Your Man Chose Me (23 page)

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Authors: Racquel Williams

BOOK: Your Man Chose Me
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News traveled fast as hell; plus, one of my old nosey-ass homegirls called me and told me to turn on the TV. The five o'clock news was on, and it was breaking news. I stared into the face of my baby daddy as they dragged him out of his mama's house in handcuffs. I also recognized his boy Mari. I wonder what his bitch-ass girlfriend Lori was saying. I knew they were building a case. I just didn't know it was going to be this soon. I cut up the television so I could hear every word this news bitch was saying!
“I just spoke to Detective Robinson from the DeKalb County drug task force, and he told me this was one of Georgia's biggest drug busts. He also told me that he and his team have been trying for years to bring this crew down, but have not been successful until today. I tell you, Ross, the police department is being praised for bringing down this drug empire. In the next half hour, I will be showing the viewers some of the drugs and guns that were seized in this operation. Jenise Scoot reporting for Channel 2 News. Now back to you, Ross.”
I was not shocked at what I was hearing at all. I knew from the day I laid eyes on him he was moving major paper. His old lying ass claimed he wasn't hustling anymore! That old dumbass bitch might've believed that shit, but not I!
I was up bright and early. I called the jail and found out Ant didn't have bail. That was great news for me. I bet his ass would sit there and think about all the shit he put me through. I took a long shower to revive myself. Last night was the best I'd slept in ages.
I quickly got dressed. I had to go get my children from this bitch's house. I knew she didn't think I was going to leave my fucking children over there.
I got in my car and drove to her house. I hoped this bitch just let me get them without a hassle because I had zero tolerance for this shit. I pulled up at her address and I parked. I walked my fat ass up the driveway and rang the doorbell. There was no response, so I rang it again and again. I knew that bitch was in there because Ant's Charger was parked in the driveway; plus, I saw lights on in there when I peeked to the side of the window. I put my head close to the door and heard movement!
That bitch better open this fucking door because I am not leaving without my kids!
I was so restless. I waited up half the damn night thinking Micah was going to call. Every time the phone rang I jumped and grabbed it, thinking it was him, only to be disappointed. I was also pissed off that his lawyer didn't hit me up. Best believe his ass was going to hear about it as soon as I saw his ass this morning. I let out a long sigh and got up out of the bed.
The girls were already up, and I knew it was only a matter of time before they started asking for something to eat. I dragged myself downstairs and started making pancakes and eggs. My mind was so clouded and I was feeling helpless. I hoped they gave him a bond this morning, 'cause God knows I couldn't go through with this. I hated the fact that we were not on speaking terms when this shit happened
I wished I could hold him.
Ding! Ding! Ding! The chiming of my doorbell startled me and interrupted my thoughts. I swear, I had a bad feeling about this. I hoped to God it wasn't the fucking police showing up at my door. I panicked. I had no idea if Micah had anything illegal in the house. I tiptoed over to the door, and glanced through the peephole.
“Is this bitch for real?” I whispered to myself.
“Bitch, open the motherfucking door! I know you in there. Give me my damn kids,” she hollered.
I leaned against the door, thinking whether I wanted to entertain this bitch or call the police on her ass.
Bang! Bang! Bang! She continued showing her ass off.
I had enough of this shit! I unlocked the door and stood there looking at this deranged bitch! “What the fuck is you at my house banging for? Bitch, I don't fuck with you.”
“Bitch, I'm here to get my damn kids. I suggest you send them out before I drag your ass on this concrete.”
I stepped out of the door, and down to the pavement. “I whupped your ass once before; please don't let me do it again. I done told yo' ass I ain't wit' all this kiddy shit. You know what the court order said. Now get the fuck off my property, before I drag you in this house and tear you the fuck up.” I took a step back and walked into my house. I slammed the door behind me.
