100 Days Of Favor

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: 100 Days Of Favor
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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version
. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked “KJV” are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Scripture quotations marked “NIV” are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked “NASB” are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

100 Days Of Favor
Daily Readings From Unmerited Favor

ISBN 978-981-08-8373-7
© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2011

Joseph Prince Teaching Resources

All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.


challenge for you that I believe will change your life! I want to challenge you to take a journey with me for the next 100 days. Let’s plunge headfirst into the vast ocean of the Lord’s unmerited favor. In the world that we live in today, it’s so easy to forget the Lord’s unconditional love for each of us. It’s so easy to forget that the Lord Himself is personally interested in making you a success in every area of your life.

If you would simply set aside these 100 days to just immerse and saturate yourself in the unmerited favor of God, I believe with all my heart that your life will never be the same again. Every morning as you are sitting with a warm mug of coffee in your hand, simply pick up this book. I’d like us to spend 15 minutes together and have an intimate chat about Jesus. I believe that these precious minutes will help you calibrate your thinking for the rest of the day. And when your mind is set on the favor of the Lord, you will begin to experience like never before a confident expectation of good, regardless of the adversity or challenge that is thrown your way.

My friend, when you begin living with the consciousness of God’s unmerited favor, you will savor and enjoy the beautiful plan and purposes that God is unfolding in your life. When you focus on His grace, His favor and His love for you daily, you are putting a magnifying glass over your life and allowing Jesus’ love to beam down upon you in all its radiance, beauty and warmth. No matter what may be happening around you, you will be anchored in the security of His perfect love, hidden in the cleft of the immovable Rock of all ages—your loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

This is an invitation to take the next 100 days as a commitment to soak yourself in the unmerited favor of God. Pull yourself away from the noise, chaos, clutter and busyness of life, and come under the refreshing waterfall of God’s favor. Take this time to simply sit at Jesus’ feet and enjoy His Word. You’ll find the stress of work, family commitments, people’s expectations and even the fear of the future melting away.

100 Days Of Favor
is based on my book,
Unmerited Favor.
Each bite-sized, inspirational reading includes:

Today’s Scripture
—A scripture that relates to the inspirational reading, giving it a biblical foundation and helping you to understand the truths presented. I encourage you to meditate on each scripture for the day. You’ll be surprised how much the Holy Spirit will open up God’s Word to you and refresh your heart!

Today’s Inspirational Excerpt From
Unmerited Favor—A key truth or nugget about God’s unmerited favor that will surely equip, bless and empower you. These truths cover what God’s unmerited favor is, what it can do for you and how you can develop favor-consciousness to experience good success.

Today’s Prayer
—Don’t know what or how to pray for a breakthrough? These prayers will help you express all that’s in your heart to your heavenly Father. Feel free to adapt them to your own situation. Just speak from your heart. The effective, fervent prayer of a child of God avails much. Your Father is listening!

Today’s Thought
—The mind is where the real battle usually takes place. So start your day with a liberating, favor-inspired thought. The best way to guard your mind is to fill it with God’s precious thoughts toward you!

Today’s Reflection On Favor
—As you prayerfully read each day’s inspirational word, take time to journal the things that the Holy Spirit brings to your attention and encourages you to meditate on. Make your personal journey into the depths of God’s unmerited favor a powerful and purposeful one!

It’s so important for you to develop a favor-consciousness in everything that you do because our human tendency is to depend on our own strengths to succeed. It’s so easy to revert to self-effort—where we end up striving and worrying—instead of depending on God’s favor for success in all areas of our lives. So let’s take these 100 days to completely saturate and lose ourselves in the vast beauty of His unmerited favor!

Grace always,

Joseph Prince

A Special Note From The Author

Understanding Biblical Meditation

exciting adventure awaits you! But before you embark on day one of your journey into discovering God’s unmerited favor, there’s something burning in my heart that I just have to share with you. In fact, I asked my publisher to hold back the printing of this book just so that I could add this special note to you, one that I firmly believe will help make your journey fruitful and life-transforming.

The Lord had been speaking to me in my quiet time about the importance of meditating on His Word. Then, something extraordinary happened during a recent trip to Israel. I was there with some of my church’s key pastors and leaders, whom I affectionately refer to as my “band of brothers.” As we were trekking down Mount Arbel, we came across a cow resting in one of the caves high up on the mountain.

When I observed it closely, I noticed that its mouth was moving continuously—it was chewing the cud or ruminating. In other words, it had eaten some grass earlier and was now regurgitating it, chewing it, swallowing it, then regurgitating it, chewing it and swallowing it again to get the most out of the grass. I know it’s not the most appetizing of pictures, but bear with me—I’m coming to something powerful.

If you have been to Mount Arbel, you would know that one side of the mountain is extremely steep. As we carefully descended the precipitous slopes, our bodies were pressed against the side of the mountain at certain points, and some of the guys who were with me were afraid to look down! It is definitely not for the fainthearted and most tourists to Israel would not go down the mountain this way. But I love to go off the beaten track when I am in Israel, and enjoy every facet of the land. Anyway, that cave was really high up, so I don’t know how in the world that cow had gotten up there!

But right there and then, the Lord began to speak to me. He said that many come to church and approach His Word like the other cows grazing at the bottom of the mountain—they simply eat and go. Conversely, this cow that was chewing the cud, ruminating and taking its time to absorb all the nutrients, was kept in a high place—a place of rest, security and perfect calm.

The entire experience was simply amazing. Right there, caressed by the cool winds that swept gently across Mount Arbel, the Lord was teaching me an object lesson on meditating on His Word. He was showing me that when we come to receive His living Word, whether in church on a Sunday or in our quiet moments, He does not want us to simply graze and go. He wants us to take His Word, chew on it and savor it. He wants us to ruminate and meditate upon it. My friend, take a verse or thought from the Lord and chew on it until it bursts forth within you and becomes a revelation in your heart.

Now, biblical meditation involves giving voice to the scripture that you are meditating on. If you look up the word “meditate” in Hebrew (from Psalm 1:2 and Joshua 1:8), it is the word
which means “to mutter.” So when you meditate on a particular scripture, you should essentially be speaking it to yourself. Speak it out over and over again. Pore over every word and let each one feed and nourish you. Do that and you will be lifted up, elevated into the secret place of the Most High God, far from any form of oppression, anxiety or fear, and enclosed within the embrace of His mighty wings (Psalm 91). That is the power of biblical meditation. I believe with all of my heart that you will experience this rest for your soul as you meditate on the Word and immerse yourself completely in the Lord’s unmerited favor for you over the next 100 days.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!


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