You Can't Run From Love (6 page)

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Authors: Kate Snowdon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: You Can't Run From Love
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Bea pulled Jess down by her T-shirt and covered her lips again, tongues danced in and out, fighting for supremacy. Legs wrapped around Jess’s waist and wet swollen folds pressed hard against her palm and abdomen. Bea sucked in a breath when fingers began to tease her clitoris; she was so close. Pushing harder, she gasped, “Three please, make it three.” As she shifted her position the fingers slipped inside. “Oh yes, Jess, yes.” They both rocked in unison, pushing harder against one another until Bea’s cry of release was stifled by a mouth-devouring kiss.



Jess woke to darkness, still dressed in her nightwear, and alone. Usually it was she who crept out of bed first
Sitting up, she shook her head. “Amazing. No headache.” Noticing a shard of light coming from under the bathroom door, she propped herself up and waited. The door opened and Bea stood dressed and ready to go.

She smirked. “Good morning and where do you think you’re going?”

Bea switched off the light and put on the bedroom dimmer. “To work, unfortunately, or else I’d be back in that bed in a flash.”

Jess got up and wrapped her arms around Bea’s waist. “How long have you got?”

“Not long enough.”

“Oh, I’m sure we could make it quick.” Jess whispered mischievously, sliding her hands into Bea’s trousers and massaging her buttocks. Jess was aroused, and she could tell from the heat rising in Bea’s body that it would take little effort to make her come.

The younger woman moaned, burying her head in Jess’s neck. “How quick?”

Jess pulled back and started guiding her back toward the bed. “I’ll show you.”



Bea started dressing again. “I hope I substituted well enough for the woman you were talking about?”

Jess frowned, suddenly feeling self-conscious and a little callous toward both women. She hadn’t given Rachel a thought. “Yes, actually, I never thought of her at all.”

Bea snorted. “I knew it was too good to be true.”

Jess raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“You, being hung up on somebody.”

Jess couldn’t understand why she felt uncomfortable, so she cruelly changed the subject. “Who is Lilly?”

Bea stopped suddenly, almost tripping in her attempt to put a leg into her joggers and stared at Jess. “My God I didn’t? Please don’t say I did? I wasn’t thinking of her at all, I was incapable.”

Jess chuckled at the mortified look. “Sorry, I’m being evil. You mentioned her in your sleep.”

“I don’t believe it. I’m sorry.” She smirked. “It was definitely you who was giving me the time of my life, no one else.”

“I’m sorry too. As I said, I was being wicked. You don’t need to explain.”

The smile went as the younger woman slumped down on the bed next to her. “Oh damn it. I have a thing about her and it’s really doing my head in. She’s a wonderful woman and with a total jerk who treats her like dirt. I’m waiting for her to wake up to that fact.” She sighed. “She’s not rushing herself though.”

Jess placed a hand on the knee next to hers. “Maybe she has a certain opinion about you and your lifestyle. Sometimes, it’s better the devil you know.”

Bea sniggered. “That’s why I was in last night. Friday nights are a rare night off and not usually ones to stay at home. I’m trying to stay away from the scene a little, or at least if I’m at the bar I’m not leaving with anyone. I’m not sure this celibacy lark is going to pay off though, so you were my safe bet and boy did I need one.”

Jess chuckled to herself. This woman knew her too well. If she had said that to anyone else, she’d be on her backside on the other side of the door by now.

Bea stood. “Lilly’s partner is the DJ at Roxy’s.”

Jess raised her eyebrows. “You mean…?”

“Don’t. She’s lovely, and that bruiser of a girlfriend is a bully.”

Jess frowned. “What do you mean, a bully? I thought she was just a pain in the proverbial?”

“Oh, not in the physical sense. She likes to play mind games. She’s always putting Lilly down and certainly doesn’t like her speaking to many people.”

Jess stood and took Bea’s hand. “That can be just as bad as any physical abuse. Keep talking to her, I’m sure she appreciates it.”

Bea smiled conspiratorially. “Yes, I think she does, and I’m pretty sure my patience will be rewarded eventually.”

“Good, I hope it is, but be careful.”

Bea slipped on her trainers. “She’s all show. You know that. Anyway, what about you?”

Jess asked, puzzled, “What about me?”

“Your fantasy woman.”

