3 Hit the Road Jack (7 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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“Claims to be our Eislom,” Kellan shrugged moving past them. He headed straight for his room.

“Oh,” Alejandro said, dropping him. “Sorry.”

“Where’s Beth?” I asked, glancing around.

“She’s out of town visiting her parents,” he replied, still studying Mr. Jameson.

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t even stop to think that she could still have family alive.”

“It’s quite alright. Understandably you have a lot on your mind.”

“Uh, if I could just interrupt this little family tree bit with a dash of reality. There are men, many of them, out searching for Lexi right now. Her very life is in danger as we speak. Now what do you presume we do about it?” William pressed, returning Alejandro’s harsh gaze.

Kellan returned with a black duffle bag stuffed to the brink. “You coming with dad?”

Alejandro’s phone suddenly rang. He held up a finger as he answered. “Bancroft.”

I smiled at the sound of Auggy’s voice booming through the speaker. “Bancroft, pack your shit. You’re following your kids to Basque Country tonight. You tail them, but don’t join them. They ne
ed people watching their backs against this Jack bastard. And don’t spill the beans or show yourself in front of them. I don’t want them thinking they’re weak.”

“It’s a little late for that. They’re right beside me and can probably hear everything,” Al offered.

“Hi Auggy,” I chuckled. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Put me on speaker Bancroft.” Al pulled the phone away from his ear and put it on speakerphone. “Don’t fuck with me Lex. I’m protecting your ass not mine. Kellan, have you finished the boot camp yet?”

I cocked my head, eyeing Kellan questioningly. “Yes. Last week.”

“Good. Now all of you pack your shit and get ready. I’m having guards meet you at the airport to provide weapons and permits to you. They’re military permits so don’t act like floozy civilians.

“Yes Dad,” I chuckled.

“Don’t mock me Lex. I could buy you and sell you.”

“I love you too Auggy,” I smiled.

“Just be ready, and for God’s sake don’t get yourselves killed.”

“We’ll try. Now where are our plane tickets?”

“Kellan has them.”

“Oh.” He was full of surprises today it seemed.

“Send me a text that says ‘Rome has fallen’ when you arrive safely. Until then people, stay quiet.” He immediately hung up.

“Only you could talk to him like that,” Al smirked. Not even a second later he sobered. “Alright. Let me pack.”

“Wait. How many tickets did Auggy give you Kellan?”


“Don’t worry Lex. They e-mailed me my ticket and itinerary. I just have to print it,” Al advised as he stepped into the master bedroom.

“And you?” I looked at William.

“I have resources,” he smiled curtly.

“Well heck,” I furrowed my brow.

Kellan finally smiled. “You can’t say heck; you just have to curse.”

“It’s actually quite lady like of Lexi to say heck.” He turned to me. “Although I’ve always found the British form of cursing to be a bit more appropriate for women. Bloody hell is much more civilized than fucking shit.”
My eyes flew open. William smiled innocently at me.

I chuckled. “I do believe you’re full of surprises Will.”

“Thank God you didn’t call me William, but the nickname is Wills, not Will.”


“Because you wills call me Wills or I will have a bloody fit.”

“Ok, Mel would totally kill me if I didn’t call you out on that one.”

He flipped open one of the notebooks in his hands. “Ah yes. Melanie Marie Hartford, your best friend, who is currently dating Craig Alexander Scott, Kellan’s best friend.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, serum rising and hands fisting. “How the hell do you know about her?”

“Relax Alexa Lorrayne Jackson and Kellan Alejandro Phoenix Bancroft. You can find names anywhere if you know the vicinity and associations of which you’re searching.” William closed the notebook.

“Wait. Can you search for Jack that way?” I asked. Kellan perked up beside me at the idea.

“I already have my dear. I told you you would need me.”

“What did you find?”

“I found out that his name isn’t really Jack. It’s Jacques Lenore Ambroise.”

“He’s French?”

“Ah, wi, wi.”

“Not funny Will.” Kellan rolled his eyes.

“Cut the shit. What else do you know about this guy?”

“That’s it. He literally doesn’t exist beyond his name and the assassinations he’s marked.”

“That can’t be good,” I groaned.

“We’re starting from nothing basically,” Kellan agreed.

“Not necessarily. Do you have all the terrorisms he marked throughout the years?” Al returned with a black book
bag and a few sheets of paper.

“Of course. That’s what’s in this binder,” Will pointed to the bottom of his pile.

“Good. We can study his work. See if there are any patterns or at least use it to try to predict any future attacks he might aim at us.”

“You’re brilliant. He’s brilliant,” Will beamed approvingly a

“Now let’s get out of here. I’ll call Beth on the way,” Al said.

“Don’t compromise the mission by saying too much,” Will warned.

“She’s my wife and his mother so I’ll tell her whatever I want. My phone scrambles the line
when I call
her though so don’t
concern yourself

Kellan avoided me all the way to the Bladangs. I tried not to be upset about it, but it bothered me. After all I’d learned about him today, I almost felt like I didn’t even know the man I was prepared to marry. I twisted my ring around my finger as I listened to him, Will and Al discuss the situation.

When we arrived, Craig, Mel, Gabi and Rafi were deep in conversation.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Don’t think you were gonna squiggle away from my loveable lu
,” Craig chuckled.

“I told you I would hang out with you before I left. We don’t leave until tomorrow night.”

“No, we leave tonight,” Kellan bit out as if I had committed a crime.

