3 Hit the Road Jack

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Authors: Christin Lovell

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3 Hit the Road Jack
Christin Lovell
Christin Lovell (2011)

Some hunt, and some are hunted.

With lives at stake, literally, Lexi travels the globe pursuing the element of surprise against her enemy. Unfortunately, it seems there’s a mole in her tightknit group. Lexi is forced to reevaluate her relationships, old and new, as her target closes in on her. Can her friendships survive the pressure of the front lines? And can her relationship with Kellan survive a game of cat and mouse?

Predictions aren’t always accurate, or are they?

NOTE: A new, updated version of this book has been uploaded. It has been checked for errors, formatting issues and missing lines. Sorry for any previous issues experienced. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support of the Vamp Chronicles series. ~Christin

Vamp Chronicles
Book 3


Christin M Lovell

Edited by

Susie Hatfield


he Road Jack

Copyright © 2011 by Christin M Lovell


Cover Copyright:
© konradbak - Fotolia.com


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Vamp Chronicles

Diary of a Vampeen
Vamp Yourself for War
Hit the Road Jack
The Innocence of White (
short story
Vamp Versus Vamp
Darkness Falls –
Coming Winter 2012
The Breaking of Dawn
- Coming Spring 2013


This book is dedicated to my
You’re fierce
You have sass and class, just like Lexi. Continue to be bold, continue to pursue; continue to always be you.



it had not been the
who was on our side, when
against us:
they had swallowed us
when their
against us:
us, the
had gone
had gone
as a
out of the
of the
: the
, and we are

Psalm 124:2-5;7 KJV


Chapter 1


“Ugh, school, again. I can’t believe the break went by so fast,” Mel groaned as we walked the crowded halls of Cooper River High School. The same reluctance was shared by most of the students catching up in stairwells, corridors and along locker lined walls.

“It went by fast for you. But then again you slept oh, a hundred hours or so whereas I passed only twenty that way,” I commented with a touch of sarcasm as we approached her locker.

“That’s not my fault Chiquita.”

“Yea, yea.” There was a pause of silence before we broke into laughter.

“Is this what I have to look forward to every morning?” Kellan cut in.

Absently, I lifted our entwined hands to peer at my gorgeous ring reminding me of my one true love, and vampire, Kellan. It never left my finger and he rarely left my side
The only exception was when Gabi and Mel came over for bonding time, boy chat, closet raids and makeovers.
the guys had made a habit of coming together and trailing us on our outings. I didn’t blame them or get irritated by the over-bearance. Kellan, well all of them really, were shaken up over the last attac
in my house Christmas Eve. Being vampeen doesn’t make me invincible despite being immortal. They all lingered around on edge. My only distraction was my school work. So much so that outside my photographic memory I would have aced my exams still.

“Uh, Lex?” Mel passed a hand in front of my face as if to snap me out of a trance. I jolted my head and snipped at her hand. She jumped back. “Holy sugarplums Lex! I mean, geez Louise!” Kellan snickered trying to disguise his amusement. I on the other hand didn’t care. I was chuckling languidly which set her off. “That was so not funny guys! Ugh!” She slammed her locker door and stomped ahead of us.

I shrugged. “I though
it was funny. Mortals,” I sighed mockingly shaking my head.

Halfway to first period she caved; her anger subsided and was replaced by shared dread

“I hate this four
four system. The classes go on forever and are fast paced to get through a massive text book in half the school year,” she whined slowing her pace to catch our relaxed stride behind her.

“On the upside you don’t have classes you hate all year,” I added cheerfully.

She glared over her shoulder. “I don’t exactly consider that a consolation prize.”

“Someone’s a bit cranky today.”

We rounded the corner towards the science section of the building. With one fluid yank Mel was beside Kellan and I was pulled back to stay in place. He took a deep breath inhaling through his nose.

“What is it?” I whispered. My words ran together as my eyes filtered the hall for danger. Serum threatened to flood my throat.

“Vampire,” Kellan hissed.

“Dangerous?” I asked.

He cut his eyes at me. “We’re all dangerous. You of all people should know that by now.”

“This day just keeps getting better,” Mel sighed. “I’m not standing here all day though so let’s go.” She freed herself from Kellan’s grip, not that he fought to hold her.

