ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom" (49 page)

BOOK: ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom"
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If there was any doubt before that we were dealing with some serious assholes, every bit of that doubt had just been erased from my mind, as one could actually hear the three sphincters of the soldiers surrounding Captain Xarr being twisted out of proportion. The low pitched moaning squall resembling that of three industrial size rubber bands being stretched to their limits, told me that his men were taking the Captain's unemotional admission very seriously as their posteriors prepared for unauthorized anal expulsions.

This type of attitude was prevalent in the culture of ancient Egypt, when a Pharaoh died; their body was carted out into the desert and buried in a secret place. Then the people who knew where the corpse was hidden were summarily slain, then the people that killed them were also put to death to make sure that if they had been told where the body was buried, that they too would not be able to tell anyone its location, and the secret would be safe.

"I have other duties to attend to Jack Doom, we will be leaving this solar system momentarily to begin our journey back to Annunak," Captain Xarr announced. "You and the rest of your newly acquired test subject group will be escorted to your new quarters, there you will undergo DNA testing, blood and tissue samples will be extracted, by force if necessary, and there you will all remain until we arrive at our final destination.

And if you cause no trouble, I might personally escort you to deck 69 to meet with an old acquaintance of yours that will be making the journey back to Annunak with us.

However, if any one of you chooses to cause me or any of my crew grief in any way, your despair at this moment will not compare to the journey back to my home world, which will be anything
pleasant. However, that choice will be yours to make.

Just remember, escape is impossible and your destiny is sealed. As is the destiny of all of the other test subject groups that have survived this
and met the Annunaki criterion for this mission."

"Excuse me Captain, but are you trying to say that we are not the only humans on this ship?" I asked.

"No Jack Doom, I am not
to say that, I am saying that. There are many Annunaki ships in what your scientists used to call
low earth orbit
around your puny planet. We have recruited scores of humans like you, which fit the specifications required to complete this portion of our mission. They like yourselves are aboard our ships, and like you, they will undergo DNA testing, blood and tissue samples will be taken, and if they meet all of the special qualifications necessary to serve the Annunaki Confederation's cause, they, like you and your group, will be transported to my planet for further training."

"So we're not alone?" I responded, despondent with the Captain's answer.

"You and your group of test subjects are far from alone Jack Doom. In fact, there are several thousand of your kind on board my fleet as we speak. So you are of but a few that fall into an elite category of humans that should do very well as a soldier in the military branch of the Annunaki Confederation."

After the Captain's explanation, we were all forlorn and speechless.

My only thought after Captain Xarr elaborated on the subject of other humans, was very simply.


With the mention of deck 69, Lieutenant Zeem's memory was jarred and he informed his Captain of the state of one of the non-Annunaki aliens that was being held prisoner on that deck.

"Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem broke in.

"Yes Lieutenant Zeem," Captain Xarr answered, annoyed at the Lieutenants brash interruption, even though he had finished his commentary.

"The unsavory gynandromorph on deck 69, the one that calls itself Patty, is complaining about neck pain, and would like to be transferred to sick bay for the duration of our flight back to Annunak," Lieutenant Zeem informed. "It is the gynandromorph that put our mission at risk by its despicable behavior down on the planet during phase one of the pre-mission reconnaissance actions by seeking and retrieving forbidden sexual stimulation with the employer of the progenitor of test subject group 32452013!"

"I am aware of the gynandromorph in question, and a little bit of neck pain is the least of its worries," Captain Xarr replied. "The
for its crimes against the Annunaki Confederation will be much more severe than the minor pain in the neck that it is feeling right now."

"Yes, Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem agreed.

"Inform the gynandromorph that its request for a leisurely sick bay voyage back to Annunak has been denied," the Captain barked. "After all, it brought on this alleged muscle and vertebrae neck pain, with over exertion during its dishonorable behavior throughout phase one of our assignment. Would you not agree Lieutenant Zeem?"

"Yes, Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem replied.

"Continue to do your duty Lieutenant Zeem, and keep me informed of the health status of that unruly gynandromorph."

"Aye-aye Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem responded, snapping to attention.

"After all, we would not want anything to happen that might deprive Patty the gynandromorph of any of the physical trauma that
take place once we return to Confederation space, now would we Lieutenant?" Captain Xarr maintained.

"Absolutely not Captain Xarr," the Lieutenant barked, still at attention.

"Excellent, Lieutenant Zeem! Now, if all of the parameters of this phase of our mission have been complied with, and the planetary safe guards are duly in place, set a course back to our beloved Annunaki home world.

"Aye-aye Captain Xarr!" Lieutenant Zeem belched his compliance.

"Inform the beast transport ships that they are cleared to release the remainder of the carnivores to complete the sterilization stage of this mission as soon as the science ship has concluded its final
. And relay the message to the rest of the fleet of our intentions to depart.

Then take us out of orbit, order the helmsman to engage the interdimensional parsec drive, and get us the hell away from this God forsaken solar system."

"Aye-aye Captain Xarr!"



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