You Belong With Me (19 page)

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Authors: M. R. Joseph

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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Carter looked like the lyrics were some kind of point he was getting across. Casey heard two woman discussing Carter as he sang. One said to the other, "Good Lord, I would give anything to be those piano keys.

The other woman then said, "Why is that?"

The first woman then replied, " So I could have those gorgeous hands all over me."

Casey chuckled to herself and looked up to Carter. Just then he opened his eyes, his intense stare made it's way to Casey's as he sang.

He never took his blue molten eyes away from her. They stayed locked to hers and he sang it with intensity and longing. His eyes told the story of the song. Casey was captivated by him and his passionate performance. She felt her blood course through her veins rapidly and panic suddenly struck her. Were the words meant for her? Making their dreams come true and loving them for always. Why were his eyes locked on her and not to the crowd? Jordan turned to her as the applause from the crowd erupted.

"That was really great. Wasn't it?"

She was in a daze. Her eyes fixated on the floor.

"You ok, my love?" He asked her. She looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry. Yes. He's great. I think I need a drink." Jordan signaled for a waitress and he plucked a champagne flute from the tray. He handed it to her and she threw it back like a shot of whiskey.

"Whoa. Take it easy sweetie, you are a beer girl, remember. You are not used to the other stuff. " Jordan said jokingly. Before the waitress left them, Casey grabbed another flute off the tray and repeated her last action. Carter made his way over to them. His eyes settled on Casey. Jordan extended his hand to shake Carter's.

"Wow! That was so impressive. I had no idea you could play piano like that."

With his eyes still on Casey he said to Jordan, "I guess there's a lot of things you didn't know about me, Jordan."

"Uh, yes. I guess there is."

Several people came up to Carter congratulating him on his performance. He struck up a conversation with a few of Kingston's business associates. Casey stood there while they talked and the effects of the champagne began to dizzy her. The regular piano player began again and a few couples gathered on the floor to dance. Jordan turned to Casey.

"Gentlemen if you will excuse me, I'd like to take this lovely lady for a spin on the dance floor." He bent at the waist towards her. "May I have this dance?" She glanced at Carter and his expression was unreadable. She took his hand and they made their way to join the other couples. Jordan took her in his arms. He was an elegant dancer. Smooth and agile. Their cheeks were pressed together and she tried to stay focused on Jordan's arms around her but she felt a pair of eyes burning through her. She looked up from her head leaning on Jordan's shoulder to find Carter staring at her. His eyes blazing into her blue and full of unrecognizable emotion. Her eyes locked with his and she felt herself catch her breath. The chances of her not being affected by the way he was looking at her went out the window. She suddenly felt jittery and turned her gaze from Carter's to Jordan's.

"Jordan, I'm not feeling so well. I think I should go home to lie down. Would you mind calling for the car?"

He looked concerned for her well being. "Of course, baby. Do you want me to take you home and stay with you?"

"No. Please stay. This is such a wonderful party and I'm just going to go home and sleep. No sense in you leaving."

"OK. If you're sure. I'll be right back." He walked off the dance floor and she reluctantly made her way towards Carter.

Her legs felt rubbery and weak. What in the hell was wrong with her?

"I'm not feeling well Car. I'm going to go. Jordan went for the car to take me home."

"I'm going with you, Case. I'm sorry your not feeling well but I'm not staying without you."

Jordan came back and said the car was ready.

"Jordan I'd like to find your parents and thank them for having us."

"OK. Let's go." Jordan took her by the hand and they found Laura first.

"Mom, Casey is not feeling well so Nelson is going to take her and Carter home."

"Oh, Casey I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you had a good time. Can we meet for lunch on one of your days off next week?"

Casey gave her a delicate smile. "I'd love that. Thank you, Mrs. Reid."

"Laura, please. And Mr. London very impressive. I'll be sure to come to your show in Tampa. Thank you so much for sharing that song with us. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Carter took Laura's hand and kissed the top of it.

"The pleasure was all mine, Mrs. Reid. Thank you again for a lovely evening."