I wanted to go off on this bitch, but I knew I had to keep my calm. Micah was already in a fucked-up situation and he needed me to be out here to handle things. I walked into the kitchen and realized I'd left the stove on, and the pancakes were burnt to the point where they were black. I cut the stove off and put some water in the pan. I poured me a glass of water, and drank it down to help ease my level of frustration.
“Auntie, I'm hungry,” Diamond ran into the kitchen yelling.
“Baby, you have to eat some cereal. Auntie accidentally burnt the pancakes.”
“Oh, man,” she pouted.
“I'm sorry, baby! Auntie will make it up to you,” I said while I choked back tears.
I poured her some cereal, and went to clean up the kitchen. I knew I had to hurry up, because I had to be in court this morning.
This bitch lost her damn mind! Who the fuck did she think she was, denying me my damn children? I was one second away from jumping on her ass, but for once my common sense kicked in. I wanted to do it the right way so I could be assured the state didn't take them back, or Micah's ass didn't beat his case and take the kids away from me.
“911, how may I help you?”
“Hello, ma'am. I need an officer. This lady has my children in this house, but won't let them out.”
“Ma'am, what is your name? Are these your biological children or do you have custody of these children?”
“Yes, I do,” I snapped on this bitch. I ended up giving her the address. I was irritated because this bitch was behaving like she didn't understand me.
“Okay, ma'am, I am dispatching a unit to meet you over at the address you gave me.”
Without responding, I hung up on that bitch. I really wasn't in the mood this morning.
I walked back to my car, and sat in the seat with the car door open. Twenty minutes later, a police car pulled up. I got up, and closed my door and walked over to him.
“Hello, ma'am. Are you the one who called the police?” the young, sexy officer said. Damn, if it was a different situation, I would definitely be flirting with him. But I wasn't in the mood for no dick right now!
“Yes, that's me. My name is Ayana Beasly and there is a custody arrangement between the children's father and me. However, he was locked up yesterday in that big drug bust out here in Stone Mountain. So I'm trying to take my kids home with me.”
“Did you knock on the door?”
“Yes, and the bi . . .” I caught myself fast. “The lady said she is not giving them back.”
“Okay, please stay here. I'll talk with the homeowner.” He walked off toward the door.
I wasn't trying to hear that shit! I walked up the driveway behind him. I stopped at a fair distance. I didn't want the cop to say anything smart to me. I saw when he banged on the door. The bitch opened it quickly and he started talking with her. I tried to listen, but they were damn near whispering. I had no idea what that bitch said, but the officer stepped inside and closed the door behind him. By then another unit pulled up.
Hmm, this bitch might be joining her baby daddy in jail.
The door suddenly opened and the officer walked out alongside my youngest child. A few seconds later Dominique walked out screaming and hollering. “I don't want to go. I want to stay with my Auntie Tiana. Please, I don't want to go home,” she screamed, and tried to reach back into the house.
“You better bring your ass.” I grabbed her arm and slightly pulled her toward me. I was careful not to cause a scene because of the police presence. “Thank you, Officer,” I said before I walked down the hill, pulling on this little bitch who was resisting.
“Get in the car,” I said to Diamond. I then threw Dominique's overgrown ass into the back seat.
“I don't want to go! I hate you. I want to stay with my auntie,” she screamed.
Slap! Slap! “Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! You're going home whether you like or not. That bitch is not Mama and you better get used to it because this is the last time you gonna see her ass,” I blurted out. I didn't give a damn right now! I was tired of her shenanigans and her behaving like that bitch spit her out of her pussy! “Now buckle your damn seat belt and shut the fuck up.”
I walked to the driver's seat. I was ready to pull off before the officers walked over here. The last thing I needed was another accusation of child abuse. I looked in my mirror as he pulled up from behind.
He stopped beside my car. “Hello, ma'am. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, Officer. Thanks again for helping me.” I smiled at him.
He nodded and pulled off. I watched as the other unit pulled off in the other direction. I was happy because my tag was expired; plus, I ain't pay the insurance. I waited a few seconds and then I pulled off.