She laughed. “No such thing. I just haven’t had a good night out in a quite a while. That’s all. Gorgeous women are few and far between in my neck of the woods and when one appears, well…”

“Gorgeous, you say?”

Jess put her hands on Bea’s shoulders, turned her around toward the door and smacked her bottom. “I thought you were late for work?”

“I’m going. Good to see you, Jess. Maybe see you around. And thanks.” Bea smiled as she went out the door, after quickly looking up and down the corridor.

Jess returned to her bed. There was another three hours before she was to meet Julie for breakfast. Rachel popped into her head again as she pulled the covers up and lay her head on the pillow. She laughed. What was it about that woman?
She’s haunting me.
She had to concede, she was attractive, but far too genteel for a night of no strings attached sex. Jess imagined she would be someone who liked it slow, teasing and sensuous, building to a sweet crescendo. She wondered if Rachel’s head would thrash from side to side as her body craved release.
Good grief, what are you doing to yourself?
Suddenly aware of a warm, moist throb, her hand slid beneath the sheets and into her pajamas before she fell sound asleep.



The alarm was piercing. Jess washed, dressed and packed. Quickly glancing at the sheet of hotel paper, on which Bea had written Julie’s room number, she headed out and crossed the landing. Julie eventually opened the door after persistent knocking and groaned at the cheerful figure standing in her doorway. Jess winked at a very fragile looking person. “Morning, are you ready for breakfast?” All she received was a dismissive look.

Jess enjoyed a breakfast of cereal, eggs, bacon and toast, washed down with orange juice and tea. All Julie could manage was a half slice of dry toast with her coffee, and that was a struggle. Once finished, they headed to reception to hand in their keys and store their bags until Mark and Rose picked them up later in the day.

“Hello Julie, how are you?” She looked up to see Bea smiling, before giving Jess a very quick glance.

Julie looked at Jess, who was looking at Bea with a grin. She turned to Bea and unconvincingly answered, “Fine thanks. How are you?”

Chuckling, Bea replied, “Good, thank you. Enjoyed the céilidh then?”

“Yes. But this morning, no.”

As they stepped out onto the street, Julie looked at her friend. “You didn’t spend the night alone, did you?”

Jess immediately blushed before answering coyly, “Maybe not.”

“I don’t think there’s a maybe about it. You couldn’t act the innocent, even if you were.”

Jess feigned hurt. “That’s not nice.”

“I’m not trying to be nice. How can you two do it? I mean, have sex regularly and just walk away?”

Jess frowned at the brusque tone. She knew where this conversation was going and it definitely wasn’t going to be helped by Julie’s hangover. “For one, it’s not regular and for another, it will hopefully be the last.”

“What do you mean by the last?”

“She has her sights set on someone.”

Julie gaped at her and screeched, “And she’s sleeping with you? God help them.”

Jess glared at her friend who was holding her head and looking extremely pale. “Listen Julie, Bea is probably one of the most loyal people I know. She just wants to love someone who will love her back and live happily ever after. So don’t judge her.”

Julie spoke more carefully, ignoring Jess’s tone. “And you’re not that person?”

“No, I am not and wouldn’t even pretend to be. She deserves much better than me. Anyway, this person she’s interested in is not available yet, so I think she has every right to satisfy her need with a trustworthy source.”

Julie wasn’t in the mood for a fight and Jess didn’t deserve her judgment. “You’re a real softie, you know, and whether you like it or not, you do care, and she couldn’t possibly deserve a better friend than she already has. I’m sorry.” She linked her arm through Jess’s.

Jess couldn’t believe she’d got away so lightly. “Um well, from what she said, I have no doubt she’ll get what she wants. I hope so, anyway.”

Chapter Seven


“Uncle Jack, are you out the back?”


Jess opened a cupboard door. “Would you like a ginger beer, or tea and hunk of cake?”

“We’ve got it all out here, come and join us.”

Jess walked through to the conservatory. “Who’s we? Oh, Rachel.” She beamed and added a little too enthusiastically, “Great to see you. How are you?” Attempting to curb her excitement at seeing this woman, she turned and settled into the chair next to her uncle.

Rachel smiled from the chair opposite. “I’m fine thank you, and it’s good to see you too.”

Jess smiled back. Slowly directing her attention to her uncle she asked, “More tea, or cake?”

Both of them were grinning at her now. “No thank you.”

