Zachania (51 page)

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Authors: Joseph Henry Gaines

Tags: #fantasy, #magic, #wizards, #epic fantasy, #classics, #classic, #hero, #wizard, #high adventure, #war adventure, #warcraft, #gaines, #zachania

BOOK: Zachania
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“Well Lagain!
Your King has asked you question! Share what is troubling you for I
have no patience for a man he keeps his thoughts secret from his

After a brief
glimpse towards Zargar, Lagain returned his attention back to the

“Sire today I
brought you news of a great victory, I was present at that battle
and I stood in the battlefield proud to be a Zachanian, but I saw
things that have made me question if that pride is shared amongst
some of your commanders.”

“What are you
saying?” interrupted the King looking concerned and surprised.

“Two of your
commanders were more concerned with saving the lives of the Empire
rather than pushing our advantage upon them and spilling their

“Who are you
speaking about?” interrupted Zargar.

“Sire, I speak
of the wizard Ganasis and the so called Zararhakzar, the one called

The King sat
motionless for a moment as he took in what he had just been told,
then suddenly he rose quickly from his chair and reached for his
sword and then pointed it at Lagain.

SPEAK TO ME WITH SUCH INSOLENCE? The men you speak of are my
trusted friends.” the King shouted clearly showing his fury.

General Lagain
jumped from his own chair and cowered back a few steps which made
Lord Zargar jump up and stand between him and the King.

“It is true
sire.” Lagain pleaded.

shouted the King which made Zargar intervene.

“My liege!” the
Lord said as if trying to calm the King who was still enraged.

“I will not
stand here and listen to poisonous accusations about Lord Talon and
Ganasis, those two men risked their lives today.”

Lord Zargar
nodded affectionately back at his King before he reached out and
grabbed the King’s arm, drawing closer he whispered to him.

“Sire… Arun,
you are now King my friend, you are now the leaders of leaders, the
wisest of the wise, regardless of what your personnel feelings are,
it is your duty to hear what your subjects say, Lagain is a General
in your army my liege, you must give him the due respect.”

King Arun
slowly reverted his gaze from Lagain to Zargar as he calmed his
breathing and tried to relax, he looked at his Lord and realised
that what he was saying was true and that his own views must always
come second to duty, Arun placed his sword back onto the table,
picked up his chair and sat back down, Zargar sighed a sigh of
relief before turning to Lagain who was now by the door looking as
if he was ready to make a quick escape had the King lunged at him
with his sword, Zargar pointed for Lagain to return to his

“Take your seat
General and tell us what you have to say.”

the General made his way back to his chair where he now spoke in a
much lower and less arrogant tone of voice.

“Sire what I
say I speak the truth, when we were on the battlefield Talon
ordered mercy for the Empires soldiers. We had them beaten and
cornered, we were putting them to their death when Talon personally
told me that he would kill any Zachanian soldier who carried out
his duty to kill the Empires soldiers, Ganasis also agreed with

The King paused
as he mulled over what Lagain had just said to him.

“Talon said to
you that he would kill Zachanian soldiers.” the King then

“That were his
words sire.” replied Lagain.

“I say bring
Talon here then Lagain can say these accusations to his face” added
Lord Zargar to the King.

“That is
exactly what we will do.” King Arun snapped back before turning
back to General Lagain.

“I will allow
you to put these accusations to Talon and Ganasis before me and the
council General, personally I do not believe you are telling us the
full story but what I believe personally does not hold weight here.
As a General in my army you have the right or authority to bring
matters before the council, something is missing here but you will
have your chance to prove what you are saying and Talon and Ganasis
will have that same right to answer your accusations.”

“Thank you
sire.” replied Lagain now once again talking in an arrogant tone of

“I will send
word for you as soon as I have spoken to Talon.”

“I thank you
again my liege.”

“Now leave us
you have sullied the mood enough for one day” replied the King

“As you wish
sire.” replied Lagain raising to his feet and leaving.

King Arun
banged the table hard and grabbed another jug of ale which he drank
down in one attempt.

