Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (78 page)

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The realization woke her up like a bucket of ice-cold water had been doused over her head. She gasped and sat upright, pulling the comforter up to her chin.


“Geoff, is that you?” she called out.


“Who else?” the voice replied. It was no longer whispering.


The room was pitch black. Gina squinted, straining against the darkness. She couldn’t figure out where the voice was coming from. Geoff could be anywhere.


“What is it?” she asked. “What’s going on?”


“I want to lie right next to you and make love to you, Gina,” he answered.


His words brought on that funny feeling in her stomach again, and she felt the first traces of a deep blush creeping up her cheeks. She was grateful the room was so dark. “Quit being an idiot,” she snapped. “I’m not in the mood for games, Geoff. You woke me up. What time is it anyway?”


“Oh, but I’m in the mood for a little game, Gina,” Geoff said.


Suddenly the bed creaked. Gina felt a heavy weight drop on the bed and inch closer to where she was. Before she could react, she felt strong arms encircle her. A split second later, full lips were over hers.


Gina fell back on the bed. More because of instinct than anything else, she found herself kissing the person—Geoff—back. Then reason crept back inside her head, and she reacted.


“Geoff!” she cried out loud. “Geoff, you thug, what are you doing?” She struggled against his arms, but he was too strong.


“I know you’ve been thinking of me doing this to you, Gina,” Geoff answered. “I’ve seen that look in your eyes. I’ve seen how you look at me. I know you’re hungry for me. I know you want my body.” His lips found hers again. “Here I am, Gina. Here’s my body.”


Gina was confused. What was going on? Could the maniac beside her, over her on the same bed be really the Geoff she had known? She didn’t know. She pushed him off her and opened her mouth to tell him off when suddenly he thrust something inside her mouth.


It was his cock.


Gina was completely caught off guard. For a few seconds, she didn’t do anything. She simply lay where she was, with Geoff’s cock in her mouth.


“There you have it, Gina,” Geoff said. His voice sounded excited to her ears. “You know what to do to my cock, right?” His hands wound around her hair and pulled roughly. “I know you do. You act like you’re all prim and proper, but I know what you’re really like inside.” His hands found the buttons of her shirt and began to undo them one by one.


Despite the obvious craziness of the situation, Gina found she was aroused. There was something sexy and libido inducing on submitting oneself to the demands of someone else. In her sparse sex life, she had never done any kind of submitting before. Could this be why, despite her misgivings, she was excited and feeling incredibly sensual?


Firm yet gentle hands pushed her shirt away from her body. Gina was now naked from the waist up. She knew Geoff couldn’t see her breasts in the suffocating dark, but he could feel them certainly.


And he did just that.


The instant Gina felt Geoff’s hands on her breasts, she began to suck on his cock. The conflicting sensations in her mouth and on her chest increased her libido, and she began to give off little moans. She felt his hands dig hard and frantically into her tits, squeezing the life out of them. Her nipples perked up at his touch, and soon, he was grabbing and pulling on the erect nubs too. She sensed the hunger and urgency on his part. She felt like laughing. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who was feeling something every time they were together in the office.


She sucked on his tool vigorously. Geoff wasn’t as large as the rest of him suggested, but he was large enough for his standards. His taste was as clean as his appearance, and this earned her approval, what with she being a sucker for guys who kept themselves clean. She grabbed at the base of his cock with one hand while she used the other to stroke the extra sensitive area that was between his cock and anus.


Geoff moaned loudly and sat more erect at her touch on the sensitive area. She touched him there again while making rubbing motions at his cock. There was no mistaking his moans now. They grew louder as Gina pressed her fingers at his hidden sensitive area down there while her rubbing motions on his cock became faster. Her mouth too was doing its thing. She was taking in as much of him as she could, and that was speaking a lot. She ran her tongue up, down, and all over his huge shaft, from light and feathery strokes to harder, more urgent ones. She enjoyed hearing the moans he gave off every time she licked him up and down. His cries made her feel powerful.


Gina took Geoff’s cock inside her mouth again, and this time, she moved her head up and down. Geoff sensed what she was doing and moved his hips, timing his movements with her head. Soon he was thrusting in and out of her mouth. She had to bob her head faster to keep up with his thrusting. His hands on her hair pulled more roughly—almost to the point of pain, really—but she didn’t mind. She could feel him grow even harder inside her mouth now, could feel he was about to explode and pour his seed into her mouth. She couldn’t wait. Her mouth on his cock did its work faster, and her hands groped at the base of his penis and the area near his anus.


Inspiration suddenly struck Gina. Without warning, she slid a finger inside Geoff’s anus. The movement took him by surprise.


“Shit!” he exclaimed. He was panting hard now. “Gina, what are you doing?”


She ignored him and went on sliding her finger in and out of his asshole, timing the sliding motion with her mouth and his hips. She felt him grow wet inside her mouth, could feel him become as hard as a rock now. Yet she was wet too by what she was doing. Geoff hadn’t touched her yet, but she could feel the secret mound between her legs was becoming more soaked each second. She rubbed her thighs together. She was drenched down there all right.


