25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them (2 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Orange

Tags: #Education, #General, #Teaching Methods & Materials

BOOK: 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them
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Mistake 12: Inappropriate Classroom Policies
Scenario 12.1: New Kid on the School Block
Scenario 12.2: Banished to the Underworld
Scenario 12.3: It’s Now or Never
Scenario 12.4: One for You and One for You and None for You
Scenario 12.5: Sour Note Switch
Scenario 12.6: Broken Bones: Give the Student a Break
Scenario 12.7: The Shaming of the Crew
Scenario 12.8: Last Picks
Scenario 12.9: Speak First, Think Later
Scenario 12.10: The Perils and Pearls of Mandatory Attendance
Scenario 12.11: Sounding Off
Scenario 12.12: “Loser of the Week”: A Real Loser
Scenario 12.13: Only “Smart” Questions, Please
Scenario 12.14: Help Wanted
Scenario 12.15: Off on a Tangent
Scenario 12.16: Worksheet Workout
Scenario 12.17: Let Your Fingers Do the Reading
Scenario 12.18: Rigid Mortis
Scenario 12.19: Almost Perfect Attendance
Mistake 13: Inappropriate Toileting Practices
Scenarios 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6: You’re All Wet
Scenario 13.7: Wait, Wait . . . Too Late
Scenario 13.8: Right of Privacy: None of Your Business
Scenario 13.9: Pass the Pass Pronto
Scenario 13.10: Toilet Tyrant
Mistake 14: Inappropriate Educational Strategies
Scenario 14.1: Gifted: One Who Walks on Water
Scenario 14.2: I Don’t Know, I’m Just the Teacher
Scenario 14.3: Get Thee to the Second Grade!
Scenario 14.4: Standing the Test of Time
Scenario 14.5: Math Mania
Scenario 14.6: No Play, You Pay
Scenario 14.7: Prime Time
Scenario 14.8: Once More, With Feeling
Scenario 14.9: Teacher, Can You Spare a Sign?
Scenario 14.10: Wait a Minute or Two or Three
Scenario 14.11: No Excuses. . . . EVER!
Scenario 14.12: Competition Isn’t Always Good
Scenario 14.13: Keep Working, Rain, Shine, Sleet, or Divorce
Scenario 14.14: I’m Writing as Fast as I Can
Scenario 14.15: Reading Reticence: To Read or Not to Read
Scenario 14.16: No Make-Up; I’ll Take a Powder
Scenario 14.17: Can’t You See That I Can’t See?
Scenario 14.18: Small but Mighty
Scenario 14.19: Anything Worth Doing Is Not Worth Doing Well
Scenario 14.20: Ready, Willing, and Able
Scenario 14.21: Talk, Talk, Talk
Scenario 14.22: Here an “F,” There an “F,” Everywhere an “F,” “F”
Scenario 14.23: Academic “Payday”
Scenario 14.24: If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again, and Again, and Again
Mistake 15: Inappropriate Assessment
Scenario 15.1: Test Error: Demotion to Promotion
Scenario 15.2: “F”: Feedback or Folly?
Scenario 15.3: I Am Not My Brother’s Keeper
Scenario 15.4: Caustic Critique
Scenario 15.5: Being Taught Red-Handed
Scenario 15.6: Group Consequences: All or Nothing
Scenario 15.7: Inflexible, Indifferent, Illogical, and Inaccurate
Scenario 15.8: Tragedy on the Classroom Stage
Mistake 16: Teacher Insensitivity
Scenario 1 6.1: Seeing Red
Scenario 1 6.2: And the “Winner” Is
Scenario 1 6.3: Name Sweet Name
Scenario 16.4: Exit Front and Center Stage
Scenario 1 6.5: Eye to Swollen Eye
Scenario 16.6: Diagnosis: Faking
Scenario 16.7: When the Bough Cracks
Scenario 16.8: The Bereaved Must Leave
Scenario 16.9: Children Must Be Seen and Heard
Scenario 16.10: Stripped of Protective Coating
Scenario 16.11: Turning a Deaf Ear to Bullyragging
Mistake 17: Academic Shortcomings
Scenario 17.1: Shame and Punishment
Scenario 17.2: Ducking the Stoning Incident
Scenario 17.3: A Know-a-Little and a Know-It-All
Scenario 17.4: Academic Inquisition
Scenario 17.5: Jumping to a Gender-Biased Conclusion
Scenarios 17.6 and 17.7: Tread Lightly, but Do Tread
Scenario 17.8: All Talk and No Teaching
Scenario 17.9: Don’t Know Fall From Autumn
Scenario 17.10: Teaching Solo Students Can’t Hear You
Scenario 17.11: The Incarceration of Originality
Mistake 18: Poor Administration
Scenario 18.1: Duped Dancers
Mistake 19: Teacher Reputation
Scenario 19.1: Fearsome Reputations Often Precede People
Mistake 20: Teacher Misjudgment
Scenario 20.1: Shrinking Violet or Conceited Prima Donna?
Scenario 20.2: Damsel in Distress?
Scenario 20.3: Trust Me at Your Own Risk
Scenario 20.4: The Whole Is Greater Than Its Parts
Scenario 20.5: Excluded!
Scenario 20.6: To Err Is Human, to Admit It Is Divine
Scenario 20.7: It’s Gobbledygook to Me
Scenario 20.8: Your Crime, My Time
Mistake 21: Teacher Bias or Expectations
Scenario 21.1: Once a Clown, Always a Clown
Scenario 21.2: Dark Comedy of Gender Bias
Scenario 21.3: Justice for All
Scenario 21.4: Extraterrestrial Terror
Scenario 21.5: Liar, Liar, Your Habit’s on Fire
Scenario 21.6: Cheater Watch
Mistake 22: Unethical Behavior
Scenarios 22.1 and 22.2: Keep Hope Alive
Scenario 22.3: Out in the Cold
Scenario 22.4: Bloody Secret
Scenario 22.5: A Lesson in Deception

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