Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (12 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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to take him exactly as he was, no hiding, no deceptions, no trying

to pretend he was someone he wasn’t in order to get them to stay

with him. He would rather they left and have someone else turn up

who could handle their own truth as well as his in a relationship.

Key points of the 5
Learning to trust intuition, step out

into the world to be a courageous pioneer and express their


Spiritual Karma: 13-4

The 13 was the key defining energy for Michael’s life. The spiritual

karmic challenge of this energy was to surrender into the flow of

the Divine Feminine energy of god. His soul set up a total discon-

nection from this energy through the traumatic experience of his

mother dying when he was five years old. At all levels of his being,

Michael felt that the Divine Feminine archetype, in the form of his

mother, had totally abandoned him in life, and his heart closed

down. He put up a stone wall of protection around it so he would

not get hurt that badly ever again. His first partners perceived him

to be hard-hearted as a result, even though he was very sensitive

for a man due to the 2 within the physical karmic 11-2 and the

Physical goals 5-5. He made an early decision in life not to have

children as he did not want them to go through the devastating

loss of a parent that he had been through.

This is also linked to the 4 which is all about learning to trust

in the flow of God/the Universe in life. This includes the flow of

love, ideas, concepts, money and nature, with the ultimate expres-

sion of nature being the creation of children. Deep down, Michael

felt that there would never be enough love in his life so he had

none to spare for anyone else, especially children. This made him

quite selfish when he was younger.



When he first started to have relationships, his girlfriends

complained that he always wanted to do the things he wanted to

do, that he was not prepared to share more of himself with them.

This drove many of them away and also other friends, leaving

Michael feeling isolated.

Then he met stephanie Margaret Megan Taylor, who gave

him the unconditional love that he so deeply desired. This gradu-

ally melted the stone wall around his heart, and for the first time

since the death of his mother, Michael felt truly loved again by the

Divine Feminine energy.

Key points of the 13
Opening the heart to love

Key points of the 4
Trusting in the flow of the Universe/


Spiritual Talents: 8-8

While Michael was ungrounded at times with the Physical goals

5-5, another part of him was grounded with the spiritual Talent

8-8. These made him very home orientated as he needed a stable,

long-term base that grounded and stabilized him so that he could

then move out into the world to do his work. The 8-8s indicate that

he is quite a high-frequency soul that has to work hard to relate to

the emotional and energetic heaviness of Earthly, incarnate life.

When he hit his mid to late 30s, Michael’s clairvoyant abilities

started to come online. This meant he could see the future. He

could tune in to a situation and know the truth of it and what was

going to happen. This was useful when bidding for architectural

contracts as it enabled him to fine-tune his bids to give him the

best possible chance of succeeding as he knew what the outcome

would be for each variation on a proposal.

The 8-8s in this aspect enabled him to use his spiritual ener-

gies to serve people in society. He had the ability to relate to all

types of people, which was useful as an architect project-manag-

ing a vast range of different contractors, clients and staff in the

creation of his innovative buildings, especially as each group of

people had their own viewpoint on how it should be done. He was



always reaching out to people and managed to connect and relate

to them all in a way that exactly fitted each individual involved.

This resulted in his projects running relatively smoothly most of

the time.

Key points of the 8
Ability to be emotionally grounded

and to reach out and connect to all types of people

Spiritual Goals: 10-1

These energies in a spiritual goal aspect are all about Michael

bringing his male and female energies within him into balance.

The death of his mother meant that he did not get a long-term

transmission of the Feminine energies. His father, who was very

strict as a single parent, had gone too far with his need to keep

Michael under control. The resulting emotional and mental abuse

scarred Michael, especially because he was so sensitive from his

physical karmic 11-2 and his Physical goals 5-5. This resulted in his

male energy being suppressed as he felt like a victim of his father’s

behaviour. it took him into a place of victimhood and feeling help-

less as a man, where he did not know how to properly access and

express his male energy. He felt like there was a big hole emotion-

ally in his life and was forever searching for a pure transmission

of clean Father/Man energy to fill it. He tried to reconnect with

his father at a human emotional level many times throughout his

life, but his father was always distant and talked about superficial

things. He just did not have the ability to be what Michael needed.

They would never have a real man-to-man, heart-to-heart, con-

nected, open conversation about the deep issues in their lives,

especially in their father-son relationship that really mattered to

Michael. Michael found this extremely frustrating, and emotion-

ally he forever felt like a boy inside, searching for Father energy, a

blessing from his father. But it never came.

