10-80: Line of Duty Series (9 page)

BOOK: 10-80: Line of Duty Series
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ho is that
?” My mom asked in that voice that told me how she felt about
or D’asia.

“She’s a friend,” I said through my teeth.

“She seemed to be more than a friend.” She walked around the desk to sit near me.

“Mother, is there something you need besides knowing who is a friend and who isn’t?”

“Ryan McFadden, Junior. Do not take that tone with me. I came here on official business, to interrupt what looked more like a lover’s quarrel with a woman who was here to pick up her delinquent sibling. Leaving me to assume, their mother and father are not in the picture and she, pray tell, has taken on the role of a guardian. I would venture to make some other assumptions, but why when we already know how this ends. So whatever it is, end it now. She’s not blue-blooded or blue friendly.”

Standing up, to get in her face because I had had enough. “Where do you get off telling me what to do? I’m a grown ass man and you come in here and have the audacity to tell me who I can date and when to end it. That woman,” I pointed towards the door, “is more woman than any of your minions. Every strike you have against her, is the very reason why she’s perfect.” I stood up to my full height as my mom’s eyes were the size of saucers. “Not ‘
perfect, of course. But perfect, just the same.”

I stormed out of the room in search for D’asia, but I was informed that she and Zee had already left. When I tried to call, she did not answer. I was going to go over to her place, but knew I was too tired to have the conversation we needed to get out of the way. My arresting Zee was not going to go over well. Shit, I knew that as soon as I saw him standing at the front, looking out. However, there were too many other officers nearby for him to escape without getting caught up. It was surely gang initiation season and we knew the players, but it was like a never ending cycle.

Zee had to get out.

The next day, Reginald Henry dropped off the boys with a glare that I knew only meant I was in hot shit. He did not say anything, but his look said it all. Zee was extra quiet and in solace of his friend, so was Reggie. Therefore, I decided the Malcolm X tour would be a good call and the place where he was assassinated. The sullen boys turned into inquisitive reporters about the amazing Malcolm Little, also known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. This actually turned the day around, until later.

Once I dropped them off, I kept trying to call D’asia but she would not pick up. I showered, changed my clothes and then I went to her apartment. Taking the elevator, then walking the rest of the way to her floor. I knocked a few times. After several more, the door was opened slightly with the chain still in place.

“D’asia, let me in.” I sighed.

“What do you need Ryan?” She asked leaning against the wall behind the door.

“We gotta talk.”

“No, we’re cool. I get it, so let’s not prolong this process,” she said not looking at me.

All I could see was a sliver of her side profile through the crack in the door.

“D’asia, I’m not having this conversation without being able to see you. So, open the door.”

“Look, Ryan. There’s no need for all of this. Okay, we know how this ends. So, go on,” she said in a bored tone.

“Are you really about to sit there and act like what we’ve started doesn’t mean anything to you? Are you fucking kidding me?” I moved closer to the door, so my face was in his space.

“What?” She snapped, “We fucked, okay. There were a couple of moments, but it’s nothing to write home about.”

“Open the door, before I kick it in.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Ryan, I see…”

I took a step back, then pushed my body against the door once.

“What the fuck?” She exclaimed. “Stop.”

“Then, open this fucking door?” I yelled. “I won’t have this conversation through a chained door.”

She quickly unlatched the door and moved to the side and the table almost fell. I stalked towards her as she crossed her arms over her chest in defense of anything I was about to throw at her.

“You want to end us?” I questioned her as my face was inches from hers.

“Please.” She scoffed. “Mommy dearest will do everything in her power to end it for us.” She said with sarcasm.

“Do. I. Look. Like. I. Am. A. Man. That. Does. What. He’s. Told.” I pronounced each word and put my hand on the wall, right next to her head.

Her face turned, so I took my opportunity to nip her neck.

“Stop,” she hissed.

“So, you want to end us?” I nipped her lip. “We haven’t even started, sweetness.”

“Ryan,” she called my name as she tried to push me away. “We can’t.”

