Zero Trilogy (Book 2): Day One (9 page)

Read Zero Trilogy (Book 2): Day One Online

Authors: Summer Lane

Tags: #Post-Apocalyptic

BOOK: Zero Trilogy (Book 2): Day One
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“You guys are still so green,” she giggled.

“Shortstack!” Georgia cried. “Thank God, you’re alive!”

She rushed toward Elle and threw her arms around her neck. Elle stayed still, unsure what she should do with her arms. So she just stood there, arms at her sides, until Georgia pulled away.

“What happened to your
?” Georgia gasped.

Elle shrugged.

“We thought you were dead,” Jay said, shaking his head. “What happened back there? We just ran. We figured if you were alive you’d find us.”

They were right about that, at least.

“Oh, I just fell off a cliff,” Elle replied. “No big deal. Right, Bravo?”

“Whoa, you got a
while we were gone?” Jay exclaimed.

“Hey, he’s not just a dog. His name is
and he’s with us now.” Elle touched Bravo’s head. “He was a bomb dog. He can track, and he can fight.”

“He’s cute,” Georgia commented. “I mean, I’m not a huge dog person, but you know…I could be one, I guess.”

“You guys okay?” Elle asked. She looked at Flash as she said this. The boy was incredibly silent, never opening his mouth to say so much as a single word. “Flash?”

He nodded.

“He doesn’t talk much these days,” Georgia said, almost in a whisper. “Ever since…well, you know.” She paused. “It’s been tough.”

“Sorry.” Elle touched Flash’s cheek with her finger. “It’ll be okay.”

“How did you find us?” Jay asked.

“Followed the bread crumbs,” Elle replied.

He raised an eyebrow.

“Just be glad I found you at all,” she said, glancing behind her. “Come on, let’s keep walking. The Slavers will be looking for you guys for a while.”

“I can’t believe you came back for us,” Georgia said. “I mean, after everything. The argument and all that.”

“Believe it.” Elle looked at her. “So what happened, anyway? I showed up at the Jeep and there were Omega men dead, and you guys were gone. Pix was…” Elle stopped herself. “What’s the story?”

“Not long after you left,” Jay explained, “an Omega patrol from the city rolled in. They came out of nowhere. We were asleep. I didn’t even hear them coming.” He looked embarrassed to admit this. “They
had us all at gunpoint. They were the ones who killed Pix – not the Slavers.”

Elle frowned.

“Then what?”

“The militia came,” Georgia picked up. “At least, we
it was the militia. They killed the troopers. We thought we were saved, but it was a lie. It was the Slavers. They took us in a truck. There were some other people, some kids. We went for a long drive, then they dumped us in the mountains in a barbed-wire cage.” Georgia spread her arms. “It’s kind of simple, actually.”

“Okay, but here’s my question,” Elle said. “What are the Slavers actually using their prisoners for? Hard labor? What?”

“We couldn’t figure it out either,” Jay replied. “At least for the first couple of days. The guards up above on the cliff - the ones with the hoods. They’re mercenaries, hired by the Slavers. The Slavers take their prisoners and hold them before selling them to Omega to do hard labor.”

“Wow, supply and demand,” Elle remarked, disgusted. “Omega is actually purchasing slaves?”

“That’s the conclusion we came to,” Georgia confirmed.

“But if the Slavers and Omega are in this together…why would they kill the troops who shot Pix?” Elle asked.

At the mention of his dead sister’s name, Flash flinched.

“I don’t know,” Jay admitted. “Maybe because Omega was going to kill us, and the Slavers wanted the chance to sell us back to Omega. The Slavers have no rules. They’re organized, but they’re barbaric. Some of the crap we saw in San Jacinto was pretty harsh.”

Elle didn’t doubt it.

“Well, it’s about time we got our butts to Sacramento,” Elle stated. “I’m sick of running around the state, rescuing you guys.” She cracked a dry smile.

“We don’t know that’s what’s in Sacramento for sure,” Jay pointed out.

“It’s our best shot.”

He didn’t argue with that.

They faced the desert. Elle looked at Bravo. She felt a twinge of disappointment…of
. She had expected one of them to at least say
thank you
braving the desert, for nearly getting killed by the Slavers, for everything she had done to extract them from the confines of imprisonment.

