You Can't Go Home Again (65 page)

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Authors: Thomas Wolfe

Tags: #Drama, #American, #General, #European

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The other: “An’ w’at did he say t’

She: “He just stood lookin’ at me with that funny look. Then he shook his head at me—as if I’d
somep’n—as if it was
fault—as if he was
wit’ me. ‘Yes,’ he says, an’ gets his hat, an’ leaves his dollah, an’ walks out. Tie
one down! Well, I gets to thinkin’ it oveh, an’ I figure that next day he’s goin’ t’ spring itstaht givin’ me the old oil about how his wife don’t undehstand ‘im, or how he’s not livin’ wit’ her an’ how lonesome he is—an’ how about it?—can’t we get togetheh some night for dinneh?”

And number two, rapt: “So w’at happens?”

And she: “When he comes to get his hat next day he just stands there lookin’ at me for a long time in that funny way of his that used to get me noivous—as if I’d
somep’n—so I says again: ‘So what?’ An’ he says in that funny voice—it’s so low sometimes you can’t handly hear it—he says: ‘Any children?’—just like
Gee, it was funny! It wasn’t what I expected ‘im t’ say at all! I didn’t know what t’ say, so fine’ly I says: ‘No.’ So, wit’ that, he just stands there lookin’ at me, an’ he shakes his head at me like he was disgusted wit’ me for not havin’ any. So then I gets sore, I forget I’m pot married—the way he shakes his head at me as if it was
fault for not havin’ any children gets me good an’ sore—an’ I says to ‘im: ‘So
What if I
? Have

Number two, now fascinated: “So w’at happens? W’at does he tell yah?”

She: “He stands lookin’ at me an’ says: ‘Fiver—just like that. An’ then he shakes his head again—‘All
,’ he says, as if he was disgusted wit’ me—Like
,’ he says. An’ then he takes his hat, an’ leaves his dollah, an’ walks out!”

Number two, in an aggrieved tone: “
Who does he think he is, anyway? How does he get that way? That guy’s pretty fresh,

She: “Well, I get to thinkin’ about it an’ I get sore. The
of ‘im, tawkin’ about women like that! So the next day when he comes to get his hat I says: ‘Listen,’ I says, ‘what’s eatin’ on you, anyway? What are yah—a woman-hatah or somep’n? Whatcha got against women, anyway? What’d they eveh do to
‘ ‘Nothing,’ he says, ‘nothing—except
act like women
!’ Gee! The way he said that! An’ stood there shakin’ his head at me in that disgusted way like I’d done somep’n! He takes his hat then, leaves his dollah, an’ goes out…So afteh that I decide t’ kid ‘im along a little, seein’ he’s not tryin’ t’ get funny wit’ me. So every day afteh that I make some wisecrack about women, tryin’ to get a rise out of ‘im, but I neveh do! Say! You
get a rise outa that guy! I’ve tried an’ I know! He don’t even
when you’re tryin’ t’ get a rise out of ‘im!...So then he stahts t’ ast me questions about my husband—an’ gee!—was I embarrassed? He ast me all kinds of questions about ‘im—what did he do, an’ how old was he, an’ where did he come from, an’ was his mother livin’, an’ what did
think about women? Gee! It usta keep me busy from one day to anotheh wonderin’ what he was goin’ to ast me next, an’ what t’ say to ‘im…Then he stahted astin’ me about my mother, an’ my sisters an’ brothers, an’ what did
do, an’ how old were they—an’ I could tell ‘im those because I knew the answers.”

Number two: “An’ you told ‘im?”

She: “Sure. W’y not?”

Number two: “Gee, Mary, y’ shouldn’t do
You don’t know th’ guy! How do you know
he is?”

She, abstracted, in a softer tone: “Oh, I don’t know.
guy’s all right!” With a little shrug: “
know! You can always tell.”

Number two: “Yeah, but all the same, y’ neveh can tell! You don’t know anything about th’ guy! I kid ‘em along, but I neveh tell ‘em anything.”