“Thank you
Makros for calming me, for a moment I forgot myself.”

“Arun no thanks
are necessary, a Kings crown is not an easy weight to bear my

“And what I
must do next will bear the heaviest weight, DAMN IT!” the King
replied again banging the table.

again added the King “after a day like today I must now charge the
two men responsible for our victory.”

“Lagain is
hiding something Arun, Talon and Ganasis are not traitors, you know

“Of course I
know that but as King I must act accordingly.”

“Do not let it
grieve you Arun, both Talon and Ganasis will understand, the truth
will prevail.”

“Understand or
not it makes me feel disloyal Makros, they bring me a great victory
and for their reward I charge them to prove their innocence before
the council and the words of a lying General” replied Arun now

“Arun as King
you have to respect the word of your Generals, the rank of General
is shrouded in honour, they are men of truth and loyalty to their
King or Lords, we have no option in this matter, if Lagain wishes
to address the council then that is what must happen.”

As Talon and
Ganasis rode into the border camp on the Zachanian side of Death
Valley they were totally oblivious to all the fuss that was
awaiting them, the two men dismounted there horses and entered the
King’s tents.

“I can’t wait
to see the look on Arun’s face” Talon remarked smiling to Ganasis
as they walked into his company.

“What’s wrong?
Have you not heard?” Talon said surprised as he saw the solemn look
on the King’s face.

The King then
rose to his feet and walked towards Talon.

“I am sorry but
I must place you both on a charge for incitement for

“WHAT!” snapped
Ganasis in shock and anger?

King Arun
closed his eyes for a moment before asking the both of them to be
seated, the King then swallowed deeply and sincerely he began to

“Talon, General
Lagain came to us today and put forward these accusations forward,
he has said your actions have put Zachanian lives at risk, he has
asked for his right to challenge you before the council, believe me
it breaks my heart to bring this to you, but as your King and
upholder of the laws of Zachania my hands are tied on this

“This is an
outrage Arun!” replied Ganasis furiously.

“This was not
the King’s wish Ganasis.” added Lord Zargar defending Arun.

“Arun all I did
was give an order that we will take prisoner’s if any man wishes to
surrender, how this can risk the safety of our men is beyond my
response.” added Talon with a very stern look on his face.

“Talon, by the
gods I know these accusations are unfounded, but by Zachanian law I
must act on what has been said, no one especially me is beyond the

“I understand
that Arun but does it have to be so formal, can we not have a
discussion between ourselves like men about this rather than drag
us before the council like common criminals.” snapped Ganasis.

“Are we to be
bound and locked up as well Arun?” added Talon.

The King shook
his head gently before replying.

“No Talon you
will not, we will have a discreet meeting of the council where I am
sure you will show your innocence.”

“Show my
innocence! I bring you a vic” Talon started replying only for
Ganasis to interrupt him by grabbing his arm.

“Talon listen
to Arun, he is your friend, this is a code of behaviour that has to
be adhered to, as king it’s his only action Talon.I think Lagain
knew what he was doing when he rode back here, he knew that the
King would have no option other than charge you, and that in his
mind is his way of getting back at you, I have heard that Lagain is
a very ambitious man and detests anyone who stands in his way.”

“I have not
stood in his way Ganasis.”

“Yes Talon you
did, in Lagain’s determined mind you corrected him and ordered him
to obey.” added Ganasis.

interrupted the King as leaned in closer.

“Let us call
this meeting tomorrow morning, then we can deal with this matter
swiftly and move onto more important issues.”

“The sooner the
better!” snapped Ganasis still showing signs of frustration.

A silence then
fell over the room as Talon leaned back into his chair and sighed
loudly, the King and Ganasis could see that he was deep in

“OK Talon it
will be over by noon tomorrow.” added Ganasis who was trying to
reassure him.

“No Ganasis it
is not ok, I will not give testimony.”

“Talon you must
address the council!” replied the King sounding concerned.

“Talon, it is
your chance to prove your innocence!” added Lord Zargar.

Talon half
smiled and shook his head slightly before rising to his feet.