But they had said nothing.

Elle shook herself. This wasn’t about getting glory. This was about doing the right thing. She had done it. It was over now. She could get back to business. Her mind would rest easy – she hadn’t left them to die. She had saved their lives, and she could live with herself now.

Jay looked at Elle for a long moment.

“Elle…?” he said.

He opened his mouth and closed it. Elle walked a little faster.

She didn’t want him to see the bitter disappointment in her face.

The wind swept across the barren desert.

“Are we kidding ourselves?” Jay said. His lips were chapped. Dust stuck to every inch of his body, making him look like a pale ghost. “We can’t make it across this thing. It’s too far. We don’t have any water. We don’t have any food.”

“We’re all going to die,” Georgia replied dramatically. Her curly hair was matted. Her long, tall frame had become bony. The sparkle of her big, green eyes had been dulled. “Might as well find a nice place to lie down and call our grave.”

Flash said nothing. He only stood in one spot, staring at the desert with a baleful expression on his face. The horizon was marred by the dust storm. A blanket of dirt covered the sky, giving everything a brownish hue.

“We’re not going to go grave-shopping,” Elle answered. “Pull yourselves together, will you? Let’s focus on one thing at a time.”

?” Jay demanded. He spread his arms wide. “We’re in the middle of nowhere! There’s no food, no water. The Slavers are behind us. The desert is in front of us. We’re screwed.”

There was a wild light in his eyes.

“Fine. Stay here and die,” Elle snapped. “Don’t expect me to come back and bury your bodies.”

Her words were harsh and cold. Elle felt a stab of guilt and turned on her heel, walking against the wind. There was a moment of silence before she heard
the sound of footsteps behind her. They were following her.

Well, of course they are
, Elle thought.
They can’t just give up and die

They trudged across the wide, open space for hours. Elle had only a small amount of water in her backpack; enough to last a day or two if they were careful, but that was all.

They stopped to rest under the shade of a lone, ugly tree weathered by years of desert wind. Elle knelt to give Bravo a small handful of water. He drank it up with one swipe of his tongue, panting.

“You’re giving him our
,” Jay said, sounding surprised.

“He needs hydration as much as we do,” Elle replied.

“But we’re the ones dying.”

“Bravo is a part of our group. He’s helped keep us alive.”

“Bravo is a

Elle slowly stood up, glaring at Jay.

“Bravo is my
,” she said.

“And what are we?” Georgia interjected. “We’re
and you’re wasting supplies on an
. Elle, think of

thinking of you,” Elle answered, terse. “Bravo and I came all the way across the
and risked our lives to save you from the Slavers. I think the least we can do is share our water with him.”

“But we need it more,” Jay pleaded. “We’ve got half of a bottle left. Don’t waste it on the dog.”

“His name is
,” Elle hissed, slamming the lid on the water bottle. She shoved it into her backpack, licking her dry, cracked lips. “If you don’t want to share with him, then I don’t want to share with

She zipped her pack shut and swung it across her shoulders, stalking off, Bravo beside her. She heard footsteps, turned, and caught a glimpse of Jay’s face. He grabbed the back of her pack and ripped it off her shoulders. Elle felt a shock of pain in her right arm. Jay yanked the pack away and Elle skidded across the dirt, tumbling in a heap.

“I’m taking charge of this,” Jay said.

Elle stared at him, dirt in her mouth, pain in her arm.

“You’re not thinking straight,” Elle replied, heart racing. “You’re panicking. Don’t do that, Jay. Trust me. I got across this desert to come for you guys, and I can get us back across it.”

“There is no
,” Jay laughed. It was a mean, guttural sound. “Back to
?” His crazed smile faded. “But we’re not sacrificing our lives because you’re giving all our supplies away to a freaking

Elle looked at Bravo. He was tense. He could sense the arguing; he could smell the discord in the air. She placed one hand on his collar, kneeling on the ground. Georgia was frozen. She looked scared. Flash watched the whole thing with a deer-in-the-headlights expression on his face.

“That’s my pack,” Elle said slowly. “And I would appreciate it if you’d give it back.”

Jay’s glare was piercing. He slid his arms through the straps, shaking his head.

“Sorry, Elle,” he said. “But this is the way it has to be.”

Elle was infuriated. Her hands shook.