I cut up the radio so I could tune out all the crying this little heffa was doing. God knows that I would have to push my foot up her ass soon. I was not the one to be fucked with and she would find out soon enough.
I locked my door and fell to the ground. My heart was broken. The tears streamed down my face as I gripped my chest. I was hurting for me, but more so for that little girl. She'd been through more than enough and what made it sad was that bitch Ayana didn't really want them. She was doing that shit to get back at Micah and me. I swear I didn't want to let them go, but the officer explained to me that this was between Micah and Ayana and, unless I took her to court and won, I had no legal right to the children. As much as it hurt my heart, I understood completely.
I sat on the floor crying about everything that was going on in my life. “God, please wrap your hands around my family! They need you. I need you,” I cried. I wasn't the most religious person on this earth, but I swear I needed help from God. Everything just spiraled downhill and out of control. I didn't know what to do, or where to even start. I continued crying as I poured my heart out to the Man Above.
I heard my phone ringing upstairs. I wiped my tears and ran up the stairs. I grabbed the phone. “Hello,” I said, all out of breath.
“Hey, babe, it's me. Are you on your way yet?” Micah's mama's voice echoed in my ear.
“On my way?” I stuttered.
“Yes, to court. You know Micah has court this morning.”
“Oh, shit! Yes, I'm on the way,” I lied.
I hung the phone up and threw it on the bed. I stripped down in seconds and jumped in the shower. I took less than five minutes to make sure I washed my arms and my pussy. I jumped out and dried off. I rushed to my closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a nice dress shirt. I quickly got dressed and rushed out the door. Court started in twenty minutes, but knowing the traffic in the morning I was definitely cutting it close.
I was lucky there was no backed-up traffic this morning. I got to the courthouse about five minutes before court was scheduled to start. I parked and walked hurriedly into the courthouse. As soon as I walked through the metal detector, I spotted his mother. “Good morning, Ma. Sorry I'm late.”
“Hey, honey.” She kissed me on the cheek.
“Is the lawyer here yet?”
“No. I didn't see anyone in the courtroom except the bailiff.”
“I had the worst freaking morning. They came and took the kids.”
“Who took the kids?” She looked at me for clarification.
“Ayana knocked on the door, asking for the kids. I told her no, and closed my door. Next thing I know the police was knocking on the door. I thought about not opening up the door, but the last thing I need is to get locked up.”
“Are you fucking serious? Please excuse my French. That bitch not gonna stop until I beat her ass. She keeps fucking with me and my damn son. I have a strong feeling she the one who set them people on Micah. I told his ass long time ago to stop fucking with her ass,” she said in a high-pitched tone. She started crying.
I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her. She held on to me. I could feel this lady's pain because I was hurting also. I knew I had to remain strong, but right now I didn't how!
I looked up and saw the lawyer walking toward the courtroom. “Mr. Pocasso.” I let her go and called the lawyer over.
“Good morning, Mrs. Caldwell-Brown.”
“Good morning. This is Miss Debra, Micah's mother. I tried to reach you all yesterday, but I got no response. I even texted you a few times.”
“Yes, sorry about that. I was handling a heavy workload yesterday. But I did make it down to the jail to talk with Mr. Brown.”
“So what's going on? 'Cause I'm lost.”
“Well, the state claims they have an enormous amount of evidence against him. I've yet to see what they're talking about. I also learned there was a confidential informant who is working closely with the drug force. I will be filing a motion for discovery to get a better understanding of what evidence they have against him.”
“They ain't got shit. I know my husband and I do know he wasn't in them streets anymore. They're trying to frame him for real.”
“We have to go in the courtroom right now, but we'll talk some more after court.”
I nodded and followed him into the courtroom. Micah's mother followed closely and rubbed my back as we walked into the room. I took a seat right behind the attorney. I wanted to hear everything that was going to be said.