Then one day, a close friend who had a big influence on the

direction of Michael’s life, alan Jonathan Wyldman, introduced

him to men’s work. at the age of 38, Michael attended a weekend

workshop called the Mankind Project, New Warrior Training



Adventure (Ref 9). This was based on the book
Iron John
by Robert

Bly (Ref 10), the mythopoetical journey of emotional initiation of a

boy into becoming a man. For the first time in his life, he received

from the workshop leaders the pure transmission of Father energy

directly into his body. He could relax now: the big emotional hole

his father could never fill was beginning to be filled. Michael

finally felt what it was like to be an emotionally initiated man. He

had been blessed by the workshop leaders, something he thought

would never happen in his lifetime. He had come into his mature

initiated male energy and could express it in integrity in his service

in the world. This is of utmost importance to someone with 10-1s.

stephanie, his wife, brought in the transmission of the femi-

nine energy that Michael was deficient in from the early loss of

his mother. as their love grew through the years, and he opened

his heart to her, his female energy also came into balance. We will

examine their relationship and family dynamics in much greater

depth in a future book on Relationship and Name Overlays and

another one on Families and Parenting for their children.

Now that Michael was getting his male and female energies up

and running and into balance, this freed up much of his life force

energy which his ego had been suppressing and enabled him to

access so much more of the high god-like spiritual energies of the

10-1s. He rose in consciousness and started to meditate regularly,

as he realised how important the reconnection to his true spiritual

nature was. This continuous dissolution of the layers of separation

between himself at a human-ego personality level and his soul

meant he gradually, over many years, became the walking, talking,

feeling expression of his soul. When his soul had a thought or

feeling, Michael experienced the same thought and feeling at

exactly the same time. He was moving gradually into a state of full

soul consciousness that would eventually allow him to express the

full spectrum of his soul Destiny/life Purpose.

Key points of the 10
Bringing male female energies back

into balance and being open to soul consciousness

Key points of the 1
Coming back into fully unified, stable,

integrated male power



Soul Destiny: 14-5

Michael’s soul Destiny was to produce spiritual material in some

form in writing, to bring to the world new, pioneering spiritual

techniques. This would flow from his intuitive channel in the

form of the Physical goals 5-5 and the spiritual goals 14-5. The

energy of the 14 created lots of emotionally intense relationships

for Michael which were very disorientating. out of this intensity,

where those he was relating to would reflect back to him parts of

himself he was not previously aware of, he would get to know much

more about who he truly was. His motto was ‘i relate, therefore i

am’. His spiritual writing was to be a product of his own personal

life experience of blending the spiritual concepts of vaastu and

sacred geometry into his buildings.

Key points of the 14
Reflected being, knowing oneself

through relationship

Key points of the 5
Expressing new spiritual material

from intuitive channels

10. Brief interpretation of a short name with less than

ten phonetic sounds

Case study 2: Bart Alan

let us undertake a brief interpretation of Bart alan, who has less

than ten phonetic Hebrew sounds in his name. His name can only

be decoded into generic karma, talents and goals. There is no soul

Destiny for a short name. There is no separation into physical and

spiritual aspects as for a name with ten or more phonetic sounds

which decode into a six-pointed star of David. This is because

there are not enough phonetic vibrations available.

Table 10: The three aspects









Generic Karma: 11-2

Bart was always a builder of things; he loved lego as a child. He

excelled at woodwork and metalwork at school as this was all about

understanding the structure of the projects he was to learn the skills

to build, then actually constructing them. His father was an archi-

tect, so he was brought up in that sort of creative environment at

home. He used to read his father’s architectural magazines and go

to his father’s office and got imprinted with the whole ethos of the

profession. as a result, he decided from his early teens to become

an architect. This is easily done with a karmic 11-2 when they are

young as they absorb everything without discernment initially.

He was also a very bright child, although there were concerns

about his learning ability, as he appeared slow at school, like

Michael, his best friend. again, like in Michael’s case, this slow-

ness of assimilation of knowledge was due to his 11 taking its time

to discern and build Bart’s structure of truth. once he grasped and

integrated a new body of knowledge as part of his truth, his mind

was fast at applying this truth in his life.

Bart was a sensitive child because of the 2 energy, where he

was learning emotional resiliency, and was easily shocked by the

rough-and-tumble of school life and the demands of family life.

Key points of the 11
Learning to assimilate knowledge,

expand and grow; finding a structure for functioning in the

physical world

Key points of the 2
Learning emotional resiliency

Generic Talent: 13-4

Bart was a loving child, accepting people exactly as they were

without judgement of any kind. People really felt healed and

nurtured by being in his presence. This is the 13 in action, the

unconditional love of the Divine Feminine energy just flowing to

and through him for him to duplicate, and share into the world

with others, which is the 4 in action. Bart soon learnt that the more

he expanded and shared of whatever came to him, be it love, money

or ideas, the more that came to him. He soon moved into a place of



great trust in the flow of life from a very young age. He learnt to set

the intent of what he desired to occur in his life, and if it was meant

to be, it would just turn up for him. He did not need to go chasing

after anything if he truly trusted in the flow of the Universe.

Bart had known Michael William sampson since they started

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