Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (162 page)

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Kate ran her tongue up, down, and all around Paul’s member. She felt it grow stiff and become large under her warm, moist mouth. She clamped her lips more firmly around his penis and began to make up-and-down motions. Paul helped her by guiding her head up and down gently as well, and soon, they had some kind of rhythm that clicked for both of them. Kate varied her motions and technique by going softly one second and hard the next. She varied the degree of firmness of her lips around Paul’s penis, and sometimes, she even made humming, vibrating motions in her mouth. Paul would cry out softly every time she did it, and Kate took that as an excellent sign.


With her mouth still wrapped around Paul’s organ, Kate reached up and grabbed his balls with her hands. She did this using the flat palm of her hand. She pressed her palms gently against Paul’s testicles, exerting a bit of pressure here and there when she felt like it. She felt Paul grow harder inside her mouth, and she swirled her tongue all over Paul’s member faster and hungrier. She knew the simultaneous stimulation was driving Paul insane, and she liked it that way. She pressed her palms more firmly against Paul’s jewels and used the tiniest bit of teeth on his penis at the same time.


“Kate, I’m gonna come,” Paul declared.


Kate removed her hands from Paul’s jewels and reached around his waist. Her hands found Paul’s cheeks and squeezed them roughly. Even his ass was as hard as a rock! Kate gave Paul’s cheeks several more grabs and squeezes before she gently fingered the outside of his asshole.


Paul obviously stiffened. “Kate, what are you doing?”


Kate’s mouth was full of Paul’s rod. She couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. Instead, she simply inserted her index finger right inside Paul’s asshole.


He was tight in there, Kate discovered. Apparently, his past girlfriends haven’t found a way to please him in that private area.
Am I the first?
Kate thought. If she was, she was glad.


She wriggled her finger inside Paul’s ass, exploring every nook and crook that she could reach. Satisfied at her exploration, she began to slide her finger in and out of Paul’s hole, mimicking the way her head and mouth moved around Paul’s penis. Then Kate had an idea. While she slid her finger in and out of Paul’s behind, she moved her head and mouth on Paul’s tool at the same time.


The action drove Paul wild. His hands pulled and tugged at Kate’s hair. He began to thrash around in the chair, sometimes giving a little shiver here and there. Kate was oblivious to her stepbrother’s pulling at her hair. She went on with her little act of pleasing Paul until she too felt he was about to spill his juices right into her.


And spill his juices indeed, along with a couple of spasms and shudders. Paul did it right in time too, because a few seconds after he squirted his semen in Kate’s mouth, both heard the sound of a car engine in the driveway.


It was Stephen Cavanaugh, getting home from just another day at work. Paul’s father and Kate’s stepfather.


The two stepsiblings scrambled out of the kitchen and into their separate bedrooms, fixing articles of clothing as they ran up the stairs, stifling laughter as they did so.


“Welcome home, brother,” Kate told Paul with a wicked grin before she shut her bedroom door.




Kate smiled at the memory of their first meeting with Paul. That had been a year ago, but she still couldn’t help but smile every time she thought of it. That had been an exciting adventure. Their parents didn’t know, of course. The stepsiblings took painstaking measures to make sure their affairs remain undiscovered and their parents as clueless as possible to what was going on around them.


Suddenly her bedroom door swung open. Kate, startled, turned and saw Paul’s dark head peeking from behind her door.


“Is my little sister busy with something?” Paul asked, a lopsided grin playing on his full lips.


Kate shoved her textbooks off her bed and stretched luxuriously. She was wearing a black tank top and her favorite green cotton shorts. The combination was deadly, and Kate knew it. She always wore the same combo whenever Paul was at home. It turned him on so badly, he had told her once. Also, the articles of clothing were a breeze to remove and put on, should that be necessary.


Paul pounced on Kate, who made as if to squeal and ended up giggling instead. She wrapped her arms around her stepbrother’s neck. Paul only had his blue board shorts on, Kate saw with approval. She kissed him softly on the lips.


“I’ve missed you,” she told him.


Paul answered by giving Kate a hard, firm kiss on the lips, to which Kate responded with the same passion and fervor. She ran her hands all over Paul’s upper body. Paul mimicked her actions by running
hands all over Kate’s torso: from her slim waist to her back then back to her waist again and finally up to her breasts. He played with her breasts for a bit before sliding the thin straps of Kate’s top down her arms. Kate let her stepbrother remove her top.


Kate wasn’t wearing any bra. When her breasts sprang free from her tank top, Paul leaned down and fastened his mouth over one breast right away. He suckled her stepsister with a primal kind of hunger and with no finesse at all. It hurt Kate, but it also turned her on. She arched her back and gave several soft moans to let Paul know how much she liked it. Paul nodded and fastened his mouth to her other breast. His tongue licked on her nipple while his teeth bit and tugged at it. The sensation was very intense, and Kate soon found herself getting extremely wet between her legs.