I was looking down, trying to keep my emotions under wraps. When I finally lifted my head up, I saw the bailiff walking Micah out. He spotted me as soon as he walked in. He looked at me and mouthed, “I love you.”
“I love you, babe,” I mouthed back. My husband didn't look like himself! He looked stressed out. I wished I could hug him and let him know it was going to be all right. I hoped!
“All rise, the district court of DeKalb County, Criminal Division is now in session. The Honorable Judge Preston is residing. Please be seated,” the bailiff said.
“Your Honor, calling docket number 456783: State of Georgia versus Anthony Micah Brown. Five counts of possession with the intent to distribute, drug trafficking across state lines, possession of a firearm during drug trafficking, maintaining a drug dwelling, conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine.”
I stopped listening, because it was becoming a little too much for my mind. I lowered my head and breathed slowly. I tried to tune out everything. I didn't want to hear all the lies that were being told about my husband.
“Bond is denied,” definitely got my attention.
“What do you mean, no bond? He has a family, and he ain't trying to run anywhere,” I stood up and blurted out.
“Ma'am, please be quiet. Bailiff, if she doesn't sit down and remain silent, please remove her from the courtroom.”
Micah's mother grabbed my hand. I looked at Micah. He looked at me and shook his head no. I knew he didn't like what I just did, but I swear, I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my hand away from his mother and ran out of the courtroom. I didn't stop running until I got to my car.
I collapsed onto the seat, crying uncontrollably. I couldn't believe they denied bond. My husband wasn't no criminal. I knew this man; they didn't! I laid my head on the steering wheel and just let the tears flow loosely.
Bang! Bang!
I lifted my head up, quickly wiping snot from my nose. I noticed a thick-ass female standing by my window. My first instinct told me she was a bitch Ant was fucking. I swear I wasn't in the mood. Nevertheless, I let my window down. “Yes,” I said in between sobs.
“Hi, my name is Lori. I was in the court. Mari is my boyfriend and he is Ant's codefendant.”
I looked at her like, “Okay, so what the fuck you want?”
“I never met you, but I've heard so much about you. I was wondering if we could talk for a few.”
I thought about it, then agreed. I grabbed a tissue out of my bag and wiped my face. I opened my door and stepped out. I was still being cautious because I didn't know if this bitch was a friend or a foe. “So what you want to talk about?”
“I want you to know I know exactly what you're going through. Mari and Ant are good friends. Anyway I used to be friends with Ayana and—”
“I don't want to discuss that bitch, so if she sent you I don't wanna hear that shit.” I turned to get back in my car.
“No, wait.” She grabbed my arm. “I think you'll want to hear what I have to say.”
“You got five minutes.” I turned back around and folded my arms.
“Like I said, Ayana and I were friends. A few months ago, we're talking and she blurted out how she tried to kill you.”
She definitely grabbed my attention with that statement. I'd suspected that she did it, but up until now I had no proof. “So why are you telling me this if she's your girl?”
“A few weeks ago, I caught her fucking Mari in my bed. We fought and she was angry. It's kind of strange that all of a sudden Ant and his crew is locked up. They did a huge bust even at spots that no one outside of me and Ayana knew about. I know damn well I didn't tell nobody, so that leaves her.”
As I stood there listening, something that Dominique said to me the day her daddy got locked up played back in my head.
“Are you okay?” She touched my arm.
“Yes, just thinking about something.”
“Well, like I said, I don't think it's coincidence. I swear that bitch better not let me catch her ass. Mari suspect it's her ass too.”
“You really think Ayana is that evil?”
“That bitch is scandalous. She is obsessed with Ant and will do any- and everything to get him back. I think she is over the edge because she see that she can't break you and him up. I don't know you, but I think you should be careful. Watch your back at all times.”
“Let me ask you a question, woman to woman; and I need you to be honest with me.”
“Sure, what's up?”