Taking a deep breath she helped herself and then took a furtive glance Rachel’s way. “How did the book meeting go? Or have you been through that already?”

Much to Jess’s relief, this began a relaxed conversation; the initial nervousness they all exhibited when she came in dwindled.

Rachel recounted her trip to Edinburgh and the unexpected three-day extension due to thrashing out deadlines. She’d spent an enjoyable time showing her two friends from London, Margaret and Diane, around the city. “Diane couldn’t believe the Royal Mile was only a mile long. It took us a day and a half to complete.”

Jess laughed. “You must have visited every tourist attraction along its route or was that just the shops?” Fresh tea was dispensed and Jess found herself drifting as Rachel continued excitedly about cobbled streets, stone tenement buildings, the Jacobite rising and Mary Queen of Scots. She sank back into the chair vaguely aware of the voices.

Her gaze was drawn to Rachel. She looked happy, obviously enjoying playing guide to her friends, and as always she looked immaculate. There never seemed to be a thing out of place, not even a hair. Her clothes and accessories were all color coordinated, her makeup, although subtle, was the right shade to enhance those beautiful dark eyes. And those lips, those soft rosy, luscious lips…

“Jess? Are you with us, Jess?” Suddenly aware of a hand on her arm and Uncle Jack’s voice, she started, splashing tea everywhere on the table before hurriedly putting the cup down with a thump. She quickly began wiping the mess up with a handy tea towel and squeaked, “Sorry.” Then cleared her throat. “My apologies, that was rude. I must have drifted off.”

She looked at Rachel and could feel the heat of a blush rising.
Please not so obvious.

“I know when I’ve bored someone into submission,” Rachel quipped.

Jack laughed.

“No,” Jess said anxiously, “You didn’t bore me, I…” She gave up and picked up her cup as the two of them began to laugh at her again. The heat of her blush was beginning to make her perspire. “Damn.” She slumped back into the chair, spilling more tea, which led to more laughter.



Rachel wedged the telephone between her ear and shoulder and carried her glass of wine over to the sofa. “I just can’t work her out Margaret. I am absolutely certain she’s a lesbian but… Oh, I don’t know, maybe she isn’t.”

“You’re not just focusing on the issue of whether she is gay or not, with the hope she may fancy you?”

“No I’m not,” Rachel retorted.

Margaret chuckled. “Okay, I was just wondering. You’ve mentioned her more than any other woman, besides Michelle, of course. You’d only known her for about a month before Edinburgh and her name came up an awful lot.”

Rachel paused. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Yes, she liked Jess. In fact, her thoughts were becoming more sexual in nature.

Apparently uneasy at the silence, her friend said, “Sorry Rach, have I put my foot in it?”

She chuckled. “No you haven’t.” She sighed. “I think you may well be right.”

“Why, the sigh then? That’s great. You deserve a little fun and happiness with what sounds like an adorable woman.”

“If I’m this confused about her, she couldn’t possibly be that interested.”

“How do you know she isn’t? You don’t even know if she’s gay.”

“That’s what I mean. If she were, surely I would know.”

Margaret softened her tone. “Not if you’re afraid of disappointment, or rejection.”

Rachel sighed, defeated. “I’m probably best not knowing. My last two attempts with woman were pitiful. In fact, my whole relationship track record is a disgrace.”

“I set you up with the last two remember? It was my poor judgment and you handled yourself perfectly. You weren’t exactly interested, remember? Jess you’ve found all on your own. Find out her orientation and if it’s positive, have some fun. What have you got to lose?”

“My summer home and my reputation. I don’t want to upset anyone here for nothing.”

“You’re far too serious for your own good. How disastrous could it really be? Maybe the reason she’s giving out mixed signals is that she is not sure of you. You’re a very good income to them, remember?”

Rachel exclaimed, “Margaret that is awful!”

“Well, it’s true.”

“I suppose there could be some element of truth in that.” She sighed. “The way she looks at me sometimes, I could swear it’s pure…oh I don’t know.”

“Desire? I think you mentioned earlier.”

She laughed. “I did, didn’t I? The only problem is when I feel I see it, she puts up some sort of barrier. Am I sounding desperate?” Margaret chuckled as she continued. “I don’t want to make a fool of myself. I’ve done that once and I don’t intend ever doing it again.” Bitterness rising, she thought of Michelle. “No way is anyone going to do that to me again.”

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