While Paul was busy playing with her tits with his mouth, Kate reached around and removed his board shorts in one swift motion. She used her feet to discard the piece of clothing right into the floor. Now Paul was in his birthday suit. Kate reached down again and, this time, grabbed Paul’s member and settled it between her hands. She wrapped both hands around it and began to move them in an up-and-down motion.


Paul’s lips moved from Kate’s breasts down to her stomach. He licked at his stepsister’s flat abdomen before he dipped his tongue into the cup of her navel. Kate’s hips rocked a bit when Paul did that. Her navel was one of her erogenous zones, and it always drove her wild whenever someone played with it during sex.


Paul played with Kate’s navel then moved down into the bit of flesh peeking above her cotton shorts. Kate made as if to remove her shorts, but Paul swatted her hand away. He leaned closer and, using his teeth, slid down the waistband of Kate’s shorts. Kate also wasn’t wearing any panties.


Kate saw what he was doing, and she had to laugh. Her stepbrother was so horny, and she loved it! She removed her legs from Paul’s hips so that he could slide her shorts down easily. And easily he did, pausing only once to untangle the piece of clothing over her knees. Once Kate’s cotton shorts passed over her feet, Kate burst into laughter again. Paul grinned and settled back over her.


“How did you learn to do that?” Kate exclaimed, and wrapped her legs around Paul’s hips again.


Paul shrugged. “Practice,” he answered, and silenced his stepsister with another deep kiss.


Both stepsiblings were naked now. Still kissing Kate torridly, Paul placed a hand between Kate’s legs. Kate moaned loudly. Paul hadn’t even done anything yet, but she was already so aroused. How could it be possible?


Paul began to play with the folds outside Kate’s cunt. As soon as he did, he found out his stepsister was already soaking wet. This pleased him, and he began to move his fingers faster on the lips and folds of Kate’s pussy. Kate helped him by opening her legs as much as it would allow with them wrapped around Paul’s hips.


Paul’s thumb found Kate’s clitoris and began to press on it. Kate’s eyes grew wide. The sensation was extremely intense! Paul pressed his thumb down on her clit again, and this time, Kate responded by thrashing all around the bed. But Paul was unnerved and didn’t let up. He kept his thumb pressed down on Kate’s clit, not doing anything else except that. Poor Kate was going mad with the sudden surge of sheer ecstasy. Kate thought her stepbrother was being cruel, but she had to admit she didn’t want him to remove his thumb on her clit. Kate was already very wet, and the bed had started to soak up some of her bodily fluids.


“Paul!” Kate gasped, unable to help it any longer. She kept on squirming. She raked her fingernails down Paul’s back to help ease off the building pressure inside her, but Paul didn’t even flinch. Instead he pressed his thumb even harder. Kate could almost cry.


“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Kate cried out.


And come she did. She did so with shivers and shudders. The shakes racked her body, and she held onto Paul tightly while her body was ravaged with the ecstatic convulsions. Paul didn’t remove his thumb while Kate gave in to the tidal wave of ecstasy. This made Kate come for about three consecutive times. All the while, she held on to Paul and, on one occasion, even gave his hair a vicious tug. When it was over, Kate grew limp as a sack, and it was only then that Paul removed his thumb from her clit.


“You bastard,” Kate said weakly, out of breath.


Paul only grinned and gave Kate a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m not done yet, my beloved sister.”


Before Kate could open her mouth to protest, Paul had flipped her over. Now lying on her stomach, she suddenly knew what Paul wanted to do to her. She was too spent to resist, but now she found the strength to speak up. “Paul! I can’t—”


Her stepbrother cut her off with two brisk spankings on her bottom. Kate gasped. She had never been spanked before, not even when she was a child (her father was a total ass for leaving them, that much was clear, but he never raised his voice or even laid a finger on both Kate and her mother, and that was one of the few things in his favor). Her face burned. She felt an odd combination of shame and guilt. For what, she didn’t know, but that was what she felt. But underneath all that embarrassment, Kate felt a sly twinge of arousal waiting to be unleashed. She felt confused. This was all so new to her.


Paul gave her two more brisk slaps on her bottom. Then he straddled Kate so he was sitting right above her butt. Kate squirmed. She had never been fucked in the ass before. She had heard of the idea, of course, but it had grossed her out. Now she couldn’t believe it was about to happen to her.


“Paul, I don’t think—” she started to say, but Paul cut her off again.


“It’ll be fun, Kate,” he assured her. “Look, I’ve got nothing against your cunt. You got a fine one, that I have to say, but I want a little variety this time. You’ll like it, I assure you.”


Kate didn’t get to say anything in return because Paul had already spread her legs apart. Then he spread her cheeks and lightly fingered her butthole. Kate closed her eyes and sighed. Even she had to admit the sensation was nice and mildly erotic.

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