“Oh, sorry.”

“What’s up my testy toast?” Craig asked, standing and clapping Kellan on the shoulder. He looked directly at me giving me a tortured look.

I’m sorry. I really am sorry,
I projected.
He sighed and sat on the couch next to Craig.

“Ok. Well, I think us ladies should go upstairs and leave the boys to do whatever boys do together,” Gabi suggested, studying me and Kellan with curiosity.
I knew I was going to be drilled.

Chapter 6


The moment her bedroom door shut they started in on me. I explained it all from start to finish. In a way I was hoping it was nothing, that they would find something I didn’t, but I wasn’t so lucky.

“Well, honestly Lex, you’ve known from the beginning that Kellan had a dark side. I thought you’d already seen it and knew about it, but I guess not

Mel said.

“I don’t really think it’s a dark side though. I think
he’s frustrated. Every guy has a god complex in some form. They think they’re the know all, do all and be all. He’s probably upset that he can’t protect you how he wants. It doesn’t help that Kai and Kalel are so willing to step in and do his job for him,” Gabi added.

“Yea, but it’s like I told him, it’s not his place to protect me.”

“Lex, it is his place to protect you. You’re his mate. Do you feel a need to protect him?” Gabi pressed.

“I hate that you’re right. I just don’t want him running around behind my back, going to the ends of the earth risking himself to protect me. I’d rather lose my life than him lose his.”

And h
e feels the exact same way about you chica. You don’t ask someone to marry you because you like them. It’s because you love them and can’t picture your life without them.”

“You’re right,” I frowned.

“Don’t be so upset. I’d be jumping up and down if Craig felt that way about me.”

I grabbed her hand and smiled. “Don’t worry, he will one day.”

“Um… I should go talk to him.” I finally understood where he was coming from. It’s sad that it had to be pointed out to me though.

“Don’t feel bad. Go talk to him now before you leave. You don’t want to go out risking everything without resolving this spat,” Mel said.

“Thanks.” I left them and went downstairs to where Kellan was.

"The sooner we leave the better," Al stated, pacing the Bladangs' living room.

"I agree." Kalel stood with his arms crossed defensively beside Al. His face was set, a
god somewhat angered and certainly determined.

"Do you have your stuff packed and ready Leka?" Kai asked.

"Not yet. I just got back."

"I'll help you," Kellan offered. I nodded and headed upstairs. He hadn't unblocked his thoughts and was still giving me the cold shoulder.

I’m really
sorry," I sighed placing myself in front of him. He stepped past me avoiding eye contact as he separated my clothes into a luggage bag. "Kellan."

"Don't push Lex. I really don't want to talk about why my
thinks the ring I gave her is just for show."

"I know it's not just for show, but it's also not a contract for me to rely on you entirely for everything."

"I never said you had to," he snapped, turning around and racing towards me, stopping inches from my face. My heart skipped a slow beat as a bit of serum rose up within me. His fists clenched at his side; his emeralds eyes narrowed on me. "I said it meant it was my responsibility to protect you, and that's nothing more than you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means we both feel the need to protect each other, only I put a ring on your finger to remind you of how I feel." He ground his teeth, looking around the room.

"I already know how you feel Kellan," I said, taking his fists into my palms. "I don't need a ring to declare that or remind me. I know it every
day be
use of everything you do for me, how you treat me and of course the kisses you give me," I smiled. He faced me, his features slowly softening. "I love the ring, and I love that you love me enough to give it to me. I don't see it as a symbol of what you owe me though. You're not an employed security guard; to me this is a promise of a future filled with love and happiness with you." I gazed at his eyes as they slowly darkened with desire. Apparently my words were setting in.

Abruptly my back was against the wall and my legs wrapped around his waist as his lips crushed mine. He opened his mind to me; his thoughts overwhelmed me. I returned the favor.

“You have no idea how much control this is taking.”

“I believe I do.”
I tightened my grip, his mouth scorching mine.

“Holy bubbling blowfish. Can’t keep your fiddle sticks off
each other can you mateys?” Cr
g asked as he barged in. We separated like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “You ready love? They’re waiting on you.”

“Did you pack everything?” I checked with Kellan.

“If not I’ll buy it,” he replied. I shook my head once.

“Alrighty then my cuddly cupids, let’s get you two to the big birds’ playland.”

“The what?” I laughed as I grabbed my bag. Kellan immediately took it from me.

“The airport,”
Kellan clarified, shaking his head in amusement at his best friend. He placed a protective, guiding hand on my lower back.

“Oh, ok. Let’s go.”

Mel ran right up to me the second I hit the bottom of the stairs. I knew she was coming to see how things went, but the second I saw the bag in her hang, my mind refused to focus on anything else. “Where do you think you’re going?” I was a tad harsher than I meant to be.

“None of your business mother,” she rolled her eyes.

“She’s not coming with us,
is she?” I looked to Kalel and K
ai to read her thoughts. Kalel nodded his head once letting me know she intended to. “You are not coming!”

“Don’t babble blubber. I already talked the tansy out of her and somehow she nickered me into another squabbly.”

“A what?” I was agitated.

“I talked him into another deal without him realizing it,” she smirked. “I’m coming Lex. I’m good bait. I can distract.”

“Not if you can’t catch up,” I smiled victoriously crossing my arms over my chest.

“But you wouldn’t leave me alone and defenseless in a foreign country.” She smiled way too sweetly. This was the closest we’d come to a catfight.

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