You'll Think of Me (10 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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Irritated, she narrowed her eyes. He would manage to take a steamy moment and turn it to blah in a second. “Don’t get so high on yourself.”

“Never have been high on myself.” Cade sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms. “But I went caveman on you. How do you feel? What hurts?”

The concern in his voice made her pause. Anal sex was just the tip of the new frontier. She licked her bottom lip. If she pushed too much, would he withdraw and bury his emotions again? “My head aches, but I’ll live.” She smoothed her hand over his chest. Her body ached for him again. Her heart, though raw, beat for him. “I borrowed your shirt to cover up.”


Fluttering her hand, she waved him away. “Before we…you know, made love, Rhett came to check up on me.”

Crooking his brow, Cade smirked. “Now you can’t say a dirty word? Come on, little girl. This is me.” He cupped his fingers under her chin. “It’s good he’s gone. I’d hate for him to interrupt because looking at you takes my breath away. You always could pull off sexy in my clothes,” he murmured and nuzzled her neck. “Although, I prefer you in nothing at all.”

Each word, each touch and caress sent renewed tingles straight to her pussy. Although her ass smarted, she rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to reduce the growing need. “You still suck at mush.”

“Like I didn’t know.” Twining his fingers with hers, he kissed her knuckles. “I replaced your laptop.”

When she opened her mouth to protest, he silenced her with an open-mouthed kiss. So she’d walked away before—no more. She climbed onto his lap. Writhing, she clawed his shoulders to pull him closer. The scent of her own arousal kicked her desire into overdrive. So they’d just had sex… Now, she wanted to make love.

When they broke for air, Cade gasped. “You make it hard to remember what I came in here for, but I won’t finish until I said my piece.” He nodded to the yellow bag. “I know you sent me backups of your work and have a couple of flash drives, but it can’t be enough, Melly. Consider the new notebook my ‘get well’ present to you.” Smoothing the pad of his thumb over her jaw, he wriggled his thick, dark brows. “Did I mention it has webcam?”

Her eyes welled with tears. His generosity touched a deep part of her soul. How could she repay him? “Thank you, Cade.” Even if he proved his masculinity and obsession with sex, she loved her alpha male.

“Baby, it’s the least I can do.” Trailing his fingers up and down her spine, he sighed. Cade nudged another one of the bags with his foot, spilling the contents. “Besides, I bought some new clothes to replace what you lost. I figured you wouldn’t want to wear my flannel for the next few days.”

“I don’t know; it’s kinda comfy.”

The right sleeve of the shirt slipped off her shoulder, revealing the strap of the lacy camisole. Cade nipped her skin, tugging the thin strap down her arm. “Beautiful.”

Maybe a joke would lighten the heavy mood. Melanie buried her face in the crook of his shoulder. “You’re going soft on me.”

Cade cupped her face in both hands. “Listen to me, Melanie. You have a special job to do. You take photographs for the families in the area. How can you complete your work without a computer, clothes and a decent camera? Although I might pay to see you strut down Grove Avenue in the nude.” He placed her hand over his crotch. “And don’t tell me that’s soft.”

As he spoke, her eyes widened. Her mouth went dry. She caressed his steely cock through the denim barrier, loving the reaction she created. “You bought me a camera? Cade, those cost at least a thousand dollars. I can’t have you dropping that kind of money on gifts for me.”

Dragging his lips across her cheek, he kissed her nose. “Thank you for messing up my mental image, but spending money on you isn’t a hardship.”

Shivers slipped down her back as Cade teased his tongue over her mouth. “Okay, my credit card took a serious hit today, but it’s worth it. Plus I have Mr. Gross on my side. He insisted he outfit you with a replacement and plenty of film.”

Her desire peaked. His kiss, his touch sent fever through her body. “Then I guess I should thank you.”
Over and over again.

Cade spread her legs across his lap and circled his arms around her. “You could, and I have some suggestions.”


Chapter Eleven




So many things in his life were screwed up on account of the bombing and the way his mind refused to let go of the images. Cade held the most precious gift in his arms. Melanie. She grounded him and cleared the clutter in his head. This time when they made love, he’d show her every dimension of his affection. He refused to hurry and spoil the moment they deserved. “I need to be inside you, again,” he murmured. “To feel you surrounding me.”