“Was my husband still in them streets? Did he do all that shit they're accusing him of?” I looked at her.
“Well, you know, Mari kept me out of his business, but yes, Ant still was the head nigga in charge. He wasn't doing hand to hand after he met you, but he still call the shots. I know they were out there heavily. I can't say they did all that and I can't say they didn't.”
“Thank you. I needed to know the truth.”
“Ant loves you and maybe was just trying to protect you from all of this.”
“Listen, I got to run, but put my number in your phone. Call me if you need to talk.”
I got into my car and pulled off. Everything I thought about that bitch was confirmed. The hardest part was finding out my husband was lying to me. Now it made sense, all those late nights and early mornings. I thought he was cheating on me, when all along he was still running around in them streets. I was hurting because he deceived me.
It was time to pick up my son from daycare. It broke my heart that I couldn't bring his daddy home. What would I tell my son? I took a long sigh and pulled into the daycare.
* * *
The next day after I dropped Baby Micah off with his grandma, I made my way to the DeKalb County Jail. Luckily it was Micah's day to get visitors. I put on a little makeup to kind of take away the dullness from my face. I also made sure my hair was done. I didn't want him to see me looking like hell. It was bad enough he was in that hell hole. I'd never been to jail before, but I'd heard enough horror stories. I was kind of happy that I was getting the chance to see him. I needed some sort of explanation to all this madness that was going on!
I parked and walked into the lobby. I hated being here, but a bitch had to do what she had to do. I swallowed hard and walked up to the front window to show my identification. I took a glance around. I noticed there were a bunch of females along with children seated, waiting for their names to be called. I shivered inside as I silently prayed this would be my one and only time going through this.
“Hello, I'm here to visit Anthony Brown.”
“Your ID,” she said with an attitude.
I pushed the ID in front of her. I didn't give a fuck if this bitch was an officer; she needed some damn manners. She examined my ID, then gave it back. “Have a seat and listen for your name to be called.”
I took my ID up and walked away. I hoped she didn't mind that I didn't say thank you for nothing. I sat in the nearest seat available and tried my best to tune out everything that was going on around me.
Names after names were called. I was feeling anxious. I wondered what was taking so long for them to bring him out.
“Tiana Caldwell-Brown.”
“Here I go,” I said as I jumped up like I just won an award. I walked into the visiting area and anxiously looked around. I spotted my husband all the way toward the end. This shit was crazy. I couldn't even touch him. He was behind glass, and we could only talk on the telephone. I walked over to him and grabbed the phone.
“What's good, ma?” He looked deep into my eyes.
Without saying anything, the tears started to flow out. “Hey, boo,” I whispered in between the sobs.
“Damn, ma, you know how much I hate that! Yo, you killing me right now!”
I tried my best to control the tears. I then wiped my eyes. “Micah, what the hell is going on?” It was my turn to look him dead in his eyes.
“Ma, you know I can't even talk to you the way I want to. But, I assure you, these charges are bogus.”
I didn't say anything. I was good at reading people, and I was good at telling when my husband was lying to me. Only this time I couldn't tell. All I saw in front of me was a broken man. That broke my heart more. I wished I could tell him it was going to be okay, but I couldn't.
“Ma, listen to me! I need you to pay the lawyer and I want you to take care of you and little man. Please know your man is G, and I got this. You look like hell, so I know you been up worrying yourself to death. You need to chill out,” he said in a stern voice. “So how the girls and little man doing? I hate that they had to witness this shit the other day.”
I forgot he had no idea that bitch came and got the girls. There was no easy way to say it. “Ayana called the police and they came and got the girls,” I blurted out.
“What the fuck you mean, they came and got them?”
“You have shared custody with her, but you are locked up. I'm not related to them, so the police told me to hand them over.”
“Fuck! I'ma kill this bitch,” he yelled out as hit the wall.
“Boy, you better calm your ass down. Sitting up here talking like that.”

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