I grabbed her by the wrist and put them on the wall next to her head. Moving my body into hers, I said against her lips, “We can. D’asia. We got this.”

Taking her lips was the only thing I could think of at the time. She fought me for a bit, until she melted into my body. There was a tussle of the tongues, merging of the lips and clinging of the teeth. But I took my fill of her. Letting her arms go, I lifted her dress to find that she did not have on any panties. I squeezed her ass, then slapped at her ample globe.

She was

Her leg lifted, so she could wrap it around my waist. I smacked her ass again and she moaned into my mouth.


“Is Zee here?” I murmured against her neckline.

“No,” she breathed.

I unbuckled my pants and pulled out my pulsing, hard cock. As I kissed my way back up to her mouth, I said between pecks, “We…end…only…when…we…both…are…in…agreement...got…it?”

She murmured and nodded her head. I picked her up and slid her slowly on me. She was still tight, but more agile. Like she was back in the groove of having sex again. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she squeezed her thighs around my hips to leverage herself up and down on me. Even though she was soaked, she was tight and I felt like I could shoot off at any moment.

I grabbed her by both butt cheeks, so I could control the movements. Slow and deliberate was my only thought when taking her like this. D’asia continued to meet my movements as her hips rolled around meeting my thrusts. Her tongue was sliding up and down my neck, then I felt her teeth. As I gripped her butt, I pushed her against the wall and plunged into her faster.

She screamed in my neck, causing me to go faster.

“Yesss,” she threw her head back onto the wall. “Oh my God Ryan.”

Growling, as I continued to power into her. “Fuck,” I whispered as all of my breath vacated my empty chest.

It was hard to breathe and I was coming. There was no air, just her moans as her head rolled back and forth on the wall with her eyes closed.

“Look at me,” I nipped her lip.

She groaned, and then lowered her head so her deep brown eyes penetrated through me. Her fingers grabbed my ears as I started to unravel. Not just physically, but emotionally. It was like my soul was bared to her. My fingers pressed into her ass further and I knew she would bruise, yet all she did was pull my face forward so I unraveled in her passionate kiss.

My release was growled in her mouth and her sighs were caught in mine. I continued to kiss her lips, her chin, and her neck. She tasted like honey. So sweet, so natural, and definitely a rare gem.

Once I regained my strength, I took her back to her bedroom and continued to make sweet love to her throughout the night. After she got off on my hands, face and cock, she passed out with her body draped over me. Sleep did not find me, as I thought of all the things that were about to come our way. I didn’t want to let her go, but if it was best for her, then I would.

fter D’asia made
me breakfast Sunday morning, I left around eleven before Zee came back home. I assured her that we’d get together even if it was for lunch this week, but I was working doubles. She wanted to know why, but I did not want to jinx it, so I told her it was a surprise.

Later in the day, my uncle called to ask if I was coming to dinner. As I tried to tell him no, he explained that he expected me there since he had some news.


When I arrived, my uncles and mom were already at the table.

“Ryan,” my mom called.

“Mother,” I called back.

My two uncles gave me the side eye but I took my seat and started putting mash potatoes on my plate.

“What’s the news, Uncle?” I asked, to speed this up.

“Just waiting for Jesse to come back, so I don’t have to repeat myself,” he replied.

“Okay.” I put a piece of baked chicken breast on my plate.

“So, what’s this about you fucking around with a girl from
The Trap
?” My uncle leaned back with narrowed eyes on me.

I turned my eyes to my mother, who busied herself with cutting the chicken on her plate.


“You know, I tried to go there before, but that shit don’t mesh. Just too different. Plus, her brother’s a delinquent. Future jail bait. You don’t need that shit, believe me.” he continued.

The front door creaked and in walked Jesse with someone on his heels.

“Cousin,” Jesse called.

“Hey Jess, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, just coming back from getting Paula.”

I turned around further to see Officer Paula Sanchez smiling at me as she entered the room. The woman had no shame, as she even picked the seat right next to me.

