Zombie Dawn Exodus (27 page)

Read Zombie Dawn Exodus Online

Authors: Michael G. Thomas

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Fiction, #General, #Horror, #zombie action, #zombie, #zombie book, #zombie end of world survival apocalypse, #zombie anthology, #zombie apocalypse

BOOK: Zombie Dawn Exodus
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“Hey!” shouted Decker who was now pointing his
recovered pistol at the man.

The guard turned only to be hit in the face by a
single round from the gun.

“That’s two you owe me!” grinned Decker before
dropping to his knee.

“Where’s Ford?” shouted Jackson.

Decker shrugged, whilst Jackson staggered around the
crash site looking for signs of survivors. It was incredible, but
in the crash and ensuing massacre by Ford, it seemed only the two
men and Ford were left.

A young family ran past carrying an array of bags on
their backs. Jackson tried to stop one only to be pushed back

“Get off me, they’re here!” screamed the woman.

Jackson turned to see the growing horde making its
way down the road and towards the waterfront.

“Shit, come on man, we need to go!” he shouted.

He moved over to Decker and helped him up before
spotting movement inside the back of the wrecked Unimog. The two
men moved over slowly, peering inside. A hand came out quickly
followed by the familiar wail of the undead. It was a man, somehow
he had turned without being bitten.

Jackson pushed the man back whilst Decker hesitated
before putting two rounds into the walking corpse. The two then
staggered off down the street and towards the last remaining

“It must be airborne then, that’s a problem, a
pretty serious one!” said Decker.

“No shit,” muttered Jackson as they reached the end
of the road and the entrance to the jetties.

Jackson and Decker carried on down the promenade
towards the jetties that reached out to the various vessels tied
up. In the distance was the shape of the Colossus, a converted
pleasure boat that was used to move supplies around the islands.
The engine was running from the amount of smoke belching from its
engines, and there were dozens of people already onboard.

Jackson jumped over the security fence and turned
back to help the injured Decker. Off to their right a group of the
undead smashed out of an outbuilding and made their way towards the

“Come on!” screamed Jackson, as he emptied the last
of his bullets from his MP7 at the group.

The bullets thudded away at the group but it seemed
to do little to reduce the numbers. Decker was at the top of the
fence and Jackson, now running short on patience simply grabbed his
arm and yanked him over and down to the ground. He landed with a
thud. Behind the two men the horde had increased to hundreds of
zombies and they were all heading in the same direction as them,
the boat.

Jackson pulled Decker up and put his arm around his
neck to help take the weight. The two then staggered off down the
jetty towards the boat.

A scream came from up ahead as someone fell from the
boat. Several gunshots rang out before Decker spotted the group of
five zombies fighting their way off the jetty onto the boat. More
gunshots rang out as people tried to jump onboard. The engines
revved loudly and more smoke poured from the oily engines.

The two men carried on as quickly as they could, the
boat was now only about a hundred yards away. Jackson, moving too
quickly, stumbled and fell hard onto the ground. Decker toppled and
collapsed next to him. The closest zombies were only twenty feet
away and had already blocked their route back from the jetty.

Decker pulled out his automatic pistol and slammed
in another clip. With expert marksmanship he emptied the clip, one
aimed round after another whilst Jackson stood up and waved at the
vessel to wait. With a roar a plume of water sprayed from the rear
of the boat as the propellers kicked up water. The boat pushed
ahead slowly from the jetty.

“What the fuck!” shouted Decker as he kneeled on the
ground, still shooting.

Jackson ran over to him, helping him up to his feet
and drawing his own pistol and aiming down the jetty at the
approaching horde. Behind them the sound of the Colossus was
already quietening at it steamed out to its rendezvous with the

“This place is going to hell!” screamed Jackson as
he opened fire.





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