She: “Oh, sure. I know. I do the same. Only, it’s diff’rent wit’ this guy. Gee, it’s funny! I musta told ‘im awmost everything—all about mama, an’ Pat, an’ Tim, an’ Helen—I guess he knows the history of the whole damn fam’ly now! I neveh tawked so much to a stranger befoeh in my whole life. But it’s funny, he neveh seems to say anything himse’f. He just stands there an’ looks at you, an’ turns his head to one side as if he’s listenin’—an’ you spill the beans. When he’s gone you realise you’ve done
the tawkin’. ‘Listen,’ I says to ‘im the otheh day, ‘you know everything else now, I’ve told you the truth about everything else, so I’ll come clean on this, too—that wasn’t true about me bein’ married.’ Gee! He was about to drive me nuts astin’ a new question every day about my husband! ‘I lied to you about that,’ I says. ‘I neveh was married. I haven’t got a husband.’”

Number two, hungrily: “So w’at does he say to that?”

She: “Just looks at me an’ says: ‘So—_what?_’” Laughing: “Gee, it was funny to hear ‘im say
I guess I taught it to ‘im. He says it all the time now. But it’s funny the way he says it—like he don’t know exactly what it means. ‘So—_what?_’ he says. So I says: ‘What d’you mean, so what? I’m tellin’ you that I’m not married, like I said I was.’ ‘I knew that all the time,’ he says. ‘
did you know?’ I says. ‘How could you
‘ ‘Because,’ he says, an’ shakes his head at me in that disgusted way—‘because you’re a

Number two: “Can you imagine
of ‘im! I hope you told ‘im somep’n!”

She: “Oh, sure! I always come right back at ‘im! But
, you neveh can be sure he means it! I think he’s kiddin’ half the time. He may be kiddin’ when he shakes his head at you in that disgusted way. Anyway, that guy’s all right! I don’t know, but somehow you can tell.” A pause, then with a sigh: “But gee! If only he’d go an’ get himse’f a-----”

Number two: “

She: “Can yah

Number two: “Ain’t it a

They regard each other silently, shaking their heads.

Fox gets at all things round the edges in this way—sees the whole thing, whole, clear, instant, unperplexed, then all the little things as well. Will see a man in the crowd, notice the way his ear sticks out, his length of chin, his short upper lip, the way his face is formed, something about the cheek-bones—a man well dressed and well behaved, conventional in appearance, no one but the Fox would look a second time at him—and suddenly the Fox will find himself looking into the naked eyes of a wild animal. Fox will see the cruel and savage tiger prowling in that man, let loose in the great jungle of the city, sheathed in harmless and deceptive grey—a wild beast, bloody, rending, fierce, and murderous—and stalking free and unsuspected on the sheep of life! And Fox will turn away appalled and fascinated, look at the people all round him with astonishment—“Can’t
see? Don’t they
“—then will return again and walk past the tiger with hands clutching coat lapels, will bend, crane his head, and stare fixedly into tiger’s eye until tiger’s eye, discovered and unguarded now, blazes back at Fox—and all the people, puzzled and perturbed, are staring at Fox, too. Like children, they don’t know what to make of it: “
does that guy see?” And Fox, astounded: “
they see?”

Sees all life foxwise, really: has acute animal perceptions—does not let concrete, brick, stone, skyscrapers, motor-cars, or clothes obscure the thing itself. Finds the tiger looking out at life, and then sees all the people who are lions, bulls, mastiffs, terriers, bulldogs, greyhounds, wolves, owls, eagles, hawks, rabbits, reptiles, monkeys, apes, and—foxes. Fox knows the world is full of them. He sees them every day. He might have found one in C. Green, too—cat, rabbit, terrier, or snipe—could he have seen him.

He reads the news in this way, sniffing sharply, with keen relish, at the crisp, ink-pungent pages. He also reads the paper with a kind of eager hopelessness. Fox has no hope, really; he is beyond despair. (If there’s a lack, we’ll smell it out. Is this not one? Is this not a lack-American? Can Fox be wholly of us if he has no hope?) Fox really has no hope that men will change, that life will ever get much better. He knows the forms will change: perhaps new changes will bring better forms. The shifting forms of change absorb him—this is why he loves the news. Fox would give his life to keep or increase virtue—to save the savable, to grow the growable, to cure the curable, to keep the good. But for the thing unsavable, for life ungrowable, for the ill incurable, he has no care. Things lost in nature hold no interest for him.