“Yes.” The word slipped off her lips in a hiss.

Cade gently pushed the flannel shirt off her shoulders and let it pool around her hips. “You’re not hurting?” Beyond his earlier invasion?

When the other strap of her camisole slipped from its precarious placement, the tops of her creamy breasts spilled forth. His cock stood at attention, pressing against the tight confines of his jeans. Despite the discomfort, he bent to sample her silken skin, laving his tongue over the taut nipple. Honey, sweet and wild.

No more fucking. This time, he’d worship her like she ought to have.

“The pain faded. It’s all pleasure.” Parting her lips a fraction of an inch, she gasped and twined her fingers behind his head, holding him in place against her breast.

“Tell me if you want to stop.” He paused long enough to gaze at her face.

A smile curled the corners of her mouth. “Never.”

He drew a deep breath, memorising her sweet essence. What went through her mind? He wasn’t sure, and when her tongue darted out to wet the damp coral skin of her lips, all rational thought evaporated from his mind. The small action turned his insides out and flared his consuming desire for her. This moment was for her. To indulge and re-learn every inch of her as he proved to himself she was the only woman he needed and to finally allow emotion into his sexual life.

Licking her lips again, Melanie clasped her hands above her head. Cade hooked his fingers under the camisole and slid the shimmery fabric over her upper body, taking extra time to once again tease her breasts until she whimpered and arched into him. Her nipples peaked and her eyelids drooped. She sighed. Deep craving coiled tight in his belly. He pressed a kiss to her neck. Her heartbeat fluttered under his tongue, ratcheting his heart rate into overdrive.

Cade fought the need to rush, the need to force the passion to primal fucking. He slipped the camisole away from her tender hands. Her hair cascaded down onto her shoulders, covering the small hickey he’d left the last time they’d fooled around. “Let me love you, Melly.”

She thrust her breasts towards him in a silent offering. He drew a gentle line with his index finger from one nipple to the other and blew across the turgid peaks. She shuddered and gasped for breath. “Cade.”

Cade sat back and stared. Pink marks marred her legs from the burns. When she could’ve hidden them, or herself, she bared everything for him. Could he do the same for her? His guts coiled and bile rose in his throat. Too soon. He battled the urge to retreat.

Focus on her.

“What are you doing?” She fluttered her hands and bent her arms to cover her body.

Cade touched her ankle and she froze. He kissed her instep. “I’m looking at you. I didn’t get the chance earlier.”

She blushed from her hairline to her toes. “But—”

Nipping the side of her right calf, he stroked the other with feather-light touches. “You’ve always been adorable. You’re the woman I want in my bed.”

Her lips parted and her voice squeaked. “Then show me.”

As Cade licked a trail up her leg to her inner thigh, Melanie shifted. He stroked his index finger and middle finger across her bare pussy, coming close to, but not caressing, her clit. Her groan and the way she writhed her hips sent him into a new dimension of desire. He left a love bite on her thigh and another next to the dragonfly tattoo just above her nether lips. She groaned and scratched her nails on the pillowcase.

Cade chuckled. “Antsy?’

With ragged breaths, she opened her eyes. “Cade, I’m close. Don’t make me wait.”

He rasped his tongue over her clit and savoured the sweet taste of her juices and the musk of her arousal. “You’re addicting.”

“Oh!” Melanie sank her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp.

While he cocked a brow, Cade wriggled away. “Do you want to play dirty? I could get out the blindfold and cuffs.”
Then I could make love to you like I want to—without barriers.

Desire sparkled in her eyes. Her lips parted and she held her wrists together. “Please. It turns me on when you take command.”

“Not right now. I want you wild.”
to prove you’re all I need.
The words, though on his heart, stayed silent in his mind.

Emotions swirled in her whisky-coloured eyes. “I want to see the scars. Tell me what you went through.”

“You don’t want to know.”

“I do. Please show me.” Her voice dropped to a husky whisper.

Although every cell in his body screamed not to, Cade sat up and whisked the shirt over his head. Much to his surprise, it felt right to be completely free and honest with her. She stared at the pockmarks starting right below his left nipple and scattered across his stomach. He took her hand and placed it on his marred skin. She caressed one of the scars below his ribcage with her middle finger.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks, faster than he could wipe them away. “Oh, Cade.”