“I will not
stand and be accused of false accusations, I will not degrade
myself and prove my actions and I will not humble myself because of
a twisted lie.”

Lord Zargar
also rose to his feet.

“Lord Talon,
you must give your side of the argument to the council, no one here
believes you are guilty of this charge and no one will believe it
tomorrow but you must comply with the formalities of the council.”
he said trying to convince him to see sense.

“My answer is
final!” Talon coldly replied.

“Then you will
be found guilty of these claims, is that what you want Talon.”
added the King.

“Then so be
it!” snapped Talon sounding resolute.

Again a strange
silence fell onto the room as Arun frustratingly sighed out

“Damn it! I
will change the law, Talon will not have to answer this charge” the
King suddenly said out loud revealing his thoughts which made Talon
turn and address him.

“Thank you my
friend but you cannot do that for me, I will not allow it, the laws
of Zachania must stand for every subject.”

“You are the
Zararhakzar.” added the King.

“Talon speaks
wisely my liege, the council cannot be undermined, it would set a
bad precedent.” added Zargar

“There may be a
different solution.” Ganasis then suddenly said.

“What is it?”
asked King Arun.

“In the ancient
laws in times of war, two soldiers who are in dispute can settle
their differences in combat. Whoever prevails wins the argument,
are we not in a time of war.”

“Yes we are at
war!” replied the King who then turned to Talon to see his reaction
at what Ganasis had just said, Talon nodded slightly before turning
towards the door and then with a determined look on his face he
walked out.

King Arun,
Zargar and Ganasis quickly rose to their feet and joined Talon
outside the tents where Talon looked around to see if he could see

Talon then
noticed a group of men standing beside some horses, he moved closer
where he saw Lagain joking with some of the men, Talon did not
hesitate as he walked swiftly towards them with a look of rage on
his face, as he reached the men he saw Lagain was still standing
with his back towards him, Talon then grabbed Lagain by his neck
and pulled him away from the soldiers to an open space of ground
where he threw him onto the dirt making him roll several times from
the force of Talon’s throw.

“By Zachanian
law I challenge you to prove your accusations!” Talon then said to
him calmly.

General Lagain
smiled as he rose to his feet,

“So the
Zararhakzar has come!” he shouted trying to mock Talon as he
unbuttoned his tunic readying himself for a fight.

quickly began to gather round in anticipation, Lagain had been busy
spreading the accusations around the men and now they all stood
eager to find out who was telling the truth.

King Arun and
Ganasis quickly stood between the two me where the King addressed
the crowd that had now gathered.

“By Zachanian
law and as your King I deem that this fight be legal, let combat
prove who speaks the truth.” he shouted as he looked at Talon and

Lord Zargar
then quickly took two swords from two surrounding soldiers and
threw them onto the dirt between Talon and Lagain.

A moment later
Talon and Lagain stood facing each other now both wielding swords.
They then began to circle each other looking for an opportunity to
attack, Lagain was still playing the fool laughing and mocking as
Talon remained emotionless.

“Talon will
surely kill Lagain.” the King sighed to Zargar standing next to

Talon circled
Lagain once more, before swishing his sword in the air in a
circular fashion before he lunged forward quickly at Lagain. Lagain
raised his sword to block Talon’s blow but the force of the attack
knocked Lagain’s sword flying from his hand, then in what looked
like a continued action Talon spun and crashed the hilt of his
sword into Lagain’s mouth. Lagain covered his face as Talon then
brought a knee up and struck him so forcefully under the jaw that
made the General crash painfully to the ground.

Lagain choked
as he spat out blood looking disorientated and dazed from the speed
and force of Talon’s attack, Talon then raised his sword and stood
over the battered General looking as if he was about to behead him.
Lagain gazed up at him fearfully as Talon raised his sword slightly
higher, with his other hand Talon grabbed Lagain’s hair and lifted
his head higher then Talon paused as his face grimaced, he looked
at Lagain coldly in the eyes and using his powers he tried to put a
thought into the Generals head.

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