Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (74 page)

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Hank was a lot taller than Nadine. She had to tiptoe a bit to be able to wrap her slender arms around his neck. His hands, meanwhile, found their way to her butt, squeezing the toned flesh of her behind with all the strength they could muster.


She pressed herself closer to him, letting him feel through the thin silk fabric of her top and skirt the nudity that lay waiting underneath them. She kissed him with willingness and passion this time. When he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, she let him. His tongue was sharp and firm. It was a tongue that explored with a purpose, a tongue that knew what it was doing. Unable to help herself, she moaned out loud as his tongue met hers. When he sucked gently on her tongue, she grew weak in the knees and almost slid down the floor.


“Poor Nadine, growing weak at the knees,” Hank teased. Before she could speak a word, though, he had carried her and placed her gently on the table. Seated on the large desk, they were now almost of the same height.


Nadine broke their kiss and began to undo the buttons of her top. Hank did the same on his shirt. Seconds later, they were both naked from the waist up. Nadine arched her back so as to make her already large breasts appear even larger. She watched with wry amusement as Hank stared at her tits with a mouth that was slightly open. Unable to help herself, she laughed and pulled his head close to her tits.


“All yours, lover boy,” she whispered seductively.


Hank took on the challenge. He supported her back with his large hands while his mouth found one breast and overpowered it. He sucked right away and without finesse. He sucked so hard Nadine cried out several times. She tugged at his hair, telling him to go at it gently, but he ignored her tugs and didn’t let up. She squirmed, wanting to escape from his embrace, but his arms were too powerful. She couldn’t do anything but sit helplessly as he licked and suckled at her tit. Her cries grew louder, but they only served to arouse Hank even more. He didn’t let go. When he was done with one breast, he moved to the other, flicking his tongue at the already erect nipple with the same intensity. He released one hand from her back and used it to play at the other breast. He pulled at her entire breast painfully, but it was also very pleasurable.


By now Nadine was soaking wet down there. Hank’s moves were as rough as his looks, but they were with a purpose and knew the right buttons to push. Since she was without her panties, she felt some of her juice trickle down her thighs. Suddenly she wanted to feel his mouth and tongue on her down there.


She pushed at Hank with all her might. This time, he let her push him. He stepped back a bit and stared at her hard. “What the fuck, Nadine!” he exclaimed. “This better be good, or I’m going to pin you down the table and not let you go until I say so.” His eyes glinted, and Nadine knew he was telling the truth.


“Oh, I’m so scared,” she taunted him. As she spoke, she raised her skirt up until her waist, revealing her bare and wet sex to him. She spread her legs far apart, giving him an obstructed view of her pussy. She laughed as she saw his eyes almost pop out of their sockets.


“Holy shit,” Hank remarked. “You haven’t been wearing panties all along?” He licked his lips, and the front of his jeans began to show appear.


Nadine smiled wickedly. “I have my panties right here, Hank.” She turned and reached for the desk drawer where she had stored her panties, making sure her behind was in full view for him to see. She got her soiled panties and showed it to him. “Here.”


He snatched her panties eagerly, almost greedily. She watched as he brought her come-stained panties close to his face and sniffed at it. She watched as his tongue crept out and ran over his lips again. Her eyes traveled to the crotch of his jeans, and what she saw confirmed her initial belief that the man was indeed built for serious fucking.


“Nadine,” Hank said in a low voice. When he met her eyes, Nadine saw what he wanted. She nodded. What he wanted was what she wanted to.


She unzipped her skirt and slid it down and off her legs as Hank did the same to his jeans. She laughed when she saw he too was naked beneath all that denim. “Looks like someone came here with plans all along,” she remarked. They were both completely naked now, and she couldn’t stop staring at his penis. His rod was indeed huge, and with it erect, it looked larger than life. His dick had to be one of the most remarkable he had seen. That was no minor honor, considering she had seen a considerable amount of dicks to last her a lifetime. She was proud she got to encounter Hank Thomas. This was going to be fun.


She squealed and pretended to protest as he growled and tackled her on top of the table. She lay down on the large desk, and he towered on all fours over her. He grabbed her legs and placed them on his shoulders. He lowered his head and started kissing her flat stomach. She moaned at his kisses and again felt herself become wetter than usual. Suddenly she felt his mouth at her pussy. The pleasure that took over her was incredible, and she gave a loud cry.


“They’ll hear you,” Hank mumbled as he ran his tongue all over the delicate pink folds of her sex. “You’re so wet, Nadine. Shit. Are you always this wet?” He sucked on her clitoris gently, and she went over her head. Her cries and moans grew louder. She was almost screaming her head off. The sensation was very intense.


“They won’t hear us,” she managed to speak out in between gasps. “The walls . . . The walls are . . . Oh, Hank, that feels so . . .” She broke off as shudders racked through her body. She shut her eyes, surrendering to the shakes as he gently spread her lips down there apart and plunged his tongue into the soft, soaked flesh.


Nadine couldn’t stop moaning. She was drowning in the sheer ecstasy brought about by Hank’s tongue thrusting in and out of her pussy. His tongue moved faster and thrust deeper, sending her beyond herself. She knew she was going to come any minute now, and she told Hank so.