“I’m going with her,” I announced releasing his hand to pursue my hot-headed best friend.

“Why are you so on edge?” I pressed as we entered our new Chemistry classroom. It was a large room. All the desks were nearly piled on top of each other in the front to make room for the many lab tables and supply cabinets claiming the back seventy-five percent of the space.

“I… It was hard getting ready for school without my mom. The first outfit of each semester we usually picked out together. It was sort of our thing…” she trailed off. Just because her mom turned out to be a vamp assassin and tried to kill me didn’t mean I was any less compassionate for my best friend, especially since I lost both my parents the month before. Truth was it had been hard on both of us but we rarely spoke of our similar grief. She wrapped her hand around the locket I gave her for Christmas; inside was a picture of Melinda, her mom.

“I’m sorry. I miss mine too.” My voice was barely audible as we slid into seats side by side in the middle row.

The final bell rang just as Kellan whisked in. He settled beside me but never looked at me; he was staring straight ahead. I followed his emerald eyes to a pair of
eyes locked on us from the podium… from our new teacher.

I shifted uncomfortably and for peace of mind reached to stroke the chain of my necklace, a weapon capable of mass destruction and a gift from the Bladang leaders – Kai, Kalel, Gabi and Rafi. It was still
hanging just below my collar bone. The teacher grinned and gave a quick, unarmed nod.

“Hello class. My name is Mr. Jameson and, in the event you didn’t review your schedule or observe the lab in the back, this is
hemistry.” He stepped out from behind the stand exposing a lengthy,
figure that looked like it belonged to a runner. He was fit but soft and feminine in a way. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair trying to force it away from his eyes. He appeared harmless
in a
under a vest
; it was the kind
most ancient professors adorn
yet he could barely pass for thirty.
That was clue number one that he was a vamp.

He began to pace the rows, weaving amongst us. He continued speaking of chemists, alchemy and future projects we could anticipate covering this semester. As he traveled down towards me
and I stiffened and Kellan slipped releasing a low, territorial growl. Mr. Jameson stopped abruptly beside me and turned towards Kellan.

“Is there a problem Mr. Bancroft?” His tone held an innocent menace; concurrently his voice didn’t match his body. His gaze held Kellan’s for a solid minute
but he didn’t reply.

“Kellan, answer him. Don’t start trouble,”
I projected the plea. He remained silent.

“Well, it seems we do have a problem then. Alexa, Kellan, both of you see me after class,” he ordered. At first I found it peculiar that he knew our names as identified with our faces, but given his demeanor I somehow knew that he had been aware of us for a while.

“But I didn’t do anything,” I rebelled.

“I’m afraid you’re guilty by association Miss Jackson.” His eyes danced devilishly. I suddenly felt uneasy. I would have sworn the walls were closing in on me.

“Don’t worry babe. I’ll protect you,”
Kellan’s thoughts entered my mind. I knew he would never abandon me, but hearing it silenced my anxiety momentarily.

Books were distributed, the roster was confirmed and unnecessary overviews shared despite the outline in the front of our text books. By the end of the period serum swelled my mouth in fear of what was coming, no
only after class
but all semester.

Mel picked up on the threat and was a nervous wreck all through class;
was on the verge of a panic attack
y the end to the point she text
Craig to come get her
. I felt horrible. Granted she would transform as I did in March
but she wasn’t one of us yet and shouldn’t be subjected to the danger of it all.

“Call you later Lex,” Mel said as the bell rang. She followed the crowd of students scurrying out into the busy halls and safety.

Kellan and I were on our feet immediately. I tossed him my gold dagger. I pressed my palms to the sides of my charm, an upside down cross
activating my shield. I was grateful for the protection in this moment as I prepped myself for battle. Our eyes were glued to Mr. Jameson as heads bobbed between us; he was alarmingly attentive of our every move yet his expression was unreadable. He wasn’t intimidating but also not harmless.

As the last student fled
Mr. Jameson raised his arm up and out from his side. With the flick of his wrist the classroom door slammed shut and locked. I instantly tensed. Outside the buzz of conversations filled the air; in here it was silent tension. With one limber leap over the desk Kellan stood directly in front of me protectively. Mr. Jameson paid him no mind; I was shocked as he turned away and in a half second settled in the office chair behind his desk.

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