Read Your Desire Online

Authors: Dee S. Knight,Francis Drake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy

Your Desire (15 page)

BOOK: Your Desire
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With one last push, he emptied himself, all the while feeling the swell of her climax crash around him, over him, strengthening his release. His lungs were like bellows and his heart raced.

Easing himself down to her, he took her lips tenderly even as he tried to steady his breathing. She framed his face with her hands and brushed her tongue across his lips. He rained soft, quick kisses on her cheeks and eyelids before resting his forehead on hers.

“Has it been a long time for you?” He was still inside her, not hard like he had been but with the heart-stopping certainty he could go again with little stimulation. This from sex with a woman he hadn’t even known for twenty-four hours? There had to be more to what they shared than mere attraction.

She wrapped her legs around his, saying without words that she didn’t want him to move. “Since I’ve been with someone? Yes, a long time. Since being with a man has felt like this? It’s never been like this.”

That was all he needed. With a low groan he stiffened, rocking his hips to let her know. His contact was a nudge, asking permission to love her again. Her knees caressed his waist, her heels brushed his butt. She was ready, and he had provided plenty of lubrication. It crossed his mind then, that she was filled already with
, his semen, and he found the idea to be the most erotic he’d ever had.

He moved in her again, slowly, setting a rhythm designed for pleasure, not relief. In concert, her hips met his, rolling, grinding, enticing him to speed. With effort, he resisted.

The notion that he could perform as well without his sight wasn’t quite right. In so many ways it was better. He’d never considered before how important sound was in sex. Having a light on to watch the effects of his actions on the face of his lover was arousing. But he didn’t think he’d ever paid as much attention to soft moans, whimpers from the back of the throat, the slick sound of his cock moving in and out of a wet pussy, the puffs of exhaled air with each stroke. Even the squeak of bed springs in union with his thrusts increased his need.

And the smell. Lord! Simply inhaling Allison’s scent was enough to drive him crazy. He pictured them as they were at that moment, their arousal hanging in the room like an erotic incense.

He’d always appreciated touch, and her skin was smooth and soft. But forever after he’d remember Allison’s taste. In the past, licking a woman’s neck had titillated them both—her skin against the semi-roughness of his tongue. But when he licked Allison’s neck, or her nipple, as he was now, the salty tang he tasted came from her exertions loving him, and added a whole new dimension to his senses. The taste of her cream was unique and he knew he would always live with the memory.

He paced himself. As great as this felt, he knew it couldn’t equal the intensity of the last climax. So he concentrated on long, sure strokes, designed to bring her maximum pleasure. Moans resonating from deep inside her meant he was succeeding.

“Ohgodohgodohgod!” She arched off the bed, gripping his arms, gasping for breath.

Impossible as it was to believe, her contractions were as strong as they had been before. He’d expected ripples. Instead he felt her strong muscles grasp, release, grasp, release. He wanted to sit tight and experience the thrill, but the very stimulation he wanted to enjoy pushed him over the edge. Before he was aware, he shot into her again, throbbing against her tight sheath.

His climax either lasted forever or was over in seconds. He didn’t know or care. Time had no meaning.

He laid his head beside hers and tried to catch his breath. Her hands rested on his waist, her legs fell to the bed beside his. This time, his penis slid from her, limp.

Finally, she broke the silence. “I guess I should clean up.”

He moved to the side, and she scrambled from the bed. Too late, he thought, feeling the wet spot in the center of the mattress. He bolted upright.
Too late!
He hadn’t used a condom and hadn’t thought to ask her about birth control. Hadn’t thought to ask her about
. The idea of his semen filling her was a great turn-on, but he’d given no thought to consequences.

“You’re a dumb shit, Hughes,” he muttered. He raked his hand through his hair, wincing and jerking his hand away when he hit the tender spot at the back of his head. “A blind, stupid, dumb shit who was only thinking of himself.”

Unable to lie still and wait for her to return, Frank edged out of bed and groped his way to the hall. There he paced. A short distance up, a short distance back, keeping a finger in contact with the wall. He heard the toilet flush, water run in the sink, a drawer open and close. Finally the door opened.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken so long.”