“Hank, I’m going to—” she began, but to her surprise, Hank removed his mouth from her most private part and towered over her again. Her source of pleasure was suddenly cut off, and it infuriated her.


“Hank, what are you doing?” she asked frantically. “Get back there and do what you were doing.” She was aware she sounded panicky, but she no longer cared. She wanted the feel of his mouth down there, and she wanted it right away.


“No can do, missy,” Hank answered as he mounted her. “There’s this, though.”


With Nadine’s legs still on his shoulders, Hank thrust his enormous tool right inside Nadine’s cunt. She screamed as she felt the huge piece of flesh tear through her. It seemed like she was being ripped apart. She screamed as he pulled himself out and rammed himself into her again.


“You wanted this, I know you did,” Hank grunted as he thrust himself in and out of Nadine’s cunt.


As he pounded away into her, she felt her legs being straightened out and saw it was indeed what he was doing. He pushed her legs as he pumped into her, bringing her lower limbs closer to her chest, making her fit nice and tight against his huge cock. The initial pain was slowly being replaced by the faint traces of erotic pleasure.


“How do you like this, Nadine?” Hank asked, all the while pounding into her most private part, which was now soaking wet and almost dripping with her exotic juices. “How do you like this now, huh?” His hips moved faster and harder, and so did his thrusts.


“You’re hurting me, Hank. You really are,” Nadine responded in between breaths. Her large breasts bounced and jiggled in time with Hank’s pounding. Hank lowered his head and again suckled on one breast. The intense pleasure doubled, and Nadine had to scream to let some of the sensation off or else she felt she would go insane from the sheer ecstasy of it all. He pulled at her nipple as he pulled his cock off her pussy, then clamped on the pink nub again as he pushed himself into her again. The rhythm felt fantastic for Nadine.


She too moved and bucked her hips to match Hank’s thrusting. The sound of their flat bellies meeting together—slap, slap, slap—filled the room. So did the sound of their harsh breathing and panting, not to mention the smell of sweat and body fluids seemed to mingle with the sounds. Their fluid movements helped intensify the level of lust they were feeling toward each other, and in no time, they were both ready to explode.


Nadine, now beyond herself, came at the same time Hank did. Their orgasm tore through them, and both screamed in unison as their bodies released the fluids they have been keeping inside them for so long. Their juices mingled in the private area that was Nadine’s cunt.


She screamed as another orgasm shook her. Hank, for his part, had already come, but he kept on rubbing and thrusting himself inside Nadine. She came again, and he went on rubbing and thrusting until she felt she was sore and raw.


“Hank, stop,” she whimpered. She was starting to feel delicate down there, and much as she wanted to have Hank’s cock inside her for as long as it could, her body could only take so much.


“We’re not done yet, Nadine,” he answered. He pulled himself out of her pussy and, after fixing his body in the right position, thrust his organ into her mouth.


Nadine opened her mouth wide to take in as much as she could of Hank’s humongous cock. She couldn’t believe she could fit something as large and wide as his dick into her mouth, but apparently, she could. She stroked the base of his cock lovingly as her mouth and tongue took over the most part of his tool. She could taste herself on his dick, and spent as she was, it stirred her arousal back to life again. The fit was perfect. It was as if her mouth and his dick were perfect for each other.


Hank moved his hips, thrusting his penis in and out of Nadine’s mouth. Nadine too moved her head in time with his thrusts. These motions made a perfect rhythm for both of them, keeping them in sync with each other.


She sucked delicately but firmly. She sucked as if she knew what she was doing, and of course she did. The hand on his tool made circular motions, stroking his organ even more to life. He was fully aroused now. His penis was erect and stood out stiff inside her mouth.


“I’m coming,” Hank said roughly. His hands found Nadine’s hair and gripped the dark brown strands. A split second later, he shot his load right into her mouth. She felt the hot fluid fill her mouth and run down her throat. She waited until she was sure he had unloaded all that he could then she removed his dick from her mouth and swallowed all his come. His gruff looks did no justice to his load, which tasted clean and slightly tangy. She swallowed again, making sure she got all the sticky liquid down.


“Good girl,” Hank said approvingly.


Nadine looked up at him and saw he towered over her again. Their eyes met, and both of them smiled at the same time.


He rested his hand on top of her pussy, which still felt sore. “You do that all the time?” he asked, his fingers grazing the flesh down there ever so slightly.


“Only with the ones I like,” she replied teasingly. She shut her eyes, taking deep, slow breaths. She was still panting. But their time was almost up now, and she couldn’t afford to face the world outside her door without looking like the polished and professional woman she projected herself to be.


They sat upright on the table. Hank got off first, but Nadine remained where she was seated. She sat naked as she watched him gather his clothes and get dressed. He was still aroused, she saw, but his jeans did an amazing job of hiding his stiff and erect cock well. Looking at this beautiful specimen of a man turned her on again.


Fully dressed, Hank walked over to her and stood in front of her. “Aren’t you going to get dressed?” he asked. He placed his hands on her breasts and began to play with them.


She moaned at his touch, and he laughed. The hands on her tits moved faster, and his touch became rough. Still she didn’t move nor do anything. She simply let him play, knowing full well someone was going home with something on the crotch of his pants.

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