100 Days Of Favor (16 page)

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: 100 Days Of Favor
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Today’s Prayer

Father, keep me mindful of Your loving presence wherever I am. And because You are with me and for me, I thank You that I will have favor with people and I will prosper in all that I do!

Today’s Thought

God’s presence in my life will cause me to prosper regardless of the location or position I am in.

Today’s Reflection On Favor


















DAY 35

With God’s Favor, You Can’t Help But Prosper

Today’s Scripture

…though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again… —Proverbs 24:16,

favor of God is upon you wherever you are, like it was upon Joseph, (1) you cannot help but find favor, (2) everything that you do cannot help but prosper, and (3) you cannot help but experience increase and promotion beyond your wildest imagination!

Your lowest points are launching pads to God’s greatest promotions.

Can you see that this was the consistent pattern in Joseph’s life? It didn’t matter if he was a slave or prisoner. The same applies to you. When the unmerited favor of God is upon you, you are like a rubber ball in a pool of water. Natural circumstances can try to push you down and keep you suppressed under water, but the unmerited favor of God will always cause you to POP right up to the top!

Don’t be discouraged by your current circumstances. I know things may sometimes appear bleak, dismal and perhaps even devastating, but it ain’t over, my friend. I wrote this book to tell you that it ain’t over! I don’t believe for one moment that among the millions of books in publication right now, you are holding this particular one by chance or coincidence. This is a divine appointment and I believe that God is saying this to you: “Don’t give up. It ain’t over!”

There are many times where the lowest points in your life are actually launching pads to God’s greatest promotion in your life. It was so for Joseph! Let’s rewind the tape and observe the fingerprints of the Lord through the ups and downs of Joseph’s life. If Joseph had not been betrayed by his brothers, he would not have been sold as a slave. If he had not been sold as a slave, he would not have been in Potiphar’s house. If he was not in Potiphar’s house, he would not have been thrown into an Egyptian prison meant specifically for the king’s prisoners. If he was not in that specific prison, he would not have interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s officers. If he had not interpreted their dreams, he would not have been summoned to interpret Pharaoh’s dream two years later. If he had not interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, Pharaoh would not have promoted Joseph to become his prime minister over the entire Egyptian empire!

This is what Pharaoh said to Joseph: “Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be ruled according to your word; only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you…See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:39–41). When we look back, it is clear that the Lord had turned Joseph’s darkest hour into his finest hour!

God’s presence with Joseph and His unmerited favor caused Joseph to be promoted from the pit to the palace, from the dunghill to Capitol Hill, from the outhouse to the White House. Stop looking at your circumstances and stop allowing them to discourage you. The same Lord who was with Joseph is with you right now. You cannot fail! You can expect to see success beyond your present circumstances!

Today’s Prayer

Father, I thank You that it’s not all over for me. I may be at a low point now, but because of Your presence and favor in my life, You will pull me out of the pit and place me on high ground. I cannot help but experience increase and promotion beyond my wildest dreams because You are with me!

Today’s Thought

The same Lord who was with Joseph is with me right now. And like Joseph, I will experience increase and promotion regardless of my circumstances!

Today’s Reflection On Favor























DAY 36

Your Right To God’s Unmerited Favor

Today’s Scripture

For He [God] made Him [Jesus Christ] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [Jesus Christ]. —2 Corinthians 5:21

doubt that all believers want to experience God’s unmerited favor in their lives. All of us want to experience success in our marriages, families, careers as well as ministries. We all want to enjoy God’s best and richest blessings. We want His provision, health and power flowing mightily in our lives, and we know that all these blessings are wrapped up in God’s unmerited favor. When His unmerited favor is on your side, nothing can stand against you. But if His favor is unmerited, how can we qualify for it? If we cannot earn, deserve or merit it, how can we be confident that we have His unmerited favor?

Your righteousness in Christ is the sure foundation on which you can build your expectations to receive God’s unmerited favor.

One of the key things that I desire to do in this book is to build upon the existing teachings on favor and to give believers a firm foundation on
why they have the right to God’s unmerited favor
in their lives today. Do you know the answers to the following questions?

Why can you expect good to happen to you?

Why can you enjoy God’s unmerited favor?

Why can you ask God for big things?

Beloved, your answers are all found on the Mount of Golgotha, the place of the skull. It’s the place where the sinless Man became sin, so that you and I can become the righteousness of God in Him. His righteousness is
your right
to God’s unmerited favor.

You can expect good…

You can enjoy God’s unmerited favor…

You can ask God for big things…

…because you have been made the righteousness of God through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross!

Don’t just take my word for it. Look at 2 Corinthians 5:21 again: “For He [God] made Him [Jesus Christ] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [Jesus Christ].”

Your righteousness in Christ is the sure foundation on which you can build your expectations to receive God’s unmerited favor. God sees you through the lens of the cross of His Son, and as Jesus is today deserving of blessings, peace, health and favor, so are you (1 John 4:17)!

Today’s Prayer

Father, I thank You that Jesus has paid the price for me to have Your unmerited favor. He took my sins and gave me His righteousness. And because I am righteous in Christ, I expect blessings such as peace and health to crown my head. I rest on Your Word that declares that as Jesus is, so am I in this world.

Today’s Thought

God gives me what Jesus deserves because I am the righteousness of God in Christ.

Today’s Reflection On Favor























DAY 37

You Are Under The New Covenant Of Unmerited Favor

Today’s Scripture

By calling this covenant “new,” He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. —Hebrews 8:13,

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