25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them

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Authors: Carolyn Orange

Tags: #Education, #General, #Teaching Methods & Materials

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A tender rosebud on the verge of blooming, basking in the light of new loves and life promises was snipped and crushed in a dark moment of despair. Surely those are her sweet petals being carried away gently and lovingly by a winged messenger of the kingdom. Goodbye Robertta, you were and always will be loved.

This book is dedicated to my Goddaughter, the late Robertta O’Neal Washington, August 4, 1984, to September 21, 2007.

Copyright © 2008 by Carolyn Orange

First Skyhorse Publishing edition 2014

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Print ISBN: 978-1-62914-687-4

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Anita Woolfolk Hoy

Preface to the Second Editon


About the Author


Mistake 1: Inappropriate Discipline Strategies
Scenario 1.1: Actions Scream Louder Than Words
Scenario 1.2: Clean in Thought, Word, and “Backtalk”
Scenario 1.3: Nose, Toes, Anything Goes
Scenario 1.4: Sticky Business
Scenario 1.5: Nosing Around in the Corner
Scenario 1.6: Sneaking a Peek
Scenario 1.7: Water Sprites Strike
Scenario 1.8: Give a Hand, Get a Hand
Scenarios 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11: Knuckle Whackers
Scenario 1.12: The Lineup
Scenario 1.13: Attila the Nun
Scenario 1.14: Injustice and Punishment for All
Scenarios 1.15 and 1.16: Dubious Misdeeds
Scenario 1.17: Pay Attention!!!
Scenario 1.18: Cheating Exposé
Scenario 1.19: Biting in Self-Defense
Scenario 1.20: No Apology Needed
Scenarios 1.21 and 1.22: No Explanations, Please
Scenario 1.23: Whodunit?
Scenarios 1.24 and 1.25: Sitting Ducks
Scenario 1.26: Boys Will Be Boys
Scenario 1.27: Copious Copying
Scenario 1.28: Assault With a Deadly Playground
Scenario 1.29: Punishment Befitting the Crime
Scenario 1.30: Old Betsy and What’s Her Name
Mistake 2: Physical Aggression
Scenario 2.1: Punishment or Perversion?
Scenario 2.2: Pit Bully
Scenario 2.3: Putting the Squeeze On
Scenario 2.4: The Hair-Raiser
Scenarios 2.5 and 2.6: Perils of Paddling
Scenario 2.7: Go for It
Scenario 2.8: Handle With Care
Scenario 2.9: Pupil Plucking
Scenario 2.10: Sweet Smile of Sorrow
Mistake 3: Purposeful Alienation
Scenario 3.1: Scapegoat Scandal
Mistake 4: Public Ridicule
Scenario 4.1: Confession ≠ Contrition
Scenario 4.2: Don’t Bother to Raise Your Hand
Scenario 4.3: Adding Insult to an Unjust Injury
Scenario 4.4: Saving a Red Face
Scenario 4.5: Old School—1899 or New School—1999?
Scenario 4.6: If You Muse, You Lose
Scenario 4.7: To Laugh or Not to Laugh, That Is the Question
Mistake 5: Favoritism
Scenario 5.1: Snob Appeal
Scenario 5.2: Sugar, Spice, and Very Smart
Scenario 5.3: Teacher’s Pet
Mistake 6: Physiological Discrimination
Scenario 6.1: The Antifat Motive
Scenario 6.2: Writing Well at Any Cost
Scenario 6.3: Blurred-Eye View
Scenario 6.4: Discrimination by Isolated Exits
Scenario 6.5: Baby and the Beast
Scenarios 6.6 and 6.7: Stuff and Nonsense
Mistake 7: Personal Attacks
Scenario 7.1: Derailment on the College Track
Scenario 7.2: Risqué Rumor
Scenario 7.3: Job’s Comforter
Scenario 7.4: Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Worst Student of All?
Mistake 8: Inappropriate Teacher–Student Relationships
Scenario 8.1: My Teacher, My Friend?
Scenario 8.2: A Wolf in Teacher’s Clothing
Mistake 9: Deliberate Mistreatment
Scenario 9.1: A Holy Terror
Scenario 9.2: It’s Snowing Down South
Scenario 9.3: Sins of Big Sister Visited on Little Sister
Mistake 10: Racial and Cultural Discrimination
Scenario 10.1: Cross-Cultural Confusion
Scenario 10.2: Cinderella in the Classroom
Scenario 10.3: English-Only Spoken Here
Scenario 10.4: The Transparent Mask of Prejudice
Scenario 10.5: Separate and Unequal Treatment
Scenario 10.6: Lesson in Oppression
Scenario 10.7: Culture Clash
Mistake 11: Humiliation
Scenario 11.1: Chalkboard Etiquette
Scenario 11.2: Be Still and the Shame Will Settle
Scenario 11.3: Shake, Baby, Shake
Scenario 11.4: Girls Will Be Girls
Scenario 11.5: Tomāto or Tomäto? Pēcan or Pecän?

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