"Mom do you know where dad is?" Jordan asked.

"I believe I saw him go into the library to drink Brandy with some of the investors."

Carter, Casey, and Jordan made their way to the library. They reached a pair of doors that lead to it. They were slightly ajar and they heard voices laughing loudly from inside. The next thing they heard was a man speaking to Kingston.

"King, tell about that little chippy who has been stuck on young Jordan's arm all night."

The three of them stilled near the crack of the door.

"Oh, that one. Let's call it a temporary piece of white trash distraction." The men laughed.

"Oh, King white trash, really? Didn't I hear she was a nurse? Same as Laura was."

"Yes, she is but my son doesn't have the good sense the Lord gave him to whip that little piece of trash into shape. Laura came from trash, as well, but I knew how to change her. Now look how far she has come. That girl in there is nothing and I bet is looking for a way out of her miserable life and she's got her eyes set on Jordan's money. She'll be gone soon enough and I'll make sure of it."

The doors to the library opened and the men turned around to see Carter, Casey, and Jordan standing there. Their mouths wide open. They had heard every word. Jordan stared at her with a blank expression. Casey wasn't sure if it was a look of shock or embarrassment but still his lips remained closed. She turned on her heels and ran down the hall towards the exit of the house.

Carter looked at Jordan and ran after Casey. She busted through the doors and went towards the limo. Carter was right behind her.

"Case, wait up."

"No, Carter!" She shouted with her back to him. "I need to leave. Now!"

"Don't listen to them, Casey. They don't know you. Kingston Reid is a fucking prick."

She turned to look at him. Jordan came out of the doors and ran towards her.

"Casey, what are you doing?" Jordan asked.

"Getting away from here and you Jordan!"

"Me! What did I do?" he questioned.

Casey made her way a little closer to him.

"Nothing! You did nothing and that's the point Jordan! You let him talk about me that way and you said nothing to him. He introduced me tonight as your friend. I'm your girlfriend, Jordan. I have been for the past six months or am I wrong? You have never brought me to this house. It's always in a business setting. Why have I never been to my boyfriend's home? Are you ashamed of me Jordan? Answer me, damn it!" Jordan took a deep breath in and shook his head.

"No, Casey your not an embarrassment. Never. You need to understand about my father. I couldn't confront him with his investors standing there. It's critical I act as professional and dignified as I can around them. It's for the sake of the company." When Carter heard that, he had enough.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Reid. Dignified? For the sake of the company? You couldn't pull your father aside and tell him what a dick he was for talking about your girlfriend like that. I call bullshit! I'm getting in the car, Casey." He got in the car and slammed the door.

Jordan and Casey stood in silence for a few minutes. She wiped a few tears away that had escaped her eyes.

"Jordan, I think I need some time. Time to sort this out. I don't want to talk to you for a few days. Don't call me, text me, or come to my house. I don't want to hear from you. I'll call you when I'm ready. I'm just not sure that a white trash nurse is what you need in your life."

She ran back to the limo and hopped in quickly. Carter sat there with his elbows resting on his knees while he rolled a glass of whiskey between his hands. She sat back in the seat opposite him. She threw her bag across the seat and kicked off her stilettos. Carter looked up at her.

"Case?" He said softly. She held her hand up to silence him.

"Don't, Carter." She rubbed her aching feet. "I need my sneakers. Take me the fuck home."













love and Converse


The Limo dropped Carter and Casey off at her house. She flew out of the car and stormed up the driveway bared footed. She unlocked her door and threw it open. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka from one of her cabinets. She reached for a glass and poured the clear liquid into it. She didn't hesitate throwing the contents back into her throat. It burned like fire. Carter made his way in and leaned up against the door jam of the kitchen. He watched her as he undid his tie and left it loosely on his neck. She didn't look at him but she was aware he was present. She poured more into her glass and looked down at the counter it rested on.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked her.

She drank another shot and slammed down the glass. "No," she said quietly. He came over and took the bottle from her hand.

"You don't drink vodka, Case. Don't start now."

