Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (161 page)

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Ms. Brioche removed her face and fingers from inside me. I looked at her and saw her face was smeared with white goo. I remembered I just came all over her. She didn’t seem to mind being covered with my bodily fluids, though. She ran her tongue over her lips and licked the come—
come—off. She raised her fingers to her mouth and sucked off the glistening moisture on them, particularly on the three that were inside me very recently.


I watched the whole thing with fascination. I’ve never seen someone so in control of a situation before until Ms. Brioche came along. She licked and sucked as if she truly enjoyed what she was doing, as if she had all the time in the world. I knew those two things were true.


After Ms. Brioche had licked most of her face and fingers clean, she yawned and stretched luxuriously. She looked like the world’s best sex kitten, and for an eighteen-year-old like me, I believed she was the world’s best sex kitten. She saw me looking at her and smiled wryly.


“Come off it, Blake,” she told me, her dark eyes twinkling mischievously. “You’ve had your lesson. Now get dressed.”


We dressed in silence, but it was a comfortable one. While buttoning up my shirt, I couldn’t help but feel amazed at how things turned out and changed the way I see things. Especially of Megan Brioche. I said her name out loud, and she turned to me and smiled.


“You’re a smart girl, I can see that,” Ms. Brioche said. “You’re my favorite among them all, Blake. You’re just so different.” She smoothed her tousled hair. “Session’s over. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”


“Yeah.” I nodded. I picked up my backpack and turned to her before I left the room. “Bye, Ms. Brioche.”


Ms. Brioche winked. “See you tomorrow,” she repeated.


Of course I knew what she meant. And I couldn’t wait.





Welcome Home, Brother: A Stepbrother Erotica Story


Kate Andrews yawned and slammed her history book shut. It finally dawned on her that she was wasting her Saturday afternoon on her history book, of all things. Kate, one of the smartest and most popular girls in school, knew better than to let an exam ruin all the fun of a sunny weekend afternoon.
I’ll hit the books tomorrow
, Kate promised herself.


She yawned again and stretched luxuriously on her queen-size bed. For a girl who is only seventeen, Kate already had the body of a woman. She was tall for her age, standing at about five feet and eleven inches. She was neither too thin nor too fleshy for her height. Her weight and build were just right, and her bodily proportions fell in the just-right levels as well. Kate wasn’t gifted much in the chest department as she was only a cup A, but her wide, child-bearing hips more than made up for what she lacked in terms of breast.


Because she took to running in her spare time, Kate’s ass was round and firm. It was the object of most whistles and catcalls every time she was out for her running sessions. Her short running shorts emphasized every curve and muscle of her butt in every stride, and men can’t help but pause and stare every time she sprinted by them. Kate would usually wave and smile while she ran, adding to her desirability level that was already shooting beyond the atmosphere in normal circumstances.


Her hourglass figure was the envy of most of the girls in school, but it was hard to hate Kate. She may be blond, green-eyed, tall, and practically perfect, yes. But she was also sweet, kind, and funny. This was why most of the boys in school were hot on her heels. Where else could you find a girl who is not only drop-dead gorgeous, but is also a total brain, with a great sense of humor to boot? The student population agreed Kate Andrews was perfection in the flesh. Kate knew of this consensus, but she dismissed such notion. The guys at school were great and funny, and there were a couple of good-looking boys too. However, Kate had eyes for only one person. That person happened to be her stepbrother, Paul Cavanaugh.




Kate’s biological father had packed up his bags and left his family when Kate was only five years old. Since then her mother had singlehandedly raised Kate, sometimes with a little help from her mother’s parents, who were born from old money and came from one of the richest families in the city. When Kate turned ten, her mother had met Stephen Cavanaugh. When Kate turned thirteen, her mother and Stephen had married. Stephen, also from a previous marriage, had a kid as well—a son, specifically.


“You’re going to have a stepbrother,” Kate’s mother, Susan, had told Kate excitedly. “His name’s Paul, and he’s older than you by two years.”


Kate had shrugged. She had not bloomed into her good looks back then, and it was also a time when she thought boys were nothing but trouble. “How come he’s not here?”


“He won’t be here until he’s in college,” Susan had replied. “They’ve decided to let him finish high school in his hometown before letting him come here.”


“Cool,” Kate had said, bored out of her skull. She was going to have a brother, but she didn’t really care.


It wasn’t until she was sixteen when she and Paul first laid eyes on each other. Kate had become a bombshell by then, and while she was no full-fledged flirt, she no longer thought boys were nothing but trouble.


She had just come home from school and was easing herself into the living room when she heard her mother call from the kitchen. “Kate, is that you?”


“Mom, it’s me,” Kate called back, kicking her loafers off and placing her bag on the couch. She sat down and stretched for a few seconds.


“Come in the kitchen,” her mother continued to yell. “There’s someone you just have to meet.”


Kate frowned. So they have a visitor. But who could it be? “Who is it, Mom?”


“Just come here and see for yourself!” her mother insisted.


Kate made her way into the kitchen. She saw there were two people seated on the round dining table. One was her mother, smiling prettily and looking flushed and happy. The other was the most handsome man Kate had ever laid her eyes on.


The guy seated beside Susan Andrews–Cavanaugh had thick, dark hair that glinted in the afternoon sun. His eyes were a pale blue, but they were not icy. In fact, they looked warm and friendly. The guy had broad shoulders that screamed football, but Kate didn’t think he was muscular enough for that. He was simply broad shouldered, that’s all. The guy had a strong, emphatic jaw and full lips that were slightly pinkish. The lips were smiling, Kate saw, and she swallowed. She found herself thinking how it would feel to have those lips on top of hers.


She scolded herself for having such silly thoughts.