Geoff became stiff above her. Gina, knowing he was about to explode, prepared herself for it, but it didn’t come. Instead, he removed his dick from her mouth, repositioned himself over her and, after pulling her silk panties down, spread her legs apart and plunged right into her.


Because she was already soaking wet, there was only a slight twinge of pain as he rammed himself into her tight pussy. She gave off a loud moan as she felt his flesh, only in her mouth several seconds ago, almost rip her apart. Geoff was huge, indeed, not to mention powerful. She opened her legs as far as they would go, her knees bent. He pinned her knees down with his arms as he went on thrusting in and out of her.


“How do you like this, Gina?” he asked in between pumps and breaths. It was hard to see his face in the deep darkness of the room, but she could feel him grinning.


Gina decided to be bold. “Is that all you can do?” she asked.


Her words had an immediate effect on him. He roared and slammed himself even deeper into her. There was no mistaking the pain this time, and she screamed aloud. Her scream was lost in the heavy pelting rain outside, but that didn’t stop her from screaming again as she felt his mouth at her breast. His mouth bit into and pulled at her breast without finesse, while his hand groped greedily with the other breast. She arched her back as his tongue flicked back and forth on her fully awake nipple. Her senses were alive now, and they were in overdrive. She didn’t know how she could handle the pounding on her down there and the licking and pulling on her chest all at the same time.


Her body produced more of her exotic juices. Gina was soaking wet by now. She was so wet, in fact, that the initially painful friction from Geoff’s initial fucking was now dulled and sweetened into a delicious kind of friction that she really liked. She raised her hips with every thrust, meeting him halfway, taking in as much of him as her cunt could. She wanted all of him inside her, wanted all of his flesh snug deep inside her private space.


The intensity of the sensation was rising and rising. Gina knew she couldn’t take in any more pleasure. She was going to erupt, going to spill her juices all over his shaft, which was how she wanted it in the first place. She opened her mouth to tell him she was about to come when suddenly, just like he did before, Geoff pulled his cock out of her.


Gina was dismayed. How dare he pull himself out just when she was about to orgasm! Her dismay gave way into anger, her lust forgotten for the moment.


“Geoff, what are you doing!” she cried out. “Oh, for—”


“Turn around,” Geoff said thickly. “On your stomach, Gina. On all fours now.”


His words didn’t sink in at first. “What—” she began.


Geoff gave her a brisk slap on the buttocks, and she squealed. “I said on all fours,” he growled. Had there been even the slightest source of light, she knew she wouldn’t be surprised if she saw his eyes blazing with intensity and urgency.


Then she understood what he had been trying to tell her, what he wanted. She nodded in the dark, sat upright, and positioned herself on all fours. She did the best she could by lowering her elbows so that her face was almost buried on the bed while she raised her hips and her bum high up into the air as much as she could.


Gina felt Geoff’s strong yet gentle hands grab her hips to steady her. She felt the tip of his organ brush against the soft flesh of her buttocks and the soft edges of her anus. Once again she was reminded of how huge he was, how snug and just right he felt inside her. She remembered how her warm flesh clung to his hard flesh eagerly, attaching itself to the foreign body inside her body, foreign yet totally fuckworthy, exploring every inch of her with pounding hunger. Her face burned at the memory of Geoff’s dick inside her. She wasn’t surprised to find she was filled with longing. She wanted his cock buried deep inside her again. No matter. After he would have his way, she was going to tell him to fuck her in her cunt again. Her loins were crying out for his meat.


“Take me, Geoff, use my body,” Gina found herself saying. “I’m your fuck doll, your hot piece of ass. Just take me, pound into me, bury yourself deep into me.” She shut her eyes and screamed, “Do whatever you want to me!”


“Gladly, Gina,” Geoff answered. A split second later, his cock rammed into her anus.


Gina had never been fucked in the ass before. The sensation was nothing like she had ever imagined. Pain bloomed and filled every part of her, and she screamed with every push and pull. He was so huge! He filled every nook and cranny of her anus. As with her cunt, he was a perfect fit. He fit too perfectly, in fact, that she had a crazy thought of him bursting inside her and tearing her into pieces.


Geoff’s hands gripped her hips as he went on ramming himself in and out of her anus. Her cries and his moans of passion mingled with the sound of the heavy pouring rain outside. The smell of sweat and body fluids and fulfilled lust filled the air, along with the cool smell of the rain and the earthy smell of wet soil.


Gina and Geoff pounded away into each other. Gina raised her bum even higher in the air, spreading her legs as far apart as they would go so as to give Geoff even more access to her virgin asshole. The feel of his dick inside her ass was unbelievable, and the pain was receding bit by bit. She had to bite into the pillow to keep from screaming her lungs out into the night. It just wasn’t in her to scream like crazy when she got down and dirty between the sheets. Tendrils of sweet pleasure started to curl up and over every corner of her body, which had begun to shake even though she fought hard to stop the shaking.


Geoff felt her shakes, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. Gina, for her part, could’ve sworn he was grinning as he gripped her hips harder and went on slamming his cock deep into her ass. Unable to help herself, she released the pillow from her teeth and cried out with every thrust behind her. She couldn’t take it anymore. She was going to burst now, going to come apart at the seams, going to erupt from all this fucking and mad groping.

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