He put the bottle back in the cabinet and looked at her.

"Don't look at me like that, Carter. Like you can see inside me. You have no idea what I'm feeling."

She stormed out of kitchen but he caught her by the elbow and yanked her back slightly.

"Tell me then. If I am so naive to how you feel then share it with me. Tell me what your feeling. You have always confided in me. Why the hesitation now?" She shook his grip off and stormed into the living room. He followed her. Carter began to feel frustration and angst. She stood at her window and looked out of it. He came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Case talk to me. You are acting like your mad at me. Are you mad at me?"

She turned to him sharply with tear soaked eyes and began yelling at him and pushing his shoulders.

"You want to know, Carter! You really want to know? Then I'll tell you. I am mad at you. I'm mad because you make me feel things. Things I don't want to feel. Things I want to run from. I can't breathe right when you're near. I can't think straight and it scares me because what I'm feeling I shouldn't be. My brain says one thing but my heart says another. I don't look at you the same as I used to. I look at you and my head spins. It spins me into a place I have no business being. It makes me want things and can't happen."

Carter backed away from her realizing what her words meant. She sat down on the sofa and put her face in her hands. Moments passed and Carter's heart was beating out of his chest. He asked her quietly

"What can't you feel, Casey? What can't happen?" He hoped in all his heart that the answer she was going to give was the one he waited for so long to hear.

She laughed and looked up at him. "I can't love you Carter."

The air rushed out of lungs and he hitched back a gasp. He ran up to her and grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up off the sofa towards him. He shook her sharply.

"You can't love me? Are you really saying that? You look at me and tell me, damn it, Casey cause let me tell you something. Let me make this clear. I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. Dancing around with your friends. You captured me like a net. I struggled to get out but it was too late. I was in deep. Even when I fucked up and we became friends. You were all I saw when I was with someone. Your face. Your sweetface. You invaded every space in my mind for the past nine years. You are like a drug, but your good for me. I'm addicted to you. My heart aches when I'm not with you."

Crying hard, she escaped his grip and turned away from him. "You don't mean that, Carter. You can't mean that."

His brain was in overdrive and his heart was threatening to come right out of his shirt. He swallowed hard and spoke.

"Wednesdays at 6:15," he said to her.

She snapped her head around to look at him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"6:15 on Wednesdays is when we video chatted when I was on tour. It was the best day of my week. I stood on a stage night after night living my dream but all I could ever think about were Wednesdays. I wished the week away just so that day would come sooner. I wanted to touch you, hold you, breathe you in. I wanted to tell you I loved you and I wanted you to be mine for so long. I decided when I came back I would tell you. Then you go and drop the Jordan bomb." He ripped the rest of his tie off and threw it across the room in frustration.

"It's too late for me and I know that. I want to go back nine years and not have fucked up. I wish it everyday of my life but I can't." Carter rubbed his eyes with his palms.

"Casey, meeting you was fate, It was my destiny. Becoming your friend was effortless and my choice, but falling in love with you, I had no control over." He hung his head down in defeat. He had nothing left. The cards were on the table.


She looked at him with more tears threatening to fall from her eyes. He tired to read what those tears meant. Were they tears over Jordan or tears over his proclamation of love? She moved closer to him, to look at him. Really look at him. Not as Carter her friend, but as so much more. She saw what her heart had started to see long before she was ready and willing to accept it. Her hand reached up to touch his face. It was then she noticed the trembling of her fingers as she touched his cheek. His eyes closed with the contact of her skin like he was trying to memorize the moment.

"Look at me," she pleaded.

His eyes opened. He saw everything he had dreamed of so many times. He raised her up to meet his mouth. Their lips met with unbridled passion. He kissed her wildly and frantically. He kissed her as though he hadn't seen her for years. His lips found her cheeks, her nose, her chin, her ears. She wrapped her hands around his head, feeling his soft hair. She arched her head back so he could get a better aim at her neck. He kissed the hollow of her throat and then made his way back up to her mouth. While his lips were still attached to hers he spoke to her.

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