex.

Her soaked pussy began to squeeze my stiff shaft right away. I couldn't resist ramming my cock as deep into her as I could. It was a strange mix of jealousy and relief at hearing what she'd said about Will.

Will. Friendly Will. He would probably have fucked her in a second if he could. If she'd let him.

I looked back. Her dainty foot was bouncing up and down, in time with my furious thrusts. If it were him pressed inside her like this, he'd have this view. Or maybe he already had? The thought made me fuck her even harder.

"Oh fuck, yes, Charlie!" she moaned as she dug her fingers into my ass. She didn't have long nails but they were sharp and they dug into my flesh like spurs into a horse, urging me on with pain.

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