Susan was, of course, oblivious to the myriad of thoughts swirling around her daughter’s head. “Kate! I’m glad you’re home. Honey, this is Paul, Stephen’s son, also known as your stepbrother. You know, the one I’ve been telling you about? You still remember him, right?” She looked at her daughter anxiously.


Kate nodded. “Of course I do.” She looked at Paul and stretched out her hand. “Hi, Paul! I’m Kate.”


Paul’s pale-blue eyes burned into Kate’s green ones. His look was so intense, Kate began to feel uncomfortable. When Paul’s hand found and gripped hers, Kate was filled with a strong lust of desire for her stepbrother. Suddenly she knew she found the so-called The One. Kate knew she and Paul obviously wouldn’t end up together, but she no longer cared. With a fierceness she didn’t know existed, Kate knew she wanted Paul.


Plus, she knew Paul wanted her in the same way too.


Kate and Paul shook hands. Both gave off electricity that sent one clear message to one another. Their eyes met again, and Kate felt her stepbrother’s desire so strongly that she couldn’t stop herself from shivering a little. Fortunately, her mother—obviously consumed with joy at the meeting of her daughter and stepson—was too overwhelmed to feel the heated energy of carnal desire flow from Kate to Paul and vice-versa.


“Well, I better give you two some time to get acquainted,” Susan said, beaming with pride. “I need to go to the supermarket anyway. I’m not going to let my kids starve around here!” She gave Kate and Paul a kiss on the cheek and was off the house in no moment.


The second the door closed behind Susan, Kate and Paul immediately flew into each other’s arms. Their lips met in a split second, locking into a heavy, torrid kissing that seemed to have no end. Kate shut her eyes and let her lips devour Paul’s. God, he was so dripping with gorgeousness! She let her hungry lips cover Paul’s, eating them with as much passion as she could muster.


Paul pulled back a few moments later. “What a way to greet your brother, sister!” he exclaimed.


Kate laughed but didn’t say anything. She simply pushed Paul back into his chair and straddled him. She wrapped her slender arms around Paul’s neck and her long, lean legs around his trim waist. She felt Paul’s tool from beneath her short denim skirt and light cotton panties. She rubbed herself briefly against it, and Paul moaned.


Kate silenced Paul’s incoming moan with another round of heavy kissing. She loved Paul’s lips the second she laid her eyes on them, but she loved having them on her mouth even more. Of course! Paul’s lips were soft, like pillows. Kate had to remind herself not to go too hard on them, unless she wants Paul to wake up with swollen lips tomorrow.


While still her gorgeous hunk of a stepbrother, Kate pressed herself hard against Paul’s solid chest.
Isn’t there anything in this guy that isn’t rock hard or something?
Kate found herself wondering. Paul was so trim and toned, it was a little scary. Her breasts sighed at the rock-hard wall that was Paul’s chest, but her nipples were another matter. They started to stir and wake at the solid surface that brushed against them. Kate was wearing a thin green blouse, the one that matched the color of her eyes, and the thin fabric did little to cover the rising, waking peaks that were her nipples. Paul didn’t seem to mind, though. He wrapped his arms around Kate, keeping her in place and pressing her even closer to him.


Kate ran her hands through Paul’s dark hair and tugged gently. Even his hair seemed solid. It was unbelievable! Kate gave herself a mental pat on the back for managing to snag such a hunky, lusty brother. It was time to put the said brother to the test.


She removed her lips from Paul’s, brushed them to his ears this time, and whispered two words: “Fuck me.” She tugged at his hair again, as if to make a point.


Paul nodded. He didn’t even ask any questions, to Kate’s delight. He answered by letting his strong hands roam all over Kate’s slim yet sturdy back. Kate shivered at his touch. She couldn’t believe how he could be so rough and gentle at the same time.


Paul’s hands went from Kate’s back to her waist. She sighed contentedly. Paul heard her sigh, and he ran his hands up to her flat stomach and to the undersides of her breasts, where it lingered there for a few seconds. Kate squirmed. She wanted to feel Paul’s hands on her breasts, on her skin
right now
. The suspense was killing her.


Then Paul’s hands were on her tits, fondling and squeezing here and there. Kate tugged harder at Paul’s hair and arched her back, forcing more of her globes into Paul’s eager hands. Paul fondled and squeezed more vigorously. Kate’s hips began to move slowly. Paul responded by pressing at her rising nipples with his thumb through the thin fabric of her shirt, rousing her peaks from their deep sleep.


Kate removed her hands from Paul’s hair and ran them all over his firm, solid chest.
He’s like Ken in real life
, she thought. She flicked her thumbs at Paul’s nipples through his shirt as well, and Paul moaned softly. She ran her hands down his ripped abs and marveled at the solid chunk of muscle in there. Curiosity got the best of her. She hurriedly worked on the buttons of Paul’s shirt, and once his toned stomach was revealed, she slid off his lap, got on her knees, and ran her tongue down Paul’s midsection.


Paul gripped the sides of Kate’s head and slowly guided it even lower. Kate understood what her stepbrother wanted and decided to give it to him. She wanted to do it too. With the same uncanny speed, she worked on Paul’s belt and fumbled with the zipper of his jeans. Once she got past the blocks, she rolled the waistband of his jeans down his fit hips, first revealing a tangle of dark fine hair then finally his penis that was of considerable size.


Kate stared at her stepbrother’s tool. It was huge, but not in a scary kind of way. She lowered her head to Paul’s member and wrapped her mouth around it. She didn’t consider herself an expert in such matters, but she had done this twice or thrice. The guys she’d been with ended up being total jerks in the end, but before she went and left them, they taught her a valuable thing or two on the act of giving someone a good head.

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