You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl (16 page)

BOOK: You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl
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Every encouraging word, shared memory, and funny story has powered me up and onward and I am truly grateful to a slew of wonderful folks for sustaining and inspiring me in more ways than I can count. They include: Luleen Anderson, Bob Bauman, Leon Brown, Lucy Bell, Nathan Bell, Diane Minshew, Debbie Houlditch, Beth Blackwell, Joe and Mary Ellen Bonczyk (the perfect couple, for real), Todd Depriest, John Bell, Rachel Jones, Mary Seelye, David and Renee Zukerman, Kara Chiles Sirmans, “Cracker Queen” Lauretta Hannon, Susan Reinhardt, Kathy Patrick, Ronda Rich, Jill Conner Browne, Jim and Rhonda Desmond, Danna Moles, Deborah Goodman, the incomparable Gina White Francis, David and Julie Fredericksen, Wayne Jackson, Lynn Manock, Brenda Hankins, “positive, encouraging” Kelly Jefferson, E.T. Rooks,
David Willard, David High, Martha Raynor, Jim and Denise Jones, Leila Viteskic, Neil Purdy, Pam Reade, Nancy Smith, Frank Stasio, Kinah Lindsey, Jo Tilghman, Brooks Preik, Angela Carr, Wanda Jewell, Nicki Leone, Cathy Stanley, Nancy Olson, Rene Martin, Ben Steelman, John Staton, Jeff Hidek, Cheryl Whitaker, Barb Ellis, Betty Ann Sanders, Randy (“Mr. Southport”) Jones, Shirley and Woody Wilson, Linda Lavin, Wayne Jackson, Beth Perry, Hilarie Burton, Linda Patton, Kathleen Jewel, Ken Wells, Brad White, Verna Jordan, Keri Hooks, Bill Bartow, Catherine Perry, Elizabeth Redenbaugh, Shelly Hobson, Julia and Kelly Jewell, Laura Mitchell, Jim and Jeannie Skane, Tim and Pam Russell, Gray Wells, Pam Sander, Angela Stilley, Page Rutledge, Fran Mehurg, Tish Baker, Dana Sachs, Lisa and Mike Seifert, Teresa Hill, the fabulous twin muses of Lisa Noecker and Amy Mackay, Jemila Erickson, Nan Graham, the entire staff of public radio station WHQR-FM, Jana Moore, Debbi Pratt, Michelle Powell, Susan Pleasants, Burke Speaker, Banyan Restaurant, Jean Lee and Shirley, Jim Walker, Karel Dutton, Nancy Smith, Gary, Renee and Madison Barrett, Nancy Hosea, Bess Shadrach, the Halterman Family, Clyde Edgerton, Jill McCorkle, Laurie Notaro, Haven Kimmel, Hollis Gillispie, John Boy and Billy, Lee Smith, P.D. and Carol Midgette, Jimmy Bowden, Trey Wyatt, the 2009 UNC Men’s Basketball Team, Caroline Rivenbark, Nancy Whisnant, and all the assorted Rivenbarks and Whisnants, St. Martin’s Press’s amazing Jennifer Enderlin, John Karle, Sara
Goodman, and Monica Katz, and “Tenacious J.,” Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.
Every single one of you has, as the kids say, “done me a solid” (some have done many, many solids) at some time in your life and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. A few of you may not even remember it, but I do. And I’m grateful.
To my husband, Scott Whisnant, let me just say that I’d let fake Vegas Elvis marry us again every day for eternity because you are that awesome. And also because I really like hearing him sing. And to my precious Princess, Sophie Caroline Whisnant, darling, if you read this, try to ignore all the cuss words. Mommie feels marginally nervous and guilty about them, although you’d never be able to tell. Because, as you know, I don’t sweat much for a fat girl.
Celia Rivenbark
Wilmington, North Carolina
YOU DON’T SWEAT MUCH FOR A FAT GIRL. Copyright © 2011 by Celia Rivenbark. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
eISBN 9781429984522
First eBook Edition : July 2011
First Edition: August 2011

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