Thus will grow grey at the temples, haggard-eyed, and thin if one of his children has an ailment. One daughter has been in a motor wreck, escapes unhurt apparently, days later has a slight convulsion. It comes a second time, returns weeks later, goes away, and comes again—not much, not long, just a little thing, but Fox grows grey with worry. He takes the girl from college, gets doctors, specialists, the best people in the world, tries everything, can find nothing wrong, yet the attacks continue; at length comes through it, finds out the trouble, pulls the girl out, and sees her married. His eyes are clear again. Yet if the girl had had a cureless ailment, Fox would not have worried much.

He goes home, sleeps soundly, seems indifferent, shows no worry, the night the daughter has a child. Next morning, when informed he is a grandfather, looks blank, puzzled, finally says: “Oh”—then, turning away with a disdainful sniffing of the nose, says scornfully:

, I suppose?”

Informed it is a man-child, says: “Oh,” dubiously, then whispers contemptuously:

“I had supposed such a phenomenon was impossible in

And for some weeks thereafter persists in referring to his grandson as “She”, to the indignation, resentment, excited protest of the—_Women!_

(A cunning Fox—knows slyly how to tease.)

So, then, unhoping hopefulness, and resigned acceptance; patient fatality, and unflagging effort and unflinching will. Has no hope, really, for the end, the whole amount of things; has hope incessant for the individual things themselves. Knows we lose out all along the line, but won’t give in. Knows how and when we win, too, and never gives up trying for a victory. Considers it disgraceful to stop trying—will try everything—will lay subtle, ramified, and deep-delved plans to save people from avertible defeat; a man of talent drowning in his own despair, some strong and vital force exploding without purpose, some precious, misused thing gone wickedly to ruin. These things can be helped, they
be helped and saved, to see them lost, to see them thrown away, is not to be endured—Fox will move mountains to prevent them. But gone? Lost? Destroyed? Irretrievably thrown away? The grave face will be touched with sadness, the sea-pale eyes filled with regret, the low voice hoarse and indignant:

“It was a shame! A
Everything would have come out all right…he had it in his grasp…and he just let it go! He
just gave in

Yes, for failure such as this, a deep, indignant sadness, a profound regret. But for other things foreordained and inevitable, not savable by any means, then a little sadness—“Too bad”—but in the end a tranquil fatality of calm acceptance: the thing had to be, it couldn’t be helped.

Is therefore like Ecclesiastes: has the tragic sense of life, knows that the day of birth is man’s misfortune—but, knowing this, will then “lay hold”. Has never, like the Fool, folded his hands together and consumed his flesh, but, seeing work to be done, has taken hold with all his might and done it. Knows that the end of all is vanity, but says: “Don’t whine, and don’t repine, but
get work done

Is, therefore, not afraid to die; does not court death, but knows death is a friend. Does not hate life, is rather passionately involved with life, yet does not hug it like a lover—it would not be torn bitterly from reluctant fingers. There is no desperate hug of mortality in Fox—rather, the sense of mystery and strangeness in the hearts of men, the thrilling interest of the human adventure, the unending fascination of the whole tangled, grieved, vexed, and unfathomed pattern. As he reads the
now, he sniffs sharply, shakes his head, smiles, scans the crowded columns of the earth, and whispers to himself:

“What a world! And what a life! Will we ever get to the bottom of it all?...And what a
we live in! I don’t dare go to sleep at night without the paper. I cannot wait until the next one has come out—things change so fast, the whole world’s in such a state of flux, the course of history may change from one edition to another. The whole thing’s so fascinating, I wish I could live a hundred years to see what’s going to happen! If it weren’t for that—and for the children----”

A slow perplexity deepens in his eyes. What will become of them? Five tender lambs to be turned loose out of the fold into the howling tumults of this dangerous and changeful earth. Five fledglings to be sent forth, bewildered and defenceless, to meet the storms of fury, peril, adversity, and savage violence that beat across the whole vexed surface of the earth—unsheltered, ignorant, unprepared, and----

“Women.” Scorn, touched now deeply with compassion; trouble, with a tender care.

Is there a way out, then? Yes, if only he can live to see each of them married to—to—to a
husband (the sense of trouble deepens in the sea-pale eyes—the world in printed columns there before him seethes with torment—no easy business)...But to find
husbands, foxes all of them—to see his fleecelings safely folded, shielded from the storms—each—each with fleecelings of her own—yeslthat’s the thing! Fox clears his throat and rattles the pages with decision. That’s the thing for----

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