“No, I need to ask you. Are you on birth control?”

She hesitated.

“Because we didn’t use anything.” He brushed his hand across his head again, taking care not to come near the sore area. Pacing again, he continued worriedly, “I can’t remember the last time I had sex without some form of protection. God damn it, I don’t know when I’ve been so careless.”

He didn’t hear her move beside him. “It’s okay, Frank. I’m a nurse, remember? I know about such things. There’s nothing at all for you to worry about.”

“No?” The reprieve from responsibility was overwhelming. For once, he wasn’t the person having to worry. Someone else was in control and everything was all right. He could rely on Allison, as he had for almost everything else these past several hours.

“Put it right out of your mind.” She took his arm and they slowly made their way into the office. “Now, did we make too big a mess? Do I need to get fresh sheets?”

She released him and began to move away. Before she could escape he reached out and pulled her into his arms. “Yeah, there’s a mess, but think of how we made the mess.” Holding her close he nuzzled her ear. “I’ve never known anyone like you, Allison. Not being able to see heightened all my other senses. Your scent, your touch. Every whimper and sigh pushed me on. Your taste! My God, your taste. If you hadn’t already worn me out, I’d get hard again just remembering the flavor of Allison on my tongue.”

She said nothing, but he felt her softness mold to him. Her hands linked behind his back, her mouth, pressed against his chest, turned up in a smile. He cupped her butt and pulled her tighter, his penis becoming semi-erect even after their recent activity.

“I’ve never told any woman all I told you tonight. I’ve never slept with a woman without sex like we did earlier. My senses have never been stretched to fever pitch like they were a little while ago. Twice. I want to say thank you.”

“Oh.” Turning her head so her ear was over his heart, she was quiet for a moment. “I guess I don’t know what to say to that, this situation being new to me, too. I enjoyed our talk. I loved holding you and being held. The sex was … well, incredible. I needed you, Frank, and you gave me more than I could have hoped for. No thanks are needed.”

He gave her a light squeeze.

“But sleeping with you was wrong of me. You’re my patient, not my lover.”

Guilt in her voice tugged at his heart. He didn’t want regret to pull at the edges of the wonder and joy he’d hoped to instill in her. Certainly he didn’t want anything to dispel the sense of contentment he felt being with her.

“Not tonight.” Skimming his hand across her hair, he appreciated the soft, silky texture threading through his fingers. “That wet spot is you and me. Think you can handle it?”

She nodded. “Let’s go back to bed.” Her whisper in the night was all he needed or wanted.

* * * *

After assuring her that he felt much better, they went to sleep, spoon fashion. Allison’s watch alarm went off a couple of hours later and she woke him, although she was pretty certain from his earlier activity he was all right.

Once awake, Frank didn’t seem to want to let go of the moment. He kissed her, caressed her, cuddled her against him, all the while whispering the most astonishing sentiments.

“Do you even know how beautiful you are? I’ll bet men have told you your whole life.”

“I’m not beautiful,” she murmured. “If you could take a good look at me you’d see I was a plain Jane.” She ran her hands across the expanse of his chest, playing with the soft curls that covered it.

He turned to her and she was surprised at how they fit, as though they’d been molded for each other. Lazily, he caressed her breast and thumbed her nipple, and moisture pooled between her legs.

“I don’t believe that. I know right now I don’t have sight, but I can see you, Allison Hayes, and you’re beautiful.” He scooted down to suckle her. “And you feel and taste so good, I don’t ever want to give this up.”

As he sucked, his hand dropped around and below her hips to knead her buttocks. A slow heat built in her. Running her fingers across his nape she emboldened him. He hummed approval, the sound vibrating through her, meeting the heat starting to spiral from her inner core.

When he slipped beneath the covers to take her with his mouth, she shivered. There was no denying the fact that the simple acts of placing tongue to clit and lips to nether lips could make one soar to the stars. She was living proof. With a gentle nudge, he pushed her legs open. They parted further on their own, to provide room for his broad shoulders as his mouth and tongue explored her.