“Hey, Ryan,” she breathed.

Her perfume snuck up my nostrils, causing me to sneeze repeatedly. The woman had the nerve to pat my back several times, and then rub it.

“I’m fine.” I jerked away. “It’s your perfume.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She backed away.

“Ryan,” my mother scolded me.

“It is a little strong,” Jesse chimed in. “I was sneezing in the car.”

I choked some more. My man Jesse.

My uncles tried to hide their laughter and smirks, while my mom informed Paula about what was for dinner.

“I invited Paula because her family is out of town this Sunday and like us, they always have family meals. She’s from a very close-knit family. They have blue blood as well. Cops in every generation. I figured she would fit right in as she’s more compatible with us.”


Jesse looked around the table with his nose scrunched up as if he was confused. My Uncle Cliff looked uncomfortable, while Uncle Peter was nodding his head.

“Uncle, you had something to say.” I ignored the last comment.

“Yeah, I have a biopsy in a few weeks. They saw something, so I want to get it checked out fully. Have to go to Philly, but wanted the family to know.”

Murmurs were uttered around the room as the mortality of my family came into play. Decades on the force, but a spot could take one of us out. It was a weird and crazy world. Everyone started asking questions at the same time, then something touched my leg. I looked across the table at Jesse who was actively engaged in the conversation with his father, Uncle Peter. So I swiveled my head around to see Paula smiling at me.

Her leg was rubbing against mine, therefore I moved it over away from her. Then she put her entire leg over mine, trapping my leg as she began to rub near my crotch.

Oh fuck

I jumped up out of the seat, nearly knocking her over.

“Ryan?” My mother asked. “What has gotten into you?”

I looked around the room and saw everyone giving me puzzling looks. This was by no means how this dinner was supposed to go.

“Uncle, I’m sorry to hear that, but praying that everything works out.” I nodded at him. “I’m going to head out because I have a lot to prepare for next week.”

I grabbed a biscuit and my keys to leave.

“Wait, Ryan.” Paula called behind me.

I kept walking, as I did not want to speak with her.

When I cleared the front door, I heard the click clack of her heels.

“I’m sorry.” She said breathlessly as she closed the door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“How the fuck didn’t you want to make me feel uncomfortable with your hand in my crotch?” I squinted at her.

“Just wanted to show my interest.”

“I’m unavailable.” I ran down the steps to get to my truck.

“With D’asia Carey?”

That stopped me dead in my tracks.

“What the fuck do you know about D’asia?” I sneered.

“Just that her mom’s a crackhead with a rap sheet longer than you. Brother’s a future crackhead and she’s probably right around the corner.” She scoffed. “I mean, come on. She lives in the fucking

Before I realized it, I was stalking back up the stairs towards her.

“Where do you get off making judgments about her? You don’t know her from shit. What, you pulled her file and now you know her?” I barked at her.

“I know she’s from a different world.” She leaned into me. “What do you both have in common, except you guys might die from the same gun.”

“Fuck you.” I snapped.

“Oh, baby. I’d love that, but your mind is wrapped up in trap pussy.”

“The crazy part about being a McFadden minion is that your dumb ass believes the shit you spewing. So I’ll tell you as I told her.” I pointed to the house. “D’asia is more perfect than you could ever be. You’d never be in the same bracket as her. She makes her own way, while you ride on the coattails of McFadden’s.”

“No, Ryan. She doesn’t make her own way. Because my salary pays for the roof over her head, the clothes on her back and the food in her mouth. So, we,” she twirled her finger in the air, “the taxpayers, make her way.”

Paula put her hand on her hip to finish her rant.

I leaned down and whispered, “I pray to God you never have to be in a situation where you’ll have to lean on the system for some help. I won’t wish that on you, but what I will say. The one thing that she gets and you’ll never touch, is me.”

Her upper lip turned up, like she smelled something foul.

“She takes me and only me. She’s tight and only lets me slide in that. You on the other hand, got too many hands in that jar and nothing is appealing about your loose ass.”

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