Closing his eyes, he breathed in her scent once more. Images of the fateful day zipped through his mind like a filmstrip, despite his physical need for her. Her closeness bolstered his courage to deal and move on. “I heard the roar, but it happened too fast. You can feel shit like that, but never know what’s coming down. When the first bomb struck, we all jumped. I lost contact with Jake and Roy. I tried to protect them and failed. I was the superior. I should’ve gone—not them.”

She touched his cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. “You can’t predict an ambush. You did your job and it’s all anyone can ask of you.”

Tension hung thick in the air as he shook his head. “You can’t love a coward.”

“I don’t. I love
.” She placed her hand over his mouth to prevent the protest. “And I intend to help you deal with this.” She bent to kiss his chest, swirling her tongue over the scars. She stopped over his heart and rested her forehead on the C-5 Galaxy airlifter tattoo above the words ‘
Never Alone’
. “I want to make love to you—with you.”

Combined with his admission, her declaration rocketed through his system. She loved him—scars and all. But could he love her in return? He wanted to… God, how he wanted to. Was his will strong enough?

Forcing his uncertainty aside, Cade stood. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers. Licking her nipples along the way, he crawled on top of her and shivered from the skin-to-skin contact.

Smoothing her hands over his body, Melanie shifted to rub her clit against his rock-hard cock. He grasped the sheet and groaned. “Melly, that’s so fucking good.”

“Then kiss me and put it in me.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Cade slid his cock into her pussy and his tongue tangled with hers. Her hips rolled in time with his thrusts. All the love he felt for the woman in his arms echoed in their lovemaking. Each little sigh whispered from her lips kicked his arousal up another notch. Blood thundered through his system. Melanie’s heels dug into his back, sending him deeper into her body. Passion sizzled in the air.

Melanie whimpered again. Her breath came in gasps. “Come with me, Cade.”

“Yes.” Bracing himself with both arms, he pumped into her. “I love you, Melanie.” He threw his head back and shouted. Her body tensed as the orgasm hit. Cade collapsed on top of her and panted. He feathered kisses on her neck and jaw. “God, I love you so much.”

But, I don’t know if I’m enough.


Chapter Twelve




Two days later, Cade rubbed his temples and leaned against the rear fender of his truck to watch Melanie photograph The Butler Mudslingers. Between not knowing any further details about the fire and his new penchant for watching war movies at three a.m., his methods weren’t as therapeutic as he’d hoped. God knew he sure as hell couldn’t go without sleep for much longer. Melanie never mentioned the dark circles under his eyes or how he yawned when he drove. Did she see his problems? He grimaced.
Push it down. Bury the shit until you can’t feel it.
The noise from the track rumbled around in his chest, making it hard to think. Thank God.

To ease his sullen mood, he studied Melanie. Her hair whipped in the wind as the car sped past her. A wave of dirt swirled in the air along with the scent of exhaust. As if she felt his gaze licking her body, she turned for a moment and smiled. His heart did flip-flops. He didn’t deserve such a wonderful woman in his life. She deserved so much more than a man living with things he didn’t understand.

I will make myself normal for you.

Any other day, he might have enjoyed watching the race car tear up the dirt track. Hell, he wanted to grab his truck and fling mud, too. But not today. No, this afternoon, he wanted Melanie to finish up at the Long Pond Motorsports Complex so they could go home where he could better keep an eye on her and keep his emotions in check. Somewhere there was no chance of an innocent bystander ending up at the receiving end of a bad mood flare-up.

With sure steps, Rusty strolled up beside him and leaned on the truck fender. “She’s good, and I know good.”

Cade dipped his head. “Melanie or the race car?”

A deep laugh rumbled from Rusty’s throat. “Melanie. Her pictures rock. I want her to blow up one of the ones with Jojo and Corinna for over the fireplace.”

Cade levelled a long sigh and rubbed where the bandage rumpled his chest. “She can do that.” Dammit. The new tattoo hurt like a mother fucker, but when Melly saw it—she’d know his deepest feelings. Only twelve more hours and he could take the gauze off.

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