She had come all this way. She’d suffered through the brutality of the desert and risked her life
in Slaver territory for
? For selfish, short-sighted
who were staging a mutiny?

Jay walked forward, taking his gaze off Elle. Georgia and Flash glanced at Elle, then at Jay. And they started walking, leaving Elle in the dirt.

Elle tightened her grip around Bravo’s collar.

Tell me this isn’t happening
, Elle thought.

“Jay!” Elle stood up. “You will
do this to me!”

He kept walking. Georgia cast a guilty glance at Elle, but she didn’t stop walking. Anger rushed through Elle’s veins.
they do this. After everything.

Elle got to her feet and sprinted across the open space between her and Jay. She slammed into him from behind and they fell to the ground in a tumbled heap. Elle jammed the heel of her shoe into his chin. Jay swore and grabbed Elle’s arm, twisting it backward. Elle cried out and sunk her teeth into his hand, biting as hard as she could. She tasted blood. Jay screamed and let go. Elle rolled to her feet and kicked him.

“After everything we’ve done for you,” Elle yelled, “you’re going to steal my stuff and leave me behind to
? Is that your brilliant plan,
?” She
kicked him again. He grabbed her foot, slammed her against the ground.

“STOP IT!” Georgia begged. “PLEASE!”

Elle ignored her, her head spinning from hitting the dirt. She rolled sideways and grabbed a handful of Jay’s hair. She yanked on it, pulling out a big chunk. Blood stuck to her hands. Jay screamed again and attacked Elle with a maniacal energy, cursing and spitting as they rolled around in the dirt. Georgia tried to intervene, pulling on Jay, attempting to haul him out of the fight. Jay shoved her away. Flash just sat on the ground.

don’t do this!” Georgia begged, tears running down her face.

Elle tuned her out. This wasn’t about doing what was right anymore. This was about survival. Bravo was watching the whole thing from the sidelines, his ears pricking forward. He paced, barking loudly.

He hardly ever barked.

Elle rolled to the side, avoiding another heavy blow from Jay. She tried to stand up but Jay grabbed her ankles and pulled her back down. Her face slapped the rocky soil and she saw stars.

Don’t hold back because he’s your friend
, a little voice said.
He’s trying to
you. You need to defend yourself

Elle’s natural survival instincts were coming out. Hadn’t she known from the beginning not to trust anyone? Hadn’t she violated her most important rule by teaming up with these idiots? And then she had gotten emotionally attached to them, finding herself on a half-baked rescue mission to save them from enslavement in the desert.

is how they thanked her.

Trust nobody
, Elle thought.
It’s me against the world

Jay nailed Elle, pinning her against the ground, one knee on her chest. Elle coughed, struggling for breath. Bravo barked again, and this time he was on Jay, barreling into him at a full charge. Jay fell sideways as the dog attacked. Bravo dug his teeth into Jay’s arm. Jay cried out in agonizing pain. Elle struggled to her feet, coughing, dizzy. She drew her Smith and Wesson out of her jacket and held it directly in front of her, pointing the muzzle of the gun at Jay’s head.

Her hands shook.

“Bravo,” Elle said. Her voice was low but firm. Bravo released Jay’s arm and circled him, growling and flashing his teeth. Tears of pain ran down Jay’s face. Blood ran down his arm, pooling in the dirt. “Take off the backpack,” Elle commanded. “Now.”

Jay slowly slid his arms out of the straps and kicked the backpack toward Elle. She knelt down and slung one strap over her shoulder, still aching with pain and burning with adrenaline and anger.

“Let’s get one thing straight, city boy,” Elle said. “I’m in charge. I make the rules, and I decide how we ration the food. You lost the right to vote in this little democracy when you tried to break my arm about five seconds ago.” She took a step closer. “And if you try anything again, I’ll kill you.” She glanced at Bravo. “And if I don’t kill you, the

She looked at Georgia.

“I don’t think Jay was thinking straight—” the girl started to say.

“None of us are thinking straight,” Elle replied. “It’s no excuse.”

Georgia hung her head.

“Do you understand what I’m saying, tough guy?” Elle demanded.

Jay nodded weakly, blood dribbling down his chin.

“It’s hard to believe you survived on the streets with fighting skills like
,” Elle muttered.

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