In a world gone mad with desire, she barely heard his words of encouragement and excitement. At last he quit speaking and all she knew was the feel of his wet mouth suckling her, the quick flick of his tongue stroking her clit and the incessant ebb and flow of his fingers in her slick passage. Then it was she who filled the night with words and sounds. She who cried his name and called for him never to stop.

His breath was hot upon her, the unceasing sweep of his tongue carrying her beyond rational thought. She arched off the bed. With his free hand he reached under her buttocks to press her closer to his hungry mouth and she gladly welcomed the move.

Quicker than she could think, he exchanged fingers for mouth, pressing his thumb firmly on her clit while his tongue was inside her. Holding a deep breath, her body trembled as Frank’s silky hair brushed her inner thighs. His breath fanned the flames of the fire his tongue and fingers had started, until finally there was nothing left of her to give.

Gasping, she collapsed. Frank kissed her thighs, nuzzled his head against her mound, then kissed his way up her body. Even her sensitive nipples welcomed the swirl of his tongue. When he reached her mouth, kissing became sinfully decadent as she sampled her musky taste from his lips.

“You taste like sweet honey,” he murmured. His hands raked her, touching every part of her he could reach. His erection pressed hard into her stomach.

“What do you taste like, I wonder?”

He shook his head. “Don’t feel like you have to if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“I want to,” she whispered.

Deftly, he turned them so she lay on top. The rhythm of his breathing changed ever so slightly, and his fingers, brushing her hair behind her ears, were full of tension.

“Then I’d like you to,” he said in as low a voice, “very much.”

She’d taken a man in her mouth before, but reluctantly and not to completion. With Frank, there was no hesitation. When she kissed a path from his ear down his neck, then took time to suckle his nipple, he groaned and begged her not to wait.

Smiling at the power she held over him, she nonetheless gave in to his wish. The truth was, she didn’t want to wait, either.

Her fingers slid over the smooth head of his penis and down the thick shaft, skimming veins and the rough texture of his skin until reaching the springy coarse hair at the base. He was so big! Not only thick but long. She wasn’t even sure she could fit all of him in her mouth.

Swirling her tongue over the head, and with Frank’s moan of pleasure ringing in her ears, she gained courage to take him, a little at a time.

He held steady. She didn’t think she even heard him breathe until she had half of him in her mouth. Then he gasped.

His hands grasped her head, his fingers wound through her hair. Slowly he pushed into her, crooning faintly how sweet she was, how wonderful her mouth felt around him, how well she was doing, taking him.

Finally, she had all of him, and she raised up, dragging her tongue along his length. On the descent, she didn’t know if he’d stopped talking or if she was concentrating so hard she wasn’t listening.

Taking him was easier after she knew what to expect, and she found her timing. When she heard his raspy breath and felt he was close, she made up her mind not to let go of him. She resisted the gentle tug of his hands on her head, pressing down to take all of him as he cried out. Knowing a sense of fulfillment she never thought possible, she held him tightly as he filled her mouth, and she swallowed his very essence. Her heart pounded, much like when he’d made her come, and she couldn’t stop stroking him, with her hands and her tongue.

His breath was still erratic when she settled in his arms. “Let me kiss you,” he groaned. He pushed his tongue deep into her mouth in a primal branding, claiming her in a way no one ever had.

Later, after they calmed each other, stroking and caressing, and delivering light kisses, they talked again. Frank explained his concerns about his blindness becoming known. He told her generalities about his job bid and what he feared would happen if word got out about his accident. He gave no details about his firm or who he was, but she didn’t mind. Somehow, it didn’t seem important. With her he was Frank, not a wealthy man or some celebrity.

“But your blindness is probably temporary,” she protested. “How can they hold something against you that won’t last?”

“We don’t know if it is temporary—at least that’s the way the business world will see the situation. I’ve always been a perfectionist. If something isn’t perfect, or especially if I can’t make it so, I don’t deal with it. My reputation will come back to bite me now if word gets out. I’m very hands-on, so whatever affects me affects the whole company. What I’ve demanded of others, they’ll now demand of me, and if I’m not whole, no one will believe I’ll manage the project properly.”

BOOK: Your Desire
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